NWFB and Citybus Special Service Arrangements at Tuen Ng Festival (11 June 2021, Hong Kong) To cope with passenger demand at Tuen Ng Festival, New World First Bus (“NWFB”) and Citybus will implement special service arrangements for several routes on Monday, 14 June. Details are as follows: Citybus will operate special bus service Route 73S from Stanley Village to Ocean Park Station via Stanley Plaza, Chung Hom Kok Beach, Repulse Bay and Deep Water Bay at 4:30pm, 5:30pm and 6:30pm. The full fare is HK$12.4. Service of NWFB Route 14, 65 and Citybus Route 73, 260, 973 will be strengthened subject to passenger demand. Headway of Citybus Route 6 and 6X will be adjusted, and some departures of Route 6 will omit Ma Hang. Citybus Route 314 Siu Sai Wan bound departures from Stanley Main Beach will omit bus stops from Hong Kong Sea School to Stanley Police Station and divert via Stanley Village Road, then follow its original routeing to Siu Sai Wan (Island Resort). In addition, there will be temporary bus stop arrangements for 9 NWFB and Citybus routes, including NWFB Route 14 and 65, and Citybus Route 6, 6X, 73, 90, 260, 629 and 973. In conjunction with crowd control measures at Stanley, arrangements of the abovementioned routes might be adjusted subject to actual conditions. For further enquiries, please call the NWFB Customer Service Hotline at 2136 8888 or Citybus Customer Service Hotline at 2873 0818 during service hours; visit the NWFB website at www.nwfb.com.hk or the Citybus website at www.citybus.com.hk; refer to notices at bus stops or download the NWFB & Citybus Mobile Application to keep track of our latest updates on the service information. NWFB and Citybus are committed to improving the quality of life for the public we serve, and providing reliable bus services. – END – Page 1 of 1 發佈日: 2021年6月10日 *C202100596a02* 張貼至: 2021年6月14日 C202100596a02_ODN 1 赤柱 特快前往 海洋公園站 Express Stanley Service Ocean Park 端午節特別服務 Special Service for Dragon Boat Festival 為配合客量需求,本公司將於端午節當天加開特別路線 73S,詳情如下: To cater passenger demand, special Route 73S will be operated on Dragon Boat Festival day. Details are as follows: 服務日期 2021 年 6 月 14 日(星期一,端午節) Operating Date 14 June 2021 (Monday, Dragon Boat Festival) 下午 4:30, 5:30 及 6:30 p.m. 服務時間 赤柱開出 (將視乎客量需求加強服務) Operating Time From Stanley (Service will be strengthened subject to passenger demands) 收費 $12.40 Fare 1. 赤柱村(赤柱市集) Stanley Village (Stanley Market) 2. 赤柱廣場 Stanley Plaza 3. 舂坎角海灘 Chung Hom Kok Beach 巴士站位置 4. 淺水灣海灘 Repulse Bay Beach Bus Stop Locations 5. 深水灣 Deep Water Bay 6. 黃竹坑新圍 Wong Chuk Hang San Wai 7. 海洋公園站 Ocean Park Station 年滿 65 歲或以上之長者使用長者八達通卡繳付車資,優惠票價為 $2.00。 Seniors aged 65 or above can enjoy the $2.00 concessionary fare using their Senior Octopus cards. 營運部 (港島) 啟 Operations Department RL/acc Citybus Limited (incorporated in the British Virgin Islands with limited liability) 發佈日: 2021年6月10日 *C202100592a02* 張貼至: 2021年6月14日 C202100592a02_ODN 路線 Routes 6, 6X, 65, 73, 260, 314, 973 端午節營運安排 Special Service Arrangements on Dragon Boat Festival 為配合疏導人潮措施,於 2021 年 6 月 14 日(星期一,端午節),上述路線將有 特別服務安排,詳情如下: In conjunction with crowd control measures, special service arrangements for captioned routes will be applied on 14 June 2021 (Monday, Dragon Boat Festival) as below: 路線 特別運作安排 Special Arrangements Routes 260 加強服務。