INDEX INDEX ABBOTT, , Jr., member of militia, 367. ALLISON, Capt. Thomas, mentioned, ABBOTT, Elizabeth, wife of Jacques Baby, 185, 292; death, 381; sketch, 386-87. mentioned, 304; sketch, 293. ALSOP, John, creditor of Askin, 45. ABBOTT, Frances, wife of Francois Baby, AMELIN, Jean Baptiste, settler at mentioned, 304; sketch, 377. Peoria, 359. ABBOTT, James I, mentioned, 275, 293, AMERICAN Fur Company, mentioned, 308, 377, 382, 395; sketch, 304; as 278. vestryman, 310-11; partner in Miamis AMHERST, Gen. Jeffrey, mentioned, 72, Co., 328, 331-34. 75; grants land at Niagara, 47. ABBOTT, James II, mentioned, 304. AMHERSTBURG, site owned by Capt. ABBOTT, Mary, wife of William Hands, Bird, 186; founded, 243. mentioned, 304, 376; sketch, 308. AMMUNITIONS, manufacture of, 489. ABBOTT, Robert, mentioned, 213, 304; ANCIENT shilling, defined, 162. member of militia, 374. ANCRUM (Ancram), Major William, ABBOTT, Samuel, mentioned, 304. sketch, 222; dealings with Moravians. ABRAHAM, Margaret, wife of Joseph 218-22, 224, 227-30, 233. Osanny Nadeau, sketch, 318. ANDERSON, Capt. , mentioned, 303, ACHON, Ozanne, sketch, 194. ANDERSON, John, letter, 588-90. ADHEMAR, Anthony, Sieur de St. Martin, ANDREWS, Colin, partnership with Gra- sketch, 177. verat and Visger, 309. ADHEMAR, Michael, sketch, 177. ANGELICA, wreck of, 86. ADHEMAR, Toussaint Anthony, dit St. ANNIMEKANS, signs deed, 180. Martin, mentioned, 275; sketch, 177; ANTAYA, Augustin Peltier dit, seeTeltier, debts, 299-301. ADLAM, Charlotte, wife of William Augustin, dit Antaya. Dickson, sketch, 461. ANTAYA (Antailla), Jean Baptiste, AD YE, Lieut. Ralph Willet, identified, sketch, 169-70. 522; letter, 522. ANTHON, Charles, mentioned, 48; sketch, AGNEW, Edward, creditor of Askin, 45. 37. AGNEW, Henry, creditor of Askin, 45. ANTHON, Dr. George Christian, men- AGRICULTURE, at Mackinac, 50-58; at tioned, 304; sketch, 48; discharges River Huron, 234-35, 241, 259, 262-63. mortgage, 48-49. AGUE, remedy for, 553. ANTHON, Henry, mentioned, 48; sketch, AINSE (Ainsse), Joseph, mentioned, 92; 37. sketch, 50-51. ANTHON, John, mentioned, 48; sketch, AINSE, Joseph Louis, mentioned, 127; 37. sketch, 69. APPARICIO, Pedro, mentioned, 290. AINSE (Anis), Sarah, mentioned, 51; ARBITRATION, of disputes, 196-97, 204- sketch, 194. 205, 207-10, 250-51, 289-91, 415. ALAVOINE, Charles, mentioned, 34. ARDEN, Lieut. Humphrey, mentioned, ALAVOINE, Frances, wife of Jean Baptiste 239; sketch, 225. Chevalier, mentioned, 91, 158. ARDOUIN, Ann, wife of Jacques Badeau, ALAVOINE, Margaret Charlotte, wife of mentioned, 418. Theophile Barthe, sketch, 34. ARGENTCOUR, Simon Drouillard dit, see ALAVOIS, Louisa, wife of Prosper Thibault, Drouillard, Simon, dit Argentcour. sketch, 376. ARMSTRONG, Lieut. G , mentioned, ALLAN (Allen), James, mentioned, 392; sketch, 307; member of militia, 367. 364. ALLBRIGHT, Jacob, as witness, 45. ARMY, sale of commissions in British, ALLEN, Col. Ebenezer, sketch, 559-60; 364; rations, 475. attempts to buy Michigan, 568-72. ARPENT, defined, 28. ALLEN, Margaret, wife of George Ham- ARRIVE, Claudia Louisa, wife of Jacques mond, mentioned, 404. Cardinal, sketch, 183. ALLISON, John, mentioned, 386. ARSENEAU, Jean Marie, dit Durand, ALLISON, Susanne, wife of Phillipe sketch, 196. Aubert de Gasp6, mentioned, 387. ASKIBY, signs deed, 212. 