New Data on Minerals. М., 2007. Volume 42 93 ON THE COMPOSITION AND NOMENCLATURE OF THE LOELLINGITEGROUP DIARSENIDE MINERALS Raisa A. Vinogradova Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow The composition of loellingitegroup diarsenide minerals with wide range of Fe, Co, and Ni content is discussed. A nomenclature distinguishing mineral species loellingite, safflorite and rammelsbergite, and Cobearing loellin- gite, Nibearing loellingite, Febearing safflorite, Cobearing rammelsbergite, and Febearing rammelsbergiteis suggested. Chemical composition fields and Fe, Co, Ni concentration (at %) range in minerals and varieties are presented. This nomenclature allows to recognize features of individual compositions of the loellingitegroup diarsenides that corresponds to their names. 1 table, 1 figure, 12 reference Rhombic diarsenides of the loellingite the practically complete isomorphic substitu- group including loellingite FeAs2, safflorite tion between Fe, Co, and Ni in the loellin- CoAs2, and rammelsbergite NiAs2 with struc- gitegroup diarsenides and wide range of con- tures similar to marcasite (Borishanskaya et al., centrations of these elements (Fig. 1a). 1981; Vinogradova & Bochek, 1980). Rhombic Previously, some scientists have tried to pararammelsbergite NiAs2, cubic krutovite define limits of the loellingitegroup minerals NiAs2, and monoclinic clinosafflorite CoAs2 are on the basis of chemical composition, but such less abundant and are different from the limits are not universally agreed upon loellingitegroup minerals in structure. (Vinogadova & Bochek, 1980). Current avail- However, the structure of clinosafflorite is very able compositional data for the loellin- similar to the structure of loellingite/safflorite. gitegroup diarsenides and suggested nomen- Diarsenides of the loellingite group clature of minerals in ternary systems (Nickel, (Borishanskaya et al., 1981) are characteristic 1992) allow development of a comprehensive of CoNiAgBiU deposits and similar NiCo nomenclature of the loellingitegroup arsenide deposits. In addition, they occur in diarsenides. According to Nickel (1992), CuNi sulfide deposits and in niccol- loellingite (Fe,Co,Ni)As2, safflorite itechromite veins. Loellingite and safflorite (Co,Fe,Ni)As2, rammelsbergite (Ni,Co,Fe)As2, have been described from ironbearing skarns, and corresponding composition fields should alkaline and granitic pegmatites. Furthemore, be defined on the basis of the predominant loellingite has been identified in greisen, sul- irongroup metal (Fig. 1b). However, composi- fidecassiterite, and arsenopyrite deposits. tional features of individual representatives of Compositional data on the natural the loellingite group are lost in this approach diarsenides of the loellingite group are due to the wide range of composition of each reviewed by Borishanskaya et al. (1981), mineral. Therefore, modification of the nomen- Vinogradova & Bochek (1980) and Gritsenko et clature is advisable, and proper minerals al. (2004). All three metals of the iron group (loellingite, safflorite, and rammelsbergite) and form these diarsenides with one or two of them their varieties should be defined. The 80 at.% predominating. Natural solidsolutions of the content of the major metal is taken as the limit continuous loellingitesafflorite series are com- between a mineral species and a variety. This is mon, whereas the solid solutions of the contin- justified by the observation that diarsenides uous saffloriterammelsbergite series are less with 80 and more at.% of the major metal are abundant. Recently, solid solutions of the con- not zoned under reflected light, whereas tinuous saffloriterammelsbergite series were diearsenides with more complex composition discovered (Gritsenko et al., 2004). Due to the are characterized by zoning. It should be noted latter discovery, the previously recorded field that the rhombic symmetry of safflorite is mod- of ternary solidsolution (Vinogradova & ified to monoclinic (clinosafflorite) at a Co con- Bochek, 1980) in the loellingite group indicates tent of 80 at.