Two New Species of Pectis (Asteraceae: Tageteae) from South America David ]. J. Keil Biological Sciences Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, California 93407, U.S.A. [email protected] ABSTRACT. Pectis hassleri and P. pumila are new andandmore morenumerousnumerous thanthan those thoseof of thethe abaxialabaxialsur­sur- species, the former from the Gran Chaco area of face,face, minutelyminutelyciliolateciliolate nearnear thethe base,base, otherwiseotherwise Paraguay and the latter from southwestern Ecuador glabrous.glabrous.CapitulaCapitula long-peduncled,long-peduncled, solitarysolitary oror inin and northwestern Peru. Pectis hassleri differs from open,open, few-headedfew-headedcymes,cymes, ca.ca. 38-38- toto 75-flowered;75-flowered; p.P. odorata by leaves that are glandular-punctate on pedunclespeduncles3-113-11 cmcm long,long,slightly slightlyclavate,clavate, bearingbearing the adaxial as well as the abaxial surfaces, by lon­lon- 33 toto7 7 linear-acuminatelinear-acuminatescale-likescale-like bractletsbractlets 3-63-6 mmmm ger and wider ligules of the ray florets, and by ray longlongor or thethe proximalproximalbractbract largerlarger andand leaflike. leaflike.In­In- pappi of awns and shorter bristles. Pectis pumila volucresvolucrescampanulate;campanulate; phyllariesphyllaries 88 (to(to 10),10), oblan­oblan- differs from the closely related P.R arida by its wider ceolateceolate toto obovate,obovate,6-8.5S8.5 Xx 2-3.52-3.5 mm,mm, broadlybroadly leaves and by its sessile or subsessile capitula with overlapping,overlappingesubacute,subacute, weaklyweakly convex, convex,proximally proximally campanulate involucres and obovate phyllaries. A roundedroundedandand gibbous, gibbous,indurate-keeledindurate-keeled inin thethe prox­prox- 2 hexaploid chromosome count of 2n = 3636111 is newly imalimallh-1/2-2/3, /3, narrowlynarrowlyhyaline-hyaline- oror purple-margined purple-marginedinin reported for P. pumila. thethe proximalproximal213,2/39 denselydensely dotteddottedor or streakedstreakedwithwith Key words: Asteraceae, Compositae, Ecuador, ellipticalellipticaltoto linear linearglands,glands, distallydistally ciliolate.ciliolate. RayRay flo­flo- Paraguay, Pectis, Peru, South America, Tageteae. retsrets88 (to(to10); 10);corollacorolla yellowyellow oror reddening reddeningabaxially,abaxially, 9-109-10 mmmmlong, long,the the tubetube3-3.5 3-3.5 mmmmlong, long,the the liguleligule As part of monographic studies of Pectis L. (As­(As- narrowly ovate,ovate 5.5- mmmm long,long, glabrous.glabrous.DiskDisk teraceae: Tageteae), I have discovered two previ­previ- floretsflorets3030 toto65~ 65; corollacorollayellow,yellow, 4-644 mmlong,long, weak­weak- ously undescribed South American species. lyly 2-lipped,2-lippedeslightlyslightly exceedingexceeding thethe pappus, pappus,thethe tube tube and throat about equal, equal, the abaxialabaxiallip ca.ca. 11 mm Pectis hassleri Keil, sp. nov. TYPE: Paraguay. long.longz2-32-3x X asas longlong asas thethe 44 lobeslobes ofof thethe adaxialadaxial Gran Chaco: Loma Clavel, 23°20'S,23°20'St Nov. lip~lip;anthers anthersca.ca. 22 mmlong~long; stylestyle exselted. exserted.Achenes 1903, E. Hassler 2491 (holotype, G~G; isotypes, 3.5-43.54 mm long,long sparsely appressed-puberulent with BM, F, GH, K, LIL, MICH, MO,M0, NY, P, S, UC, trichomestrichomes0.2-0.4 mm long;long;ray ray pappusofof 22 oror 33 US). stiffstiffawnsawns 2.5-42.54 mmlonglong andand ca. ca. 1010 shortershorterbristles 1-2 mm long; disk pappus of 20 to 30 slender bris­bris- P.R odoratae affinis sed glandibus pellucidis numerosis tlestles 2-5 mmlong. long. Chromosomenumber unknown. inin laminalaminaadaxiali,adaxiali, ligulisligulis flosculorum flosculorumradiorumradiorum longiori­longiori- bus (5.5-6.5(5.54.5 mm vs. 3-43 I mm) et latioribus, et pappis acheniorum radiorum 2-3 aristarum 2.5-42.54 mm longum etet Distribution. Endemic to the Gran Chaco area ca. 1010 setarumsetarumbreviorum versus 30-4030 10setarumsetarum usque adad of Paraguay, this species is represented by only a 7 mm longum didiversa. versa. handful of collections with rather sparse data. I have not been able to determine a precise location Annual or sometimes apparently perennial~perennial; herb­herb- for any of the collections examined. Elevation data age probably scented, but nature of odor unknown. are unavailable. Essentially nothing is known about Stems spreading to erect or ascending, 10-3510-35 cm the ecologyecologvof the species. Known flowering dates long,long, several-branchedseveral-branchedfromfrom nearnear thethe base,base, few­few- range from November to June.June branched above, moderately to denselydenselyleafy, leafy,pur­pur- ple-brown, glabrous oror sparselysparselyto denselydenselypuber­ puber- Relationships. Pectis hassleri is one of the very