VOL. V. 10SINGLE CENTS COPIES 72 PAGES, INCLUDING SIDE LINE SECTION PER YEAR No. 4 ONE DOLLAR THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD EDWARD LYMAN BILL EDITOR a PUBLISHER_ 1 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK Entered as second -eau matter lifer2, I. at the poet omeeat New York,N.Y.,tinder theact of Co ogress THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. mits .LeameardtaimiliMIMPINIMPIUMNINEP. ToI3usiness men in every line admit the value of good trade papers. Busin ess A trade paper must be origi nal-i tmust contain a Menvariety Of matter including news service-technical information-in fact it must crystallize the entire news of the special business world, and be a helpful adjunct to every department of trade. Scan the columns of The Talking Machine World closely and after you have completed an analysis of the contents of this publication see if you can duplicate its value in any othertrade! The World isa help to the talking machine business. It exerts an healthful optimism. It wields an influence for the good and every man who sells talking machines, no matter in what part of the universe he may be located, should receive this publication as regularly as it is issued.He is missing a vital business point, if he fails to do this. Thousands of dealers not only in the United States hut in every country on earth consult the pages of the World regularly. They draw from the World pleasure and profit. The talking machine business has a brilliant future, and this publication is doing much to enlarge the business horizon of every retail talking machine man in the world. To receive this paper annually costs but $1.00. All foreign countries $1.25. EDWARD LYMAN BILL 1 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK SIDE LINE SECT ION New York, April 15, 1909 NEW IMPROVED SENECA VIEW -Ntatittliwitirors or .,H0TOORAPHICAPPARAT - - Will Pay the Rent and Hire the Help, Too That is what Cameras, as a side line, will do, especially ifitis the Seneca Camera No. 0, Showing Drop Front. SENECA LINE OF CAMERAS Nothing ever known to trade serves to advertise your regular goods, attractat- tention to your store, as much as Cameras. Shall we tell you how Cameras-SENECA CAMERAS, as a side line, do this ? SENECA CAMERA MFG. CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Largest Independent Camera Manufacturers in the World Pocket Seneca No. 3A, forPost Cards. 4 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. Some Trade"Straws" Do You Wish "Theory and Here are some excerpts taken at random To Know from the many letters which we have re- ceived from dealers, tuners and salesmen Practice who enthusiastically endorse "Theory and Something OF Practice of Pianoforte Building." HereiswhatthePhillips & Crew Co., About Player Savannah,Ga., one of the leading firms in the Pianoforte South, say regarding "Theory and Practice of Pianoforte Building": Mechanism? "We beg to hand you herewith our check for $2 to cover cost of one copy of "Theory Building." and Practice of Pianoforte Building," which (Copyright.) has been received with thanks. The book is all that you claim it to be and should find a ready place with all those connected with the trade. The above is the title of a technical With our very best wishes, we beg to remain," 111 We have a book that will work which is the result of two years of etc. tell you how to regulate, re- careful study and research by Wm. B. George Rose, of the greatEnglish house pair; explains to you in detail White. It covers in a comprehensive of Broadwood & Sons, and one of the lead- manner everyessentialofpianoforte ing piano makers of Europe, writes: the functions of the different building and scale draughting, together "I have perused the book with much pleas- parts includingcontroland with the principles of acoustics.It is a ure, and 'Theory and Practice of Pianoforte Building' should be in the hands of every prac- technique.In this volume the book which should be in the hands of tical and interested man in the trade." every man interested in piano develop- leading piano player systems ment. Itisprofusely illustrated with H.A.Brueggemann,a dealerinFort are described in detail. original designs. Wayne, Ind.,writes:"I have one of your books,'Theory andPracticeofPianoforte Here are a few of the subjects treated Building,' and will say that it is just the kind IT Do you wish to have all in this book: of a book I have been looking for for many years.I have been tuning pianos for fourteen player problems easily solved THE EVOLUTION OF THE MODERN years, and from studying the book, 'Theory ana PIANOFORTE. PracticeofPianoforteBuilding,'I have and made perfectly clear? Do learned something thatI never knew before." DESCRIPTION OF THE MODERN PIANO- you wish all this information FORTE. John G. Erck, for many years manager of in a neat, compact volume, ACOUSTICAL LAWS OF SOUNDING the Mathushek & Son retail piano