Kyranides On the Occult Virtues of Plants, Animals & Stones Hermetic & Talismanic Magic Renaissance Astrology Facsimile Editions " 1 .IT ( ' •; T H fe MAG I C K * K I R° A N I King of P E R S I A, AND OF HARPOClR. ATlbN; CONT A INING THE Magical Mid Medicinal Vertuesof Stones, Herbs , Fijbes, Beajls and Birds. A Work much fought for by the Learned, but feen by few 5 (aid to have been in the Vatican-l ibrary in Rome; but not to be found there, nor in all the Famous - Libraries of the Empire. Now Publifhed and Tranllated into Engli[h from a Copy found in a private Hand. Printed in the Year MDCLXXXV. 1 | Renaissance Astrology Facsimile Editions The Renaissance Astrology Facsimile Edition Series is copyright 2005, by Christopher Warnock All rights reserved under US and International law. No portion of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or means, graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or information storage and retrieval systems, without the express written consent of the copyright holder. Printed in USA Renaissance Astrology Website http://www.renaissanceastrology.com Facsimile Editions T T H fe MAG ICK» K I R° A N I King of P E R S I A, AND OF HARPO'CR ATION; CONTAINING THE Magical and Medicinal Vermes of Stotiet, Herbs , Fijhes ± Beajls and Birds. A Work much fought for by the Learned, but feen by few ; (aid to have been in the Vatie.in-I ibrary in Rome; but not to be found there, nor in all the Famous < Libraries of the Empire. Now Publilhed and Tranllated into Englipn from a Copy found in a private 1 land. Printed in the Year MDCLXXXV. TO THE R E AD E R. Fter diligent Searth for t;His M, having by happy s*cfcWtnt'tfttt'^i!i it , and procured it forttiuft:; finite I am minded tt> Cqttimnicltt it to thc"Ctutious and Worthy, 1 (Ml give you fortie account of the Authors, anfltneirl Work, the Authors are Riranvt'AiffBfr. | pocratiffft. lKiranut was Ring of Pa^.'lc which Crotvn none but Magicians c^ta-bt admitted, and*of whidh Kingdom tht fefeoui Zvroaflrcj'the firft Magitiaii, was. This wotk of his htfd ^jet^n for many Ages turnedout of1 the Ptrfah \ nto the Sjriac^ Arabic^ and moft Eiftern Tongues. H,ir.pocratit»\ as the Learned arc of opinion, was a Grkm, There Were ftvcral of this Name. One of them wrote a Lixicon upon the Ten Gretk Orators. jfacob/ts Mattjjatus publiftcd him . with Notts and a critical Difcourfe upon A a him) To the Reader. To the Reader. l>im j where he mentions feveral Harpocrati- ons, and among the reft ours, as the Sequel " flic red to Bacchus,, becaufe it defends the will prove. He is at a mighty lofi about one Har- " Brain from Drunkennefs. But I am afraid " frnall heed is to be given to thefe things, focration-y whom Tertnllian mentions in his; <; Book De Corona M/htif. Tertullian's Words! and that Pamelius (peaks as an Ear rather are thefe } Liberum , e/mdem apud TEgyptiusi " than as an Eyc-witne(s. For I remember I Oftrin indiiflriH hederatum argit-1 «very carefully perufed at Aujpurg a Cata- , Harpocration tc mntatur , quod hcder<c natura Jit cerebrum ub' logue of all the Books in the Vatican-Li- David Hefchecl/us, IXIHCO defenfarc. In Englilh thus } Harpocru- " brary, lent me by with tion docs argue , that Bacchus , the fame irith "other Catalogues of Libraries at Aujpurg, Oliris among the /Egyptians, is pictured with "Bavaria, Vienna, the Emperor's, St. Ma^at Ivy on purpofe, becaufe it is the nature of Ivy " Venice , and St. Laurence at Florence, and to defend the Brain from Drunkennefs. Now " I met not with any thing of Harpocration's Maujj'acus, after he had confuted the Miftakes j " but the Lexicon, neither when I was in the of feveral Commentators upon thefe words j " Vatican at Rome, to compare the Printed of Tcrtulliany who would make him to mean " Harpocations with a Manufcript that was Harpocration that wrote the Lexicon, comes " there , could I meet with any thing be- to one Commentator, whom he thinks in the " fides concerning him , nor could I learn right. Thefe arc the Words of Maujj'acus. " any thing from two Grecians, the Father " jacobus Pamelius, the lalt Commentator up- " and the Son, who had the care of writing " on Tertullian, has taken another, and a quite " out the Manufcript Books, and who have " new courfe : For he thinks that Harpocra- " the Catalogue of that Library by heart. " lion, whom Tertullian mentions, is the fame "But I would not have Pamelius therefore "with him, whole Manufcript Book ifet <pu- | <c rafhly cenfured, nor his Opinion receded "<mw fwuaLixjtw is kept in the Vatican. And I "from, becaufe perhaps, he did not, as from " if we relie