619 BURTON HISTORICAL RECORDS ASKIN, Adelaide (Alice), wife of Elijah 103, 114, 128; suggests trade regula- Brush, mentioned, 577; sketch, 15, tions, 134-35,465-66; buys Presqu'Isle, 207. 174; land purchases, 174, 176, 178, 199, ASKIN, Archange, wife of David Meredith, 227-30, 242, 323-24, 368-72; as arbi- mentioned, 402, 431-32; sketch, 15; trator, 204-205, 207-10, 415; connec- letters, 468-71, 491-94, 497-500, 514- tion with Moravians, 217-34, 237-40, 19, 533-36, 574-78. 242-47, 260, 262-63; sells land, 230, ASKIN, Catherine, wife of Samuel 370; debts, 235, 273-77, 402-404, 487- Robertson (first), and Robert Hamil- 88; military rank, 293, 373-77, 523; ton (second), mentioned, 86, 208, 424, creditor, of St. Martin, 300-301, of 440, 463; sketch, 14, 68; marriage, 68, Renaud, 319-20, of Askwith, 593-97, 70, 77, 79, 145, 188; bridal journey, 81, 606-608; church affiliations, 303, 310- 162; wedding gown, 102; letters, 504- 14; land speculations, 316-17, 543-48, 505, 540-41; death, 541. 556-60, 568-72; as justice of peace, ASKIN, Charles, mentioned, 123; sketch, 323, 369, 373, 384-85, 390, 395-96, 399- 16. 401, 415, 467-68; aids in Smith elec- ASKIN, Ellen Phyllis, wife of Richard tion, 416-21, 424-25, 427-30, 434- Pattinson, death, 12, 16; sketch, 594. 38, 442-47; genealogy, 430-31, 477- ASKIN, James, father of John Askin, 78; military aspirations, 433-34, 438, mentioned, 477. 444-45, 477; as government contractor, ASKIN, James, sketch, 16. 480-81; business losses, 502; land ASKIN, Jean B. (Johnny), sketch, 69. petitions and claims, 544-45, 556, 588; ASKIN, John, mentioned, 69, 308, 392, connection with Greenville Council, 394, 448, 580, 582; sketch, 4-6, 544-45; 549-54, 560-65, 578-80; indentures ownership of Brush farm, 28, 207; dis- Nichol, 567-68. charge from bankruptcy, 43-45; builds ASKIN, John, Jr., birth, 12; sketch, 14, house at Mackinac, 49-50, 145; 68-69; education, 80; member of Mackinac diary, 50-58; buys slaves, militia, 367, 374; partnership with 58-59, 410-11; as government com- father, 478-80; land speculation, 543- missary, 67-68, 78-83, 86-87, 102-105, 48, 556-60, 568-72, 578-80; report of 120-22, 137; letters, 67-164 (Mackinac Greenville Council, 560-65. letter book), 226-27, 242, 251-55, 334, ASKIN, Madelaine, wife of Dr. Robert 433-34, 457-61, 465-66, 475-81, 484, Richardson, mentioned, 293, 473, 504; 523, 549-56, 583-87, 590-91; removal to birth, 12; sketch, 14, 441-42; visits, Detroit planned, 68, 78; business Montreal, 236-37, Niagara, 417; relations, with Sterling, 70-73, 76, 80, letters, 440-41, 462-63; marriage, 462- 91-92, 103, 108, 110, 137, with North 63, 473. West Co., 73-75, 83, 91, 97-98, 101, ASKIN, Mary, mentioned, 477. 109-12, 114, 123-28, 134-35, 137-39, ASKIN, Robert, mentioned, 477. 142, 151, 154-56, 159-60, 334-35, 387- ASKIN, Sarah, see Erskine, Sarah. 89, 451, 483, with Todd and McGill, ASKIN, Therese, wife of Thomas McKee, 84-86, 100-102, 110, 142-44, 151-52, mentioned, 307, 365, 409, 426, 433, 159, 162-63, 200-202, 235-37, 251-55, 440, 473, 515, 553; sketch, 15, 376. 273-79, 402-404, 487-89, 586-87, with ASKIN, William, mentioned, 477. Barthe, 90-94, 99-100, 103, 114, 118- ASKWITH, Fanny, mentioned, 592. 