Chronology of Key Titles in Science Fiction and Developments in Science c.80 Plutarch, Peri tou prosôpou c.100 Antonius Diogenes, Ta huper Thulên c.170 Lucian, Alêthês Historia 1516 Thomas More, Utopia 1543 Copernicus, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium c.1600 Johannes Kepler’s Somnium written (not published until 1634) 1622 Giovan Battista Marino, L’Adone 1638 William Godwin, The Man in the Moone John Wilkins, The Discovery of a World in the Moone 1644 René Descartes, Principia Philosophiae 1657 Savinien de Cyrano de Bergerac, L’Autre Monde ou les Etats et Empires de la lune (Voyage dans la lune) 1656 Athanasius Kircher, Iter exstaticum coeleste 1659 Jacques Guttin, Epigone, histoire du siècle futur 1665 Robert Hooke, Micrographia 1685 Isaac Newton, ‘De Motu Corporum’ 1686 Bernard de Fontenelle, Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes 1687 Isaac Newton, Principia Mathematica 1690 Gabriel Daniel, Voyage du Monde de Descartes 1698 Christiaan Huygens, Cosmotheoros 1726 Jonathan Swift, Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World (Gulliver’s Travels) 1730 Voltaire’s Micromégas (published 1750) 1737 Thomas Gray, ‘Luna habitabilis’ 1741 Ludvig Holberg, Nikolai Klimi iter subterraneum 1750 Robert Paltock, The Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins 1765 Marie-Anne de Roumier, Les Voyages de Milord Ceton dans les sept planettes 1771 Louis Sébastien Mercier, L’An deux mille quatre cent quarante 1781 Nicolas-Edme Restif de la Bretonne, La découverte australe par un homme volant 1798 Thomas Malthus, An Essay on the Principle of Population, as it Affects the Future Improvement of Society 1805 Jean-Baptiste Francois Xavier Cousin de Grainville, Le dernierhomme 1813 Willem Bilderdijk, Kort verhaal van eene aanmerklijke luchtreis ennieuwe planeetontdekking 1816 Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffman, Der Sandmann 1818 Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus 1820 Adam Seaborn, Symzonia: a Voyage of Discovery 1826 Mary Shelley, The Last Man 1827 Jane Loudon, The Mummy! A Tale of the Twenty-Second Century 1830–33 Charles Lyell, Principles of Geology 1834 Félix Bodin, Le Roman de l’avenir 1835 Edgar Allan Poe, ‘The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall’ 1849 Edgar Allan Poe, Eureka: a Prose Poem 1858 Fitz-James O’Brien, ‘The Diamond Lens’ 346 Chronology of Key Titles and Developments 347 1859 Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection 1863 Nikolai Chernyshevsky, Chto delat? 1864 Jules Verne, Voyage au centre de la terre 1865 Jules Verne, De la terre à la lune Achille Eyraud, Voyage à Vénus 1868 Edward S. Ellis, The Steam Man of the Prairies 1869 Jules Verne, Autour de la lune Jules Verne, Vingt mille lieues sous les mers 1871 Edward Bulwer-Lytton, The Coming Race George Tomkyns Chesney, The Battle of Dorking 1872 Camille Flammarion, Récits de l’infini 1874 Jules Verne, L’Île mystérieuse 1880 Percy Greg, Across the Zodiac: the Story of a Wrecked Record 1882 Albert Robida, Le vingtième siècle: Roman d’une parisienne d’après-demain 1884 Edwin Abbott, Flatland: a Romance of Many Dimensions Mathias Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, L’Eve future 1887 Albert Robida, La Guerre au vingtième siècle 1888 Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward 2000–1887 1891 William Morris, News from Nowhere, or An Epoch of Rest 1893–94 Camille Flammarion, La Fin du monde 1895 H. G. Wells, The Time Machine 1896 H. G. Wells, The Island of Doctor Moreau 1897 H. G. Wells, The Invisible Man, Kurd Lasswitz, Auf Zwei Planeten 1898 Garrett P. Serviss, Edison’s Conquest of Mars H. G. Wells, The War of the Worlds 1901 H. G. Wells, Anticipations H. G. Wells, The First Men in the Moon 1902 Georges Méliès’ film Le Voyage dans la lune 1904 H. G. Wells, The Food of the Gods and How it came to Earth 1905 H. G. Wells, A Modern Utopia 1906 H. G. Wells, In the Days of the Comet 1908–11 165 Dime Novels appear in Germany under the general title Der Luftpirat und Sein Lunkbares Luftschiff 1909 Filippo Marinetti, Il manifesto del futurismo 1911–12 Hugo Gernsback, Ralph 124C 41ϩ: A Romance of the Year 2660 1912 Edgar Rice Burroughs, Under the Moons of Mars (published in book form as A Princess of Mars, 1917) 1915 Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Herland 1920 Yevgeny Zamiatin, We David Lindsay, A Voyage to Arcturus Gustav Holst, The Planets Suite 1921 Karel Caˆ pek, R.U.R 1923 René Clair’s film Paris qui dort 1926 First issue of Gernsback’s Amazing Stories: the Magazine of Scientifiction Fritz Lang’s film Metropolis 1928 First publication of E. E. ‘Doc’ Smith’s The Skylark of Space 1930 Olaf Stapledon, Last and First Men First issue of Astounding Stories of Super-Science 1931 James Whale’s film version of Frankenstein 1932 Aldous Huxley, Brave New World 1933 Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Schoedsack’s film King Kong 1936 William Cameron Menzies’ film version of Things to Come Frederick Stephani’s 13-episode film series Flash Gordon 1937 Olaf Stapledon, Star Maker Katherine Burdekin, Swastika Night 348 The History of Science Fiction 1938 C. S. Lewis, Out of the Silent Planet