Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83761-3 — William Wordsworth, Second-Generation Romantic Jeffrey Cox Index More Information Index Abrams, M. H., 99, 203 and Coleridge, 16 Adelman, Richard, 140 and Haydon, 11 Ainsworth’s Magazine, 200, 251 and Hazlitt, 17 Allen, Jessie, 172 and Keats, 11, 51 Allot, Miriam, 51 and Landor, 188 Annals of the Fine Arts, 144, 226 and Wordsworth, 14–15, 76, 130, 131, 134, 162 Anti-Jacobin Review, 231 Cockney School attacks, 14–15, 18, 20, 22, 138, Armstrong, John, 136, 151 144, 190 Arnold, Matthew, 24, 201 “Essays on the Lake School of Poetry,” 144, 230 Arnold, Samuel (“Address, In honour of the review of Ecclesiastical Sketches, 162, 167 unconquered Wellington”), 82 review of Hazlitt’s Lectures on the English Astley’s Royal Amphitheatre, 82 Poets, 144 Athenaeum, 250 review of Peter Bell, 120 Aytoun, William Edmondstoune (“Lament for review of Six Weeks’ Tour, 144 Shelley”), 184 review of White Doe of Rylstone, 144 Blake, William, 41, 201 Baillie, Joanna, 3, 251 Bloom, Harold, 2, 21, 151 Bainbridge, Simon, 82, 97, 108 Bobinet the Bandit, 83 Bajetta, Carlo, 116, 119 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 21, 184 Baker, John Haydn, 168 Bowles, William Lisle, 19, 135, 136 Barbauld, Anna Laetitia, 159, 197 Bradley, A. C., 203 Barker, Mary, Lines Addressed to A Noble Lord, Brandreth, Jeremiah, 116 114–15 British Critic, 16, 48, 51, 78, 112, 130, 131, 231 Barnes, Thomas, 12 British Quarterly Review, 250 Barnett, Suzanne, 220 British Review, 116, 130 Barton, Bernard, 230 Brougham, Henry, 8 Bate, Brian, 129 Brown, Charles, 188 Bate, Jonathan, 206 Browning, Robert Bate, Walter Jackson, 176 “Lost Leader,” 168, 174 Bates, George Ferne, Sermon Preached ...for “My Last Duchess,” 196 a General Thanksgiving on the late Peace, 227 Brummel, Beau, 87 Batho, Edith, 195 Brun, Friederike, 140, 149 Beau Monde, 14 Bunsen, Christian Karl Josias von, 172, 188 Beaumont, Sir George, 7, 26, 111, 181, 183, 229 Burnet, Gilbert, 182, 245 Beckford, William, 177 Burns, Robert, 9, 123, 136, 202 Beethoven, Ludwig von, Wellington’s Victory, or, Bush, Douglas, 65 the Battle of Vitoria, 82 Busk, Hans, 112, 233 Behrendt, Stephen, 64 Butler, Marilyn, 59, 67, 218 Bewell, Alan, 235 Buzard, James, 171, 177, 243, 244 Bewick, William, 13 Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 2, 4, 87, 130 Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 241 and Coleridge, 140 264 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83761-3 — William Wordsworth, Second-Generation Romantic Jeffrey Cox Index More Information Index 265 and Excursion, 42, 52–56 and Excursion, 37, 42, 43 and Grand Tour, 177 and Italy, 148, 160, 184 and Hunt, 65, 108 and Lake School, 2, 5, 11, 14, 15, 18, 23, 27, 31, 43, and Italy, 171, 184 79, 132, 135, 143, 208 and Lake School, 19, 28, 105, 115, 230 and Methodism, 119–22 and Napoleon, 37, 79, 102, 114, 179 and Peter Bell, 32, 112, 119 and Peter Bell, 111, 230 and Wordsworth, 7, 11, 70, 127, 132, 137, 145, 162 and Shelley, 108 Coe, Charles Norton, 180 and Southey, 108, 228 Colbert, Benjamin, 143 and Wordsworth, 109, 112, 131 Coleridge, Hartley, 25 as narrative poet, 23, 34 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 3, 130, 140, 163, 201 on Cockney School, 19 and Byron, 5, 