1 THKf ‚.Ш,' І'. J.A.U1-LLLJ.IL—ЦЛЛІІШІИІ! , .^З-А^-97 Supplement to the SVOBODA, Ukrainian Daily Published by the Junior Department of the .Ukrainian National Association -r- No. 16 JERSEY CITY, N. J., SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1936 VGL.'tV "UKRAINIAN VILLAGE" AT YOUTH TODAY GREAT LAKES EXPOSITION INQUIRIES ABOUT UKRAINE IN CLEVELAND PRESIDENT ON YOUTH The Svoboda and the Ukrainian Weekly constantly According to advance announce- receive inquiries about Ukraine, the Ukrainian people,- ments, one of the most interest- In a speech before a cheering their aspirations, history, culture, etc. Many of these ing and colorful areas of the. Great audience of 15,000 persons gath- inquiries come from non-Ukrainians, but most of them, Lakes Exposition to be held In ered in the old Fifth Regiment Cleveland from June 27 to Octo- Armpry in Baltimore, Maryland, and this is encouraging too, come from our young Ameri- on April 13, President Roosevelt ber 4, 1936, will be a group of pictured the administration's so- can-Ukrainians. foreign villages to be known as . cial program as the only satis- Naturally, all these inquiries are attended to as ably "Streets of the World." factory answer to the questions and promptly as our facilities allow,, gratis—of course, The local .Ukrainian committee asked by young people of .America although we do draw a line when it comes to writing working in con junction'! with, the in reference to the economic fu- ч Exposition committee is laying fure of the country. special essays or theses on topics Ukrainian. plans for a very elaborate U- "The world in which the mil- There is no denying that were Ukraine better known krainian Village, to be included lions of you who have come of most of these requests for information could be directed in the "Streets of the World" age," the President said in the Here it is. hoped to transplant introduction of his speech, "is not along more regular channels, other than that of a news- the life, color,‚and gay activity of the set old world of your fathers. paper office such as ours. A person seeking information the Ukrainian village in the old Some of the yesterday's certain- in the English language about the Ukrainians could go ties have vanished; many of yes- country, and visitors to the Ex- terday's certainties are questioned. to the nearest public library or book mart and obtain it poeition will mid ample - oppor- Why have some vanished and there. tunity here for refreshment, en- many been questioned? Because The fact remains, however, that—barring.,some un- tertainnient and purchase of im- the facts and needs of civiliza- ported Ukrainian-made goods of tion have changed more greatly in usual event—as long as Ukraine remains.enslaved, as all kinds. this generation than in the cen- long as she remains submerged in the flood of enemy tury that preceded us." UKRAINIAN GIRL REPRESEN- propaganda, so long will she be powerless to arouse suf- TATIVE AT Y.W.C.A. NATIONAL "I need not press this point to ficient curiosity about herself to warrant leading pub- you," he went on. "You are CONVENTION measuring the present state of lishing companies to stock bookstores and libraries with Miss Mary Ann Bodnar, U- the world out of your own ex- books of information about her. It' is a fact that all krainian, of New York City, will periences. You have felt the rough of us must realize- and do everything in our power to represent the International In- hand of the depression. You have amend. - stitute of New York City at the walked the streets looking for jobs National Convention of the Young that never turned up. Out of this Nevertheless, this state of affairs should not serve Women's Christian Association at has come physical hardship and, as anekcuse for any of our young Атегісап-Щгаіпіапз. Colorado Springs, Colorado, April more serious, the scars of dis- 29th to ‚May 5th, І936, inclusive. illusionment." in failing to utilize the sources, of information about Ukraine that are easily within their reach, for such: She is also scheduled to deliver a ‚talk on. the "Problems of the Sec- sources are more than adequate for their primitive needs. ond. .Generation',' at the Round Among these sources, for example, there is the Un Table Discussion, on the opening HELP FLOOD SUFFERERS! krainian press, such as the Svoboda and the Ukrainian eye of the convention. Weekly, If one is interested, let us say, in present-day In extending to. Miss Bodnar The extent of the damages and the invitation, Mrs. Marie Chase suffering among Ukrainians in the happenings in Ukraine, or in the various political, social,' and economic aspects of the Ukrainian movement,, he Cole, Executive Secretary of,, the flood devasted regions is only now International Institute, wrote.: becoming clearly apparent from can find good