Legislative Assembly Secretariat National Capital Territory of Delhi Bulletin Part-Ii

Legislative Assembly Secretariat National Capital Territory of Delhi Bulletin Part-Ii

LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI BULLETIN PART-II (General information relating to legislative and other matters) Thursday, 20 February, 2020/01, Phalgun, 1941(Shaka) No. 02 COMMENCEMENT OF THE FIRST SESSION OF THE SEVENTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY OF DELHI Hon’ble Members are informed that the first session of the Seventh Legislative Assembly of National Capital Territory of Delhi will commence on Monday, 24 th February, 2020 at 11.00 A.M. in the Assembly Hall, Old Secretariat, Delhi-110054. ALLOTMENT OF THE DAYS FOR THE TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS DURING FIRST SESSION : Sittings of Legislative Assembly have been provisionally fixed for: 24 th February, 2020 - 11.00 A.M. onwards (i) Oath/Affirmation of the newly elected Members (at 11.00 A.M.) (ii) Election of the Speaker (at 2.00 P.M.) 25 th February, 2020 - 02.00 P.M. (i) Lieutenant Governor’s Address 26th February, 2020 - 2.00 P.M. (i) Motion of Thanks on Lieutenant Governor’s Address TIME OF SITTING: The Legislative Assembly will sit on the above days and will continue until the business fixed for the day is concluded. The quorum bell will be rung at 05 Minutes before the time stipulated above to enable Members to take their seat. On 25 th February, 2020 at the time of Lieutenant Governor’s Address, the Quorum bell will not be rung. CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION: Those Members who have not so far deposited copies of Election Certificates or have not intimated whether they would be taking oath or affirmation and in which language, may kindly do so at the earliest by 10.30 A.M. of 24 th February, 2020 in the office of Secretary, Legislative Assembly so that the necessary arrangements in this regard are made. SEATING ARRANGEMENT DURING FIRST SESSION: Each Member of the House has been provisionally allotted a seat under Rule 5 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Assembly. A copy of the statement showing the seat number provisionally allotted to the Members is enclosed herewith. OATH OR AFFIRMATION: Members will make and subscribe the oath or affirmation as required under Section 12 of the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Act, 1991 read with Rule 4 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Legislative Assembly of the National Capital Territory of Delhi on 24 th February, 2020 at 11.00 A.M. onwards in the Assembly Hall, Old Secretariat, Delhi. A Member who is unable to make and subscribe oath or affirmation on 24 th February, 2020 may do so on any subsequent sitting of the Assembly after giving advance information to the Secretary by 11.00 A.M. on that day. “On the name of the Member being called by the Secretary, the Member will proceed from the