137, 139 on schools of poetry, 19 and Cockneys, 3 tensions with Hunt, 19 and Excursion, 213 Beppo, 118 and Rousseau, 139 Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, 6, 31, 43, 52–56, 65, clerisy, 204 104–109, 113, 125, 146, 178, 182, 187, 193–94 writing for ministerial papers, 27 Corsair, 116 Biographia Literaria, 16–17, 18, 22, 137–39, 142, “Darkness,” 42 159, 209, 230 “Dedication” to Don Juan, 27, 28, 92, 115, 188 Christabel; Kubla Khan, a Vision, 20, 137, 139 Don Juan, 32, 42, 70, 79, 89, 107–108, 112, 116, “Dungeon,” 168 118, 125, 127, 146, 170, 201 “Eolian Harp,” 142 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, 106, 188 Fall of Robespierre, 21 “Epilogue,” 111, 232 Friend, 140 “Farewell to Napoleon,” 104 “Frost at Midnight,” 140, 169 Hours of Idleness, 146 “Hymn Before Sun-rise, in the Vale of Letter to John Murray Esq, 19 Chamouny,” 137, 139–42, 144, 148, 176 Manfred, 42, 56, 102, 125 “Kubla Khan,” 139, 142 “Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte,” 9, 36 Lay Sermons, 17, 28, 54, 138, 139, 245 “On the Star of the ‘Legion of Honour’,” 104 Monody on the Death of Chatterton, 239 “Prisoner of Chillon,” 136, 187 “Once a Jacobin always a Jacobin,” 218 “Some Observations upon an Article in Remorse, 14 Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine,” Sibylline Leaves, 139, 140 188, 233 “The Brook,” 136–39, 153 Vision of Judgment, 89, 162, 182 “To a Gentlemen,” 251 Coleridge, Sara, 186 Cabinet, 14 Collins, William, 172 Caesar’s Triumph over the Gauls (ballet/ Condor, Josiah, 78 contata), 82 Connell, Philip, 42, 74 Campbell, Thomas, 3, 189, 235, 251 Cook, Thomas, Excursionist, 180 Canova, Antonio, 67 Cornwall, Barry (Bryan Waller Procter), 127, 190 Cantor, Jay, 30 Cottle, Joseph, An Expostulary Epistle to Lord Carey, David, Beauties of Modern Poets, 235 Byron, 114 Carlyle, John Aitkin, 172 Courier, 89 Catullus, 69, 150 Covent Garden, 83, 85, 86, 87, 103 Chaloner, John (Rome), 184 Cowley, Abraham, 21 Champion, 7, 9, 80, 88, 103 Cowper, William, 4, 138, 140 Chandler, David, 189, 190 Crabbe, George, 163 Chandler, James, 18, 110, 111, 172 Critical Review, 14 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 155, 162, 171 Croker, John Wilson, 89 Churchill, Charles, 188 Croly, George, 36, 116 Clarkson, Thomas and Catherine, 35, 103 Crowe, William, 135, 136, 151 Coach that Nap Ran from, 36, 82 Crucefix, Martyn, 229 Cockney School, 3, 6, 15, 19, 22, 130, 226, 251, Curran, Stuart, 140 See Lake School Curtis, Jared, 191 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83761-3 — William Wordsworth, Second-Generation Romantic Jeffrey Cox Index More Information 266 Index Dallas, Robert Charles, 112 and Lake School, 11, 17 Daniel, Samuel, 154 and laureateship, 88 Dante, 103, 116, 183 and Shelley, 61, 126, 232, 234 Darwin, Charles, 151, 201, 202 and Southey, 17, 138, 142, 208 Davidson, Henry, Waterloo; a Poem with Notes, and Wordsworth, 11, 23, 88, 103, 119, 126, 200, 36, 227 207, 214, 235 De Quincey, Thomas, 25, 149, 157, 173, 201 Hunt as editor, 11 de Selincourt, Ernest, 144, 154 Dibdin, Charles Favret, Mary, 38, 86 Harlequin Brilliant; or, The Clown’s Capers, 84, Fawcett, Joseph, 212 86–88 Fenwick, Isabella, 25, 148, 186, 191, 245 “The Bellerophon, or Nappy napped,” 83 Field, Barron, 23, 188, 190, 