1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 11157 Balchunas, George Ada·m, 9259A. James M:. Russ Thomas R. Thompson Leocadia A. Chlebow-June Pikutis . Buskey, Paul Gordon, 9260A. Gilbert D. Saul Merle G. Wicker .. ska Margaret E. ·Redd . Schweiger, Walter John, Jr., 9261A. ·Kenneth A. Schechter David M. Wilson Evelyn P. Mitchell Ruth E. Robertson. Zink, Harry Johns, 9262A. Thomas B. Smiley, Jr. Jerry "D" Wolfe LIEUTENANT (JUNIOR GRADE) Perkins, Lytle Ray, 9263A. Lester R. Smith Glenn w. Yearous . Adams, George Marvin, 9264A. David S. Stephenson Edmund k , Zahn Ruth H. Styron Erben, James Betros, 9265A. Stephen D. Stevning COAST AND GEODETIC . SURVEY Spencer, Charles Flavius, 9266A. The following named (naval ROTC) · to be Subject to qualifications . provided by law, Arcuri, Michael Joseph, 9267A. ensigns in the Navy, in lieu of ensigns in the the following-named employees of the Coast Neal, John Robert, 9268A. Navy as previously nominated and . con­ Williams, Ruth Lamar, 21279W. and Geodetic Survey for per:µial,lent appoint­ firmed, to correct date of rank from June 5, ment to the grade indicated: Mirock, George Casimir, 9269A. 1951, to June 1, 1951: Godley, Lawrence Ely, 9270A. To be commissioned captain Nichols, Willard Albert, 9271A. Allen E. Alman William G. McCormick Thomas _B. Reed, effective July 1, 1951. Agan, Charles Kieth, 9272A. Jack H. Anderson Theodore K. McCourry T arbet, Dale Fife, 9273A. Charles E. Axthelm Bruce R. McCullough To be commissioned lieutenant (junior Past, Sheldon Joseph, 9274A. Carlos P. Baker, Jr. · Edwin A. McLean grade) Mecke, Harold Jose:ph, 9275A. Arthur F. Barns Richard 0. McNe:r-ney ·Dewey G. ~ushford, effective October 8, I, Bolt, Jones Edward, 9276A. John B. Bierman Charles D. Mendenhall 1951. Cox, Richard Gordon, 9277A. Robert T . Billington Russell H. Miles, Jr. To be commissioned ensigns Robert W. Blodgett Forrest A. Miller Robinson, Lillian Tombacher, 21281W. Earl E. Ellis, effective December 11, 1951. Weniger, Robert Lee, Jr., 9278A. Elmer A. Bloomquist.Albert C. Mitcheli Jr. · Lawrence G. Mische .Marion M. Cottrell, effeetive December 11, Noel, William Honree, 9280A. 1,951. Clocksin, Albert Julius, 9281A." Robert R. Boone J:tmes W. Murray Robert L. Boonstra Loren A. Norden Donald L. Campbell, effective December 15, Cole, Louis Biddle, 9282A. 1951. Bruce, Robert Eugene, 9283A. Loren C . .Borgwardt William H. Payne Daniel M. Branigan Clifford L. Peacock · Albert J. Ramey, effective December 18, Johnston, Robert Rex, 9284A. 1951. Callahan, Walter, .9285A. Donald H. Burger Thomas J. Peterson, Kane, Harold Edwin, 9286A. Donald E. Chelew Jr. Robert M. Borst, effective December 25, Kerr, Kenneth James, 9287A. Charles L. Cotter Joh,n H. Peterson 1951. Green, Norman Eldon, 9288A. Frank· S. Dennis Robert L. Pfeiff · Joshua N. Chopy, effective December 25, Peck, George Staniey, 9289A. Roland S. Dick, Jr. Richard E. Powell 1951. Spear, Sid Franklin, 9290A. Thomas J. Dix9n Richard K. Pulling John F . Vance, Jr., effective December 25, Shiner, Byron David, 9291A. Gerald W. Fauth, Jr. Tom M. Reese 1951. Iverson, Richard Junius, 9292A. Gilbert R. Fornatora Arthur G. 0. Roe Robert T. Koopman, effective December 28, Andre, Louis Edward, Jr., 9293.A. Kenneth Fox Roger L. Rosback 1951. .Strong, Mary ~elene, 21282W. Thomas . C. Fuller James A. R"'lse Robert C. Munson, effective January 9, Anderson, William Landis, 9294A. Paul C. Gaertner, Jr. Maurice T. Ross 1952. Nollkamper, James Louis, 9295A. Frank U. Garrard IIIWilliam E. Ross Howland S. Foote, effective January _9, Pasero, Bernard Ben, 9296A. · Robert J. Gibbons Paul D. Saylor, Jr. 1952.' Bergum, Lester Norman, 9297A. Elmer W. Gielow Robert L. Sheppard, Vartges Engustian, effective January 9, Lowell, Marlan Edwin, 9298A. Charles H. Golden · Jr. · 1952'. I. Robert Gray Claude R. Stamey, Jr. Cummings, Earl William, 9299A. N. Lawrence E,. Whitney, effective January 1.0, Hannah, George Lafayette, Jr., 9300A. Arthur S. Grenell Rodney L. Stewart 1952 . Bradley, Jack Tarelton, '9301:A. Jack T. Hamilton Harry M. Sumner Thompson, Shirley Boyd, 9302A. William A. Henshaw James L. Thwing Gerard E. Haraden, effective January 10, Emory, Frank Norman, 9304A. Lacy B. Herrmann Mark E. Trivison 1952. Basel, George Phillip, 9305A. Arthur F. Hooper Russell W. VanDore, Wood, Jim Henry, 9306A. Robert E. Hodgson, Jr Jr. Winn, Chasteen Guy, Jr., 9307A. Albert M. Hunt Donnell Van Noppen, Austin, Orlo Lorraine, 9308A. Raymond D. Johnson · Jr. SENATE Oglesby, Herbert Wills, 9309A. Joseph A. Juhlin, Jr.Marvin P. Watkins Butler, Richard David, 9310A. Robert C. Jung Clarence L. Watson WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER Byers, Vic L., Jr., 9311A. Donald L. Keach Donald E. ·weant 12, 1951 Behrens, l.:Jton Augus·t, 9312A. Lawrence C. Lander IIIHerbert H. Weidensaul · English, Peter Franklin, 9313A. · James C. LandkamerLeonard T. We\nsteiri <Legislative day .of Tuesday, September Sweeney, James Earl, 9315A. Joseph C. Landwehr Harold F. Wiley 4, 1951) Hadley, James Alvin, 9316A. Gordon A. Laund-ers Clinton C. Williams · Cronin, William -Russ, 9317A. · Marks A. Levy Richard N. Willse · The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, ~N THE NAVY Wayne P. Libhart o.