MILITARY AVIATION REVIEW MAY 2014 ISSUE No. 318 EDITORIAL TEAM COORDINATING EDITOR - BRIAN PICKERING WESTFIELD LODGE, ASLACKBY, SLEAFORD, LINCS NG34 0HG TEL NO. 01778 440760 E-MAIL”[email protected]” BRITISH REVIEW - MICK BOULANGER 27 Tudor Road, Heath Town, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV10 0LT TEL NO. 0770 1070537 EMail "[email protected]" FOREIGN FORCES - BRIAN PICKERING (see Co-ordinating Editor above for address details) US FORCES - BRIAN PICKERING (COORDINATING) (see above for address details) STATESIDE: MORAY PICKERING 19 RADFORD MEADOW, CASTLE DONINGTON, DERBY DE74 2NZ E Mail “[email protected]” EUROPE: BRIAN PICKERING OUTSIDE USA: BRIAN PICKERING See address details above OUT OF SERVICE - ANDY MARDEN 6 CAISTOR DRIVE, BRACEBRIDGE HEATH, LINCOLN LN4 2TA E-MAIL "[email protected]" MEMBERSHIP/DISTRIBUTION - BRIAN PICKERING MAP, WESTFIELD LODGE, ASLACKBY, SLEAFORD, LINCS NG34 0HG TEL NO. 01778 440760 E-MAIL.”[email protected]” ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (Jan-Dec 2014) UK £40 EUROPE £55 ELSEWHERE £60 @MAR £20 (EMail/Internet Only) MAR PDF £20 (EMail/Internet Only) Cheques payable to “MAP” - ALL CARDS ACCEPTED - Subscribe via “” ABBREVIATIONS USED * OVERSHOOT f/n FIRST NOTED l/n LAST NOTED n/n NOT NOTED u/m UNMARKED w/o WRITTEN OFF wfu WITHDRAWN FROM USE n/s NIGHTSTOPPED INFORMATION MAY BE REPRODUCED FROM “MAR” WITH DUE CREDIT EDITORIAL First, a correction to the caption for the MV-22B in the April issue - the serial was 168296/YR-14 and not 162296/YR-15 as stated in the magazine! Another excellent month for reports and photos received - please keep them coming for the rest of the coming display season! The big difference for 2014 over 2013 is that the displays are back on the scene again in the USA. If you want to send in photos for possible publication can you please send them as JPEGs to me at [email protected] - the preferred size for the JPEG is 24 x16cm at 300dpi (or larger). If you wish to send prints or slides in for consideration these should be sent to Brian Pickering at the editorial address above. As ever, if you would like to see a free copy of @MAR (our other well illustrated PDF magazine - only available via the internet) then please send an email requesting a copy to [email protected]. The subscription for @MAR for 2014 is £20 and you can subscribe at COVER PHOTOGRAPH: This B-52H was taken on the East Ramp at Barksdale AFB’s Defenders of Liberty show on April 26th - it is 60-0037/BD from the 340th WPS of the 57th Wg and has “340 WPS” on the fin (John Wigzell) Closing date for the June issue is 08.06.14 Brian Pickering 15.05.14 226 BRITISH REVIEW I start this month with the sad news of the loss of five men when their Lynx AH.9A helicopter crashed in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan on 26th April 2014. Four of the personnel were based at Odiham with 657 Sqn; the fifth was a member of the Army Reserve. My condolences go to all the family of those people that were lost. The temporary grounding of the Air Cadet Glider fleet took place just before the Easter break. This was due an error in the paperwork for the aircraft which was found during the auditing process and nothing to do with the aircraft themselves. It has been confirmed that Waddington runways will close mid September 2014 and will not reopen until November 