JUNIOR CUSS EDITION STUDENT WEEKLY PUBLICATION RICE INSTITUTE VOL. 16 HOUSTON. TEXAS. FRIDAY, APRIL 10. 1931 NO. 26 BRIGGS MANUEL Wanted- One Drum Major PHI BETA KAPPA Political Pot Boils as STUDENTS ASKED NAMED CONSORT Six Foot Baton Twirler HEAD VISITS ON Campaigns Open in TO ARRANGE FOR Sought by Band VISITING LECTURER CrUAAl f AM PI I IN RICE MAY FETE Officials S Spring Ballot Races DORM COTS NOW Cornell Professor To Visit As The Thresher went to press Fri- secretary, treasurer, and councilman- Woman's Council Issues List MusiciansHit High Note day morning, Rice's political pot was at-large. Student offices are now hold Applications Required by Of Class Dukes and j In Preparation for Other Southern ' beginning to boil at a rapid rate. Four by Howard Banner of Fort Worth, April 30 for Retention students had definitely announced their Helen Williams of Houston, John; Da- Names Announcer Contest Chapters candidacies for office in the coming vid Simpson, ol Fort Worth, and N Of Living Quarters n -—• I student elections, and rumors to the j Packard Barton of Mercedes Candidates for drum major of tin 1 Much humorous interest on ihe Rice chapter of Phi Beta Kappa was i effect that a number of otliei cam- Each publication will have the of- John T, McCants, bursar a th.' : Rice 1931-32 Rice Owl band are urged to re- 1 paigners would tuss their fiats into the fices of assistant editor and assistant campus is aroused this week by the singularly honored yesterday by the : Institute, ha', a draw need thai indents I port to Fred Lyon Craig, band tnan- ring in the near future were prevalent ; business managers filled. Foi The living ill the residential halls who wish announcement of the masculine ele-, j ager, as soon as possible, according to presence on the campus of Dr. Clarke i Students already listed as candidates j Thresher, Gardner Soule will automat- to continui icsidefieo iu the won huh-. merit of the May Fete. Escorts in this I an announcement this Friday morn- S. Nortliup, national honorary presi- were: For president ol the Student ically succeed to the position of edi- tors next year must speak fo^ 'lieir annual pageant are carefully and dis-i ing from Briggs Manuel, president. dent ol Phi Beta Kappa, who, enroutc Association Jack Scott, editor of the tor. held by Elbert. Turner this year room-- immediately iu, order that tliey criminotcly chosen by elective vote of to California, stopped off in Houston 1 Campanile; Packard Barton, present j Walter Stewart, a junior, will be busi- No previous experience is required may not find later on that their rooms the Women's Council. | recording to Manuel's statement, but to visit tin' Rice chapter of the or- | eouueilman-at-large For vice presi- ness manager in place of Billy Russell, dent of the .Student Association; Helen 1! who holds that office at present. Ikive been assigned to oilier ipphV' Brlggs Manuel, popular senior, and i applicants should preferably be over uanization. Forrester. For councilman-at-large: In the -succession to the editorship ot cants , one of the main attractions in Lee's t six foot tall. It will be necessary for Dr. North up. accompanied by Mrs. William Harie Plat!,. the Owl, Martha Ellen Williams, a All M' Cants stated that the1 ai iov,/ Owls, will be the royal consort of the candidate to practice constantly Nortliup, was complimented by the 1 I junior co-ed, is the first wonian slu- annoiii'ici.-inei'it j made < i via yew tmwlt Queen Hazel of the Held dynasty. with the band this spring and nest ( ill, i Hire chapter with a luncheon yester- The polls will be held in tin Stilly- j h | dent to edit that publication Sidney yet some student-, will find ;.J"iei the The senior duke, Mark Hopkins, will it was pointed out. day at Cohen House. port on the morning of May 1, 1'eti- ' act as escort to Duchess Elizabeth Lo- tions for student offices must lie in Wilson is tlie present editor of the assignment at rooms, that their tjmu • It makes no difference what the About 50 members of Phi Beta 1 the hands of the Student Council by 1 Owl. Jack Hanks will succeed Joe ters have been assigned to hum one gan. and Ralph Jones, football hero, I drum major's scholastic standing is at Kappa, which number included student o'clock April 2,5 | Allen as business manager. For, the else. He hopes to avoid this litis venr. will accompany junior Duchess Loula i Rice; in fact, he does not necessarily and faculty members, were guests at Student Association officers to be Campanile Bill Platli will lie editor Application must be made on « bitoj- Bess Johnson. ' have to lie a Rice student. the function which was quite