33rd Annual Spring Wildflower Count Brown County and Monroe County Held in conjunction with the 30th Annual Wildflower Foray 24–26 April 2015 Checklist compiled by Kay Yatskievych [[email protected]] TOTAL ALL: 305 species (228 native, 77 introduced) Names included in the list have been found in flower (except Ferns and Allies) on at least one previous Wildflower Count. Names in bold are native species. Names unbolded and in SMALL CAPS are introduced species. Species with subspecies or varieties have the ones found in Indiana listed (but some may not have been found in Brown or Monroe counties). B ___ are species that have been recorded from Brown County. M ___ are species that have been recorded from Monroe County. – ___ indicates it has not yet been recorded for the county. WILDFLOWERS, VINES, AND SHRUBLETS (small woody species easily mistaken for wildflowers) Total: 216 species (149 native, 67 introduced) Numbers preceding the scientific names are ones used in the Field Guide to Indiana Wildflowers by Kay Yatskievych (2000). The primary color of the flower is listed after each entry. This is usually the petals but in a few cases is from the color of the stamens. If two or more colors are listed, this indicates that there are different color forms of the species. Secondary colors are not listed. Plants that have separate ♂ (male, staminate) and ♀ (female, pistillate) flowers have the color listed for each of those. B ___ M ___ Alexanders, Golden (710 Zizia aurea) —Yellow B ___ M ___ Alumroot, Common (421 Heuchera americana var. americana, var. hirsuticaulis) —White B ___ M ___ Anemone, False Rue (37 Isopyrum biternatum) —White B ___ M ___ Anemone, Rue (38 Thalictrum thalictroides) —White —Pink B ___ M ___ Anemone, Wood (35 Anemone quinquefolia var. quinquefolia) —White B ___ M ___ Aniseroot (684 Osmorhiza longistylis) —White Total Wildflowers this page: B ______ M ______ B (and/or) M ______ Annual Spring Wildflower Count, Brown and Monroe Counties — 2015 ........ page 2 B ___ M ___ Arbutus, Trailing (381 Epigaea repens) —White —Pink B ___ M ___ Avens, Cream-colored (453 Geum virginianum) —White B ___ M ___ Avens, Spring (454 Geum vernum) —Yellow B ___ M ___ Avens, White (451 Geum canadense) —White B ___ M ___ Baneberry, White (48 Actaea pachypoda) —White B ___ M ___ Bedstraw, Shining (1048 Galium concinnum) —White B ___ M ___ Bellwort, Large-flowered (1474 Uvularia grandiflora) —Yellow – ___ M ___ Bellwort, Sessile-leaved (1476 Uvularia sessilifolia) —Yellow B ___ M ___ Betony, Wood (999 Pedicularis canadensis subsp. canadensis) —Yellow – ___ M ___ Bishop’s-cap (425 Mitella diphylla) —White B ___ – ___ Bloodroot (62 Sanguinaria canadensis) —White B ___ M ___ Bluebells, Virginia (824 Mertensia virginica) —Blue —White —Pink B ___ – ___ Blue-eyed Grass, Stout (1513 Sisyrinchium angustifolium) —Blue B ___ M ___ Blue-eyed-Mary (997 Collinsia verna) —Blue —White