20, 123-24, 139, 141, 146-50, 156-57, ASKWITH, John, mentioned, 305; sketch, 164, 250-51, with Chaboillez, 91, 95- 448-49; land speculation, 445-48, 556- 96, 115, 118, 123, 129-30, 133-34, 146, 60, 578-80; settlement of estate, 592- 151, 153-54, 156-57, 162, with Hamil- 614. ton and Cartwright, 188-92, with ASTOR, John Jacob, buys Michilimack- Vigo, 226-27, 253-54, 549-50, with inac Company, 278. Miamis Co., 226, 295-96, 298-99, 325- AUBERT de Gasp6, Angelica, wife of 34, with Cornwall, 234-35, 240-41, Pierre Michael Fortier, sketch, 523- 244-45, 248, 259, 262-64, with Robert- 24. son, 260-61, with Meldrum and Park, AUBERT de Gasp6, Ignatius, mentioned, 449-52, 460, with John Askin Jr., 478- 524. 80; views on marriage, 77; plans AUBERT de Gaspe, Phillipe, mentioned, establishment at French River, 102- 387. 620 INDEX AUCTION, of Askwith estate, 614. BADGLEY,- -, partner of Richard Dobie^ AUDET, Innocent, dit Lapointe, men- 130. tioned, 327. BADGLEY and Cartwright, creditors of AUDET, Mary, dit Lapointe, wife of Askwith, 597. Jacques Charon, sketch, 327-28. BAIL, required, 205. AUDRAIN, Elizabeth, wife of Robert BAILLY, Louisa Jane, wife of Pierre Abbott, mentioned, 213, 304. St. Onge dit Chene, sketch, 410. AUDRAIN, Margaret, wife of George BAIRD, Henry S., mentioned, 587. Hoffman, mentioned, 213. BAISCHE, Charles de la, Marquis de AUDRAIN, Peter, mentioned, 229, 304; Beauharnois, sketch, 27; makes feudal signs as recorder, 173, 176, 212, 323; grant, 27-30. sketch, 213. BAKER, William, mentioned, 522; letter, AUGER, Louisa, wife of Philip Dejean, 519-20; sketch, 520. mentioned, 106. BANK of Montreal, mentioned, 388. AUNOIS, Jane, wife of Pierre Lefebvre, BANNERMAN, Capt. , mentioned, 100. mentioned, 401. BARBADOS, George Beckwith, governor AYMARD, Ann, wife of Guillaume of, 313. Couture, sketch, 391. BARKLE, Mary, wife of James Abbott, AYMOND, Jean Baptiste, mentioned, mentioned, 377. 195. BARRAULT, Mary, wife of Jean Louis AYMOND, Mary Joseph, wife of Jean Leriger dit Laplante, sketch, 590 Baptiste Crete, mentioned, 288; sketch, BARROIS, Agatha Lootman dit, see 195. Lootman, Agatha, dit Barrois. BARROIS, Catherine Lootman dit, see BABY, Antoine, mentioned, 328. Lootman, Catherine, dit Barrois. BABY, Archange, wife of Ralph Ross BARROIS, Francis Lootman dit, see Lewen, sketch, 381. Lootman, Francis, dit Barrois. BABY, Francois, mentioned, 107, 328; BARROIS, Jean Baptiste Lootman dit, see sketch, 377; runs for office, 420. Lootman, Jean Baptiste, dit Barrois. BABY, Jacques I, sketch, 292. BARROIS, Jean Marie, mentioned, 28. BABY, Jacques II, mentioned, 292, 328, BARROIS, Mary Lootman dit, see Loot- 377-78, 392, 420, 438, 443, 445-46; man, Mary, dit Barrois. sketch, 293; military aspirations, 433; BARROIS, Mary Ann Lootman dit, see surrogate for Western District, 594. Lootman, Mary Ann, dit Barrois. BABY, Jacques, dit Duperon, mentioned, BARTHE, , desires Moravian land, 185, 243, 328, 376-77, 381, 386, 394, 230-31. 419, 561; sketch, 292. BARTHE, Charles Andrew, mentioned, BABY, Jean Baptiste, sketch, 376. 77, 164, 401; marriage dot of wife, BABY, Louis I, sketch, 328. 33-37; sketch, 34; buys land, 40-43; BABY, Louis II, sketch, 328. death, 226. BABY, Marie Joseph, wift of Louis BARTHE, Charlotte, wife of Louis Francois Perrault, sketch, ,28. R6aume (first), and Anthony Louis BABY, Raymond, mentioned, 328; sketch, Descomps dit Labadie (second), sketch, 292.
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