“ Guaranteed Goods by a Guaranty that’s Good” WHEN VOl ARE IN A HURRY WHEN YOU WANT WHAT YOU ORDER WHEN YOU WANT THE RIGHT PRICE SEND TO THE RICHARDSON DRUG CO. O MAII A We send the Omaha Druggist free to all of our customers. If you are not on our mailing list and wish to receive this journal regularly each month, let us know. THE SHERWOOD PRESS DENVER MUD MADE IN DENVER REQUIRES NO APOLOGY. Pound @ $ 1.75 doz. 25c size. 1 Pound @ 3.00 doz. 50c size. 2 Pound @ 6.00 doz. $1.00 size. 5 Pound @ 12.00 doz. 2.00 size. With an order for 6 doz. DENVER MUD DENVERM1 One doz. 25c Size Free, Sells for $3.00. Thf-Germ1c.de COMPAQ With an order for 12 doz. DENVER MUD Free Goods to sell for $6.00 and 5% discount. Over 100% Profit for You. Perfect Satisfaction for your Customers. For Sale by Richardson Drug Co., Omaha. IS ............ ....... |g $33.60 Per Gross Job£r,S3 'stf&gse&f” $2.80 Per Dozen THIS IS THE GENUINE. SEND FOR CARDS, CUT OUTS AND COUNTER WRAPPERS. THE CENTAUR COMPANY / i f ? 250 West Broadway, NEW YORK CITY President BUY A GROSS AND SAVE 5 AND 2 1-2 PER GENT. WHO CANT SELL 12 DOZEN PER ANNUM? OMAHA DRUGGIST 1 WELLERETTE8 Thirteen Shapes “A perfect blend o f all that's good in good tobacco” $35.00 per THOUSAND Wellerettes are packed in Tin, Wood and Glass. All the same price. PASTORAS masterpiece o f a ll b r o a d le a f te r r a p p e d HaxJana C igars Seven Shapes $35.00 to $85.00 per Thousand. RICHARDSON DRUG COMPANY, OMAHA, U. S. A. DISTRIBUTORS 2 OMAHA DRUGGIST SAZERAC COCKTAILS FOR TIRED MEN AND WOMEN After a busy day, see that you have at home a bottle of Sazerac Cocktails. As an appetizer and general tonic they have no equal, Made from the best of liquors that can be procured. Always uniform. 00®00®0[°1[°]111[°1[°][°|[°][°][e] For Sale in Quarts, Pints and >£-Pints The Thos. H. Handy & Go. Ltd. by the Sole Proprietors, 116-118 Eoyal St., and 119-121 Exchange Place Richardson Drug Co., Omaha NEW ORLEANS, LA. EF = 0 SPRING TIME Spring is the time when women think most about clothes. They find that a fresh new color and a few alterations, with a bit of new trimming here and there makes an old gown, or suit, as stylish and satis­ fying as a new one. Every druggist should be prepared for the Spring demand for DIAMOND DYES. A full supply should be ordered at once if any colors are lacking. The persistent, national advertising of DIA­ MOND DYES, which is always heavestin the Spring, will surely send a flood of DIAMOND DYE dimes in­ to drug stores everywhere. WELLS & RICHARDSON CO., Manufacturers of Diamond Package Dyes, Burlington, Vermont. Diamond Dyes are Sold and Recommended by the Richardson Drug Co., Omaha, Neb., as the Only Reliable Package Dyes on the Market 0 = *0 OMAHA DRUGGIST 3 = 0 [□]: 0 MR. DRUGGIST:— White Carrarra Glass If any of your customers suffer from Bright's Disease, Stone in Kidney, Im­ CLEAN, SANITARY, proper Elimination of Uric Acid, ORNAMENTAL Rheumatism, Gout, Albuminuria, A Stone in Bladder, Cysititis, recommend W to them for trial, For Table Tops, Soda Fountains, BUFFALO L1TH1A SPRINGS WATER Cafeterias, etc. They are bound to return and ask for more because this water has posi­ Write us for Sample and Prices. tive merit. For over Forty Years “ Buffalo Water” has been showing re­ markable efficiency in the treatment of Midland Glass & Paint Co. such disorders. OMAHA Place your order with RICHARDSON DRUG CO. P. S.— WE MANUFACTURE MIRRORS. Omaha, Neb. 0 m 0 0- m No Need to Make a Bar oi Your Sideboard if You Use STANDARD REMEDIES Dr. Winchell’s Teething Syrup Eilert’s Ext. of Tar and Wild Cherry Eilert’s Daylight Liver Pills Dr. Jaques Worm Cakes They ’re Unusually Good Uncle Sam’s Nerve and Bone Liniment Guaranteed made of Uncle Sam’s Condition Powders Stewart Pure Rye, Noil­ A MEDICINE, not a Stock Food ly Prat et Cie French Vermouth, Martini & Rossi Italian Vermouth, Field’s Orange Bitters, Siegerts Angostura Bit­ Trade Supplied by ters and Tezor Gins. RICHARDSON DRUG CO. OMAHA, TJ. S. A. RICHARDSON DRUG CO., Distributors, OMAHA & 0 0 4 OMAHA DRUGGIST 0 0= =0 SPIRO POWDER The only extensively advertised Toilet Powder advertised for IF THE BABY IS CUTTING TEETH DESTROYING PERSPIRATION ODORS USE A Foot Powder of Merit $2.00 per dozen. All orders filled by Jobbers. Appropriate attractive window displays, sam­ Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup ples, free goods, etc. supplied direct, ex­ A SPLENDID REGULATOR press paid on orders as follows: SPECIAL PURELY VEGETABLE-NOT