B ___ M ___ Bluets, Long-leaved (1055 Houstonia longifolia) —White B ___ M ___ BLUETS, RED-EYED (1060 HOUSTONIA PUSILLA) —BLUE B ___ – ___ Bluets, Yellow-eyed (1059 Houstonia caerulea) —Blue – ___ M ___ BUCKHORN (930 PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA) —WHITE (STAMENS) B ___ M ___ BUGLE, CARPET (923 AJUGA REPTANS) —PURPLE B ___ M ___ Buttercup, Hooked (20 Ranunculus recurvatus var. recurvatus) —Yellow B ___ M ___ Buttercup, Kidney-leaved (23 Ranunculus abortivus) —Yellow – ___ M ___ Buttercup, Rock (24 Ranunculus micranthus) —Yellow B ___ M ___ Buttercup, Rough and Swamp Buttercup (13 Ranunculus hispidus var. caricetorum, var. hispidus, var. nitidus) —Yellow B ___ M ___ BUTTERCUP, SARDINIA (17 RANUNCULUS SARDOUS) —YELLOW B ___ – ___ BUTTERCUP, TALL (15 RANUNCULUS ACRIS) —YELLOW B ___ M ___ Butterweed (1221 Packera glabella) —Yellow B ___ M ___ CAMPION, EVENING (138 SILENE LATIFOLIA) —WHITE B ___ M ___ Catchfly, Starry (143 Silene stellata) —White – ___ M ___ CELANDINE, LESSER (NOT IN FGIW. RANUNCULUS FICARIA SUBSP. BULBIFER) —YELLOW B ___ M ___ Chervil, Wild (691 Chaerophyllum procumbens var. procumbens, var. shortii) —White B ___ M ___ CHICKWEED, CLAMMY (161 CERASTIUM GLOMERATUM) —WHITE Total Wildflowers this page: B ______ M ______ B (and/or) M ______ Annual Spring Wildflower Count, Brown and Monroe Counties — 2015 ........ page 3 B ___ M ___ CHICKWEED, COMMON (158 STELLARIA MEDIA VAR. MEDIA) —WHITE B ___ M ___ CHICKWEED, COMMON MOUSE-EARED (160 CERASTIUM FONTANUM SUBSP. VULGARE) —WHITE – ___ M ___ CHICKWEED, JAGGED (165 HOLOSTEUM UMBELLATUM SUBSP. UMBELLATUM) —WHITE B ___ M ___ Chickweed, Nodding (162 Cerastium nutans var. nutans) —White B ___ M ___ Chickweed, Small Field (164 Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum) —White B ___ M ___ CHICKWEED, SMALL MOUSE-EARED (159 CERASTIUM SEMIDECANDRUM) —WHITE B ___ M ___ Chickweed, Star (153 Stellaria puber) —White B ___ M ___ Cinquefoil, Oldfield (441 Potentilla simplex) —Yellow B ___ M ___ Cleavers (1046 Galium aparine) —White B ___ M ___ CLOVER, ALSIKE (506 TRIFOLIUM HYBRIDUM) —WHITE —PINK B ___ – ___ CLOVER, LITTLE HOP (510 TRIFOLIUM DUBIUM) —YELLOW B ___ – ___ CLOVER, PINNATE HOP (509 TRIFOLIUM CAMPESTRE) —YELLOW B ___ – ___ CLOVER, RED (507 TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE) —PINK B ___ – ___ CLOVER, YELLOW SWEET (513 MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS) —YELLOW B ___ M ___ CLOVER, WHITE (505 TRIFOLIUM REPENS) —WHITE —PINK B ___ M ___ Cohosh, Blue (59 Caulophyllum thalictroides) —Yellow B ___ M ___ Columbine, Wild (57 Aquilegia canadensis) —Red B ___ M ___ Comfrey, Wild (828 Cynoglossum virginianum var. boreale, var. virginianum) —Blue B ___ M ___ Coralroot, Spring (1525 Corallorhiza wisteriana) —White —Pink B ___ – ___ Corn-salad, Navel-fruited (1071 Valerianella umbilicata) —White B ___ M ___ Corydalis, Short-spurred (68 Corydalis