informal elected are: president, vice president,, I succeeding Jack Scott, and William April JO to retain the old' rooms, a'/'afijll Malcolm Cummings will be sopho • j Craig hopes to be able to place an in character. Dr. Nortliup was wel- more duke, and perform the honors Hudspeth, business manager, succeed^ Oh May 4. postgraduates of next year 80-pieee band on the field next year comed on behalf of the Rice group by 1 ing Whitney Reader, will choose their rooms: on May 5, the for Mary Loueile Houchins. Fred i at Rice's football games. Several trip': Dr. Edgar O. Lovett, president of the There will also fie an election fill juniors: on May (5, the sophomjores, Lauterback, freshman athlete, will j will be made by the baud with the Institute Following the luncheon, Dr. : MATH PROFESSOR FOUR PLAYS GIVEN yell leader. This year's pep director, ou May the freshmen. The .indent.. escort Duchess Lenior Bowen of that j Owl team, probably to Norman, Okla., Nortliup addressed the guests very in- Percy Northcutt, and one of his as. body will be classified i>\ 11a sup* class. : for the game with Oklahoma university, formally. sistants. Pat Quinn, are no longe. stu- plied by the registrar. Wiley "Rah-rah" George will do the j to Austin tor the Texas university OF YALE UNIVERSITY The honored guest is- one of the most BY CAMPUS FRENCH ! dents of the Institute, having left Wile> After May 7, fill rooms will be as- McNamee part of the program and • game, or to Fort Worth for the T. C. distinguished men in the educational George, assistant yell leader, to t ,u'r\ signed to applicants in the order Hi announce the royalty as they enter. ' Uj clash. Rico's game with Oklahoma field today. Head of the English de- CLUB ON WEDNESDAY on the spring shoutitlg. ; This years' choice of escorts for the i1 will be one of the season's important TO SPEAK AT RICE which they ai:e received ,o tho bur- partment of Cornell University, he is Each petition {or office must be fete is made among the best known intersections! tills, with neither eleven sar's office also the author of several books on signed by 25 members of the Student men on the campus. Resplendent in due to win by over one touchdown, (Continued "it page I) , Ernest William Brown Is the study of English, and editor of 'La Lecon Francaise Has Association, that is. possessors of severe white linens, they will furnish, arid the winner of the Owl-Longhorn several volumes of essays. He is a blanket taxes. Each candidate must lie the artistic balance for the frills of the j fray will probably be an even bet tr. First Authority in Cast of First Year member of the Medieval Academy a member ol the Student Association girls. win the Southwest conference crown. and author of a Bibliography of Phi MED-LAW STUDENTS 1 Students in order to he eligible for election. Mo Plans for the general theme of the Mechanic Field At present, the Owl band is practic- Beta Kappa and Bibliography if candidate is allowed more than S25 for May Fete have been decided, but are ing every Monday afternoon and Fri- Thomas Gray. One of his best known Four one-act plays were presented! campaign expenses, and ,-adh must being jealously guarded by the Wom- Ernest William Brown, Sc.D., F.R.S., TO CLIMAX SOCIAL day night for the annual Harris County textbooks is Better English Habits. by Les Hiboux, Rice French Club, render an account of expenses to the en's Council so that the surprise Sterling professor of mathematics at band contest, scheduled for the first More recently he has been editor in Wednesday at ti p.m. Student Association element will furnish more interest. week of May. The Rice musicians will Yale university, will deliver three lec- charge of the Middle English diction- A highly amusing comedy of a mid- SEASON WITH DANCE play "Raymond," an overture by tures on the "Theory and Treatment ary. a work projected by thi Modern dle-class family was staged m "Rosa- J Thomas, as the principal selection. Win- Language Association. of Problems of Resonance Illustrated lie," under the capable directorship of [ River Oaks Chosen as Scene 227 DEGREES TO BE ner of the contest, in Class A, will Dr. Northup will visit oiler chap- Alice Hovas. Excellent acting was INDUSTRY TOUR IS by the Pendulum," at the Rice In- receive a large and handsome loving ters of Phi Beta Kappa on his trip. displayed by Ruth Loughndgc in the j For Affair To Be Held cup. Entered in Class A, the Rice mu- stitute in Room 210 of the Physics lab- role of Rosalie; by Hope Mengden as SLATED APRIL 22 AWARDED STUDENTS (Continued on page 3) oratory at 4:30 p.m.
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