PORT DIRECTORY 2013 Portdirectory 2012 Portdirectory 12/3/12 1:41 PM Page 5

PORT DIRECTORY 2013 Portdirectory 2012 Portdirectory 12/3/12 1:41 PM Page 5

PortDirectory2012_COVERS_PortDir Cover 11/30/12 10:30 AM Page 991 PORT DIREC2013 TORY The official directory of the Port of New Orleans P.O. Box 60046, New Orleans, LA 70160 | 800.776.6652 | www.portno.com PortDirectory2012_COVERS_PortDir Cover 11/30/12 10:30 AM Page 992 PortDirectory_2012_PortDirectory 11/30/12 9:45 AM Page 1 FLEET STRENGTH After over 120 years of assisting vessels on the Mississippi River, we have more experience in more situations than anyone on the river. And we pass that experience on to our Captains every day - Captains who have been with Bisso for an average of over 24 years. Now, heading into our third century of operation, Bisso continues to invest in the best tugs for every possible job. Over the last 15 years, we’ve spent over $30 million on eight new tugs, including the first Z-drive tractor tug built on the lower Mississippi. And we will be adding our fourth Z-drive tractor tug in 2011. Today, we offer clients more security, maneuverability and horsepower with the largest fleet of twin screw, triple screw and tractor tugs on the Mississippi. This means we can send fewer tugs to do your jobs at a better overall price. So next time you’re looking for an assist on the Mississippi River, go with Bisso. AGENTS IN: BERGEN | LONDON | TOKYO | PUSAN Mailing address: P.O. Box 4250 • New Orleans LA 70178 Office: 13959 River Road • Luling LA 70070 504.861.1411 (24 hours) • fax: 504.861.3545 • www.bissotowing.com PortDirectory_2012_PortDirectory 11/30/12 9:45 AM Page 2 BEST EQUIPMENT, BEST CREWS, BEST SERVICE UNPARALLELED GUARANTEE LEADERS OF THE PACK E.N. BISSO & SON, INC. 3939 N. CAUSEWAY BOULEVARD • SUITE 401 • METAIRIE, LA 70002 Phone: 504 828-3296 • Fax: 504 831-6701 • 24 hour 504 861-1303 Web: www.enbisso.com PortDirectory_2012_PortDirectory 11/30/12 10:50 AM Page 3 Always AccountableTM • BlastBlast ffrfreezingreeziinng toto 0o F withinwitthhiinn 2244 hourshours • Short/LongSShhortt///LLonngg HaulHHaaul ContainerCCoonttaainer drayagedraayyaagge • TransportationTTrransspporttaattiion byby TruckTTrruck and/orandd///oor RailRail • TransloadingTTrransllooaddiing ofof refrigeratedreefffrriiggeratteed andand drydrryy cargocarrggo betweenbettwween containerscontainers andand trucksttrrucks • RefrigeratedReefffrriiggerated breakbulkbreakbullkk PORT OF vesselvessel loading/unloadingllooaddiingg///uunloadinngg • USDAUUSSSDDDAA exporteexxxpport certification,certtiiiffification, NNOCS,OCCSSS,, a 1126-year26--yyear ooldlldd NNeNewew OOrleansrleans NEW ORLEANS stampingstammpping aandnd labelingllaabelliing hheadquarteredeadquartteered ccompany,ommppannyyy,, iiss tththehe ppremierremier DIRECTORY • Staging,Staagginnggg,, sorting,sorttiingg,, shrinkshrink llogisticsooggistics pproviderrovider sspspecializingpecialliizing iinn iimportmmpport wrappingwraapppppiinng andand orderorder aassemblyssembllyy aandnd eexexportxxpport sservices.ervices. OOpOperatingperatiinng ffrfromrom ffofourour 2013 • DomesticDomesttiic DistributionDiissttrriibbuttiion andand kkeyeeyy pportort ffafacilitiesacilliittiieess oonn tththehe ssoutheastoutthheast re-deliveryre-delliiverryy servicesservices sseaboardeaboard aandnd GGulfullff ooff MMeMexico,eexxico, NNONOCSOCCSS iiss • DocksideDocksiddee wwarehousingareehhousiinng pproudroud ttoo ddebuteebbut iitsttss nnewest,ewestt,, 1142,00042,000 ssq.ft.q..fffttt.. • ApprovedAAppppproved ffoforor PPoPoultryoullttrryy aandnd BeefBeeeff exporteexxxpport ffafacilityacilliittyy aatt HHeHenryeennrryy CClClayllaaayy AAvenuevenue iininsidenside tththehe toto RussiaRussia andand Mexico.MMeeexxico. PPoPortort ooff NNeNewew OOrleans.rleans. 