B R O B O R K T O E A O R S K H T W M ER Y A S H A W M CAMPBELL ST Y N A H N CAMPBELL ST W H Y W Y BATHURST ST BATHURST ST ARGYLE ST ARGYLE ST LIVERPOOL ST LIVERPOOL ST B R O MACQUARIE ST O K T ER A MACQUARIE ST H S W M Y COLLINS ST A CAMPBELL ST N COLLINS ST H W Y DAVEY ST DAVEY ST BATHURST ST ARGYLE ST LIVERPOOL ST MACQUARIE ST COLLINS ST DAVEY ST CornerCorner ArgyleArgyle and CollinsCollins Streets,Streets, Corner Argyle and CollinsHobartHobart Streets, TAS 70007000 Hobart TAS 7000 Phone: 03 6214 3000 | Fax: 03 6214 3505 Phone:Phone: 03 6214 3000 03 |6214 Fax: 03 30006214 3505 | Fax: 03 6214 3505 www.hobartprivatehospital.com.auwww.hobartprivatehospital.com.auwww.hobartprivatehospital.com.au A Healthscope hospital. ABN 25 082 134AA 245HealthscopeHealthscope hospital.hospital. ABNABN 25 082 134134 245245 Patient Information Directory 09/2020 PLEASE LEAVE THIS FOR THE NEXT PATIENT. This Directory is the property of the Hospital. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE. For your own copy of this guide, For further details see our website: please scan the code with your www.hobartprivatehospital.com.au smartphone camera and a digital 09download/20 will20 begin. Find us on Facebook /20 09 20 Scan Me Top Tips for Safe Health Care What you need to know for yourself, your family or someone you care for. Ask questions 1 You have the right to ask questions about your care. Findgoodinformation 2 Not all information is reliable. Ask your doctor for guidance. Understandtherisksandbenefits 3 Find out about your tests and treatments before they happen. Listallyourmedicines Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you need more information about 4 the medicines you are taking. Confirmdetailsofyouroperationbeforehand 5 Ask to be told who will be doing your procedure and what will happen to you. Askaboutyourcareafterleavinghospital 6 Ask for a written outline of your treatment and what should happen after you get home. Knowyourrights 7 You have a number of rights as a patient. Read our guide to find out what they are. Understandprivacy 8 Your medical information is confidential. You can ask to see your medical record. Givefeedback 9 Feedback helps health professionals spot when improvements can be made. Downloadourfreebookletat: www.safetyandquality.gov.au/toptips 2 ContentsContents Welcome 4 Hairdresser 16 OurWelcome Vision 44 HandMy Care Hygiene 1612 Who Are The People On My OurAbout STAR The Values Victoria Clinic 45 Healthcare Associated Infections 16 Treatment Team? 12 Our Values - S.T.A.R. 5 Heat Devices 16 Quick Reference Facts for Individual Sessions 14 General Information 6 Hobart Private Hospital 5 Interpreter 16 Dress Code 6 Inpatient Therapy Program 14 About Us 5 Lighting 16 Driving 6 Family And Carers 15 Patients’ Rights, Responsibilities & Mail 16 Housekeeping 6 Expectations 7 Safety And Quality 15 Maintenance 16 Interpreter Service 6 Patient Agreement & Safety 15 Clinical Specialities 10 Laundry 6 MealsPatient & Special Identification Dietary Requirements 1715 Clinical Care 12 Linen And Towels 6 MealSexual Times Safety 1715 Admission 12 Mail 6 NurseSecurity Call Bell 1715 Care Planning 12 Meals 7 PastoralEmergencies Care 1715 DischargeMeal Times Planning 127 PatientProhibited Identification & Restricted Items 1716 EmergencyKitchenette Medicine Services 137 Personal Belongings And Patient Transport 17 MaternityMedications Services 137 Room Search 17 Newspapers 7 Quality & Safety Information 18 Medical Care 13 Electrical Equipment 17 Noise 7 RadioDeteriorating Condition 1817 Allied Health Services 14 Nurse Call System 7 SecurityFalls Prevention 1817 Diabetes Educator 14 Smoking And Alcohol 8 SmokingInfection Prevention And 18 Occupational Therapist 14 Social Media 8 TelephoneControl – Bedside 1817 PhysiotherapistTelevisions 148 TelephoneWhat Happens – Mobile After I Leave 18 PathologyTelephones 148 TelevisionThe Victoria Clinic? 18 PharmacyValuables 148 Day Programs 18 Visitors 9 Valuables & Personal Items 18 Podiatrist 14 Outreach Program 18 Visiting Hours 9 Wi-Fi 18 Social Worker 14 Referral Process For Day Visitor Car Parking 9 VisitorsPrograms & Visiting And Outreach Hours 18 Stomal Care Nurse 14 General Wards 19 Your Admission 9 Discharge 19 General Information 15 Accounts 9 MaternityThe Discharge Process 19 Accommodation 15 Admission Process 9 Leaving Hospital 19 Air Conditioning 15 Orientation To The Ward 10 Medications 20 AllergiesCare Planning And 15 Veterans & War Widows 20 BathroomDischarge Facilities Planning 1015 Payment Information 20 BedsBedside Handover – 15 Self-Funded Patients – Patients Partnering With Patients 10 Boarders 15 Without Private Health Fund Cover 21 Leave 10 Car Parking 15 Patients’ Rights And WorkCover, WorkSafe & Third Party ChildrenResponsibilities 1115 Insurance 21 CleaningPatients’ of RoomsPrivacy And 15 