Annual Report Department of Transport Department of Transport Department of Transport Annual Report 2007-08 DOI3659/08 Published by Department of Transport 121 Exhibition Street, Melbourne www.transport.vic.gov.au © State Government of Victoria 2008 This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the Provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. Authorised by the Victorian Government, 121 Exhibition Street, Melbourne ISSN 1441-4805 Printed by Geon-Impact Printing, 69-79 Fallon Street, Brunswick VIC 3056 If you would like to receive this publication in an accessible format, such as large print or audio please telephone Public Affairs Branch on 9655 6000. Printed on environmentally friendly paper. Cover and text pages printed on LIFE Recycled. Building a safer, fairer and greener transport system for all Victorians to create a more prosperous and connected community. Contents Abbreviations 6 2007-08 Annual Report 7 Secretary’s foreword 8 Department of Transport 12 Vision, mission and values 14 Transport portfolios 15 Organisational structure 18 Chief Finance Officer’s executive summary 25 Outcome One Public safety and security 26 Outcome Two Infrastructure delivery and management 38 Outcome Three Access and mobility 48 Outcome Four Rural and regional development 62 Outcome Five Efficient movement of freight 70 Outcome Six Integrated policy development 80 Outcome Seven Organisational capability building 90 Office of the Chief Investigator 96 Financial Statements 100 Appendices 170 4 Department of Transport Annual Report 2007-08 Abbreviations AIFRS Australian Equivalents to EPA Environment Protection TAC Transport Accident International Financial Authority Commission Reporting Standards ESC Essential Services TPWS Train Protection Warning ALCAM Australian Level Crossing Commission System Assessment Model ESV Energy Safe Victoria TTA Transport Ticketing ARTC Australian Rail Track FTE full-time equivalent Authority Corporation GST Goods and Services Tax URTIC Urban Redevelopment BAV Bus Association Victorian Transport Infrastructure ICT Information and Coordination CALD culturally and Communication linguistically diverse Technology VAGO Victorian Auditor- General’s Office CAG community action group IRI International Roughness CCTV closed-circuit television Index VCAT Victoria Civil and Administrative Tribunal CEO Chief Executive Officer LPG liquid petroleum gas VCEC Victorian Competition and CML CityLink Melbourne Ltd MMV Multimedia Victoria Efficiency Commission CSI Customer Satisfaction MOTC Meeting Our Transport V/Line V/Line Passenger Index Challenges Corporation CTO Chief Technology Officer MPTP Multi Purpose Taxi VicRoads Roads Corporation of Program DDA Disability Discrimination Victoria Act 1992 MPV Major Projects Victoria VicTrack Victorian Rail Track DET Department of Education MSV Marine Safety Victoria Corporation and Training NSW New South Wales VicUrban Victorian Urban DIIRD Department of Industry, NTS New Ticketing Solution Development Authority Innovation and Regional OCI Office of the Chief VIPP Victorian Industry Development Investigator Participation Policy DHS Department of Human OH&S/OHS Occupational Health and VPS Victorian Public Service Services Safety VRCA Victorian Regional DOI Department of PoHC Port of Hastings Channels Authority Infrastructure Corporation VTD Victorian Taxi Directorate DOT Department of Transport PoMC Port of Melbourne DPC Department of Premier Corporation and Cabinet PPP Public Private Partnership DPCD Department of Planning PTD Public Transport Division and Community Development PTSV Public Transport Safety Victoria DPI Department of Primary Industries RFNR Rail Freight Network Review DSE Department of Sustainability and RFR Regional Fast Rail Environment SCSA Southern Cross Station DTF Department of Treasury Authority and Finance SEES Supplementary DVC Department of Victorian Environment Effects Communities Statement ED Executive Director SEITA Southern and Eastern Integrated Transport EES Environmental Effects Authority Statement SEMD Security and Emergency EMS Environmental Management Division Management Statement 6 Department of Transport Annual Report 2007-08 2007-08 Annual Report 29 October 2008 Lynne Kosky MP Minister for Public Transport Tim Pallas MP Minister for Roads and Ports 121 Exhibition Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 Dear Ministers Annual Report 2007-08 In accordance with provisions of the Financial Management Act 1994, I have pleasure in submitting for presentation to Parliament the Department of Transport’s Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2008. Yours sincerely Jim Betts Secretary Department of Transport 7 Secretary’s foreword The creation of the Department of Our mission is to Transport reflects the government’s recognition