business, STRINGS. and now manager of the piano department 01 illustrated and printed in an THE MUSICAL SCALE AND MUSICAL a big store in Cleveland, writes:"You cer- artistic manner with an attrac- INTONATION. tainly deserve strong commendation, for your THE EQUAL TEMPERAMENT. latest effort.'Theory and Practice of Piano- tive binding? forte Building' is a book written in such an PIANOFORTE STRINGS AND THEIR instructive and concise form that certainly no PROPER DIMENSIONS. piano player or piano professional enthusiast RESONANCE AND THE RESONANCE -AP- should lack itin his or her library.It gives ig We have precisely such a PARATUS OF THE PIANOFORTE. to the salesman the highest knowledge of in- struments and is invaluable." volume and it is the result of THE CASING AND FRAMING OF THE PIANOFORTE. long and careful study and Henry Keeler, of Grafton, W. Va., says: "I THE IRON FRAME OF THE PIANO- most heartily congratulate you for launching examination of the principal FORTE. such a worthy book. Iconsider itthe best player products in this country. THE MECHANISM OF PERCUSSION. work ever written upon thesubject, and 1 THE TOUCH MECHANISM. hope that its ready sale will cause the reprint of many editions." THE REGULATION OF PIANOFORTE We have established quite TOUCH -MECHANISM. George A. Witney, head of theBrockport a reputation for technical litera- TUNING AND TONE REGULATION OF Piano Mfg. Co., himself being a scale draughts- THE PIANOFORTE. man of national repute, writes:"'Theory and ture and we feel confident THE DRAUGHTING OF THE PIANO- Practice of Pianoforte Building' is a valuable FORTE SCALE. hook for those interested in piano construc- that our new book, which is DEVELOPMENT OF PLAYER -PIANO. tion." entitled 'A Technical Treatise THE SMALL GRAND. On Piano Player Mechanism," Every man, whether manufacturer, Every man, whethermanufacturer, will enhance our reputation scale draughtsman,superintendent, scale draughtsman, superintendent, along these lines.Every dealer, or salesman, should own a copy dealer, or salesman, should own of the first work of its kind in the Eng- a copy of the first work of its kind player, tuner, repairer, dealer lish language. in the English language. and salesman should own a The price for single copies, delivered copy.It will cost but $1.50 to any part of the world, is $2. The price for single copies delivered to delivered to any part of this any part of the United States, Canada and Mexico is $2. All other countries, country. on account of increased postage, $2.2o. H the book is not desired after examination, money EDWARD LYMAN BILL, will be refunded. PUBLISHER, EDWARD LYMAN BILL 1 Madison Avenue, Publisher EDWARD LYMAN BILL, Publisher No.I Madison Avenue, New York NEW YORK CITY. 1 MADISON AVE.. NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK, APRIL 15, 1909 VOGUE OF ROLLER SKATING F. W. McINTOSH SPECIALTIES. THE VALUE OF PUBLICITY. Means That Upwards of$10,000,000 Has Been A Line of Quick -Selling Goods Suitable for Side Correct Advertising Will MakeAnything Good InvestedinRinks Throughout the United Lines-The Vogue of the President Ink Pen- an Assured Success. States-Craze Now Pronounced in England. cil-Practical Information on Installing Side Lines at the Command of the Dealer. Year after year lines of goods which it was The vogue ofroller skating which has pre- formerly believed could not be sold through ad- vailed throughout almost every section of this I Special to The Talking Machine Wor Id.) vertising have found their way into advertising country has again reached England, where it is Chicago, III., April 9, 1909. columns, and have stayed there, because it has said to have started early in the eighteenth cen- F. W. McIntosh, head of the F. W. McIntosh paid to advertise them.The article which has tury.At the present time it is estimated that Co., of 179-181 Lake street, Chicago, is a manonce been thoroughly advertised and then has from six to eight thousand rinks are in success-who has made the subject of quick selling sidedisappeared is the exception, not the rule.Fifty ful operation in the United States, and the sea- lines for dealers a matter of life-long study. Theyears ago advertising was comparatively unim- son of 1908 and 1909 promises to be equal to ally question of furnishing his constantly increasingportant as a factor inthe country's industry. previous period.Large and costly buildings forclientele witharticlesofintrinsicmerit and To -day itis not too much to say that advertis- the purpose of conducting roller rinks have been which lend themselves readily to forceful and ing, properly administered, is by far the greatest built in all parts of the United States, and largeresult -bringing advertising has always absorbed single factor in the promotion of many of our sums of money have been invested in enterpriseshis atter ticn.The President Ink Pencil, whichgreatest enterprises.
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