504-944-4400504-944-4400 Contents www.nocs.comwww.nocs.com Contact:Contact: JimJim HHendersonenderson Administration . 7 [email protected]@nocs.com Contact Us: Staff Directory . 9 Port of New Orleans Facts . 12 Foriegn Trade Zone . 14 Industrial Real Estate . 17 Investing in Infrastructure . 18 Port of New Orleans Carriers . 20 Passenger Vessels . 24 Intermodal Connections . 26 Facilities . 29 Listings . 45 Maps Inland River System . 26 Rail Routes . 27 Uptown River Cargo Terminals . 29 Downtown Terminals . 36 Inner Harbor Cargo Facilities . 41 WWW.PORTNO.COM 3 PortDirectory_2012_PortDirectory 11/30/12 10:50 AM Page 4 THE LARGEST TERMINAL OPERATOR AND STEVEDORE IN THE UNITED STATES 5901 Terminal Drive New Orleans, Louisiana 70115 Phone: 504.894.6300 www.PortsAmerica.com 4 PORT DIRECTORY 2013 PortDirectory_2012_PortDirectory 12/3/12 1:41 PM Page 5 BAR PILOTS FOR THE PORT PUBLISHED BY: OF NEW ORLEANS New Orleans Publishing Group 3445 North Causeway Blvd., Ste. 901 Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 834-9292 PUBLISHER Lisa Blossman ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES FOR CUSTOM PUBLISHING AND INDUSTRY REPORTS Coco Evans Judd and Jaclyn Meith CUSTOM PUBLISHING EDITOR Christian Moises Safety. Economy. Environment. ART DIRECTOR Lisa Finnan 3813 N. Causeway Blvd. • Suite 100 PRODUCTION MANAGER Metairie, LA 70002 • (504) 831-6615 Julie Bernard www.barpilot.com PRE-PRESS MANAGER WHATWHAATT WEWE DODO Shelley Costa ForFor overover 2525 years,years, BoassoBoasso AmericaAmerica hashas ledled thethe U.S.U.S. marketmarket inin providingproviding innovativeinnovative DepotDepot & transportationtransportation servicesservices toto anan ever-growingever-growing 2020 ISOISO TankTank ContainerContainer industry.industry. AnAn AmericanAmerican ART AND PRODUCTION ChemistryChemistry CouncilCouncil “Partner“Partner member,”member,” oofferingffering a fullfull aarrayrray ofof COORDINATOR resourcesresources inin allall TerminalTerminal locations,locations, wewe remainremain dedicateddedicated toto providingproviding thethe ultimateultimate customercustomer serviceservice CombiningCombining devoteddevoted Samantha Chaisson staffstaff withwith thethe vastvast knowledgeknowledge andand experienceexperience sincesince openingopening ourour doorsdoors inin 1985…Boasso1985…Boasso AmericaAmerica deliversdelivers a worldworld classclass serviceservice www.boassoamerica.comwww.boassoamerica.com packagepackage whichwhich willwill addadd valuevalue toto anyany chemicalchemical supplysupply chain.chain. A QQualityuality Distribution,Distribution, IInc.nc. CCompanyompany DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Gina Brignac TRANSPORTATIONTRANSPORTTAAATTION SERVICESSERVICES WeWe offeroffer locallocal andand longlong haulhaul truckingtrucking