Science and Sensation in Romantic Poetry Noel Jackson Index More Information

Science and Sensation in Romantic Poetry Noel Jackson Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86937-9 - Science and Sensation in Romantic Poetry Noel Jackson Index More information Index Abrams, M. H. 29, 126, 250 Barbauld, Anna Letitia 47, 59 abstraction 8, 9, 10, 71, 73--4, 150--1, Bate, Walter Jackson 29, 171 153--9, 178 Baumgarten, Alexander 2 and aesthetic value 165--6, 169--70, 172--5, Beddoes, Thomas 5 183--, 194, 198--9 Bell, Charles 120, 170, 178--80, 182 and embodiment 10, 12--13, 14--15, 135--6, Benhabib, Seyla 252 151--9, 158--9 Benjamin, Walter 69, 96 historical-materialist critiques of 31, 32, Bennett, Andrew 169, 172, 174 134--5, 150, 168, 188--90, 204--5 Bentham, Jeremy 5 see also associationism Berkeley, George 35, 114, 230 Adair, James Makittrick 150--1, 157 Bewell, Alan 245 Addison, Joseph 12, 231 Blake, William 18, 91--8 Adorno, Theodor W. 15, 60--1, 69, 131, 200, America, A Prophecy 92--5, 458 252, 263 “Annotations to Wordsworth’s Preface to aesthetic, the The Excursion” 67 autonomy of 3, 7--8, 11, 13--14, 15, 28--9, “Auguries of Innocence” 72, 98 59--0, 178, 182, 209 “The Human Abstract” 94 historicity of 1--2, 4--5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 15--16, “Introduction” to the Songs of Innocence 47 16--0, 18, 24--6 “Jerusalem” (Preface to Milton) 32 ideology of 3, 16, 17--19, 24--6, 42, 134, 148, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 93, 244 182, 198, 204, 220 Milton 64, 91, 98 reparatory function of 6, 23, 113, 132--4, Vala,orThe Four Zoas 95--8 137--, 145, 154--6, 159, 160, 161--2 Bloom, Harold 104, 138, 171, 201 the “return to” 13--14, 167, 220 Bourdieu, Pierre 19, 24--5, 27, 42, 167, 195, aesthetics 2, 25 197--, 199, 265 determinations of value in 12, 19, 20, 166--8, Braddon, Mary Elizabeth 211 197--0, 203, 205--6, 210, 218--20 Bromwich, David 177, 262 and the medical sciences 1, 7--8, 15, 44--5, 68 Brown, Thomas 36--7, 230 Alison, Archibald 41 Burke, Edmund 45--7, 73, 96, 110 Aristotle 137 Reflections on the Revolution in France 5, 43, Arnold, Matthew 20, 40, 135, 165, 166, 175, 48, 53 180, 192, 209 Burney, Frances 45 on Wordsworth’s “healing power” 132, 134, Bush, Douglas 264 137--, 140, 148, 160, 166, 206--7, 216 Byron, Lord George Gordon 137, 161, 194 see also aesthetic; reparatory function of associationism 8, 26, 35, 36, 41, 72, 77 Cameron, Sharon 185, 186 new historicist interpretations of 81--3, Campbell, Thomas 171 204--5, 266 Carpenter, William 216 Carroll, Lewis 154 Babbitt, Irving 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 45 Caruth, Cathy 241 Baker, Keith 70 Caygill, Howard 25 284 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86937-9 - Science and Sensation in Romantic Poetry Noel Jackson Index More information Index 285 Chandler, James K. 68 disinterestedness Cheyne, George 75 Kantian 108--9, 130, 197 Clery, E. J. 152 in relation to the senses 108--10, 131, 176--82 Coleridge, Hartley 37 A Dissertation Upon the Nerves (1768) 146 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 41, 44, 128, 143, Donoghue, Denis 267 147, 178, 208 Biographia Literaria 48, 103, 127--8, Eagleton, Terry 26, 134, 148 139--40, 160 electricity 263 “Dejection: An Ode” 186 animal 54 “Frost at Midnight” 18, 107, 118--23, 125 effects of writing compared to 47, 51, 53--4, Notebooks 105, 107, 117, 123, 127 55--9, 58--9 “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” 152 Eliot, George 195--6, 