DOCUMENT RESUME ED 045 242 PC 004 P76 TT7T,E A guile to Books on Recreation, Fourteenth Annual Edition-1071. TNSTTTDTION National Recreation anA Park Association, Washington, 1.C. ?U8 DATE /0 NOTE 56o. AVAT1ABLF FECM Publications Center, National Recreation & Dark Association, 1/00 Pennsylvania Avenue, 4.W., qashinaton, n.c. 20006 (51.00) FDPS PRICE ERRS Price 4F-40.2') VC -f2. °0 DESCRIPTORS Administration, txt Fxnression, *Booklists, Camrina, *!'coloay, Games, Eohbiep, leisure Time, *Physical Fitness, *Recreation, *Peoreational Activities ABSTRACT Brief descriptions of Pfo books and macaTines are presented in this hooklist which represents the hest hooks available in the park, recreation, and conservation field. It is noted that textbooks and Professional aids are available for recreation Professionals, while laymen can find books to satisfy any number of leisure-time interests. Also listed are PEI technical manuals for the park and recreation Professional designed to provide expert data or specific problems and projects, new manapPment techriaues and resources, and ur-to-date references to source materials. A ti'le index is provided. (.I1) A GUIDE TO 00 '11I" der"^NN on recreation U OtANWINT Ofmt MAK,tOuCATION yFEtPAUt WKS OP 1115ut1iw011 IN* 0000NIWT WI HO IIIIPADvtiD ITLACTty PIttret0 MIN TNT PINSON ON ONGANg M1011 OINC-INATINO T OOS OF Wt* ON (*mods S1AFt0 00 NOT PARIS SON?, IlitITISTNI °MCA? OF ICE Of IOU c A tot osIvoir op Paley FOURTEENTH ANNUAL EDITION -1971 $1.00 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION INUODUCTION 2 The 1971 GUIDE TO BOOKS ON RECREATION is I. ARTS & CRAFTS. HOBBIES 3 different in many ways from preceding years, and A. Painting, Drawing, Sculpture & yet it is the same in its fundamental approachto Techniques 3 present the best books currently available in the B. Woodworking, Leather, Needlepoint, Sewing & Crafts 4 park, recreation and conservation field. The range of titles in this FOURTEENTH ANNUAL EDITION is C. Films, Film - making & Photography 7 D. Model-making, Collecting & Other broader than ever before because the current na- Hobbles 8 tional concern over our environmental quality is greater than ever before. II. DRAMA, PUPPETRY, STORYTELLING & MAGIC 9 You will find many new titles in our Ecology section, Books of plays, skits, stunts for any gather- ing: on make-up, costumes, staging. a more-than-representative sampling of the best Riddles, Jokes, games, stories, and magic. works in a most complex field. The recreation pro- fessional will find a greater selection of textbooks GAMES 12 and professional aids. The layman should find books From board games to card games to games of know:edgefor every occasion. to satisfy any number of interests, from film-making to our National Parks, from baseball to the crisis of IV. SOCIAL RECREATION 14 the environment. Parties, banquets, picnics, club projects every tart of activity for varied groups. This year, our Book Center is making every effort to V. HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES AND LORE 15 stock all books listed in the Guide. 1 he result will Stories and verse, Christmas plays, and be speedier service and more effective processing books about holidays around the world. of orders. To help us, we ask that prepayment ac- company all orders. Organizations wishing to place VI. MUSIC AND DANCE 16 orders for more than $10.00 may be billed, but post- for children and teachers. Howto-play books. Songs from all nations. Folk & me and a 500 handling charge must then be added. modern dance. This edition of the only descriptive bibliography in VII. SPORTS, ATHLETICS & PHYSICAL FITNESS 18 itsfield supercedes allprevious ones.Prices, of A. Health, Fitness & Hygiene 18 course, are subject to change without notice. We B. Organized and individual Sports 18 have made every effort to make the Guide the most C. Gymnastics, Stunts, & Self-Defense 21 informative i.nd convenient means of letting you D. Winter & Water Sports, Horsemanship and Outdoor Sports 22 know about the finest books relating to all aspects of our field. And, as a special service, all books VIII. ECOLOGY, NATURE & SCIENCE 25 listed in the 1971 Guide are available to members A. Ecology 2S at substantial savings. B. Animals 27 C. Plants 30 Sal I. Prezfoso, D. Science 31 President IX. CAMPING, TRAVEL. & PLACES 32 Ann Purcell, A. Parks, Cities, Special Areas 32 Editorial Assistant R. Camping & Outdoors 36 "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED X. AREAS, FACILITIES & EQUIPMENT 39 Sy National Recreation Xl. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 40 ...azuLkork AssoM117317- A. Administration & Organization 40 TO INK AND 016ANIUTIONS MATING 8. History & Trends 41 URDU AGREEMENTS WITH THE U.S. OFFICE Of C Leadership Activities 42 EDUCATION. FURTHER REPRODUCTION OUTSIDE O. Special, Retarded, Handicapped, Ill, rot ERIC SYSTEM RfOUIRES PERMISSION Of & Aged 43 THE COPYRIGHT OMN." CopEyristst1970 E. Psychology, Philosophy, Essays 44 by the XII. SPECIALIZED INTEREST, GIFT 110013 45 National Recreation and Park Association, X111. SUBSCRIPTIONS. SPECIAL NRPA PUSLICA Printed in the USA T1ONS 47 Prices listed, effective as of jut), 31,1970 XIV. ADDENDA 4$ we subject to publishers' changes. KM USE CODE MAILERS WHEN ORDERING ME MANAGEMENT AIO S111ES 46 INDEX 49 A GUIDE TO BOOKS ON RECREATION I. ARTS and CRAFTS. HOED the slniplest actions of the artists are ex- mouths, wrinkles andfacialexpressions; fT shows how to suggest movement and the -L.:pIaihed with care and clarity and the illus- A. Painting, Drawing, Sculptin trations are of the quality one would ex- folds and creases In clothing. Each section's and Techniques pect of a practicing London artist The col- hints and advice are fully illustrated to help or charts have subtly devised to instruct the beginner inhis absorbing study of (1) THE HOLIDAY PAINTER by I. Martin and allow the novice to conduct meaning- drawing people. Illus. $3.25 Barbaz. This book is for the amateur. It is ful experiments in shadings, etc. Illus. $5.95 NRPA Members: $2.95 afact that most beginning artists paint NRPA Members: $5.40 without knowing the most elementary rules (13) YOUR BOOK OF ANIMAL DRAWING of painting. The Intention of the author Is (7) THE BEG'NNERS BOOK OF OIL PAINT- by Cyril Cowell. A well-written book with to save the beginner from vain fumblings ING by Adrian Hill. An informative, well- a fresh approach to drawing domestic and and' tedious research. Illus. $4.95 written introductiontothe basictech- farm animals and the wildlife of the coun NRPA Members: $4.50 niques of oil paintings. It is a valuable ref- tryside. Shows how to make rapid sketches erence for selecting equipment as well as and finished studies. Descriptions of the ani- (2) ARTIST'S HANDBOOK OF MATERIALS helpful in the application of principles of mals' appearance, construction and habits AND TECHNIQUES by Ralph Mayer. This perspective and composition. Illus. $3.95 are also included. Mu' $3.25 definitive reference work has been corn- NRPA Members: $3.60 NR PA Members: $2.95 plr..tely updated, expanded and reset to en- compass the new art movements and aes- (8) SUMI-E: SELF-TAUGHT by Kobel Aida. 114) LET YOUR PENCIL SPEAK by Walt thetic directions of the 1960's. An entire Written by one oflapan's best-known Trag. For the art student and amateur ar- chapter has been added on synthetic resins, sumi-e painters, this book makes use of tist, showing in both word and drawing luminescent pigments, and other new ma- paintings and photographs, diagrams and method', how to represent objects and terials, with notes on new print-making thoroughgoing explanations to enable the nature in pencil drawings by the nationally trends, collage and rubbings. More than student who knows nothing about sumi e syndicated cartoonist. Suns with the sim- ever, it is an Indispensable aid to working to master its fundarneots-so that he may plest strokes and perspective and takes the artists. Illus. $8.95 find a v' cle new world of delight trans- student through composition and the effects NRPA Members: $8.10 forming almost any subject he sees Into a of changes of season. A practical book for sumi-e composition. Illus. $2.95 anyone w'shIng to give expression to his (3) ART GUIDE by Carve) Lee. In four sec- NRPA Members: $2.70 creative sense. Illus. $3.68Paper $2.50 tions-a simplified art course and fouada- NRPA Members: $3.30 $2.25 tion; mediums to express art; visual aids (9) COMPLETE SUMI-E TECHNIQUES by that apply this knowledge to numerous sub- Sadami Yamada. Suml -e is a form of paint- (15) THE ART OF DRAWING by Willy jects; and art prc jects. $4.98 ing in which sumi (Chinese ink) is applied Pogany. Teaches the fundamentals of a NRPA Members: $4.50 to absorbent white paper. This book con- fascinating art In a simple yet instructive tains directions for painting over 200 ex- manner; with a complete anatomical de- (4) PAINT NOW, LEARN LATER by Guy R. amples, including flowers, trees, animals, scription of the body and hundreds of Williams. Many who would like to create etc.It also features over 40 examples of sketches. lessons In sequence. Illus.$7.50 pictures and patterns find themselves inhib- works by the author. Anyone, beginner or NRPA Members: $6,75 ited because they don't know the "rules." specialist, can easily master sumi-e tech- Forget id advises Guy Williams, a painter niques if he will follow the outline in this (16) SUMI-E, An Introduction to Ink Paint- and teacher of wide experience, who knows book. Illus. $7.00 ing by Nanae Momiyama. Sumi-e, or "ink- how tofoster confidence while leading NRPA Members: $633 painting," has gained such renown that the student from simple to more difficult accomplishments. This original manual of artists of many countries have adopted its (10) THE LIVELY ART OF INK PAINTING techniques which create a simple, beauti- the author's own methods always keeps in by Ryozo Ogura.
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