Jerry Siegel and artist Joe Shuster’s ‘Superman’ character first appears in Action Comics Orson Welles’ radio adaptation of War of the Worlds John W. Campbell becomes editor of Astounding 1940 ‘Captain Marvel’ first appears in Whiz Comics Robert Heinlein, ‘The Roads Must Roll’ 1941 Isaac Asimov, ‘Nightfall’ 1943 René Barjavel, Ravage 1946 Hermann Kasack, Die Stadt hinter dem Strom A. E. Van Vogt, Slan 1947 Kenneth Arnold reports seeing a UFO flying above Washington State 1949 George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-four 1950 Jack Vance, The Dying Earth Ray Bradbury, The Martian Chronicles Irving Pichel’s film Destination Moon 1951 A. E. Van Vogt, The Weapon Shops of Isher John Wyndham, The Day of the Triffids Robert Wise’s film The Day the Earth Stood Still 1953 Arthur C. Clarke, Childhood’s End Arthur C. Clarke, ‘The Nine Billion Names of God’ Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 Nigel Kneale’s TV drama The Quatermass Experiment 1954 Isaac Asimov, The Caves of Steel Inoshiro Honda’s film Gojira 1956 Alfred Bester, Tiger! Tiger! Fred McLeod Wilcox’s film Forbidden Planet Don Siegel’s film Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1957 Ernst Jünger’s Gläserne Bienen John Wyndham, The Midwich Cuckoos 1958 James Blish, A Case of Conscience 1959 Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers Walter Miller, A Canticle for Leibowitz 1960 George Pal’s film of The Time Machine 1961 Robert Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land Stanislaw Lem, Solaris 1962 Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko’s Spider-Man first appears Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange Brian Aldiss, Hothouse La Jetée (‘The Jetty’) (dir. Chris Marker) Barbarella (dir. Jean-Claude-Forest) 1963 Pierre Boule, La Planète des singes (‘The Planet of Apes’) Dr Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (dir. Stanley Kubrick) First episode of Doctor Who broadcast 1965 Philip K. Dick, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Frank Herbert, Dune Sun Ran, The Heliocentric Worlds of Sun Ra, Volume One 1966 Harry Harrison, Make Room! Make Room! J. G. Ballard, The Crystal World John Barth, Giles Goat Boy 1966–69 First series of TV’s Star Trek 1967 Samuel Delany, The Einstein Intersection Harlan Ellison, Dangerous Visions (anthology) 1968 Michael Moorcock, The Final Programme (first of the Jerry Cornelius novels) Chronology of Key Titles and Developments 349 Planet of the Apes (dir. Franklin J. Schaffner) Philip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 2001: A Space Odyssey (dir. Stanley Kubrick) Keith Roberts, Pavane 1969 Philip K. Dick, Ubik David Bowie’s hit single ‘Space Oddity’ Jack Vance, Emphyrio Ursula Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness 1970 Larry Niven, Ringworld 1971 Tangerine Dream, Alpha Centauri 1972 Robert Silverberg, Dying Inside 1973 Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow Brian Aldiss, Billion Year Spree: the History of Science Fiction 1974 Ursula Le Guin, The Dispossessed: An Ambiguous Utopia 1975 Samuel Delany, Dhalgren Joanna Russ, The Female Man James Tiptree Jr, Warm Worlds and Otherwise 1977 Arkady Strugatski and Boris Strugatski, Piknik na obochine (‘Picnic by the Roadside’) Star Wars (dir. George Lucas) Close Encounters of the Third Kind (dir. Steven Spielberg) Hansruedi Giger, H. R. Giger’s Necronomicon 1978 Space Invaders (designed by Toshihiro Nishikado) First radio series of The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams Jeff Wayne’s pop-opera version of War of the Worlds Kraftwerk, Die Mensch-Machine 1979 Alien (dir. Ridley Scott) Mad Max (dir. George Miller) 1980 Russell Hoban, Riddley Walker Gene Wolfe, The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories 1980–83 Gene Wolfe, The Book of the New Sun 1981 ELO, Time 1982 Tron (dir. Steven Lisberger) E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (dir. Steven Spielberg) Blade Runner (dir. Ridley Scott) Brian Aldiss, Helliconia Spring 1984 William Gibson, Neuromancer Terminator (dir. James Cameron) 1985 Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale Orson Scott Card, Ender’s Game 1986–87 Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ graphic novel Watchmen 1987 Iain Banks, Consider Phlebas Octavia Butler, Dawn (first book of the Xenogenesis trilogy) RoboCop (dir. Paul Verhoeven) 1988 Sheri Tepper, The Gate to Women’s Country Akira (dir. Katsuhiro Ôtomo) 1989 Dan Simmons, Hyperion Sheri Tepper, Grass 1991 Gwyneth Jones, White Queen Masamune Shirow’s graphic novel Kokaku Kidotai (‘Ghost in the Shell’) 1992–95 Kim Stanley Robinson’s ‘Mars’ trilogy (Red Mars, 1992; Green Mars,1993; and Blue Mars, 1995) 350 The History of Science Fiction 1993–2002 Chris Carter’s TV serial The X-Files 1994 Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash 1996 David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest Paul McAuley, Fairyland 1997 Greg Egan, Diaspora 1998 Michel Houllebeq, Les Particules élémentaires (‘The Elementary Particles’, translated into English as ‘Atomised’) 1999 Ken McLeod, The Cassini Division The Matrix (dir.
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