Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive Theses and Dissertations 1974 History of Mormon Exhibits in World Expositions Gerald Joseph Peterson Brigham Young University - Provo Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd Part of the History Commons, Missions and World Christianity Commons, and the Mormon Studies Commons BYU ScholarsArchive Citation Peterson, Gerald Joseph, "History of Mormon Exhibits in World Expositions" (1974). Theses and Dissertations. 5041. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/5041 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. aloojloo nn HISTORY OF moreonMOMIONMORKON exlEXHIBITSEXI abitsabets IN WELDWRLD expositionsEXPOSI TIMS A thesis presented to the department of church history and doctrine brigham young university in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree master of arts by gerald joseph peterson august 1941974 this thesis by gerald josephjoseph peterson isifc accepted in its pre- sent form by the department of church history and doctrine in the college of religious instruction of brighamBrig hainhalhhajn young university as satis- fyjfyingbyj ng the thesis requirements for the degree of master of arts julyIZJWJL11. 19rh biudiugilgilamQM jwAAIcowan completionemplompl e tion THdatee richardlalial0 committeeCowcomlittee chairman 02v leoerleonrLeonR hartshorn committee membermembery takatfamat berrettbe rretttlepartmentc ii lileAELETAELETABLET OF CONTENTS page introduction 1 chapter 111 1 MORMOKISM1ow011 liisiliism IN WRLD POSITIONSsspositionssvSS 185118 51 1908 0 0 0 0 6 lavlov 2 eomMORmomMORMON TORLD EXHIBITSBITS 0 lonionORLD FAIR khigHI 1909 to 1962 0 0 0 0 30 CHURCH01701air 7 NEW YORK 3 THE CHURC1 AT THE io196464 19651905 WRLDS flireairealrFAIRRAIR 66 Q 4 teeTHETIHE euisMSSIONARYmuisYJIS slonSION A i iyay worWOMWORK AT THE 1964 1965 WORLDS FAIR 96 5 morvionMORMON WRLDS FAIR PAVILIOPAVILIONSN S 1961967 to 1941974 130 sunSUMSUMMARYvIARY SELECTED bibliograpbibliographbibliographyTTY 12172 APPENDIX 16176126 iliilllit introduction A missionary14 CHURCH the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints has pro- claimed since its beginning to be the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth I1 it believes that this worldsi final great gospel dispensation began vithwith a personal appearance of god the father and his1411111s son jesus christ to joseph smith in the springspringy of 1820 it further believes that the lord used joseph as an instrument in translating an ancient scriptural record known as the book of momonmormon and that this book has come forth as a secondseoond witness of the divinity of jesus carlstchrlstchristschristy2 joseph recorded that subsequent to the visitation of the father and the son holy angels niranirhministeredmirasteredestered to him restoringrestorrinp the keys authority and power to act in christs name he further witnessed that the lord established his church or kingdom on earth through divine directiondire tion in 18183018000 O and has since given nanynanymany revelations for its 53 one guidanceguidancesguidance5 ne of these velatrevelatrevelationsrerevelant1ons declared 0 ithethe doctrine and covenants salt lake city the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints 1964 loo1301001 00oo3030. hereafter cited as dac ajoseph2joseph2 joseph smith astry&stryhistory pfof the church ofg ftggfaggjesusgg christchrostsofbofjofof 73 latterlattordayjsaintsdlyadly saint Z ededs B 14PL robetsroberts tsdbsdad2d ed revft altaitsaltsaitS lake city deseretDe sereL book cogo 1956 chapters I1 through VIII hereafter cited asas DHCd11 C dacodad&c 2020 1 2 and the voice of arningwarningwr shall be unto all people by the nouthnmouth of my disciples whom I1 have chosen in thesethose last days indand they shall go forth and none shall stay them for I1 the lord have corncormcormandedconnanconmandedcommandedconmanandedded thentherlthem behold this is mine authority and the authority of nymy servants 10 4 that faith also mihtlihtnihtmi int increase in thetho earth that mineraineeverleverieverlastineverlastingastin covenantcovenacovencint mightmi aht7ht be established nymy c be by that the falnessfulness of gospel lihtnihtmihtrr3ht iorclairriedproclairaedA the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world and before kings and rulers 144 those who are receptive to this voice of warningiarnina and becomebecoine members of the church accept joseph smith as a literallttenaitevalteral prophet of god and regard the revelations given through him in the book nfof 111111ormonmorrnonmorenonornonormononmon as scriptures bindiebindimbinding upon thethenthanm they believebellevebelbeileveloveiovethey are under solemn obligation