247 “The Wonder of 1815,” 83 Filicaia, Vincenzo da, 103, 104, 228 “Waterloo or Wellington Forever,” 83 Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving to Almighty God Dibdin, Thomas John, 104, 107 (for Waterloo), 97 Harlequin and Fancy, 166–69 Fraser’s Magazine, 233 Dickens, Charles, 177 Fulford, Tim, 5–6, 24, 26, 30, 67, 69, 137, 139 Don Juan with a Biographical Account of Lord Byron ... Galperin, William, 26, 37, 134, 149, 221 also a Sketch of the Vampyre, 114 Gamer, Michael, 160, 161, 170, 205 Drury Lane, 82, 86, 87 Garrett, James M., 23, 99, 133, 149, 151, 221, 226 Dryden, John, 103, 189 Garrod, H. W., 24 Duke’s Coat; or, The Night after Waterloo, 83 General Weekly Register, 162 Dyer, John, 135 Gentleman’s Magazine, 6, 202, 240 Gibbon, Edward, 54, 106, 107, 217 Eclectic Review, 78, 130, 131, 132, 136, 143, 234, 240 Gibson, John, 172 Edgeworth, Maria, 159 Gifford, William, 218 Edinburgh [Scots] Magazine, 125, 231 Gill, Stephen, 24, 25, 111, 129, 131, 139, 159, 163, 171, Edinburgh Review, 14, 22, 200 173, 200, 234, 240, 241, 242 and Byron, 230, 232 Gillies, R. P., 11, 88, 113 and Coleridge, 17, 20, 209 Gilmartin, Kevin, 143 and Excursion, 121 Giradelli, Madam (Jo), 83 and John Wilson as Laker, 20 Gladstone, William Ewart, 186 and Lake School, 19 Godwin, William, 10, 23 and Southey, 89, 208 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von and Wordsworth, 9, 14, 16, 19, 34, 113 Fairy Tale, 65 Eilenberg, Susan, 201 Goldsmith, Oliver, 155, 162 Eliot, George, 201 Grand Tour, 177–83, 189, 194 Eliot, T. S., 199, 201 Graver, Bruce, 172, 183 Elliott, Ebenezer, 26, 125 Graves, Robert Perceval, 185, 238 Ellison, Ralph, 1, 4, 6, 135, 205, 255 Griggs, Eric L., 38 Elmes, James, 101 Grimaldi, Joseph, 83 Erdman, David, 116 European Magazine, 223 Hale, J. R., 177, 185 Examiner, 64, 70, 84, 104 Harlequin and Fortunio, 85–86 and Byron, 104, 228 Hartman, Geoffrey, 1, 3, 25, 38, 67, 73, 74, 75, and Coleridge, 17 159, 198 and Excursion, 37, 44 Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 2, 7–8, 19, 23, 42, 67 and Haydon, 10 and Cockney School, 11–13 and Hazlitt, 29, 57, 79, 84, 121, 217, 218, and Hazlitt, 81 239, 240 and the “immortal dinner,” 7, 10 and Holy Alliance, 104 and Lake School, 11 and Hunt, 9, 22, 36, 89, 112, 120, 224, 225, and Napoleon, 81, 228 226, 227 and Wordsworth, 144 and Keats, 51 Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem, 7, 12, 119, 217, 222 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83761-3 — William Wordsworth, Second-Generation Romantic Jeffrey Cox Index More Information Index 267 Mock Election, 12 “Account of the remarkable rise and downfall Punch, or May Day, 12 of the late Kan of Tartary,” 103 Waiting for the Times, the Morning after the Amyntas, 220 Debate on Reform, 12 An Attempt to Shew the Folly of Methodism Hazlitt, William, 10, 23, 35, 83, 105 in a Series of Essays, 120 and Coleridge, 16, 20, 58, 142 Autobiography, 250 and Excursion, 37, 41, 42, 44, 51, 66, 150, “Bacchus and Ariadne,” 69, 112 212, 240 Descent of Liberty, 31, 36, 69, 80, 88–89, 92–93, and Grimaldi, 83 94, 98, 105 and Lake School, 11, 17, 27, 28, 29, 43, 57, Feast of Poets, 11, 223 104, 209 Foliage, 65 and Napoleon, 37 “Heaven Made Party to Politics – Mr.
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