2015. ...Mick Boulanger (Military movements is history, now and for our future) ABINGDON - The annual Abingdon Air & Country Show was held on 04.05, participating aircraft were: BG+KM Nord 1002 Private G-ASTG ZB627/A Gazelle HT.3 Private G-CBSK GM+AI Fi156A Storch Private G-STCH ZF140/140/Spl Tucano T.1 1 FTS L-09 PC-7 KLu 131 EMVO Sqn ZF264/264 Tucano T.1 1 FTS HKG-5 Bulldog Private G-BULL ZH207/UN Vigilant T.1 612 VGS (X7344) DH89A Private G-AGJG ZH874/874 Hercules C.4 24/30/47 Sqn N6847 Tiger Moth Private G-APAL ZJ131/P Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn MK356/K5-J Spitfire LFIXC BoBMF 43/SC Harvard Private G-AZSC PL965/R Spitfire PRXI Private G-MKXI 100 (Blue) Yak-50 Private G-YAKK TW467 Auster AOP.5 Private G-ANIE 208/IR Broussard Private G-YYYY TW536/TSV Auster AOP.6 Private G-BNGE 99+18 OV-10B Private G-ONAA (WB619) Chipmunk T.10 Private G-APYG 1373 Chipmunk T20 Private G-CBJG WG407/67 Chipmunk T.10 Private G-BWMX 8084 AT-6D Texan Private G-KAMY WK577 Chipmunk T.10 Private G-BCYM 115684/849 L-21A Private G-BKVM WP896 Chipmunk T.10 Private G-BWVY 330372 L-4H Private G-AISX XH134 Canberra PR.9 Private G-OMHD 454467/44-J L-4J Private G-BILI XW324/U Jet Provost T.5 Private G-BWSG G-ITAF SF-260 Private (MM54532) XX436 Gazelle HT.2 Private G-ZZLE G-PIGY Skyvan Private (ex Mauritanian XX543/U Bulldog T.1 Private G-CBAB A/F 5T-MAM) RAF BARKSTON HEATH - Residents noted during April: 674/703 Sqn Tutor G-BYUA G-BYUD G-BYUK G-BYUM G-BYUN G-BYUR G-BYUX G-BYUZ G-BYVD G-BYVH G-BYVM G-BYVO G-BYVZ G-BYWI G-BYWJ G-BYWN G-BYWS G-BYXX G-BYYB G-CGKC RAF BENSON - Residents noted during April: 28/78 Sqn Merlin HC.3/3A ZJ119/C ZJ120/D ZJ121/E ZJ124/H ZJ128/M ZJ129/N ZJ131/P ZJ133/R ZJ134/S ZJ135/T ZJ136/U ZJ137/W ZJ990/AA ZJ992/AB ZJ994/AC ZJ995/AD ZJ998/AE 33/230 Sqn Puma HC.2 XW229 ZJ954 ZJ955/P ZJ957 Oxford University Air Squadron (6 AEF) Tutor G-BYVL G-BYUJ G-BYWU G-BYVB G-BYWY G-BYXL Residents notes during April 28/78 Sqn Merlin HC.3/3A ZJ129/N made a test flight at MDMF Culdrose on 24.04 and returned to 28/78 Sqn on 25.04 ZJ994/AC having departed 28/78 Sqn to Ag-WHL Yeovil on 23.01 for a series of trials, these were concluded on 14.04 which is when the aircraft returned back to 28/78 Sqn BIGGIN HILL - Military visitors noted during February: - 06 026 C-295M Polish AF 13 ELTr “PLF034” 20 014 C-295M Polish AF 13 ELTr “PLF034” 12 ZR322 A109E 32(TR) Sqn “RRR1206” 26 026 C-295M SPolish AF 13 ELTr PLF034” BLACKPOOL AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during January: - 08 ZZ391 Wildcat AH.1 Ag-WHL “WHE02” 29 ZK459/X King Air 200GT 45(R) Sqn “CWL14”* 21 ZH004 Defender T.4 651 Sqn “AAC581” BOSCOMBE DOWN - Residents notes during April 227 Tornado GR.4 ZA453/022 has transferred from 2 Sqn/Marham Wing to 9 Sqn/Marham Wing, but has since departed to QinetiQ, Boscombe Down for trials ZD712/080/F/Spl has departed from QinetiQ, Boscombe Down on 01.05 to Leeming for initial storage and then reduction to spares and produce Southampton University Air Squadron (2 AEF) Tutor G-BYUH G-BYWW G-BYXD G-BYXE G-BYXF G-BYXI G-BYXJ Adding to MAR164 BAC 1-11 Srs479FU ZE432 cockpit section has been transported by road from Boscombe Down to Bournemouth Aviation Museum on 30.04 which is a fitting place to preserve the aircraft as it is its birthplace BOULMER - Residents noted during April 202 Sqn E Flt Sea King