Service will be strengthened. 調整班次至約每 15 分鐘一班。Headway will be adjusted to about 15 minutes. 6, 路線6下列時間部分班次不經馬坑,乘客可選乘路線6X: Some departures of rt.6 will omit Ma Hang in the following hours, passengers can use rt. 6X: 6X 中環開出 from Central 赤柱開出 from Stanley 08:05 – 18:00 10:00 – 19:00 加強服務。Service will be strengthened. 65 往北角方向,部分班次或改以銅鑼灣(祟光百貨)為終點站。 Some North Point bound departures may terminate at Causeway Bay (SOGO department store) 73, 因應客量情況加強服務。 973 Service will be strengthened subject to passenger demands. 當日由頭班車起至尾班車 *** 不經東頭灣道 *** From first departure to last departure, *** Omit Tung Tau Wan Road *** 314 於赤柱灘道後,右轉赤柱村道返回原有路線往小西灣方向。 After Stanley Beach Road, operates via Stanley Village Road, and resumes its original routeing to Siu Sai Wan. 視乎當日赤柱村道有交通情況,部分前往赤柱之班次,或不入東頭灣道及赤柱監獄, 改以下列地點為臨時總站: Depending on the traffic conditions along Stanley Village Road, some departures to Stanley will not observe Tung Tau Wan Rd and Stanley Prison, and will be terminated at the following locations: 赤柱村總站外 Outside Stanley Village Terminus 敬請留意。Thank you for your attention. 營運部 (港島) 啟 Operations Department (Hong Kong Island) RL/acc \Citybus Limited New World First Bus Services Limited (incorporated in the British Virgin Islands with limited liability) 發佈日: 2021年6月10日 *C202100591a02* 張貼至: 2021年6月14日 C202100591a02_ODN 路線 Route 14 端午節特別安排 Special Arrangements for Dragon Boat Festival 為加強服務疏導人潮,上述路線於2021年6月14日 (星期一,端午節) 頭班 車起至約下午7時正,實施以下臨時安排 : In conjunction with crowd control measures, with effect from the first departure to 7 p.m. on 14 June 2021 (Monday, Dragon Boat Festival), there will be temporary arrangements for the captioned routes. Details are as follows: 1. 視乎實際客量及交通情況,部分班次可能不經赤柱炮台或不經馬坑。乘客 請留意並選乘前往所需目的地之班次。部分班次改以赤柱監獄為終點站。 Depending on the passenger demand and traffic condition, some departures may omit Stanley Fort or Ma Hang. Some departures may terminate at Stanley Prison. 2. 巴士站臨時停用 Temporary bus stop suspension 停用巴士站 赤柱村,赤柱村道 (赤柱村總站外) Bus Stop Stanley Village, Stanley Village Road (outside Stanley Village bus terminal) Suspension 赤柱警署外臨時落客站 往 赤柱監獄 班次 替代巴士站 Stanley Village Road outside Stanley To Stanley Prison 安排 Police Station (Temporary alighting stop) Alternative 往 赤柱炮台 班次 黃麻角道公立醫局巴士站 Bus Stop To Stanley Fort Public Dispensary, Wong Ma Kok Road 3. 往西灣河方向,部分班次或改以筲箕灣為終點站。 Some Sai Wan Ho bound departures may terminate at Shau Kei Wan. 敬請留意。Thank you for your attention. 營運部 (港島) 啟 Operations Department RL/acc New World First Bus Services Limited (incorporated in the British Virgin Islands with limited liability) 發佈日: 2021年6月10日 *C202100599a02* 張貼至: 2021年6月14日 C202100599a02_ODN 端午節 - 淺水灣道淺水灣別墅巴士站臨時封閉 Bus Stop Suspension at Repluse Bay Villas, Repluse Bay Road on Dragon Boat Festival 為配合疏導人潮措施,上述路線將有臨時安排,詳情如下: In conjunction with crowd control measures, there will be temporary arrangements for the captioned routes. Details are as follows: 實施日期 2021 年 6 月 14 日(星期一,端午節)由中午12:00起 至 約晚上 8:00 止 及時間 From the 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Implementation on 14 June 2020 (Monday, Dragon Boat Festival) Dates & Periods 路線 方向 停用巴士站 臨時安排 Routes Direction Suspended Bus Stop Temporary Arrangement 6, 6X, 中環 260 Central 不設臨時站 No Temporary Bus Stop 65 北角 North Point 淺水灣別墅,淺水灣道 Repulse Bay Villas, 乘客請使用以下車站: 數碼港 Repulse Bay Rd Passengers are advised to use the following 73 Cyberport bus stop: 淺水灣泳灘,淺水灣道 尖沙咀 Repulse Bay Beach, Repulse Bay Rd 973 Tsim Sha Tsui 敬請留意。 