% (Radcliffe & Berry, 1968; 1971) 94 New Data on Minerals. М., 2007. Volume 42 and there is dimorphism of CoAs2 at higher Co and a predominance of one of two other metals: contents. Furthermore, it should be taken into Co and Nibearing loellingite, Fe and account that simple formulae MeAs2, corre- Nibearing safflorite, and Co and Febearing sponding to the compositions of type minerals rammelsbergite (Fig. 1c, Table). with dominant content of Fe, Co, or Ni, are The nomenclature suggested here is more given in textbooks and handbooks on mineral- exact and the individual compositions of ogy. Previously reported Corich rammelsber- diarsenide minerals are represented in the cor- gite (Vinogradova et al., 1972), Nirich loellin- responding name. gite (Oen et al., 1971; Bukovshin & Chernyshov, 1985; Cervilla & Ronsbo, 1992; Acknowledgements Gamyanin & Lykhina, 2000), Ni and Corich The author is grateful to O.L. Sveshnikova, loellingite (Distler et al., 1975), and Nirich saf- senior scientific researcher, Fersman Minera lo - florite (Radcliffe, Berry, 1968) correspond to gi cal Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences varieties of corresponding minerals named and S.N. Bubnov, scientific researcher, Institute according to their chemical features. of Geology of Ore Deposits, Russian Academy of Taking into account the above arguments, Sciences, for the constructive discussion of this the nomenclature of the rhombic diarsenides of paper. the loellingite group can be presented as fol- lows. In the composition fields of loellingite, safflorite and rammelsbergite (Fig. 1b), mineral References species (end members) are defined as follows: loellingite, safflorite and rammelsbergite with a Borishanskaya, S.S., Vinogradova, R.A. & content of the major metal of 80 and more at.%. Krutov, G.A. (1981): Minerals of cobalt and Varieties (intermediate members) are as having nickel. Mos cow State University Publ., a content of major metal of less than 80 at.% Moscow (in Russ.). Table. Nomenclature and chemical composition of the loellingitegroup diarsenides (MeAs2) based on relation- ship of Fe, Co, and Ni Mineral species (endmembers of isomorphic series) Variety (intermediate members of isomorphic series) Content of major Me > 80 at.% Content of major Me < 80 at.% 1. Loellingite 1а. Cobearing loellingite Fe>>(Co+Ni) Fe>Co>Ni Fe80100* (Co+Ni)200 Fe8033.3Co1050Ni033.3 1b. Nibearing loellingite Fe>Ni>Co Fe8033.3Ni 1050Co033.3 2. Safflorite 2а. Febearing safflorite Co>>(Fe+Ni) Co>Fe>Ni Co80100(Fe+Ni)200 Co 8033.3 Fe 1050 Ni 033.3 2b. Nibearing safflorite Сo>Ni>Fe Co8033.3Ni1050Fe033.3 3. Rammelsbergite 3а. Cobearing rammelsbergite Ni>>(Co+Fe) Ni>Co>Fe Ni80100(Co+Fe)200 Ni8033.3Co1050Fe033.3 3b. Febearing rammelsbergite Ni>Fe>Co Ni8033.3Fe1050Co033.3 Notes: * is range of concentration of the irongroup metals (at.%). The composition fields of mineral species and varieties listed in this table are shown in Figure 1c. On the Composition and Nomenclature of the Loellingitegroup Diarsenide Minerals 95 a b c Fig. 1. Chemical composition and nomenclature of the loellingitegroup diarsenide minerals on the basis of the proportion of Fe, Co и Ni (at.%). (a) data on chemical composition (Vinogradova & Bochek, 1980; Gritsenko et al., 2004); not identified natural compositions are white field. (b) nomenclature and composition fields according to (Nickel, 1992): loellingite (1), safflorite (2), and rammelsbergite (3). (c) suggested nomenclature and composition fields: loellingite (1), Cobearing loellingite (1a), Nibearing loellingite (1b), saf- florite (2), Febearing safflorite (2a), Nibearing safflorite (2b), rammelsbergite (3), Cobearing rammelsbergite (3a), and Febearing rammelsbergite (3b). Crosspoint of lines in the center of ternary plot corresponds to equal contents of three metals (by 33.3 at.%) Bukovshin, V.V. & Chernyshov, N.N. (1985): Nickel, E. H. 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