1899. ~CONGRESSIONAL · RECORD-SENATE. 599 . correcting the mil*ftry record of .Hiram Duffield-to the Commit­ merce of pictures or descriptions of prize fights; which was re­ tee on Military Affairs. · · ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. NORTON of Ohio: Petition of G. V. Fry and 14 others, He also presented a petition of the Genesee Baptist Ministerial fourth-class postmasters, of Crawford County, Ohio; also peti­ Association, of Rochester, N. Y., and a petition of the Woman's tion of John Spohn and 8 others, fourth-class postmasters, of San­ Christian Temperance Union of Hempstead, N.Y., praying for dusky County, Ohio, urging the passage of House bills Nos. 4930 the maintenance of prohibition in Alaska, the Indian Territory, and 4931-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. and its extension to our new dependencies; which were referred Also, evidence in support of House bill No. 11264, for the relief of to the Committee on Territories. Charles Dawley-to the Committee on Military Affairs. He also presented petitions of the Genesee Baptist Ministerial Also, paper to accompany House bill No. 11263, for the relief of Association, of Rochester, of the Woman's Christian Temperance Peter Lauterbur-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Union of Hempstead, and of sundry citizens of Owego, all in the Also, papers to accompany House bill No. 11426, for the relief State of New York, praying for the enactment of legislation to of Sarah Bish-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. prohibit the sale of liquor in canteens of the Army and Navy and of ·. By Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana: Petition of A. A. Chapin, of Soldiers' Homes, and in immigrant stations and Government build­ Fort Wayne, Ind., suggesting amendments to the bankruptcy ings; which were referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. law-to the Committee on the Judiciary. He also presented a petition of the Merchants and Man11fac­ · By Mr. RUSSELL: Resolutions of the New Haven, Conn., tm·ers' Board of Trade of New York, and a petition of the Associa­ Chamber of Commerce, favoring legislation for a sound and stable tion of Master Plumbers of New York, praying for the enactment system of finance at the present session of Congress-to the Com- of legislation to increase American shipping; which was referred mittee on Banking and Currency. to the Committee on Commerce. Also, papers to accompany House bill granting a pension to Mr. PERKINS presented a petition of the Manufacturers and Pheba A. Bean-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Producers' Association of California, praying that certain changes By Mr. SHOWALTER: Petition of the United Presbyterian be made in the navigation laws of the United States with the view Congregation, of Rochester, Pa., in favor of legislation to prohibit of increasing the American merchant marine; which was referred the sale of liquor in canteens of the Army and Navy and of to the Committee on Commerce. SOldiers' Homes, and in immigrant stations and Government He also presented a petition of the Anti-Debris Association of buildings-to the Committee on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic. California, praying that an approprjation be made for the improve­ ·By .Mr. YOUNG: Petition of Walter E. Duncan, to accompany ment of the Sacramento River and its h·ibutaries, and that it be House bill to remove from his record the charge of desertion-to placed under the continuing-contract system; which was referred the Committee on Military Affairs. to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. SEWELL presented a memorial of the Quarterly Meeting of Friends of Woodstown, N.J., remonstrating against any exten­ SENATE. sion of the sovereignty of the United States over the Philippine Islands or other foreign territory acquired by conquest; which was THURSDAY, J a·nua1·y 12, 1899. referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. He also presented a petition of the congregation of the Presby­ The Vice-President being absent, the President pro tempore terian Church of Kingston, N.J., praying for the enactment of took the chair. legislation to prohibit the sale of liquor ill canteens of the Army The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's pro­ and Navy and of Soldiers' Homes, and in immigrant stations and ceedings, when, on motion of Mr. ALLEN, and by unanimous con­ Government buildings; which was referred to the Committee on sent, the further reading was dispensed with. Military Affairs. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Journal will stand ap­ Mr. BERRY presented a petition of sundry citizens of Fort Smith, Ark., praying for the enactment of legislation to provide J proved, without objection. MES AGE FROM THE HOUSE. for the classification of post-office clerks; which was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. H. L. Mr. PASCO presented a petition of the Woman's Christian Tem­ OVERSTREET, one of its clerks, announced that the House had dis­ perance Union of Ocala, Fla., praying for the enactment of legis- · agreed to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 11033) lation to prohibit the sale of liquor in canteens of the Army and making appropriations to provide for the expenses of the govern­ Navy and of Soldiers' Homes, and in immigrant stations and Gov­ m ent of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June ernment buildings; which was referred to the Committee on Mil­ 30, 1900, and for other purposes, asks a conference with the Senate itary Affairs. on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and had appointed Mr. GROUT, Mr. BINGHAM, and Mr. DocKERY managers REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. at the conference on the part of the House. · Mr. RdACH, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom ENROLLED BILL SIGNED. was referred the amendment su bmitted by Mr. DAVIS on the 9th The message also announced that the Speaker of the House had instant r elative to the construction of section 27 of cha,pter 543, signed the enrolled joint resolution (S. R. 151) providing for the volume 26, of the United States Statutes at Large, in regat·d to removal of the remains of the late Maj. Gen. John A. Rawlins con tracts for services for prosecutions of claims against the United from the Congressional Cemetery to the national .cemetery at States or the Indians named in that section, intended to be pro­ Arlington, Va., together with the base and granite shaft now posed to the Indian appropriation bill, reported favorably thereon, marking the spot; and it was thereupon signed by the President and moved that it be referred to the Committee on Appropriations pro tempore. and printed; which was agreed to. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Mr. ALLEN, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom Mr. HOAR presented the memorials of James Powell, jr., and was referred the bill (S. 5076) authorizing the Sioux City and 20 other citizens, of John H. Jordan and 22 other citizens, and of Omaha Railway Company to construct and operate a railway William J. Kelley and 16 other citizens, all in the State of Massa- through the Omaha and Winnebago r eservations, in Thurston chusetts; of John Spitz and9~ther citizens, and of Francis F. County,Nebr.,andforotherpurposes,repor ted itwithout amend­ Browne and 10 other citizens, all in tho State of Illinois; of J . H. 1 ment. Rafferty and 18 other citizens, and of George Heidenreich and 14 · He also, from the same committee, to whom was referred the other citizens, all in the State of New York, and of H. A. Garr, of bill (S. 4822) for the relief of the Citizens' Bank, of Stuart, Holt Montana, remonstrating against any extension of the sovereignty County, Nebr. , reported it with an amendment. of the United State~ over th~ Phili~pine Islands in any event, and He also, from the same committee, to whom was referred the over any other foreign ter-ntory without the free consent of the amendment submitted by himself on the 9th instant relative to people thereof; which were t·eferred to the Committee on Foreign the improvement of certain bridges in Nebraska, intended to be R elations. proposed to the Indian appropriation bill, reported favorably He also presented petitions of sundry citizens of M2.ssachusetts, thereon, and moved that it be referred to the Committee on Ap­ praying for the enactment of legislation to prohibit the sale of propriations and printed; which was agreed to. liqu<?r ~n ca~teensof t.he Army and Navy and.of .Soldiers'.Homes, Mr. COCKRELL, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to and m Immigrant statiOns and Government bnildmgs; wh1eh were whom "'"as referred the bill (H. R. 2646) for the relief of Edward referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. C. Parsons, reported it without amendment, and snbmitt.ed are- Mr. PLATT of New York presented a petition of the New York port thereon. Woman's Suffrage Association, praying for the substitution of Mr. ALLISON. I am instructed by the Committee on Appro­ the words "men and women" in place of the word "male" in I priations, to whom was referred the bill (H. R. 11217) making the plans of the commission for tl?-e Hawaiian Government; which appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the In­ was referred to the Select Comm1ttee on Woman Suffrage. dian Department and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Heals? presented a petition of the Woman's Christian Temper- Indian tribes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900, and for other an~e Umon of Hempstead, N.
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