HAR.3 XZ591/G ZE368/R BOURNEMOUTH HURN AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during April: - (With thanks to BAEG) 03 ZZ394 Wildcat AH.1 652 Sqn “Recon22”* 16 ZH902 Chinook HC.3 Odiham Wg “SHF550”* ZJ135/T Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn “SHF313”* 21 ZH867/867 Hercules C.4 24/30/47 Sqn “Dog Forma- ZZ409 Wildcat AH.1 652 Sqn “Recon21”* tion” 04 QQ101 RJ100 ETPS “Tester78”* ZH885/885 Hercules C.5 24/30/47 Sqn “Dog Forma- ZE700 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “RRR1162” tion” 07 ZJ128/M Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn “SHF316”* 22 ZH886/886 Hercules C.5 24/30/47 Sqn “RRR5510” 08 ZJ649 Alpha Jet QinetiQ * ZH897 Chinook HC.3 Odiham Wg “SHF527” ZJ131/P Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn “SHF786”* 24 ZE700 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “NOH40”* 09 ZH775/HB Chinook HC.4 Odiham Wg “SHF572”* ZH775/HB Chinook HC.4 Odiham Wg “SHF543”* QQ101 RJ100 ETPS “Tester78”* ZJ781 AS.365N3 658 Sqn “1DS01” 10 ZJ134/S Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn “SHF310”* 25 ZH886/886 Hercules C.5 24/30/47 Sqn “RRR5511”* ZA766 Gazelle AH.1 665 Sqn “AAC502”* 26 501 C-130H RAFO 16 Sqn “MJN291” 11 ZA550/042 Tornado GR.4 Marham Wg “Fang01”* 28 ZJ121/E Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn “SHF786”* ZA560/050 Tornado GR.4 Marham Wg “Fang02”* 30 ZJ785 AS.365N3 658 Sqn * ZJ128/M Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn “SHF310”* ZJ124/H Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn “SHF786”* 15 ZE427/K Sea King HC.4 845NAS “Yankee462” RAF BRIZE NORTON – Military visitors noted during April:- 01 ZE700 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “RRF01” 14 ZA600/EB-G Tornado GR.4 41(R) TES “Rebel412 ZJ910/BV Typhoon FGR4 29(R) Sqn “Typhoon49” 15 B-537 C-130J-30 RDAF Esk721 “DAF3060” ZZ392 Wildcat AH.1 652 Sqn “Recon22” 266 PC-9M IAC ACC/FTS “IRL260” 03 CE-01 ERJ-135LR BD 15 Wg “BAF616” ZG995 Defender AL.1 651 Sqn “AAC535” E.22-05/409-34 Beech C90 Eda 409 Esc “AME0901” ZK451/K King Air 200 45(R) Sqn “CWL74” XZ719/645 Lynx HMA.8SRU 702NAS 21 01-0029 C-37A 6 AMW 310 AS “Spar25” ZG919 Lynx AH.9A 9 Regt dep 24th 04 CH-11 C-130H BD 15 Wg “BAF650” ZA298/Y Sea King HC.4 845NAS “Junglie1” 1228 C-17A UAEAF “UAF1226” dep 6th ZE427/K Sea King HC.4 845NAS “Junglie2” 11-5731 MC-130J 352 SOG/67 SOS “Strix61” 22 RA30078 An-30B Russian Open Skies 06 B-537 C-130J-30 RDAF Esk721 “DAF5150” “OSY33F/T” dep 24th dep 11th 25 B-537 C-130J-30 RDAF Esk721 “DAF5332” 07 CH-12 C-130H BD 15 Wg “BAF670”dep 11th ZG998 Defender AL.1 651 Sqn “AAC582” ZD712/Spl Tornado GR.4 Marham Wg “MRH32”* 26 ZG995 Defender AL.1 651 Sqn “AAC533” 02-0042 C-40B 86 AW 76 AS “Valor40” 29 ZG998 Defender AL.1 651 Sqn 08 QQ101 RJ10 ETPS* T.18-4/45-43 Falcon 900B EdA 45 Gr “AME4523” n/s 10 ZJ136/S Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn * 97-00105 UC-35A1 6-52 Avn 11 XX154 Hawk T.1 QinetiQ* 30 ZG998 Defender AL.1 651 Sqn “AAC582” ZJ690 Sentinel R.1 5 Sqn * 274 AW-139 IAC 301 Sqn “IRL274” 14 ZJ649/49 Alpha Jet QinetiQ * Residents notes 10/101 Sqn Voyager KC.2/3 ZZ331 departed from 10/101 Sqn on 16.04 to 1312 Flt Mount Pleasant Airport, Falkland Islands ZZ333 has returned to 10/101 Sqn from China Lake, California, USA as “RRR9241” on 16.04 after bringing
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