on his Credit, Tertullian % words "himlelf, affirm, that Harpocration's Manu- " may not unfitly be accommodated to that ; " fcript iri£/. fuffinuv tTaoa'juwcov, was in the Va- " Author, who wrote about the Natural j " titan , but he has been told fo by fome, "Virtues of things, Gnce it belongs to Na- " either whofe Memory or Honefty failed tural Philofophy to teach , that th" Ivy is | " them, as by Simlerus, who firft told him in " facred "his Epitome Bibliothec.it Qefneriana , that a A * ct Book ± To the Reaihr. To the Reader. «< " it perfwades me, that that Author docs not Booltof Kiwtil and Harpocration wpi <pv <c cc differ much from ours, I need not declare: oinZiy JW/xewi' Wds in the Vatican at Rome. u ,c for the Alphabetical order, which wc find But, till all know more certainly and firm- «( " he obferved, what does it argue, but that ly , that Harpocration'Boole irpi (pvcmwv CC " he was a Lexicographer, not much unlike bwifbhUiuv is fomewheic extant, and till it i tc "ours in his way of writing, though he dif- is i)iitd, whether that Paflage be in him, | (I " fer in the Subjett ? I with I could obtain Mfhjchi is cited by Tcrtullian, it is my judg- ; tc " that Treafure, that I might publifh it with mcnt th^c the bufinefs muft hang in fuf-j (( cc this of ours, we (hould not be fo much in pence, and the Trial ("as Lawyers talk)'! (t " the Dark about this controverted place in muft be put ofF, till another day. For, to i tc " Tertullian , and it would prefently appear fay any thing pofmvely about the Inter- CI " whether the Author of thefe two Books pretation of this placc, and immediately to It " were the fame, after which we are fo folli- vouch it for Truth, would be no man's aft (( " citoufly inquifitive. Now that Treafure who remembers he is a Man : It was wit- <c which Mauffacus fo much wifht for, I here tily faid by a wife man of old anuria, to <( offer to you : for it is the Book of Kimi vfrjov impose* (Z&tHgiv.Ignorance is in the great- C( and Harpocration, as Gefner's Bibliotheca cites cfl jbark of Mortals, which though we find' tc it} and it goes Alphabetically as Putean hys confentaneous to Truth in other Cafes, yet his Harpocration did in the Cardinal's Libra- «t then moft, when we take upon us to open « ry. And as for the controverted Place in and interpret fome Places in the Writings tc Tertullian, confult but the Letter ©, pag. 16. of the Ancients, that are controverted,and tc of the fit ft Book, and you may be fatisficd, not well undcrftood. But the Learned (( that Tertullian quoted no other Harpocration Puteawj, while this was in the Prefs, told' K but ours. Read on to pag. 18. and you have me, they read in a Catalogue, which their (C this Pallage. " That yon may be without Dm- Father had a moft. com pleat one of all the tc " kennefs , and for all favour and health III Libraries in Italy, that Harpocrution's Book cc " the Stone Thyrfites engrave the Bird T/.>jr, irff>i (puviHon'S'twdfMttovy written Alphabetical- (C " and Bacchus holding the Bird, and under ly, was in the Library of Cardinal St. An- "the ftone enclofe the Root of the Herb, <Cgflo , which is now fallen to his Brother " ("meaning Ivy) and wear it, and you will Cardinal Favnefius. Which thing, how fir " Jt A 4 "be To the Reader. To the Reader. "be without Drunkennefc, and will have of his Age. Barthius would by all means have- favour with all men* and moreover you had it publiftied, being a Book of fuch infinite w.ll be without danger in the Palacc For value : And the rather becaufe it has fbme- this is a divine Dionyfuck ,and weakens the thing of Harpocration in it, who is fo highly fhength of Bacchus. "For )o fhyes Harpocra- A d and defervedly valued by Learned Men. And _, " that learned Father Tertullian he reckons it to be Tertullian's Harpocration, layes, narprrratioH argues , that Bacchus , the as Pa melius before him imagined, and as by ftnie rr/Z/i Ofiiis among the ^Egyptians, it pi. Unreel Kith Ivy on purpofe, becaufe it is the Na-comparing the Paflages in thefe two Authors frc nfIvy to defend the Brain from Drunken- we have already proved. So that it is not >>cjs. So that Harpocration's and Tertullian'sonl y my Opinion, but it is the Conjefture (?f , c a 'ogcthtr the /nine. And this muft Pamelius, who could not after his nioft in- bejhc hook which no Jcfs a Man than Tcr- quifitive Search and Refearch, meet with mliau quoted as an Author, and which ma- Harpocration and it is the clear Judgment of ny Learned Men fince him have lonced to that vaftly Learned Man Barthius, who faw but could not.
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