Payment Methods 21 ElectricalConfidentiality Equipment 1115 Our Sponsors for Your Information 21 EmergenciesComplaints, & ComplimentsFire Safety And 16 Suggestions 11 Flowers 16 3 Welcome We would like to welcome you to Hobart Private Hospital. We hope your time with us meets your expectations. As one of the leading private health care providers in Tasmania, our hospital is dedicated to anticipating and exceeding patients’ needs. Your care is important to us. For nearly 20 years, our 146-bed facility has provided a range of clinical services, including general and specialty medical and surgical services, obstetrics, cardiology and angiography, and a 24-hour emergency department. Hobart Private Hospital is fully accredited in accordance with the eight (8) National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards implemented by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare. This guide is designed to assist you during your stay. This Hobart Private Hospital Patient Guide features a QR Code on the front cover. By simply scanning the QR Code with a smartphone or tablet camera, the guide is instantly downloaded and can be saved to the device, enabling patients recuperating at home or family members and visitors to have the information on hand at all times. If you have any difficulty understanding it, or have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask our nursing staff. Our Vision Our vision is to be a recognised leader of quality private health care services. In delivering our vision, we know that when we provide service excellence for medical professionals and their patients, everything else takes care of itself. Healthscope and Hobart Private Hospital operate in an environment where safety and quality are paramount, comfortably balanced against our responsibility to our shareholders and stakeholders. Our STAR Values Service Excellence We strive to provide the highest standard of health care. We seek ways to improve our care and service and its delivery. Teamwork & Integrity We respect each other and openly and honestly communicate to allow us to work together to achieve our goals. Aspiration Creativity, being forward looking and continuously learning are integral to our jobs and Healthscope’s success. Responsibility We take responsibility for our actions and consider their impact on others. We make decisions with a balanced focus on financial security and service excellence. 4 Quick Contents Reference Facts for Hobart Private Hospital DischargeWelcome Time: 10.00am 4 My Care 12 About The Victoria Clinic 5 Who Are The People On My Visiting hours in normal circumstances are as below. But please check the Hobart Treatment Team? 12 PrivateOur Values Hospital - S.T.A.R. website or contact the5 hospital prior to visiting, as certain Individual Sessions 14 restrictionsGeneral Information may be in place and can change6 at any time. Dress Code 6 Inpatient Therapy Program 14 General: 9.00am–8.00pm Driving 6 Family And Carers 15 Maternity: 11.00am–1.00pm and 5.00pm–8.00pm Housekeeping 6 Safety And Quality 15 PatientInterpreter Rest Time: Service 6 Patient Agreement & Safety 15 LaundryCritical Care 2.00pm–4.00pm6 Patient Identification 15 Linen And Towels 6 Maternity 1.00pm–5.00pm Sexual Safety 15 Mail 6 Security 15 CarMeals Parking: 7 Emergencies 15 MealMarket Times Place Car Park (open 24 hours)7 Prohibited & Restricted Items 16 KitchenetteArgyle Street Car Park (first 90 minutes7 free) Personal Belongings And MedicationsMetered parking 7 Room Search 17 Newspapers 7 Electrical Equipment 17 HospitalNoise Telephone Numbers: 7 Deteriorating Condition 17 MainNurse Switchboard: Call System 6214 30007 Falls Prevention 17 FacsimileSmoking Number: And Alcohol 6214 30018 Infection Prevention And AccountSocial Enquiries:Media 6214 30508 Control 17 CriticalTelevisions Care Reception: 6214 31708 What Happens After I Leave DayTelephones Surgery Reception: 6214 35208 The Victoria Clinic? 18 MaternityValuables Unit Reception: 6214 33708 Day Programs 18 Visitors 9 Medical Unit Reception: 6214 3270 Outreach Program 18 Visiting Hours 9 Surgical Unit Reception: 6214 3470 Referral Process For Day Visitor Car Parking 9 Programs And Outreach 18 AboutYour Admission Us 9 Discharge 19 Accounts 9 Hobart Private Hospital has been providing high qualityThe Discharge care since Process opening in 1999. With19 146Admission beds and Process a dynamic team of staff, we9 aim to provide the best possible experience for Orientationeach of our To patients. The War Wed like to think 10of our patients and their families as ‘partners’ withCare our Planningmedical staffAnd in delivering the highest possible levels of care. The hospital is fully accreditedDischarge against Planning the National Safety and10 Quality Health Service Standards.
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