NARCOTIG 1 doz. Spiro, 1-12 Free I 3 doz. Spiro, % Free 2 doz. Spiro, % Free | 6 doz. Spiro, Free Will use list of ladies’ names. SPIRO POWDER COMPANY, Niagara Falls, N. Y. 0 :0 0 : :0 0= Sylvester’s Haarlem Oil “CARDUI SELLS” For 200 Years the standard remedy of the world Is what the Druggists say. FOR KIDNEY DISEASES. BLADDER TROUBLE, GRAVEL A fine lot of advertising- is sent with and all INWARD 1NFLMATI0N. each shipment. We are Exclusive Agents For the U. S. and Canada for the Importation of GENUINE SYLVESTER’S HAARLEM OIL L,ess the discounts CARDUI costs but 63 cts per bottle in $30.00 quantities. F r o m H a a r l e m , H o l l a n d None Other is Genuine. Look for "C SYLVESTER” on Label. M. C O W A R D CHATTANOOGA MEDICINE CO. SUCCESSOR TO C. SYLVESTER Chattanooga St. Louis Depot, No. 270 Greenwich St. NEW YOR-K 0: :0 0= 0 0 = :0 ONE-HIJNDRED PER CENT Wouldn’t you be interested in a proposition that would net you a clean profit of 100 per cent—a free newspaper advertising- campaig-n? Then secure the local agency for HOLLISTER’S ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA A product of real merit, continuously advertised for thirty years. The medicine with a demand. The medicine that appeals to every class, because it is an economical every­ day medicine for the whole family. As staple to you, Mr. Drug-gist, as sugar to the grocer. > Buy Hollister’s ROCKY MOUNTAIN TRA in quantities. There is absolutely no risk. Buy and get the liberal discount, free goods, and direct benefit of our new “ business getting’’ advertising. Yz gross quantity Tea and Nuggets will be billed to you by Richardson Drug Company at S per cent 30 days or 1 per cent 10 days, and we will ship you free goods and advertising direct. Write today for our new selling plan, A postal will bring particulars without any obligation on your part whatever. HOLLISTER DRUG COMPANY Dept. 5, Madison, Wisconsin RICHARDSON DRUG COMPANY Omaha. Nebraika, Distributors 0 = 0 OMAHA DRUGGIST 5 0 = gYSTEMATIC, persistent, long-continued ad­ vertising, and quality of goods have stan­ dardized and made a household word of T h e Sanitary W&ll Coating There is a sure profit, a large and constantly increas­ ing demand an,d satisfied customers for the dealer who handles ALABASTINE We have contracted for advertising- for this year in publications that have a circulation of over 23,000,000. Complete information reg-arding- this will be cheerfully given. Grand Rapida, M ich. Alaba§tine Company, New York City lit =0 SI Allcock's Porous Plasters Allcock’s Corn & Bunion Plasters Brandreth’s Pills Allcock’s Lotion Salva-cea I5he Fi'Oe R eliables LI 0 : =0 6 OMAHA DRUGGIST 0 0 : 0 RELIEVE FOOT TROUBLES AND GET BIG PROFITS THE SALE OF CHAMBERLAIN’S COLIC, It is a simple matter to secure foot comfort with Scholl’s Specialties and Devices. Be prepared and the results will be satisfied customers and a big profit. CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA SCHOLL’S ABSORBO PADS REMEDY NOT EFFECTED Gives immediate relief to corns and callouses. They’re made of pure, para rubber —retain moisture -keep out air and NATIONAL NARCOTIC LAW-IMPORTANT separate the corns or callouses from the true skin underneath, while protecting the growth from the irritation of the shoe. Absorbo pads are patented. Do The sale of Chamberlin’s Colic, Cholera and not be misled by inferior imitations. Diarrhoea Remedy is not effected in any way by the National Narcotic Law (Harrison Law), as it contains only 1 and 99-100 of a grain of opium Sizes for in a fluid ounce, and the National Narcotic Law all corns makes the following exceptions: and cal­ louses. “ Section 6. That the provisions of this Act shall not be construed to apply to the sale dis­ tribution, giving away dispensing, or possession SCIIOLL’S FIXO CORN PLASTER of preparations and remedies which do not con­ tain more than two grains of opium, or more The medicinal, mechanical than one-fourth of a grain of morphine, or more Corn Plaster gives instant than one-eighth of of a grain of heroin, or more than one grain codeine, or any salt or derivative relief and will positively of any of them in one fluid ounce, * * remove corn in forty-eight P r o v id e d , That any such remedies and prep­ hours. arations are sold, distributed, given away, dis­ pensed, or possessed as medicines and not for Write today for Catalogue. the purpose of evading the intentions and pro­ visions of this act.
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