264 The Watchman 5, 43 Eliot, T. S 29, 34 on Wordsworth (excluding Biographia empiricism 2, 4, 35, 69--70, 72, 110--11, Literaria) 6--7, 10, 140 113--14 Collins, Wilkie 20, 200, 201, 212--19 Empson, William 82--3, 207 The Moonstone 201, 214--19 Engels, Friedrich 189 The Woman in White 213 experimentation on Wordsworth 215--16 in empiricist philosophy and science 56, Collins, William 214 105--6, 107, 111--13, 113--17, 122, 129 common sense 19, 36, 103--4, 106--7, 109--10, in literary practice 19, 105, 106--7, 109--10, 113--2, 121--2, 124, 127 111, 117--18, 121--2, 126, 129, 130, 131, defamiliarization of 23, 29, 107, 114--15, 215, 217 116, 117--18, 121--2, 124, 126, 158, 159, 212 Febvre, Lucien 64, 65, 68--9, 70 Condillac, E´tienne Bonnot de 70, 97 feeling 2, 3, 6--7, 8--9, 13, 18--19, 26, 67--8, consensus 16, 19, 133--5, 139, 147--8, 157 108--, 134, 136, 138, 145--9, 161--2, derivation from physiology 145--6 183--, 200, 206--10 resistance to in The Excursion 141--3 see also pleasure; sensibility; touch Wordsworth’s provisional notion of 136, Ferguson, Frances 250 158--1, 160--1, 160--2, 258 Ford, Jennifer 4, 129, 249 see also aesthetic, reparatory function of; Foucault, Michel 65--6, 76, 98, 148, 237, 241 “consentaneity”; sensibility, ethics of The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the “consentaneity” 146--8, 149, 156, 159 Human Sciences 64, 65--6, 67, 71, 95, 107 Cooper, Astley 179, 181 Franc¸ois, Anne-Lise 266 Corbin, Alain 64--5, 68--9, 84, 85 French Revolution 4, 5, 11--12, 18, 27, 32, Courthope, W. J. 212 43--9, 140 Cullen, William 68, 76, 87, 88, 145, 240, 241 Fricker, Sara 123--4 “An Essay on Custom” 77--8, 79 custom 73, 76--8, 79, 127 Gallagher, Catherine 222, 263 Galvani, Luigi 54, 56 Darwin, Erasmus 5, 36 Commentary on the Effects of Electricity on The Temple of Nature; or, The Origin of Society Muscular Motion 56 4, 35, 37 George III, king of England 45 Zoonomia, or, the Laws of Organic Life 35, 77, Gifford, Don 67 86, 87, 88, 89, 242 Godwin, William 5, 71, 150 Davy, Humphry 5, 44--5, 112, 129 Goldsmith, Oliver 122 de Bolla, Peter 13, 225 Goodman, Kevis 14, 226, 237 De Quincey, Thomas 90--1, 129--30, 215, gothic 9, 12, 152, 198, 202 217, 252 Gramsci, Antonio 103--4 Derrida, Jacques 151--2, 153, 258 Gray, Thomas 142 Descartes, Rene´ 105, 245 Guillory, John 166--8, 195 Dewey, John 189 Dickens, Charles 142 Hacking, Ian 111 didacticism 11, 148, 207 Hallam, Arthur Henry 59--60, 61, 202, 215 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86937-9 - Science and Sensation in Romantic Poetry Noel Jackson Index More information 286 Index Hamilton, Paul 3, 221 “Specimen of an Induction to a Poem” Harrington, Anne 178 172, 184 Hartley, David 77, 82 “When I have fears” 182 Hartman, Geoffrey 40, 82, 84, 195, 262 Kittler, Friedrich 12, 224 Hays, Mary 42, 43, 74 Klancher, Jon 50 Hazlitt, William 62, 103, 176--7, 180 Knapp, Steven 257, 260 on Wordsworth 104 Korsgaard, Christine 108, 123 Hegel, G. W. F. 2, 210 Kosciusko, Tadeusz 181 Helve´tius, Claude-Adrien 70, 71, 176 Kramnick, Jonathan Brody 171 history of the senses 64--75, 80, 84--6, 98--9 Hobbes, Thomas 87 Lacan, Jacques 194 Hollander, John 127 Lamb, Charles 10--11 Home, Everard 144 Langan, Celeste 140, 256 Hough, Graham 208 Law, Jules 113 human sciences, the 1, 4--6, 8, 65--6, 67, 105 Lessing, G. E. 28 Hume, David 46, 51, 76, 108, 114, 124, Levinson, Marjorie 27, 30--4, 81, 168--9, 173, 142, 247 174, 191, 192, 194 Hunter, John 54 Liu, Alan 81, 225--6, 412 Hutchinson, Sara 153, 