A note using this guide… 23 Locator keys identify sites on this map, heading NW from the conflu- P ence of the Miami River and Bis- cayne Bay. Locator keys are in one of the following four categories: 6 9 HISTORiC SITES: Blue numbers 22 RiveR BRidges: Blue letters Points of inteRest: Green numbers AReA Businesses: Red numbers Miami RiveR BRidge Bascule (B); Fixed (F) Brickell Bridge (B) . .A 19 3 Metro Mover Bridge (F) . .B South Miami Avenue (B) . C 2021 Metrorail (F) . D S W. 2nd Avenue (B) . .E O Interstate I-95 (3F) . .F S W. First Street (B) . G West Flagler Street (B) . H 18 N N W. 5th Street (B) . I N W. 12th Avenue (B) . J 15 S R. 836/Dolphin Expwy . (F) . .K N W. 17th Avenue (B) . L 17 18 7 N W. 22nd Avenue (B) . M 16 14 N W. 27th Avenue (B) . N M N W. South River Dr . (B) . O 13 Railroad (B) . .P 13 5 Points of inteRest 12 Beginning of Miami River Greenway . .1 16 18 L James L . Knight Convention Center . .2 Metro-Mover “Fifth Street” Station . .3 4 K Metro-Mover “Riverwalk” Station . .4 10 Metro-Rail “Brickell” Station . .5 15 Miami-Dade Cultural Center . .6 14 J 11 Stephen P . Clark Government Center . .7 Metro-Rail “Government Center” Station . .8 14 City of Miami Administration Building . .9 2 Metro-Rail “Culmer” Station . .10 17 Greenfield Garden . 11 MiaMi RiVER BUSiNESSES 13 Miami-Dade Justice Building . .12 10 16 1 5th StREEt MARINA 5 BuNNELL FOundation, INC. DOWNtOWN DEvELOpMENt SIR SpEEDY OF BRICKELL 17 I University of Miami Medical Center . .13 Printing and Marketing Services 20 Marina Marine Construction AUTHORItY 7 Metro-Rail “Civic Center” Station . .14 Improving Downtown Development 1 12 12 341 NW South River Drive 1320 NW 18 Avenue 244 SW 6 Street 11 Jackson Memorial Hospital . .15 (305) 324-2040 (305) 545-5902 (305) 579-6675 (305) 285-1401 10 Veterans Administration Hospital . .16 www.5thstmarina.com www.bunnellinc.com www.dwntwn.com www.sirspeedycolor.com 8 Miami Marlins Ballpark . 17 19 7 Public Boat Ramp . 18 15 6 11 FINNEGAN’S RIvER 17 StadiuM Tower 8 H 6 Miami Intermodal Center . 19 DR. ADIBA MIChELLE ASh CAribbean ShIp services International Shipping Terminal Restaurant and Bar Luxury Rentals Metro-Rail “Airport” Station . .20 Real Estate Brokerage, Development and Financing 3630 NW North River Drive 401 SW Third Avenue (786) 517-8800 G Tri-Rail Airport Station . 21 (305) 285-3030 1760 N.W. 7th Street 9 8 Miami International Airport . 22 (305) 439-9581 (305) 633-7000 www.finnegansriver.com www.unitedpropertymgt.com 7 10 1 Salinity Dam . 23 [email protected] 7 CASABLANCA SEAFOOD BAR 4 2 Florida Wood Recycling F 9 6 3 2 ANChOR MARINE & GRILL SuZANNE hOLLANDER B histoRiC MarkeR site . River Restaurant and Fish Market 9651 NW 89 Ave Medley 33166 Realtor C 3 A 1 Engine Sales, Repairs and Parts 11 4 The Historic Miami River . 1 400-404 NW North River Drive (305) 805-0033 (786) 202-0587 E 961 NW 7 Street 16 D Brickell Key . 2 (305) 545-6348 (305) 371-4107 Floridawoodrecycling.com [email protected] 5 Royal Palm Hotel . 3 www.anchormarinemiami.com 1717 North Bayshore Dr. www.hollanderrealty.com 2 Miami Circle . 4 (305) 371-4930 12 Garcia’S Seafood Grille Brickell Park . 