withinwithin thethe 4848 contiguouscontiguous NationwideNationwide coveragecoverage RECEPTIONIST U.s.U.s. OurOur networknetwork operatesoperates aroundaround thethe clockclock toto meetmeet allall youyou PremiumPremium InsuranceInsurance PProtectionrotection Marilyn Miller importimport & exportexport needsneeds –from–from productionproduction schedulesschedules toto vesselvessel DriverDriver TrainingTraining programsprograms departures.departures. OurOur reputationreputation forfor safety,safety, latelate modelmodel tractors,tractors, a StrictStrict RegulatoryRegulatory CComplianceompliance largelarge specializedspecialized chassischassis fleet,fleet, comprehensivecomprehensive driverdriver trainingtraining ChassisChassis RentalRental CIRCULATION MANAGER programs,programs, stringentstringent regulatoryregulatory ccompliance,ompliance, aandnd premiumpremium BrokerageBrokerage DivisionDivision ddbaba MTYMTY EExpressxpress insuranceinsurance protectionprotection allall combinecombine toto minimizeminimize youryour logisticslogistics risk.risk. Joseph Owens DEPOTDEPOT SERVICESSERVICES CCleaningleaning HHeatingeating OurOur state-of-the-artstate-of-the-art terminalsterminals areare strategicallystrategically spreadspread IInspectionnspection LLoadedoaded SStoragetorage throughoutthroughout thethe U.S.U.S. inin orderorder toto facilitatefacilitate timelytimely EEmptympty SStoragetorage TTestingesting turn-aroundturn-around ofof thethe stricteststrictest ISOISO (International(International OrganizationOrganization RRepairepair MModificationodification forfor Standardization)Standardization) tanktank ContainerContainer requirements.requirements. RRefurbishmentefurbishment CONTAINERCONTAINER SALESSALES DIVISIONDIVISION CORPORATECORPORAATTE OFFICEOFFICE NEWNEW ORLEANSORLEANS CHICAGOCHICAGO JACKSONVILLEJACKSONVILLE NEWARKNEWWAARK The entire contents of this program are copyrighted by NOPG, LLC, 2012, PH:PH: 504.279.8544504.279.8544 PH:PH: 773.821.4120773.821.4120 PH:PH: 904.475.0336904.475.0336 PH:PH: 973.589.0905973.589.0905 with all rights reserved. Reproduction or use, without permission, of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited. FAX:FAX: 504.277.0113504.277.0113 FAX:FAX: 773.821.4126773.821.4126 FAX:FAX: 904.475.0338904.475.0338 FAX:FAX: 973.589.3043973.589.3043 CHARLESTONCHARLESTON DETROITDETROIT HOUSTONHOUSTON SAVANNAHSAAVVVAANNAH PH:PH: 843.534.2500843.534.2500 PH:PH: 313.841.2927313.841.2927 PH:PH: 281.452.1140281.452.1140 PH:PH: 912.966.1337912.966.1337 FAX:FAX: 843.534.2900843.534.2900 FAX:FAX: 313.841.3102313.841.3102 FAX:FAX: 281.452.2050281.452.2050 FAX:FAX: 912.966.1604912.966.1604 WWW.PORTNO.COM 5 PortDirectory_2012_PortDirectory 11/30/12 9:45 AM Page 6 Our rails cover 20,000 miles. Our people go the extra mile. At Norfolk Southern we’re constantly looking for ways to increase effi ciencies for the ports and shippers we serve. Whether it’s something simple like getting to know you and your business better or forging comprehensive public-private partnerships to improve rail infrastructure. We handle everything from containers to cars. But it’s how we handle them that makes all the difference. Visit nscorp.com, call 757-823-5348, or email [email protected] for more

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