156 Lloyd, David and Paul Thomas 134, 157 Huyssen, Andreas 210 Locke, John 4, 70, 87, 134, 191 Luka´cs, Georg 3, 60 ideal presence (see Kames, Lord Henry Home) interiority 6--7, 14, 18, 31, 50, 55, 56--8, 60, Mackenzie, Henry 218 61, 104--7, 110, 120--5, 131 Mackintosh, James 45--6 Manning, Peter 157, 257 Jacobus, Mary 106 Marcuse, Herbert 134 Jameson, Fredric 13, 224 Marx, Karl 17, 31, 142, 151, 158, 168, 170, Jarvis, Simon 266 188--, 191 Jeffrey, Francis 40--1, 128--9 McGann, Jerome J. 24, 182 Johnson, Samuel 145 McLane, Maureen 237 Johnston, Kenneth 9 Mee, Jon 228 Jones, Chris 12, 228 meter 97--8, 126--8 Miall, David S. 126 Kames, Lord Henry Home 85--6, 143, Mill, John Stuart 17, 123, 138, 156 150, 157 Millar, John 75--6, 78 Kant, Immanuel 14, 15, 106, 108--10, 117, Milton, John 34--5, 54, 82, 87--8, 250 130, 197 Monro, Alexander secundus 116, 122, 145 Kaufman, Robert 15, 221 Morton, Timothy 262 Keats, John 9, 14, 19, 65, 200, 205, 209, 263 “To Autumn” 182 Natarajan, Uttara 261 “Bards of passion and of mirth” 175, 178 nerves / nervous system 3, 54, 77, 93--4, 144, “In drear-nighted December” 184--8, 192 145--80, 178--80 Endymion 165, 171, 183 see also electricity, animal; feeling; sensibility “The Eve of St. Agnes” 193 Nietzsche, Friedrich 135 The Fall of Hyperion: A Dream 6, 133, 137 “To Kosciusko” 181 Oliphant, Margaret 213, 218 “Lamia” 192--4, 196 “To My Brother George” (epistle) 38--9, Paine, Thomas 45, 47--8 172--, 182 Parker, Reeve 119, 120 “Ode on a Grecian Urn” 184, 187, 191 Pater, Walter 11, 20, 200, 201, 207--13 “Ode to a Nightingale” 184, 187, 195 anonymously reviewed in the Examiner “On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once 211--12, 214 Again” 193 on Wordsworth 208--10 “Sleep and Poetry” 133, 172, 173, 174, Peacock, Thomas Love 11, 147, 171 180, 264 Pease, Allison 265 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86937-9 - Science and Sensation in Romantic Poetry Noel Jackson Index More information Index 287 periodization “Julian and Maddalo” 94 of disease in medical writing 75--6, 78 “On launching some bottled filled with historical 18, 65--6, 67--8, 68--9, 80 Knowledge into the Bristol Channel” and historiographical operation of poetry 18, 234 67--5, 74--5, 78--80, 85, 86, 91, 97--8 A Philosophical View of Reform 58 Phillips, Mark Salber 85, 86, 90 Prometheus Unbound 18, 58, 61--2, 78, 97 physiology 3, 4--5, 68, 75--6 “Sonnet, To a balloon, laden with politicization of during the French Knowledge” 58--9 Revolution 4, 5, 45--6, 145--6 Sidney, Philip 81 see also aesthetics, and the medical sciences; sight (see vision) human sciences; nerves / nervous system Simmel, Georg 69 Plato 137 Simpson, David 154 pleasure 14, 26, 138, 194, 202--6, 224, 226 Siskin, Clifford 134, 148, 253 Poe, Edgar Allan 34 Smith, Adam 176, 241 Poovey, Mary 134 Smith, Barbara Herrnstein 167, 259 Postone, Moishe 259 solipsism, charges of (see interiority) Pottle, Frederick 69 Southey, Robert 44, 171 Priestley, Joseph 47 Spenser, Edmund 165, 170, 172, 174, 193 Starobinski, Jean 262 Redfield, Marc 2, 253 Sterne, Laurence 10, 146, 148--9, 255 Rees, Alexander 76 Stewart, Dugald 36, 113, 125, 129, 251 Reid, Thomas 37, 110, 117, 120, 122, Stewart, Susan 237 125, 128 Strickland, Stuart 112 An Inquiry into the Human Mind 36, 43, suggestion 18, 26, 33, 34--7, 40, 42, 57, 77, 113--, 248 135, 172, 233 see also common sense; suggestion and historical consciousness 18, 26--8, 30, 32, Richards, I.

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