place he is occupying to the right side of the Secretary’s table, where a copy of the form of oath or affirmation as the case may be, will be handed over to him. The Member will face the Chair while making the oath or affirmation and will then go up and shake hands with or wish the Chair, who will then give the Member permission to take his seat in the House. The Member will pass behind the Chair to the other side of the Table where he will sign the Roll of Members. After signing the Roll of Members, he will take his seat in the House”. ELECTION OF SPEAKER: Election of Speaker will be held on the 24 th February, 2020 at 02.00 P.M. A separate Bulletin Part – II is being issued giving detailed information and procedure in this regard. Notice of Motion for the election of the Speaker can be given before 12.00 Noon on the 22nd February, 2020 in the Notice Branch of the Assembly Secretariat. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR’S ADDRESS: The Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor will address the Legislative Assembly on 25 th February, 2020 at 02.00 P.M. in the Assembly Hall, Old Secretariat, Delhi. Members are requested to be seated at 01.45 P.M. No Quorum Bell will be rung for this purpose NOTE: - CELLULAR PHONE, I-PADS, TABLELTS, LAPTOPS OR OTHER ELECTRONIC GADGETS ETC. MAY KINDLY BE KEPT OUTSIDE THE HOUSE. (C. Velmurugan) Secretary fo/kku lHkk lfpoky; jk’Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= fnYyh lekpkj Hkkx &2 ¼fo/kk;h rFkk vU; ekeyksa ls lacaf/kr lkekU; tkudkjh½ ohjohjohjokj]ohj okj] 202020 QjojhQjojh]] 20] 202020 202020@@@@01]01]01]01] QkYxquQkYxqu]] 1941 ¼”kd½ la[;k&02 jk’Vªh; jkt/kjkt/kkuhkuh {ks= fnYyh dh lkroha fo/kku lHkk ds izFke l= dk izkjaHk ekuuh; lnL;ksa dks lwfpr fd;k tkrk gS fd jk’Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= fnYyh dh lkroha fo/kku lHkk dk izFke l= lkseokjlkseokj]]]] 242424 Qjojh] 2020 dks iwokZg~u 1111----0000 cts ls fo/kku lHkk lHkkxkj] iqjkuk lfpoky;] fnYyh&110054 esa izkjaHk gksxkA igys l= ds nkSjku dk;Z fu"iknu ds fy, fnuksa dk vkcaVu%&vkcaVu%& igys l= esa dk;Z fu"iknu ds fy, fo/kku lHkk dh cSBdsa vLFkk;h rkSj ij fnukad 24] 25 ,oa 26 Qjojh] 2020 ds fy, fu/kkZfjr dh xbZ gSaA 242424 Qjojh] 20202020&& iwokZiwokZiwokZg~uiwokZg~u 111111-11 ---0000 cts 111-1--- uo fuokZfpr lnL;ksa }kjk 'kiFk@izfrKku ¼iwokZg~u 1111----0000 cts½ 222-2--- v/;{k dk fuokZpu ¼vijkg~u 0202----0000 cts½ 252525 Qjojh] 202020202020&& vijkvijkg~ug~u 020202-02 ---0000 cts 111-1--- mijkT;iky dk vfHkHkk"k.k 262626 Qjojh] 2020& vijkg~u 0202----0000 cts 111-1--- mijkT;iky ds vfHkHkk"k.k ij /kU;okn izLrko fo/kku lHkk dh cSBdksa dk le;% Tkc rd fd v/;{k vU;Fkk funsZ”k u nsa] fo/kku lHkk dh cSBdsa mijksDr frfFk;ksa ij gksaxh vkSj rc rd pysaxh tc rd fd ml fnu ds fy;s fu/kkZfjr dk;Z lekIr ugha gks tkrkA x.kiwfrZ dh ?kaVh fu;r le; ls 050505 feuV iwoZ ij ctsxh rkfd lnL; viuk vklu xzg.k dj ldsaA ijUrq mijkT;iky ds vfHkHkk"k.k ds fnu vFkkZr~ 25 Qjojh] 202020202020 dksdksdks