Thank you for your attention. 營運部(港島) 啟 Operations Department (Hong Kong Island) RL/acc Citybus Limited New World First Bus Services Limited (incorporated in the British Virgin Islands with limited liability) 發佈日: 2021年6月10日 *C202100595a02* 張貼至: 2021年6月14日 C202100595a02_ODN 端午節-赤柱村總站特別安排 Special Arrangements for Dragon Boat Festival – Stanley Village Terminus 為配合疏導人潮措施,於 2021 年 6 月 14 日(星期一,端午節) 早上 8 時 至晚上 8 時,位於赤柱村總站內之登車位置將有臨時安排。 In conjunction with crowd control measures, with effect from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm on 14 June 2021 (Monday, Dragon Boat Festival), there will be temporary arrangements of the boarding points in Stanley Village Terminus. 同時,視乎交通情況,以上路線部分班次將改用赤柱村道赤柱警署站外臨 時落客站,不停赤柱村總站外巴士站。路線65或會於赤柱村道赤柱村總站 外落客。敬請留意。 Depending on traffic condition, some departures may use the temporary alighting stop at Stanley Village Road outside Stanley Police Office, omit bus stop outside Stanley Bus Terminal. Route 65 may terminate at Stanley Village Road outside Stanley Bus Terminal. Thank you for your attention. 營運部 (港島) 啟 Operations Department (Hong Kong Island) RL/acc Citybus Limited (incorporated in the British Virgin Islands with limited liability) New World First Bus Services Limited (incorporated in the British Virgin Islands with limited liability) 發佈日: 2021年6月10日 *C202100594a02* 張貼至: 2021年6月14日 C202100594a02_ODN 路線 Routes 6, 90, 629 端午節 中環 交易廣場 登車位時安排 - ( ) Bus Stop Arrangement at Exchange Square Terminus on Dragon Boat Festival 為配合營運需要,上述路線位於中環(交易廣場)巴士總站內之登車位置,將會臨時安排如下: In order to facilitate operations need, the boarding point of captioned routes at Central (Exchange Square) bus terminus will be temporarily re-arranged as below: 日期及時間 2021 年 6 月 14 日 (星期一,端午節) 頭班車起至晚上 7 時 30 分 Date & Period From the first departure to 7:30 p.m. on 14 June 2021 (Monday, Dragon Boat Festival) 路線 Routes 巴士站位置 Bus Stop Location 臨時安排 Temporary Arrangement 遷移至原路線 90 車坑 6 Relocated to original bus lane of Route 90 中環(交易廣場) 遷移至原路線 629 車坑 90 Central (Exchange Square) Relocated to original bus lane of Route 629 遷移至原路線 11, 12車坑 629 Relocated to original bus lane of Routes 11 & 12 敬請留意。Thank you for your attention. 營運部 啟 Operations Department RL/acc Citybus Limited (incorporated in the British Virgin Islands with limited liability) New World First Bus Services Limited (incorporated in the British Virgin Islands with limited liability) 發佈日: 2021年6月10日 *C202100589a02* 張貼至: 2021年6月14日 C202100589a02_ODN 端午節 - 深水灣巴士站臨時安排 Temporary Bus Stop Arrangement at Deep Water Bay on Dragon Boat Festival 為配合疏導人潮措施,上述巴士站將有以下臨時安排: In conjunction with crowd control measures, there will be following temporary bus stop arrangement as follows: 實施日期 2021 年 6 月14 日(星期一,端午節) 及時段 由早上8 時起 至 晚上 8 時 Implementation From 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Date & Period on 14 June 2021 (Monday, Dragon Boat Festival) 路線及方向 巴士站位置 Route and Direction Bus Stop Location 6X 中環 臨時前移約 50 米至 260 Central 咪錶泊車位 臨時安排 Temporarily relocated
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