
Abbreviations AA Auswärtiges Amt [Federal Ministry for AP II Protocol Additional to the Geneva Foreign Affairs, Germany] Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating AC alternate current to the Protection of Victims of Non- AC Arctic Council International Armed Conflicts ACF Australian Conservation Foundation APA ASEAN People’s Assembly ACHAP African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Programme APFA Accés à la Propriété Fonciére Agricole ACIA Arctic Climate Impact Assessment [Access to Agricultural Land] ACP Africa – Caribbean – Pacific API American Petroleum Institute ACS Association of Caribbean States APN Asia Pacific Network for Global Change ACTS African Centre for Technology Studies Research AD anno domini [after Christ] APPRA Asian-Pacific Peace Research Association ADB Asian Development Bank APR Asia-Pacific Roundtable ADHR Arctic Human Development Report APROFEM Association pour la Promotion de la Femme ADL Amu Darya Lowlands et de l’Enfant au Mali [Association for the Promotion of Women and Children in ADM Archer Daniels Midland Mali] AEW aerial early warning APWLD Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and AFD Agence Française de Développement Development AfDB African Development Bank AR4 Fourth Assessment Report (of IPCC in AFES-PRESS Peace Research and European Security 2007) Studies (international scientific NGO) ARF ASEAN Regional Forum AFREGS Armed Forces Regression Study ARIJ Applied Research Institute of Jerusalem AGOA Africa Growth and Opportunity Act ARW Advanced Research Workshops AI Amnesty International ASALA Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of AIAS African Institute for Agrarian Studies Armenia AIDS Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations AIOC Azerbaijan International Operating ASI Advanced Study Institutes (of NATO) Company ASPO Association for the Study of Peak Oil ALBA Alternativa Bolivariana para los Pueblos de ASS Africa Sub-Saharan Nuestra América (Bolivarian Alternative for ATTAC Association for the Taxation of Financial the Americas) Transactions to Aid Citizens ALIDES Alianza para un Desarrollo Sostenible AU African Union [Alliance for Sustainable Development] AWEO Alternative World Energy Outlook ALOS Advanced Land Observing Satellite (of JAXA) AWW African Water Week AltSEAN Alternative ASEAN Network AZ Arizona (USA) AMAP Arctic Monitoring Assessment Programme Bbillion AMCEN African Ministerial Conference on the B.C. Before Christ Environment b/d barrels/day ANAT Agence Nationale d’Aménagement du BAR basins at risk Territoire [National Agency for Territorial Management] BASA Amazon Bank (in Brazil) ANN Agence Nationale pour la Conservation de BAU business as usual la Nature [National Agency for Nature BBC British Broadcasting Company Conservation] BBC (conceptual work on vulnerability by) 2004 ANWR Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Bogardi/Birkmann ( ) and Cardona 1999/2001 AOA Agreement on Agriculture ( ) 1 159 AOSIS Association of Small Island States bbl barrel ( barrel = litres) AOYE Arab Office for Youth and Environment BC before Christ AP I Protocol Additional to the Geneva BCE before Christian era Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating bcm billion cubic metres to the Protection of Victims of BCPR Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery International Armed Conflicts (UNDP) 1334 Abbreviations Bd billion dollars CAMRE Council of Arab Ministers Responsible for BEAC Barents-Euro-Arctic Council the Environment BEAR Barents-Euro-Arctic Region CAPCO Central African Power Corporation BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und CAR Central African Republic Rohstoffe [German Federal Agency for CARE CARE International Geosciences and Raw Material] cat category BIG/CC Biomass Integrated Gasification/Combined CBCP Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Cycle Philippines BIISS Bangladesh Institute of International and CBD United Nations Convention on Biological Strategic Studies Diversity BIOMASS proposed P-band radar mission (of ESA) CBI Caribbean Basin Initiative BMBF Bundesministerium f’ür Bildung und CBO community based organization Forschung [German Ministry for Education CBR crude birth rate and Research] CBSS Council of the Baltic Sea States BMU Bundesministerium f’ür Umwelt, CCAMLR Convention on the Conservation of Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit Antarctic Marine Living Resources [German Federal Ministry on the CCC conventions, carbon cycle science and Environment, Nature Conservation and conservation of the environment Nuclear Safety] CCGA Chicago Council on Global Affairs BMZ Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche CCMS NATO Committee on the Challenges of Zusammenarbeit [German Federal Ministry Modern Society for Development Cooperation] CD UN Conference on Disarmament (in bn billion (in US and increasingly in the UK) Geneva) or a thousand million: 109 CDA Canada BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand CDC US Centers for Disease Control and boe barrel oil equivalent Prevention BOO built, own, operate CDM Clean Development Mechanism BOS Borneo Orang-Utan Survival Foundation CDR crude death rate BOTA Boru Hatlar ile Petrol Tama Anonim irketi CE Christian era (Petroleum Pipeline Corporation), Turkey CE Central Eurasia BP British Petroleum company CEDARE Centre for Environment & Development BP before present for the Arab Region and Europe yBP years before present CEEAC Communauté Economique des Etats de BPOA Barbados Plan of Action l’Afrique Centrale [Economic Community BPS Bureau of Statistics (in Indonesia) of Central African States] BSC Black Sea Commission CEF Country Environment Profile BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy CEG Contact Expert Group BSEC Black Sea Economic Co-operation CEN Comite Européen de Normalisation Bt bacillus Thuringensis CENAPRED Centro Nacional de Prevencion de BTC Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline Desastres [National Centre for Disaster BTU British thermal unit Prevention in Mexico] BUIS Basin Irrigation Systems Management CENTCOM U.S. Central Command Authority (in Uzbekistan) CEO Chief Executive Officer BVO Basseynoe Vodnoe Ob’edinenie [River CEP Caspian Environment Programme Basin Authority of Syr Darya and of Amu CEPAL Comisión Económica para América Latina y Darya] el Caribe [Economic Commission for Latin BWO Basin Water Organization (in Central Asia) America and the Caribbean] CERES Centre for European Energy Strategy C degree Celsius (Brussels) CA Central America CERI Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches CA Central Asia Internationales (Paris) CACILM Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land CERM Co-ordinated Emergency Response Management Measures (of the IEA) CACM Central American Common Market CERT Citizen Emergency Response Training CAEC Central Asian Economic Community CESR Centre for Economic and Social Rights CAFTA Central American Free Trade Agreement CEWARN Conflict Early Warning and Response CAIS Central American Integration System Mechanism cal BP calendar years before present (calibrated CF Conceptual Framework dating) Abbreviations 1335 CFA Communauté Financière Africaine [African CP Conflict Prevention (office of UNDP) Financial Community] CPCC Canadian Peacebuilding Coordinating CFB Circulating Fluidized Bed Committee CFR Council on Foreign Relations (New York) CPDC Network on Conflict, Peace and CFSP Common Foreign and Security Policy (of Development Co-operation the EU) CPIA Country Policy and Institutional Assessment CGI Clinton Global Initiative CPR Chantier Populaire de Reboisement CHGA Commission on HIV/AIDS and [Peoples' Reforestation Sites] Governance in Africa CPV concentrator photovoltaic CHP Combined Heat and Power generation CR Caspian Region CHS Commission on Human Security CRED Centre de Recherche en Epidémiologie des CIA Central Intelligence Agency Désastres (Centre for Research on the CICAD Comisión Interamericana para el Control Epidemiology of Disasters), Université del Abuso de Drogas [Inter-American Drug Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium Abuse Control Commission] CRHC Comprehensive Reproductive Health in CIDA Canadian International Development Crises Agency CRIC Committee for the Review of the CIE Comité Inter-Etats [Inter-State Committee Implementation (of UNCCD) of the riparian states of the Senegal River] CRIM Center for Multidisciplinary Studies (of CIFP Country Indicators for Foreign Policy UNAM, in Mexico) CIFTA Convención Interamericana contra la CRSE Commission de Régulation du Secteur de Fabricación y el Tráfico Ilícitos de Armas l’Electricité [Electricity Sector Regulation de Fuego, Municiones, Explosivas y Otros Commission] Materiales Relacionados [Inter-American CRU/UEA Climate Research Unit; University of East Convention against the Illicit Anglia (in UK) Manufacturing of and Trafficking in CSCAP Council for Security Cooperation in Asia- Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Pacific other Related Materials] CSD (United Nations) Commission on CILSS Comité Permanent Inter Etats de Lutte Sustainable Development Contre la Sécheresse au Sahel [Permanent CSEC commercial sexual exploitation of children Interstate Committee on Drought Control CSIR Council for Scientific and Industrial in the Sahel] Research CIMI Indian Missionary Council CSIS Center for Strategic and International CIR Indian Council of Roraima Studies (Washington, D.C., USA) CIS Commonwealth of Independent States CSLP Cadre Stratégique de Lutte Contre la CITES Convention on International Trade in Pauvreté Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and CSN National Security Council (Brasil) Flora CSP Country Strategy Paper CLOC Consejo Latinoamericano de CSP Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Organizaciones
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