x.kiwfrZ dh ?kaVh ugha ctsxhA fuokZpu izek.k&i=% ftu lnL;ksa us vHkh rd fuokZpu izek.k&i= tek ugha djk;s gSa ,oa ;g lwfpr ugha fd;k gS fd os fdl Hkk"kkHkk"kkHkk"kk esa 'kiFk ysaxs ;k izfrKku djsaxs] muls vuqjks/k gS fd os d`Ik;k okafNr lwpuk ;Fkk”kh?kz 24 Qjojh 2020 dks iwokZg~u 1010----3030 cts ls iwoZ lfpo] fo/kku lHkk ds dk;kZy; esa tek djk nsa rkfd bl laca/k esa vko”;d izca/k fd;k tk ldsA igys l= ds fnu lnu esa cSBus dh O;oLFkk% Lknu ds izR;sd ekuuh; lnL; dks fnYyh fo/kku lHkk dh izfØ;k ,oa dk;Z lapkyu fu;eksa ds fu;e&5 ds vuqlkj vLFkk;h :Ik ls LFkku vkcafVr fd;k x;k gSA lnL;ksa dks vLFkk;h :Ik ls vkcafVr LFkkuksa ¼lhVksa½ dh la[;k ds pkVZ ds :Ik esa fooj.k dh ,d izfr layXu gSA 'kiFk ;k izfrKku% jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh {ks= fnYyh dh fo/kku lHkk dh izfØ;k ,oa dk;Z lapkyu fu;eksa ds fu;e&4 ds lkFk ifBr fnYyh jk"Vªh; jkt/kkuh jkT;{ks= 'kklu vf/kfu;e] 1991 dh /kkjk&12 dh vis{kk ds vuqlkj ekuuh; lnL; 242424 Qjojh] 2020 dks iwokZg~u 1111----0000 cts ls fo/kku lHkk lHkkxkj] iqjkuk lfpoky;] fnYyh&54 esa 'kiFk ysaxs vFkok izfrKku djsaxsA tks lnL; 24 Qjojh] 2020 dks 'kiFk ;k izfrKku yssus esa vleFkZ gSa] os ckn esa fo/kku lHkk dh fdlh Hkh cSBd esa lfpo dks 11-00 cts rd lwpuk nsdj 'kiFk ys ldsaxs ;k izfrKku dj ldsaxsA ***^*^^^lfpolfpo }kjk fdlh ekuuh; lnL; dk uke iqdkiqdkjsjs tkus ij] lnL;lnL; vius LFkku ls lfpo dh est ds nkbZa vksj igq¡pasxs] tgka 'kiFk vFkok izfrKku ds s izi=izi= dhdh ,d,d izfrizfr nhnh tk,xhAtk,xhA lnL; v/;{k dh vksj eq¡g djds 'kiFk ysaxs ;k izfrKku djsaxs vkSj mlds ckn v/;{k ds vklu rd vk;saxs] v/;{k ls gkFk feyk;saxs vFkok mudk vfHkoknu djsaxs vkSj v/;{k blds ckn ekuuh; lnL; dksdks lnu esa viuk LFkku xzg.k djus dh vuqefr nsaxsA lnL; v/;{k ds ihNs ls gksdj iVy ds nwljh vksj tk;satk;sxs]axs] ogka og lnL;ksa dh ukekoyh esa gLrk{kj djsaxs vkSj ukekoyh esa gLrk{kj djus ds ckn og viuk vklu xzg.xzg.kk djsaxsA*djsaxsA***** v/;{k dk fuokZpu% v/;{k dk fuokZpu 242424 Qjojh] 2020 dks vijkg~u 0202----0000 cts fd;k tk,xkA v/;{k ds fuokZpu ds laca/k esa foLr`r tkudkjh ,oa izfØ;k lfgr vyx ls lekpkj Hkkx&2 tkjh fd;k tk jgk gSA v/;{k ds fuokZpu ds izLrkoksa dh lwpuk 222222 Qjojh] 202020202020 ds e/;kg~u 121212-12 ---0000 cts ls igys fo/kku lHkk lfpoky; ds lwpuk “kk[kk ¼uksfVl “kk[kk½ esa nh tk ldsxhA mijkT;iky dk vfHkHkk"k.k% mijkT;iky 252525 Qjojh] 2020 dks vijkg~u 0202----0000 cts fo/kku lHkk lfpoky; lHkkxkj] iqjkuk lfpoky;] fnYyh&54 esa lnL;ksa dks lEcksf/kr djsaxsA bl laca/k esa vyx ls lekpkj Hkkx&2 tkjh fd;k tk jgk gSA lnL;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd os viuk vklu vijkg~u 01-45 cts rd xzg.k dj ysaA bl vk”k; gsrq x.kiwfrZ dh ?kaVh ugha ctk;h tk,xhA uksV% lsyqyj Qksu] vkbZ&isM~l] VscysV~l] ysiVkWIl ;k vU; bySDVªksfud midj.k d`i;k lnu ls ckgj gh j[ksaAj[ksaAj[ksaA lhlhlh-lh --- osyeq:xu lfpo Provisional Calendar of First Session of Seventh Legislative Assembly of National Capital Territory of Delhi S.No.

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