to stand as witness of oodgod at all times and 5 in all things and in all places and that it becomethbecomeconethth every man who hath been warned to walmvarnwarn his neighbor dacd&c 8881 this belief has led to the philosophy in the mornmormonmormon church that emryevery member is a missionary rthathwith the responsibility to teach the gospel by example and word fannfbrmallyformallyfbnn y the church has an extensive missionary program which involves the full and parttimepart time services of literally tens of thousands of individuals throughout the world 60 in order to fulfill its missionary connitcommitmentment monismmormonismeioeloMio has constantly been faced with the challenge of offensivelynonoffensivelynon contacting the public and pre- senting its message to them these contacts have been made through hg 23492319 dacadm4dmd&c 1114614P 464.66 212321231921234921 23 athe5the book of mormon salt lake city the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints iga1964 moslahmosiah18918 9 hereafter cited as al ebruce6brucebruce R me conkie kormonmormon doctrine salt lake city Bookebookcraftraftnaft 1966s1966 pop 509 3 various methods including doortodoordoor to door proselyting public lectures street interviewsAnterviews and meetings referrals from friends etc it is primarily throucthrouchthroughh personalperson 1 I contact by the churchs fomaifornaiformal missionaries that most of the converts to kormonismeorKorYormormonismyormonismmonism are made joseph smith cautioned the missionaries of his time let the elders be exceedingly careful about unnecessarily disturbing and harrowing up the feelings of the people remember that your business is to preach the gospel in all humility and meekness and warn sinners to repent and come to christ avoid contentions and vainvalndisiodisioutesdisputesutes wibwi4withth viennenmennigndignof corrupt minds who do riotnot desire to know the truth remeribelmeriberremember that it is a day of barninwarninwarningwanningT and not a day of many words if they receive not your testimony in one place fleefloe to another remembering to cast no reflerefieroflereflectionsctionsctchionsionslonsnor throw out ananimanyir bitter sayings if you do your duty it will be just as well with you as though all men embraced the gospel7gospelgospels 7 one of the most successuccessfulsAil proselyting efforts of recent years has been the mormon exhibits at world expositions beginning with the 1964651964 65 newnowmew york 1orldoridworld t s fair more than fourteen million people have been exposed to the restored gospel of christ through this means from the standpoint of number of people influenced compared to number of missionary manhoursman hours expended there has been no greater success 80 experienced by the church than in recent world fafair1r involvements 0 teetlletiieTHETITE NATURENATURE 0OFF THE SrudyTUDYSTUDY the 1purpose1papurmoseurpose of this study is to present a history of mormon exhibits in world expositions and to offer evidence regarding the philosophy importance and value of the churchchurchs participation in d11cHC itI1 468 8statementstatement by eldereiderladereader bernard P brockbank assistant to the quorum of tutwelveelveeiveapostles of the church of jesus christ of latterlatterdayday saints personal interview june 1972 4 these activities the research has significance in that it makes more accessible an accounting of past accomplishments askascas future expositions are contemplated it also has value as an initial history of this important axaareaanea of church involverinvolvementrientzient finally there seenseemseensseemss to be a certain uniqueness in the success komonsmormons have experienced in their world fair participations that would warrant scholarly consideration this thesis attempts to search out and entifyiJidentify the source and extent of that success an investigation of related research and professional literature reveals that little has been written outside of news and periodical articles concerninclconcerningconcernincl church exposition activities reports and public accounting of the exhibits for the last four decades are available and have been included in this work A few unpublished writings such as mission reports university term papers etc have been scrutinized for information on various fairs A very productive and insightful source has been the private collections and personal interviews of those who have had actactiveive responsibilities forooror bhethetche church at world fairs the areas of church public relations and participations in local statestateistated or national exhibits have not beenboenboon included except as they relate
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