5 River Restaurant and Fish Market 18 3 ANtILLEAN MARINE www.casablancaseafood.com Terrazas Flagler Workers House . 6 398 NW North River Drive (305) 541-6111 Jose Marti Park . 7 International Shipping Terminal (305) 375-0765 3038 NW North River Drive Ch2MhILL 1861 NW South River Dr. Miami River Inn . 8 Full Service Engineering, www.garciasseafoodgrill.com www.terrazasapts.com 5 J W. Warner Place . 9 (305) 633-6361 Construction & Operations www.antillean.com Wagner Homestead . 10 (305) 443-6401 13 hurricane COvE 19 Tow Boat uS Fort Dallas . 11 www.ch2m.com Marina & Boatyard 24-Hour Marine Services Scottish Rite Temple . 12 Appelrouth • Farah & CO., p.A. (305) 324-8004 (305) 358-1486 Point Park . 13 Certified Public Accountants 8 Claro 1884 NW North River Dr. [email protected] Spring Garden . 14 999 Ponce de Leon Blvd. #625 Property Development Miami 33125 www.towboatusmiami.com Hindu Temple . 15 Coral Gables 33134 (305)-324-4700 [email protected] Coppinger’s Indian Village . 16 305-448-AFCO 19 NW South River Dr. Musa Isle . 17 water management www.appelrouth.com www.clarocorp.com 14 Miami River Rapids . 18 MIAMI RIvER COMMISSION technologies 1407 NW 7 Street, Suite D Scavenger 2000 De-Pollution Vessel 4 monica BEtancouRt 9 Doris J. Parham, pA (305) 644-0544 (954) 668-6937 Realtor EWM International Realty Broker Assoc. Coldwell Banker RE www.miamirivercommission.org www.scavenger2000.com 550 S. Dixie Highway (305) 254-7289 Coral Gables 33146•(305) 632-7248 3464 NW North River Dr. 15 p & L tOWING 20 WAter TaxI MIAMI www.monicabetancourt.com www.dorisproperties.com Marine Towing, Ship Assist & Bayside Marina Existing Riverwalk Agency Services (305) 600-2511 Proposed Riverwalk 1883 NW 7 Street, Suite 5 www.watertaximiami.com Existing On-Road Greenway Mega yacht navigating the (305) 644-3034 Proposed On-Road Greenway dredged Miami River's www.pandltowing.com federal navigable channel after being serviced. [email protected] www.hollanderrealty.com www.ch2m.com www.casablancaseafood.com 9651 NW 89 Ave, Medley, FL Medley, Ave, 89 NW 9651 Phone: 305-439-9581 Phone: 305.443.6401 [email protected] www.miamirivercommission.org Floridawoodrecycling.com SIMPLY MARINAS SIMPLY 786.202.0587 us! with Events your celebrate Come engineering, construction, and operations and construction, engineering, 305 805 0033 805 305 MBA, Ph.D, President Ph.D, MBA, Ash, “Michelle” A. A PUBLICATION OF THE MIAMI RIVER COMMISSION RIVER MIAMI THE OF PUBLICATION A tributions to the Miami River Map and Guide. and Map River Miami the to tributions A global leader in full-service in leader global A Free Oysters All Day All Oysters Free 7 G N I L C Y C E R D O O W Parties. Private & Hour Happy Enjoy • Daily Business Review “Deal Maker” “Deal Review Business Daily • - con their for advertisers our and HistoryMiami, Co., Map Wednesday • Private Lender • Financed 2 River Sites River 2 Financed • Lender Private • River! the in afood Se best The • 4 River Sites and 8 Florida Marinas Sold in 2012 2012 in Sold Marinas Florida 8 and Sites River 4 • Tributaries, Sylvia and Richard Troutner, owner of Seaport Seaport of owner Troutner, Richard and Sylvia Tributaries, 5 • Over 13 Miami River Sites Sold Sites River Miami 13 Over • SUNDAY & SATURDAY ON MUSIC LIVE thanks Donald Gaby, author of The Miami River and its its and River Miami The of author Gaby, Donald thanks Monday to Friday 3pm-7pm Friday to Monday Consistent Record Sales Since 2004 Since Sales Record Consistent YANMAR MARINE • NORTHERN LIGHTS • CRUSADER • LIGHTS NORTHERN • MARINE YANMAR Our Passion Our • Goal Your • Success Lic. Real Estate Broker Estate Real Lic. The Miami River Commission Commission River Miami The : ENTS M EDGE L KNOW AC 2 PLEAS 305-545-6348 DAY ALL OYSTERS FREE WEDNESDAY The Miami River Specialist with with Specialist River Miami The Hollander Realty, LLC Realty, Hollander www.appelrouth.com Oysters Free 33136 l F Miami, St., 7 N.W. 961 305-448-AFCO URE . fax: 305-642-1136 fax: 305-644-0544 tel: Hollander & Service & S Sale uthorized a Factory Broker PM 7:00 - PM 3:00 FRIDAY TO MONDAY OYSTERS FREE Coral Gables, FL 33134 FL Gables, Coral PENTA VOLVO CRAFT• Come and Enjoy Our Happy Hour Happy Our Enjoy and Come 33125 FL Miami, D, Suite St, 7 NW 1407 Commission, 999 Ponce de Leon Blvd. #625 Blvd. Leon de Ponce 999 • WESTERBEKE • Suzanne Anchor Marine Anchor HOUR HAPPY OUR ENJOY & COME Certified Public Accountants Public Certified www.miamirivercommission.org or contact the Miami River River Miami the contact or www.miamirivercommission.org Live Music Thursdays• DJ Fridays DJ Thursdays• Music Live • Farah & Co., P.A. Co., & Farah Appelrouth Bringing Buyers to Downtown Miami Downtown to Buyers Bringing at website the visit please Commission River Miami or MERCRUISER 1717 North Bayshore Drive • 305.371.4930 305.371.4930 • Drive Bayshore North 1717 about the Miami River and/ River Miami the about tion rma info e R o M R o f 341 NW South River Drive Miami, FL 33128 33128 FL Miami, Drive River South NW 341 www.scavenger2000.com 305.324.2040 • www.5thstmarina.com • 305.324.2040 13 Email: [email protected] Email: dockside services, provisioning, or long-term berths. long-term or provisioning, services, dockside with Wagner Creek and the Seybold Canal. Seybold the and Creek Wagner with 954 668 6937 668 954 Ideal for vessels with drafts up to 13 ft. desiring desiring ft. 13 to up drafts with vessels for Ideal Ph: 305-324-8004 • Fx: 305-324-8002 Fx: • 305-324-8004 Ph: mencing dredging within Miami River tributaries starting starting tributaries River Miami within dredging mencing 1 1884 NW North River Drive, Miami FL 33125 FL Miami Drive, River North NW 1884 - com towards efforts Miami's of City the supports MRC Marina & Boatyard & Marina De-Contamination Vessel De-Contamination Scavenger 2000 Scavenger natural environment of the river and Biscayne Bay. The The Bay. Biscayne and river the of environment natural 5th Street Marina Street 5th Dredging significantly improved the local economy and and economy local the improved significantly Dredging www.watertaximiami.com 9 2004, and was successfully completed in November 2008. 2008. November in completed successfully was and 2004, 305.600.2511 RESERVE S detail for ite S web See environmental cleanup project commenced in September September in commenced project cleanup environmental with receipt.
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