Jewels... M T: 9:30~5:30 F: 9:30~2 S: 11 4 4058 J T W (514) 875-4800 Weddings Etc. M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS B2 [ WEDDINGS ETC... ] MAY 21, 2015 My big fat out of the ordinary wedding MY ARIL N LaZAR table unwieldy and we eschewed the for- SPECIAL TO THE CJN mality. We opted for a “family table”, pos- itioned in the centre of the room, not raised, isclaimer: this story is not about but delineated only by string lights above my wedding at all, but actually my and giant candelabra trees below. This made Ddaughter’s. And therein lie two im- us accessible to as many guests as possible. portant messages: The table was square which enabled us to Allow the bride and groom to express see, communicate and enjoy each other their own vision for the day – it is their wed- more easily than a traditional long table ding, after all. with families organized on either side of Also, it’s just a day. The marriage will fol- the bride and groom. Another option which low, and on its tail, your lifelong relation- circumvents crowding together a non-hom- ship with your new extended family. ogenous group is the sweetheart table. Although it is cumbersome and time con- Both sets of parents agreed to walk down suming, it is better to over-communicate the aisle and speak at the podium together, than to risk leaving somebody out of the symbolizing that although no longer mar- fold. Consult and involve your team as much ried, we were still a team as far as their kids as possible and hit “reply all” every time. were concerned. As mother-of-the-bride (henceforth re- Much of the beauty and success was ferred to as MOB), I was entrusted with unique to our circumstances. Is there a translating my daughter’s fairytale vision teachable nugget here? In summary, I’ll say into a real-life wedding. In addition to this: I did a lot of preparation beforehand venue, band and décor, there were some ex- to eliminate as many potential pitfalls as tenuating circumstances to consider - read possible. I considered my own needs, but diplomatic minefield. Individual though tion rather than the rule, our plan entailed nil to glatt. Serious illness cast shadow and weighed them against everybody else’s. I those circumstances may be, I believe there some especially challenging circumstances. doubt on the timing and proceedings. Yet stated my case, but only when necessary. are lessons to be gleaned for future brides, Both the bride’s and the groom’s parents are somehow, we all sat happily together at the And then, I opened my heart to the mo- grooms and POCs (parents of couples). divorced. One is remarried with new, grown head table. ment, and the love poured in. Although traditional weddings and nucle- stepchildren to consider for the bridal party Only it was not a head table. Sometimes out of the ordinary can lead to ar families are quickly becoming the excep- and seating. Levels of kashrut ranged from Our numbers would have made a head extraordinary. n FRANCE B PRONUPTIA Since 1967 ONLY FRANCE B. PRONUPTIA Will exceed your expectations with the glamour, elegance and style featured in its exclusive 2015 collection, which is sure to thrill you with its charm. SPECIAL OFFER SAVE 15 % on your accessories with the purchase of a regularly priced bridal gown. fbp 6832, rue St-Hubert Montréal www.pronuptiacanada.com 514.273.3334 THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS M MAY 21, 2015 [ WEDDINGS ETC... ] B3 M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS B4 [ WEDDINGS ETC... ] MAY 21, 2015 Koenig offers multicultural take on cuisine ELAINE COHEN from different sources. Furthermore, she A series of photographs serve as a boon SUPPLEMENTS CO-ORDINATOR notes basic equipment needed to run an to cooks trying to shape hamantashen efficient kitchen. Even veteran chefs will and challah. Challah with Sauteed Leeks ward winning author Leah benefit from tips and notes placed at the and Basic Challah suffice on their own but Koenig’s new cookbook Modern beginning and throughout the book. topped with Supremely Creamy Hummus, A Jewish Cooking: Recipes and Cus- The author presents 11 chapters de- Matbucha and Chopped Liver offer the ul- toms for Today’s Kitchen is a welcome voted to breakfast choices; salads and timate in palate pleasers. addition to every home. spreads; soups; vegetables; noodles, mat- Koenig‘s dairy-free, gluten-free Or- Her first cookbook, The Hadassah Everyday zah, grains, and beans; fish, chicken and ange-Glazed Cornmeal Cake is enriched Cookbook: Daily Meals for the Contempor- meat; vegetarian mains; breads and pas- with nuts and fresh citrus zest and ary Jewish Kitchen was cited for excellence. tries; cookies, cakes and other sweets; fill- juice. For those seeking exotic, easy-to Koenig, who resides in New York with ings and extras, and the holidays. assemble