Relevé épidém. hebd. ) 1964, 39, 277-288 N“ 24 Wkly Epidem. Rec. | ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION GEN ÈVE GENEVA RELEVÉ ÉPIDÉMIOLOGIQUE HEBDOMADAIRE WEEKLY EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RECORD Notiflcations et informations se rapportant à l’application Notifications under and information on the application of the du Règlement sanitaire international et notes relatives à la International Sanitary Regulations and notes on current incidence fréquence de certaines maladies of certain diseases Service de ta Quarantaine internationale International Quarantine Service Adresse télégraphique: EPIDNATIONS, GENÈVE Telegraphic address: BPmNATIONS. GENÈVE 12 JUIN 1964 39» ANNÉE — 39“' YEAR 12 JUNE 1964 MALADIES QUARANTENAIRES — QUARANTINABLE DISEASES Territoires infectés an 11 Juin 1964 — Infected areas as on 11 June 1964 Notifications reçues aux termes du Riglement sanitaire international Notificationa received under the International Sanitary Regulations relating concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou les territoires où la présence to infected local areas and to areas in which the presence of quarantinable de maladies quarantenaires a été signalée (voir page 22S). diseases was reported (see page 225). ■ = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de l’article 3 à la a = Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été notifiée Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notified aux termes des articles 4, S et 9 a): under Articles 4,5 and 9 (a): A = pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A = during the period indicated under the heading of eadi disease; B K antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; B = prior to the period indicated under the heading of each disease; * territoires nouvellement infectés. * — newly infected areas. PESTE — PLAGVE ÉTATS-UNIS D ’AMÉRIQUE CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Andhra Pradesh, State UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Chittoor, District .... ■ 29.H 24.V-U.VI 24.V-n.VI California Cuddappa^ District . a 10.VIII.63 San Mateo, County Gontur, District .... ■ 31.Xn.59 Asia — Alia t C o h n a ........................... a 26. V Hyderabad, District. ■ 7.H.63 Afrique — Airiei Karimnagar, District • . ■ 13.H PÉROU — PERU BIRMANIE — BURMA Medak, District .... ■ 2 8 .m Nellore. District . ■ 13.H Plura, Dep. Akyab (PA) Nizamabad, District . ■ 5.XH.63 CONGO (Léopoldville) Huancabamba, Province (excl. airport) .... a 10.Vm.63 Visakhapatnam, District. ■ 5.V.63 Bassein ( P ) ...................... A 30.V West Godavari, District . ■ 27.Xn.59 Kivu, Province Huancahamba, District. B 11.IV Moulmcin(P).................. ■ 20.DC.63 Nori^Kivu, District Rangoon (PA) (excl. air­ Assam, State Lutero, Terr.................... B 22.IV Asie — Asia port) ........................... a 4.VI.63 Sibsagar, District . ■ 18.IV Orientale, Province INDE — INDIA Arakan, Division Bihar, State KIball-Iturl, District Andhra Pradesh, State Akyab, District............... a 20.1X.63 Bhagalpor, District . ■ 3.vm.63 Djiigu, T err.................... B 4.V Chittoor, District .... a 1 7 .V in .6 3 Sandoway, District . A 30.V Darbbanga, District . ■ 8.rv Muzaffaipur, District . ■ 9.V.61 Madras, State Pegu, Division Fatna, District............... ■ 20.V.63 Salem, D iitrict................ Pumea, District .... ■ 23.XI.63 SUD.OUEST AFRICAIN a 30.V .62 eHantbawaddy, District. A 6.VI SOUTH-WEST AFRICA SantaJ Parganas, District. ■ 3.VIII.63 Mysore, State Tenassertm, Division Shahabad, District . ■ 7.K.63 Ovamboland, District . B 2 4 .in Kolar, D istrict................ a n .v n .6i Amherst, District .... A 6.VI Kerala, State VIET-NAM, RÉP. DU «Thatôn, D.: Thatôn . A 6.VI Trivandrum, District . ■ 5.X.63 VIET-NAM, REP. OF Amérique — America Karen, Stale .... a 20.IX.63 Madhya Pradesh, State D a la K A )....................... A 6.VI «Bilaspur, District .... ■ 27.V Nhatrang (PA )............... A 6.VI CAMBODGE — CAMBODIA Raigarh, District .... ■ 29.V BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Saigon (PA exclus) . A 6.VI Khanh-Hoa, Province Phnom-Penh (PA). a 6.IV Madras, State Ahgeas, State Kratié, Province .... a 2S.IV Chingleput, Distria . ■ 30.X1.63 Camlam, District .... A 30.V ■ 14.1X.63 Quebrangulo, Dep. B 31.ID Dien-Khanh, District . , Coimbatore, District . B23.V Kanyakumari, Distria . ■ 28.IX.63 Vanninh, District .... B 23.V HONG KONG............... a 30.IV > 25.X.62 Vinbxuong, District . , A 6.VI North Arcot, District . ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Ramanathapuram, Lam~Dong, Province INDE — IN D U IM strict....................... ■ 26.X.63 Manabi, Province South Arcot, District . ■ 31.1.63 • Baoloc, District .... A 6.VI «Bombay (PA)................... a 5.VI ■ io.vni.63 Porlovlejo, Canton «Dilinh, District............... A 6.VI Tanjore, Distria .... Calcutu (PA) • ............... a 17.m.56 Tinmelveli, Discria . , . ■ IO.Vin.63 Poitoviejo, P a r r ..................■ l.Xn.62 Tây-Ninh, Province K a rik a l(P )................... a 14.DC.63 Tiruchitapalli (A) .... a 21.XII.63 Phuocninh, District . A30.V Maharashtra, State Sucre, Canton Ahmednagar, District « . ■ l.vn.63 Bihia de Caraquez, Parr. B 29.11 Tuyen-Duc, Province ‘ A l’exclusion de la circonscription de Akola, D istrict............... B 2 8 .ra Qiarapoto, Parr......... a lJCn.62 Donduong, District . A 6.VI l’aéroport de Dum-Dum. — Excluding Amraoti, District .... ■ 14.V San Vicente, Parr. a 1XII.62 Ductrong, District . A 6.VI local area of Dum Dum airport Aurangabad, Distria . • i8.m - 278 - Bhir, District................... ■ 19.X.63 Pampanga, Province . ■ 9.V COLOMBIE — COLOMBI K DAHOMEY Buldhana. District . B 14.m Rizal, Prov. (excl. Manila Caldas, Dep. Centre Dép. East Khandesh, District . • 13.Vn.63 (A ))............................... ■ 6.vn.63 Abomey, Cire, méd. Koîaba, District .... a 27.V La Nor^sia, M................ B s.m A 19.V Rizal, Prov, : Caloocan . ■ 13.vn.63 Save, Cire, méd................ B28.IV Nagpur, District .... « 14.V Mindanao, Group Putumayo, Comisaria Nasik, D istrict............... B 1 2 .n i Puerto Asis, M................. B 27.XH ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA a 21.V.57 Osmanabad, District. a 2 1 .n i Lanao del Sui, Province . ■ 2.V Parbhani, District . B 29 .n * Zamboanga del Norte, GABON Prov............................... ■ 16.V Santander, Dep, .Ratnagiri, District. a 3.VI Puerto Wilches, M. B 22.1 N ’Gonnié, Région . A23.V Satara North, District . a 16.X n.63 * Zamboanga del Norte, Ogooné-Maritime, Région A16.V Satara South, District . a 16.V Prov.: Dapitan .... ■ 16.V Ogooué-Moyen, Région . A23.V * Thana, District............... A 30.V PÉROU — PERU Wardha, District .... ■ 12.V THAÏLANDE — THAILAND Huanuco, Dep, GHANA West Khandesh, District. ■ 3 .n i Bangkok (excl. PA) . A 6.VI Huamalies, Province Eastern Seghm * Yeotmal, District .... ■ 25.V Chiangrai, Province . B 16.V Monzon, District .... A is .m New luabeng. Distria . a 15.1V Mysore, State Nakhon Ratchsima, Pro­ Northern Région Belgaum, District .... B 2.V vince ........................... A 30.V Leancio Prado, Province Gonia, D istrict................ a 27.IV Bijapur, District .... ■ 24.UI Nontburi, Province . B23.V Damaso Baraun, District A 5.V Phitsnulok, Province . A 30.V José Crespo y Castillo, D. A 3.V GUINÉE — GUINEA Chltaldrug, District . « 25.V B23.V Dharwar, District . ■ 5.111 Phuket, Province .... Padre Luyando, District . A 8.IV Boffa, R é g io n ............... A23.V Hassan, District .... ■ 27.V Rayong, Province. B 23.V Rupa-Rupa, District. A 12.IV Pria, Région................... B 9.V Samut Prakan, Province . ■ 24.VII.63 Kolar, District............... ■ l.V JuTun, Dep. Télimélé, Région .... A23.V Mandya, District .... a 21.1V Sukhotbai, Province . B23.V * Raiebur, District .... B 2.V Uttaradit, Province . B23.V Jaufa, Prov, KENYA Tumkur, District .... a 2 2 .n Satipo, D .......................... A 19.V Central R ^ion VIET-NAM, RÉP. DU Orissa, State VIET-NAM, REP. OF Tarma, Prov. Nairobi (excl. airport) A23.V Kiambu, Distria .... A23.V Balasoie, District . a l.Xn.61 Danang (Tourane) (F) . A 30.V * San Ramon, District . B 31.1 Cuttack, District . a 8.11.58 Nhatrang (PA) .... A 6.VI Eastern Region . B 2.V Ganjam, District . a 30.V11.62 Saigon (PA) (aéroport ex­ VENEZUELA Njmnza, Region . A23.V « Koraput, District . B 9.V clu) ............................... A 6.VI Puri, D istrict................... a 14.m Bolivar, State Kisii, D is tr ic t................ A23.V Ba-Xuyen, Province . A 6.VI North Nyanza, Distria . A23.V Sundergarh, District . a 29.U Binh-Long, Province . A30.V Caroni, District .... B i7.n Rift Valley, RegUm . A 30.V Tripura, Territory , . a 25.V.59 Binh-Thuan, Prov.: A 6.VI P h an th iet................... B23.V Kericho, D istiia .... A23.V Uttar Pradesh, State Binh-Tuy, Prov.: VARIOLE — SMALLPOX Laikipia, District . , A30.V Banaras (Varanasi), Hannan, D ................... A30.V • Western, Region . B25.IV D istric t....................... a 20.V Darlac, Province .... A 30.V lO.V-ll.VI Basti, D is tric t............... a 12.XI.63 Dinh-Tuong, Province. A 6.VI LIBÉRU — LIBERIA . a 15.m.SI Lucknow, District . a 27.XI.63 Afrique — Africa Gocong, Province . A 6.VI MALI IVest Bengal, State Khanh-Hoa, Prov.: Gao, Région Burdwan, District. a 6.n.58 Dien-Khanh, D. A 6.VI AFRIQUE DU SUD Hooghly, District . a 3.in .6 3 Ninh-Hoa, D................ A 6.VI SOUTH AFRICA Gao, Cercle ................... A17.V Howrah, District . « . ■ 9 .in .6 2 Phulani D..................... A30.V Port Elizabeth (P) . A 13.V Goundam, Cercle. A10.V Malda, District............... a 2.XI.63 Vinhxuong, D............... A 6.VI Tombouctou, Cercle . A 10.V Midnapur, District . ■ 10.vm.63 Long-An, Province . B23.V Cape, Province Kayes, Région Murshidabad, District . a 24.ni.63 Ninh-Thuan, Province . A 6.VI Albany, District .... B 2.IV * Bafoulabé, Cercle. A24.V Nadia, D istrict............... a 7.UI.63 Quang-Nam, Province . A 6.VI Alexandria, District . B 2.IV Kita, Cercle................... AI7.V 24-Parganas, District . a 25.U.63 Quang-Ngai, Province . A 6.VI Humansdorp, District . B 7.IV Qnang-Tri, Province . A30.V Fort Elizabeth, Distria . B 7.IV Mopti, Région INDONÉSIE — INDONESIA Tây-Ninh, Province .
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