ulent. Leaves opposite, opposite,lance-linear, oftenoften falcate, falcate, few species of Pectis with glands on the adaxial leaf 2-5 cmcm long,long, 2-424 mm wide, wide, acute,acute, mucronatemucronatetoto surface. In most other species the glands are con­con- bristle-tipped,bristle-tipped7proximallyproximally ciliateciliate withwith2 2 toto 55 pairspairs fined to the abaxial surface of the leaf or to the ofof bristles 2-32-3 mm long, glabrous oror sparselysparselydis­dis- margins. The significance, if any, of these extra tallytallyscaberulous scaberulousonon thethemargins, margins,denselydensely dotteddotted onon glands is unknown. The glands are similar in size both surfaces surfaceswithwith round, round,pellucid glands glands0.1-0.20.1-0.2 and shape to those of the related P. odorata A. H. mmmmdiam.,diam., thethe glands glandsofof the theadaxial adaxialsurfacesurface smallersmaller R. Grisebach and P. substriata H. H. Rusby, both NOVON 12: 471-473.471X73. 2002. 472 Novon of which are strongly scented. Presumably P.R has­has- long,long,the the tubetube 1.5-21.5-2 mmmmlong, long,the the liguleligule slender,slender, sleri is scented as well. 2.5-32.5-3 mmmm long,long, glabrous.glabrous.DiskDisk floretsflorets19 19 toto 25;25; I have named the species in honor of Erich Hass­Hass- corollacorollayellow,yellow, weaklyweakly 2-lipped,2-lipped, glabrous glabrousoror glan­glan- ler, a pioneer in botanical studies of Paraguay. dular-puberulent,dular-puberulent,2.5-3.52.5-3.5 mmmmlong, long,the the tubetube0.8­ 0.8- Hassler recognized the type collection of P.R hassleri 11 mmmmlong,long, the thethroat throat0.6-1.20.S1.2 mmmmlong,long, thethe abaxial abaxial as a distinct taxon and considered it to be a variety liplip 1-1.31-1.3 mmmmlong, long,2-3 2-3xX asas longlongas as thethe4 4 lobeslobesof of of P.F! odorata. He assigned it an unpublished vari­vari- thethe adaxialadaxiallip~lip; anthers anthersca.ca. 11 mmmmlong; long;stylestyle about about etal epithet alluding to broad ligules. asas longlongas as thethe corolla,corolla,included.included. AchenesAchenes 2.7-3.8 2.7-3.8 mmmmlong,long, strigillosestrigillose withwith 2-celled2-celled hairs hairs0.2-0.30.2-0.3 lummm Paratypes. PARAGUAY. Chaco septentrionalis.septentrionaliss Puerto Tolancera, 1907, K. Fiebrig 1330 (G)~(G);Chaco, 21°S long.long.Ray Raypappus pappusofof 11 oror 22 paleaceous-based,paleaceous-based,an­an- lat., 1906, K. Fiebrig 1459 (G,(G, Z); GranChaco, s.d., A. trorselytrorselybarbedbarbed bristlesbristles 2-2.5 2-2.5 mmmm longlong oror some­some- Pride s. S.fl,n. (K); in region crossed by the lower portion of timestimes reducedreducedto to scalesscales 0.50.5 mmmm longlong oror shorter,shorter, the River Pilcomayo, June 1906, T.T RojasRofas257 (BAF.(BAF!BM.BM sometimessometimeswithwith 11 oror 22 additionaladditionalscalesscales betweenbetween G, K, P). thethe bristles.bristles.DiskDisk pappuspappusofof 1515 toto 2525 unequalunequalpa­pa- leaceous-based,leaceous-based.antrorselyantrorsely barbedbarbed bristles bristles 1.5-41.5 1 Pectis pumila D. 1.J. Keil, sp.sp nov. TYPE: Peru. mmmmlong. long.Chromosome Chromosomenumber:number: 2n2n == 3636lr.. Lambayeque: along Pan American Hwy. ca. 30 n km NNW of Piura, 7 km S of Puente Sullana Distribution. Pectis pumila occurs occursonly only inin thethe (over Rio Chira),30 Mar. 1987,1987, D. ].J. Keil etet coastalcoastallowlandslowlands ofof southernsouthernEcuadorEcuador andand northern northern af.al. 19917 (holotype, F; isotypes, ASU, BM, PeruPeruatat 0-250 0-250 m.m.Habitats Habitatsincludeinclude aridarid scrublands,scrublands, CPUN, F, G, GH, HUT, K, MEXU, MO, NY, roadsides,roadsides,andand beaches.beaches.It It oftenoftenoccurs occursin in mixedmixed OBI, OS, RSA, S, TEX, UC, US, USM). populations with the closelyclosely relatedrelatedPectis aridaarida P.R aridae D. J. Keil affinis sed foliis saepe latioribus, and with P. linifoliaIinifoliaL. var. linifolia.Iinifolia. SomeSome herbar­herbar- capitulis sessilibussessilibus vel subsessilibus.subsessilibussinvolucrisinvolucris campan­campan- iumium specimensspecimenshavehave mixedgatherings gatheringsofof P.P. aridaarida ulatis, et phyllariispllyllariisobovatis diversa. and P. pumila.pumil. In beach habitats P. pumila grows grows Erect or diffusely branched~branchede often strongly scent­scent- inin proximitytoto P.P. multiflosculosamultiflCosculosa(DC.)(DC.) C.C. H. ed, tap-rooted annuals. StemsStems 11 to severalseveralfrom the Schultz Bipontinus. base, erect or diffusely spreading, 3-50 cm long.long Relationships. Pectis pumilapalmila is apparently most cymosely branched distally,distally, straw-coloredstraw-colored toto darkdark closelycloselvrelated to P. Ftarida. Both areare much-branched purple-brown, puberulent
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