desserts, check out Koenig’s Ta- her husband, Yoshie Fruchter, and their Moreover, she considers the time- hini, Roasted Fig, and Pistachio Sundaes baby, Max, is an active member of the crunch at breakfast. Homemade apple and/or Maple-Cardamom Roasted Pears. RAINCOAST BOOKS IN CANADA PHOTO Jewish community. Her articles have ap- and honey granola is perfect for week- peared in national publications. days mornings, whereas orange-scented Cognizant of sophisticated culinary cheese blintzes win out for family fare Rosemary Roasted Garlic heads tightly in their foil and place in a tastes, Koenig researched, tested and pre- on weekends. Chicken is ubiquitous, yet For Challah small baking dish. sented a wide range of recipes. Her text is chefs continuously seek colourful, tangy Roast until the cloves are very soft enhanced with Sang An’s photographs. variations. Moroccan Chicken with Pre- ❏ 4 heads garlic, unpeeled, tops and lightly browned, 35 to 45 minutes. The hardcover book, distributed by served Lemons and Rosemary-Maple trimmed to expose cloves Remove from the oven and let cool to Raincoast Books in Canada, is especially Roast Chicken exemplify the lineup of ❏ 4 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil the touch. Serve whole heads of garlic suited for newlyweds seeking recipes that delectable dinner-time dishes. ❏ 2 sprigs fresh rosemary alongside challah and instruct your embrace multi-ethnic culinary trends in “For many people,” Koenig says, “brisket guests to squeeze out the soft cloves keeping with Jewish tradition. is the Proustian madeleine of Jewish cook- Preheat oven to 400. Place each head and spread them on their bread. Store, The recipes are easy to follow because ing....” Although people may be attached of garlic on a square of aluminum foil. covered, in the refrigerator for up to two Koenig clarifies each orderly step. Further- to bubbie’s brisket, Koenig takes pride in a Drizzle each with 1 tsp. olive oil and days. Let it come to room temperature more, ingredients are accessible. The au- version rooted in Rome’s Jewish commun- sprinkle the rosemary leaves evenly before using. Yield for two loaves of thor elaborates on Ashkenazi, Sephardi ity. Red Wine and Honey Brisket serves as among the four heads. Wrap the garlic challah. ■ and Mizrahi Jewry. She relates anecdotes her “nod” to stracotto. THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS M MAY 21, 2015 [ WEDDINGS ETC... ] B5 M THE CANADIAN JEWISH NEWS B6 [ WEDDINGS ETC... ] MAY 21, 2015 Bar/bat mitzvah program features trip to Israel ELAINE COHEN SUPPLEMENTS CO-ORDINATOR hether the life cycle event re- volves around a couple getting W married or an adolescent being called up for a bar/bat mitzvah, Rabbi Boruch Perton, spiritual leader at Con- gregation Beth Zion, customizes the cere- mony and auspicious occasion to comple- ment the celebrant’s personality, strengths and interests. “There is always room for individualism as long as it is kept within the framework of Jewish law and tradition,” Rabbi Perton says. He recalls a sentimental wedding ceremony in which the groom serenaded the bride under the chupah. Rabbi Perton is currently focused on Rabbi Boruch Perton implements innovative an innovative bar/bat mitzvah project at bar/bat mitzvah program at Congregation Congregation Beth Zion, which includes a Beth Zion. PHOTO COURTESY OF CONGREGATION free group trip to Israel. BETH ZION Seated in his study at Congregation Beth Zion, an Orthodox synagogue in Cote St. One recent participant had no prior Ju- Luc, Rabbi Perton relates what sparked daic background or knowledge of Hebrew this exciting bar/bat mitzvah program and but she was keen on learning. “I met with action packed trip to Israel. “Our aim at her and discussed the program and now Beth Zion is to reach out to the entire Jew- she reads Hebrew, and volunteers at the ish community throughout greater Mont- Friendship Circle once a week. She also real and welcome everyone, regardless of volunteered to clip off her hair and donate their level of observance,” he says. it for Locks of Love to furnish wigs for can- Sharing Rabbi Perton’s desire to attract cer survivors. a broader demographic, an anonymous “When called up, she will lead a special donor offered a generous incentive. Chil- service and deliver a speech about the sig- dren enrolled in Congregation Beth Zion’s nificance of her bat mitzvah.” bar/bat mitzvah program are eligible for a The rabbi says that many boys and girls free trip to Israel in July 2016. Parents are attend Jewish day schools and are well invited, and they receive a partial subsidy. versed in Hebrew and Judaic studies. They, Participants called up for bar/bat mitz- in turn, are enlightened with a stimulating vah services Saturday mornings between program.
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