reports and stimulating discussions upon "We shall feel greatly honored - the letters and telegrams pouring them on the pages of the daily, with occasional treat- to have a Ukrainian girl represent into the Ukrainian National As- ments of them in the weekly too. If one desires at our membership at this. important sociation and the Obyednanye, all least a rudimentary knowledge in the English language Convention, where .hundreds of asking for immediate help. The of his Ukrainian background, we pardonably recommend people from all parts of the Svoboda daily prints graphic re- United .States will come together ports of the misery and suffering these pages. For what other reason have we been printing to discuss dome of. the.most im- left in the wake of the flood here all these articles and editorials on Ukrainian history, portant qliestions of the.day." among our people. Various na- social and political life, literature^ language, art, music, Mrs. Cole, incidentally, is. well tional and local relief agencies do as well as translations of typical Ukrainian literary known to some of our youth Cor their best to help these flood the inspiring talk . she .delivered victims, but the help that they works, than to help pur youth gain such rudimentary knowledge, than to awaken in them a desire to delve at the Second Ukrainian Youth's . are able to extend is, at best, Congress of America held,..under scanty. That is why they wel- deeper into what we but scratch? Or for what other the auspices of the Ukrainian come such relief movements as reason have we been constantly urging our readers, to Youth's League of North America . that of the Obyednanye (United save their copies of the Ukrainian Weekly? at the International Institute dur- Ukrainian Organizations of Amer- ing the Labor Day weekend in ica) which seeks to help Ukrain- I Besides these two organs of the Ukrainian National 1934. ian sufferers, irrespective of their Association, however, there are many .other sources .as religious or political. convictions. well, easily available to our youth. LEAGUE TO MAIL SURVEY йЃ Our American-Ukrainian youth If you are interested in those in English, need we UKRAINIAN LITERATURE can be of considerable afd in rais- mention Spirit of Ukraine, The Story of Ukraine, The; TO VOUTH CLUBS ing cash contributions . for the . Due to a delay in printing the flood relief fund. Clubs can spon- Ukrainian Question, Peasant Europe, Russia (MJrsky^s),' Brief .Survey, of Ukrainian Lit- sor dances, basketball, games, card or Immigrant Gifts to American life? erature by Dr. .Arthur P. Cole- parties, and various other suit- If you are interested in those ` sources that appear man of Columbia University,,pub- able affairs for the benefit of the in the Ukrainian language, you have,a veritable bonanza lished by the,. ‚Ukrainian .Univer- flood sufferers. Contributions sity Society m New York City, from individual members, aug- of such works within easy reach. A postcard to the was not mailed out last month, mented by a contribution from Svoboda will bring you a catalogue of them. We can- as scheduled, to its member clubs the club treasury, sent to the not forbear, however, from especially recommending the by the Ukrainian Cultural Center Obyednanye (P. O. Box 122, Hud- three-volume Ukrainian Encyclopaedia, recently publish- of the Ukrainian Youth's League son Terminal, New York City), of North America. The printing will help to set some Ukrainian ed. Here is e- work no one of Ukrainian origin should be of. this booklet, however, is ‚now family on, its feet. without. Its 4,000 abundantly illustrated pages treat about completed, and it will be Ukrainian life and personalities in a manner no similar mailed to the clubs near the close Some such Ukrainian clubs have p{ next week. already begun a drive in their work has ever done before. It is a sound investment locality. For example, the Ukraih- and a wonderful gift, either for an individual or a club. We , urge once more that this ian Folk Ballet and Chorus 6f . There can be no conscionable complaint, then, that and other literature sent by the Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn., there is a dearth of source material about the Uk rain- UCC be read and discussed at thfe has forwarded to the Obyednanye Jan, people. For our American-Ukrainian youth there club meetings. Thje will help the the sum of $10.00 towards the members gain a better knowledge flood relif chest. No doubt there is plenty of it, and for any of them to fail to take of, their Ukrainian background will be many more clubs which advantage of it now, is nothing but sheer—procrastina- Ukrainian Cultural Center will do the same, and better! tion! of the UYL-NA UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1986 No.
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