VOLUME 37, NUMBER / NUMÉRO 2 AUGUST 2016 AOÛT Volume 37, Number 2, August 2016 Volume 37, nume´ ro 2, aouˆ t 2016 DEPARTMENTS DE´ PARTEMENTS Christie Hurrell 37 Editor’s Message / Message de la re´daction RESEARCH ARTICLE ARTICLE DE RECHERCHE Amanda Ross-White 39 Librarian Involvement in Systematic Reviews at Queen’s University: An Environmental Scan Robin Desmeules, Marlene Dorgan, and 44 Acknowledging Librarians’ Contributions Sandy Campbell to Systematic Review Searching Janice Yu Chen Kung and 53 What Not to Keep: Not All Data Have Future Sandy Campbell Research Value BOOK REVIEWS CRITIQUES DE LIVRES Erin Menzies 58 Aboriginal and Visible Minority Librarians: Oral Histories from Canada Sarah Visintini 60 Data Visualizations and Infographics Shannon McAlorum 61 The Cybrarian’s Web 2: An AÁZ Guide to Free Social Media Tools, Apps, and Other Resources JCHLA 2016 CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS RE´ SUME´ S DU CONGRE´ S 2016 DE L’ABSC 65 Contributed papers / Communications libres 79 Posters / Affiches 96 Lightning talks / Pre´sentations e´clair 37 DEPARTMENTS / DE´ PARTEMENTS Editor’s Message Message de la re´ daction Dear colleagues, I hope that our summer issue finds Chers colle´gues, J’espe`re que ce nume´ro estival enrichira you enjoying some time to spend doing what you love most. le temps que vous accordez a` votre activite´ de pre´dilection. And if what you love most is getting caught up with recent S’il s’ave`re que cette dernie`re consiste a` vous tenir a` jour des developments in health sciences librarianship, I hope that avance´es en bibliothe´conomie des sciences de la sante´, this issue will be joining you on a deck chair or in an airport j’ose espe´rer que ce nume´ro vous tiendra compagnie dans lounge. It contains two articles that cover librarian involve- votre chaise longue ou dans la salle d’attente de l’ae´roport. Il ment in systematic reviews, a topic that continues to occupy contient deux articles qui traitent de l’engagement des much of our energy as health librarians. In addition, you’ll bibliothe´caires en synthe`se syste´matique, un sujet qui exige find an article on research data, as well as book reviews on des bibliothe´caires de la sante´ une importante partie de leur current and emerging topics including diversity in librarian- e´nergie. De plus, vous y trouverez un article sur les donne´es ship, data visualization, and social media. de recherche, ainsi que des critiques de livres qui traitent de In case you missed some of your Canadian colleagues’ sujets en e´mergence, y compris la diversite´ en bibliothe´- presentations at the recent Mosaic/Mosaı¨que conference in conomie, la visualisation de donne´es, et les me´dias sociaux. Toronto, you can find abstracts for papers, posters, and Au cas ou` vous n’auriez pas pu assister aux pre´sentations lightning talks in this issue. I hope to read fuller exposi- de vos colle`gues canadiens lors de la re´cente confe´rence tions of some of these in a future issue of our journal. « Mosaı¨que / Mosaic » de Toronto, vous pouvez trouver des This year, we were grateful to receive several excellent extraits d’articles, d’affiches et de conversations e´clair dans applications for the role of Junior Editor with JCHLA/ le pre´sent nume´ro. J’espe`re bien pouvoir lire des expose´s JABSC, and are pleased to announce that Nicole Askin of plus approfondis dans un futur nume´ro de notre Journal. the University of Manitoba will be joining our team. This Nous nous re´jouissons cette anne´e des nombreuses is also my last issue as Editor-in-Chief; in September, Cari soumissions de candidature de grande qualite´ pour le poste Merkley will take on the role. The incoming team brings a de re´dacteur / re´dactrice adjoint (e) du JABSC / JCHLA, et a` wealth of strengths and represents health librarianship ce sujet, c’est avec grand plaisir que nous annonc¸ons que (almost) from one side of the country to another, and I Nicole Askin de l’Universite´ du Manitoba se joindra a`ce know that the journal will thrive under their guidance. titre a` notre e´quipe. Ce nume´ro est aussi le dernier auquel My tenure with this journal has been rewarding in so je participe a` titre de re´dactrice en chef. De`s septembre many ways, and I do encourage others to get involved, prochain, Cari Merkley prendra la rele`ve. La nouvelle whether it be as an author, a peer reviewer, or an editor. e´quipe regroupe un e´ventail impressionnant de forces Contributing to this journal is an excellent way to learn more nouvelles et repre´sente les bibliothe´caires de la sante´de about academic publishing, and to contribute to our pro- (presque) toutes les re´gions du pays. Je suis convaincue fession, all within a supportive and collegial environment. que notre Journal est voue´ d’avance a` la prospe´rite´ sous la I look forward to seeing what future issues have in store. gouverne de cette