µ the expiration of the recess. John E. Clegg (Naval ROTC) to be an en­ The Chaplain, Rev . .Frederick · Brown The following-named midshipmen (avia­ tion) to be ensigns in the Navy, in lieu of sign in the Navy, in lieu of second lieuten­ Harris, D. D., offered the following ensigns in the Navy, ai;; previously nominated ant 'in the Marine Corps as previously nomi­ prayer: and confirmed, to correct date of rank from nated and confirmed. The following-nr.:nea .(Naval ROTC) to be · O thou God of grace and glory, by June 5, 1951, to June 1, 1951: thronging duties ·pressed we pause rev­ Donald E. Adams Winston R . Hayes second lieutenants in the Marine Corps to Joe L. Akagi Corky J. w. Hedges correct date -of rank from June 5, 1951, to erently and with quiet hearts for a dedi­ Merle L. Anderson . John T. Higgiµs June 1, 1351: cated moment at this daily altar of Neil A. Armstrong George B. F.ogaboom James L. Black, Jr. Edward K. Maxwell prayer. We are grateful that amid all Cullen F. Bates, Jr. Arthur D. Jessen Charles R. Browder Ronald W. Olson life's vicissitudes and buffetings, its Gerald R. Bell Wesley A. Johnson Robert P. Chaney Roderick M. Stewart strain and stress, that- Wallace A. Burgess Albert ·J. Kacoroski Robert G. ChristensenRichard C. Stockton William F. Carlson Arthur V. Kane Leonard W. Deden William S. Torrance "From every stormy wind that ·blows, R alph S. Colby John M. Key , . The followino; -named (Naval ROTC) to be Froni every swcllihg tide of woes, Eugene B. Conrad George Kinsel . ensigns in the Supply Corps of the Navy, in There is a calm, a sure retreat; Va lleau E. Curtis Ed-:rard D. ·Kuball lieu of ensigns in the Supply Corps of the 'Tis found beneath the mercy seat.'' Melvin H . Davidow Robert P ..LaMontagne Navy as previously nominated and confirmed, Jerry F. D?twiler Armand R. Langlais · to correct date of rank from June 5, 1951, And so, facing tests of wisdom that are Gresham G. Downs Stephen J. Ledogar to June l, 1951: beyond our puny, fallible powers, we John R. Eckstein Thomas D. Lewis William C. Becker Emerson M. Harris , Wa lt er A. Ellinghau- Freeman L. Lofton seek a strength that is not our own. We John W. Carrigan Christopher J. Kelly fain would join the exultant company sen , Jr. Ralph A. Mccroskey_ Richard G. Gresla Du ane C. Nuechterlein David J . Ellison Frank R. MacK'innis who across all the centuries have been Clarence Erkelens John Dae. Meyer William S. Gripman Floyd 0. Stroup able to chant with victorious gladness: , Donald R. Frazor Donald A. Miller · The following-named women officers to the . grades indicated in the Nurse Corps- of the "I sought the Lord, and He heard me Rodman W. Gaines, Jr. James C. Miller and delivered me from all my fears." . Donald A. Gardner John M. Neel Navy: Herbert A. Gr aham,.Jr. Charles P . Pressly III LIEUTENANTS Grant us a common faith that any John A. Gunderson Herman C. Quitmeyer Virginia A. Brey Louise Bud.rey tyranny over the bodies and minds of William E. Hastings Fred R. Robson Dora Brownstein Stephanie Bulik men carries with it its own death germs. 11158 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE SEPTEMBER 12 Singing in our hearts, "A mighty for­ is a New Yorker, for a great many years. from time to time have been placed upon tress is our God, a bulwark never fail- ~ He served as Assistant Secretary of War him. ing ," let us march confidently toward the for Air. Later. he served again under His life has been the life of a soldier, clean world our hands can help to fash­ General Marshall as Under· Secretary of but his mind and his philosophy have ion. Amen. State during the ver·y difficult years of always been the mind and philosophy of Secretary Marshall's tenure of office. a civilian. He is a man who has never THE JOURNAL During the past year he has served as forgotten that this is a Nation of indi­ On request of Mr. Mcf'ARLAND, and Deputy Secretary to General Marshall, viduals, that this is a Nation created by unanimous consent, the reading of Secretary of Defense. In all these ac­ under the Constitution of the United the Journal of the proceedings of Tues­ tivities he has shown great ability, and States, in which the people are the day, September 11, 1951, was dispensed has served with unusual fidelity and dis­ source of all authority which may be with. tinction. He is a man of intense patri­ exercised over. them, either economic or MESSAGES FROM THE PRESII:>ENT otism, intelligent, loyal, tactful, and yet political.
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