of how critical transport is build a safer, fairer to economic prosperity, environmental sustainability and social justice. and greener transport The transport debate brings into particular focus much wider debates system for all about the choices confronting the Victorians to create Victorian community. These are often controversial choices about land-use a more prosperous planning in the context of a rapidly rising population, and about our and connected desire to maintain and improve living standards in a carbon-constrained community. future. We face difficult decisions about the allocation of scarce space on inner-city roads and about the competing demands on the state budget of portfolios such as health, education, transport and law and order. We must continue to provide high standards of service to our state’s regional and rural communities whilst providing high levels of mobility for those who – by virtue of age, income or disability – do not have access to private cars. There are few more difficult or contentious areas of policy than these – and that is exactly what makes the work of the department and its people so interesting and so important. 8 Department of Transport Annual Report 2007-08 Over the last 12 months, the Victorian » extended the Broadmeadows » committed $110 million towards Government has: railway line by 10 kilometres to duplication of the Princes Highway Craigieburn – with more than 50 West from Waurn Ponds to » increased to 18 the number of new services scheduled to and from the Winchelsea, $40 million to build trains under order for metropolitan city each day a new duplicated section of the service and leased five new maxi- Western Highway from Melton to trams » opened EastLink five months ahead Bacchus Marsh, and $65 million to of schedule, slashing travel times » introduced an extra 48 V/Line take the Geelong Ring Road from for people in the eastern and south services per week and increased Anglesea Road, near Hams Road, eastern suburbs to 50 the number of new V/Locity through the Blue Circle Quarry, to carriages under order for rural » opened the Dandenong Bypass and connect with the Princes Highway services the Pakenham Bypass, reducing West near Draytons Road commercial and freight traffic in » introduced the Early Bird scheme – » started the deepening of the Port Dandenong and Pakenham offering free travel on metropolitan of Melbourne to ensure the future trains that arrive at their destination » made progress on the Deer Park economic prosperity of the state. before 7 a.m. – to shift commuters Bypass and started the Monash M1 The project is expected to generate out of the peak upgrade, which will reduce travel more than $2 billion in economic times and increase safety on one benefits and create thousands of » revamped the train timetable to of Melbourne’s most important additional jobs, estimated to peak create more than 200 new services corridors at over 2,000 during works across the network each week, resulting in six new morning peak » opened the Bendigo Box inner-city » signed an historic agreement services and three new afternoon road project, as well as the next with the Federal Government to peak services each day stage of the Calder Highway standardise the north east rail line, the Portland to Maroona line and » introduced a new North Melbourne » launched a new $112.7 million road the construction of the Wodonga Station to Melbourne University congestion plan to ease peak-hour rail bypass shuttle bus, providing direct shuttle pressure in inner Melbourne services every three minutes during » committed to competitive and » launched a new Road Safety the morning and evening peaks, sustainable rail freight including Strategy, Arrive Alive 2, that aims to transferring up to 1,000 passengers $56 million for line upgrades and reduce the road toll by 30 percent an hour and saving commuters at maintenance and a $21.4 million over the next 10 years least 10 minutes Rail Freight Support Package. » overseen a major expansion in local » announced the opening of the bus services in Melbourne’s middle future running of the tram and train and outer suburbs and in our networks to international tender regional centres » begun action to trial up to 50 environmentally friendly taxis 9 2007-08 was a big year for the Second, we will engage constructively Transport Portfolio and the pace of and frequently with key stakeholders activity will remain formidable in the in local government, industry and the year that lies ahead as key long-term community sector. The department programs come to fruition and as must be responsive to a wide range the next wave of short-, medium- of perspectives, interests and views. and long-term planning gathers We do not have a monopoly on
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