nouvelle e´quipe. Mon mandat au sein de ce journal en aura e´te´ un des plus Christie Hurrell gratifiants de tant de manie`res, au point ou` j’encourage les JCHLA/JABSC Editor-in-Chief autres a` s’y impliquer, soit a` titre d’auteur, de membre de Email: [email protected] l’e´quipe de re´vision par les pairs, ou de re´dacteur /re´dactrice. La participation a` ce journal est une excellente occasion d’en apprendre davantage sur la publication universitaire, tout en contribuant a` l’avancement de notre profession, le tout dans un environnement colle´gial de soutien. J’anticipe le plaisir de de´couvrir ce que les prochains nume´ros nous re´servent. Christie Hurrell Re´dactrice en chef, JABSC / JCHLA Courriel : [email protected] JCHLA / JABSC 37: 37 (2016) doi: 10.5596/c16-020 39 RESEARCH ARTICLE / ARTICLE DE RECHERCHE Librarian Involvement in Systematic Reviews at Queen’s University: An Environmental Scan1 Amanda Ross-White, MLIS, AHIP Abstract: Introduction: Systematic reviews are a growing research methodology in many fields, particularly in the health sciences. Many publishers of systematic reviews require or advocate for librarian involvement in the process, but do not explicitly require the librarian to receive co-authorship. In preparation for developing a formal systematic review service at Queen’s, this environmental scan of systematic reviews was conducted to see whether librarians receive co-authorship or other acknowledgement of their role in systematic reviews. Methods: A search of the Joanna Briggs Database and both Medline and PubMed for systematic reviews with at least one Queen’s-affiliated author was completed. These were classified based on the level of acknowledgement received by the librarian involved in the search into three groups: librarian as co-author, librarian acknowledged, and unclear librarian involvement. In instances where the lead author was Queen’s affiliated, these were also categorized by their primary academic department. Results: Of 231 systematic reviews published with at least one Queen’s affiliated author since 1999, 31 listed a librarian as co-author. A librarian received acknowledgement in a further 36 reviews. The School of Nursing published the most systematic reviews and was most likely to have a librarian as co-author. Discussion: Librarians at Queen’s are actively involved in systematic reviews and co- authorship is a means of valuing our contribution. Librarians appear to be more likely to achieve co-authorship when they have advocated for this role in the past. Success varies according to the cultural norms of the department. Introduction ... responsible for providing assistance to authors with searching for studies for inclusion in their reviews. The range Systematic reviews are a growing research methodology of assistance varies according to the resources available to in many fields, not the least of which includes the health individual CRGs [Cochrane Review Groups] but may sciences. For many years, researchers have seen the impor- include some or all of the following: providing relevant tance of putting existing evidence in a more synthesized studies from the CRG’s Specialized Register (see Section format, not only to guide medical decision making, but also for more detail), designing search strategies for the to guide research funding and develop tools to better main bibliographic databases, running these searches in educate the public on standards of practice. The Canadian databases available to the CRG, saving search results and Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) defines knowledge sending them to authors, advising authors on how to run translation as “a dynamic and iterative process that includes searches in other databases and how to download results into the synthesis, dissemination, exchange and ethically sound their reference management software (see Section 6.5) [3]. application of knowledge to improve the health of Cana- dians, provide more effective health services and products, The manual also explicitly states who to contact when and strengthen the healthcare system” [1]. This definition a trials search coordinator is not available: “If a CRG is encapsulates much of why systematic reviews are becoming a currently without a Trials Search Co-ordinator authors recognized research methodology andwhy they are playing a should seek the guidance of a local healthcare librarian or growing role in the funding of research and in academic information specialist, where possible one with experience publications. of conducting searches for systematic reviews” [3]. As early as 2005, Sampson and McGowan [2] were The importance of including a librarian as a full member advocating for librarian involvement, and indeed, co- of the research team was reinforced with the release of authorship on systematic reviews.
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