flavula) —Yellow B ___ – ___ Crane’s-bill, Carolina (661 Geranium carolinianum) —Pink B ___ – ___ CRANE’S-BILL, LONG-STALKED (663 GERANIUM COLUMBINUM) —PINK B ___ – ___ CRANE’S-BILL, SMALL-FLOWERED (665 GERANIUM PUSILLUM) —PINK B ___ M ___ CRESS, BITTER WINTER (328 BARBAREA VULGARIS) —YELLOW – ___ M ___ CRESS, CREEPING YELLOW (327 RORIPPA SYLVESTRIS) —YELLOW B ___ M ___ CRESS, FIELD PENNY (306 THLASPI ARVENSE) —WHITE B ___ M ___ CRESS, HAIRY BITTER (366 CARDAMINE HIRSUTA) —WHITE B ___ – ___ CRESS, MOUSE-EARED (369 ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA) —WHITE B ___ M ___ Cress, Pennsylvania Bitter (364 Cardamine pensylvanica) —White B ___ M ___ CRESS, PERFOLIATE PENNY (304 MICROTHLASPI PERFOLIATUM) —WHITE Total Wildflowers this page: B ______ M ______ B (and/or) M ______ Annual Spring Wildflower Count, Brown and Monroe Counties — 2015 ........ page 4 B ___ M ___ Cress, Purple Spring (362 Cardamine douglassii) —White —Pink – ___ M ___ CRESS, ROADSIDE PENNY (not in FGIW. THLASPI ALLIACEUM) —WHITE B ___ M ___ Cress, Small-flowered Bitter (365 Cardamine parviflora) —White B ___ M ___ Cress, Smooth Rock (373 Boechera laevigata) —White B ___ – ___ CRESS, WAVY-STEMMED BITTER (367 CARDAMINE FLEXUOSA) —WHITE B ___ M ___ Cress, White Spring (363 Cardamine bulbosa) —White B ___ – ___ Cucumber-root, Indian (1490 Medeola virginiana) —Yellow B ___ M ___ Cynthia, Two-flowered (1314 Krigia biflora) —Orange —Yellow B ___ M ___ DAISY, OX-EYE (1307 LEUCANTHEMUM VULGARE) —WHITE B ___ M ___ DANDELION, COMMON (1309 TARAXACUM OFFICINALE) —YELLOW – ___ M ___ Dandelion, Potato (1317 Krigia dandelion) —Yellow B ___ M ___ DEAD NETTLE, PURPLE (894 LAMIUM PURPUREUM VAR. PURPUREUM) —PURPLE —PINK B ___ M ___ Dewberry, Northern (433 Rubus flagellaris) —White B ___ – ___ DOCK, CURLY (183 RUMEX CRISPUS SUBSP. CRISPUS) —GREEN – ___ M ___ Dock, Pale (184 Rumex altissimus) —Green – ___ M ___ Dock, Swamp (181 Rumex verticillatus) —Green B ___ M ___ Dutchman’s-breeches (71 Dicentra cucullaria) —White B ___ – ___ FLAG, ONE-VEINED SWEET (1398 ACORUS CALAMUS) —YELLOW (STAMENS) – ___ M ___ Flag, Virginia Blue (1517 Iris virginica) —Purple B ___ M ___ Fleabane, Daisy (1272 Erigeron annuus) —White B ___ M ___ Fleabane, Philadelphia (1271 Erigeron philadelphicus var. philadelphicus) —White —Pink B ___ M ___ Forget-me-not, White (831 Myosotis verna) —White B ___ – ___ FORGET-ME-NOT, YELLOW-AND-BLUE (NOT IN FGIW. MYOSOTIS DISCOLOR) —YELLOW —BLUE B ___ – ___ Gentian, Early Horse (1064 Triosteum aurantiacum var. aurantiacum, var. glaucescens, var. illinoense) —Red B ___ M ___ Geranium, Wild (660 Geranium maculatum) —Pink —Purple B ___ M ___ GILL-OVER-THE-GROUND (922 GLECHOMA HEDERACEA) —PURPLE —PINK B ___ M ___ Ginger, Wild (2 Asarum canadense) —Brown B ___ M ___ Goldenseal (44 Hydrastis canadensis) —White (stamens) B ___ M ___ Green-dragon (1400 Arisaema dracontium) —Yellow (stamens) B ___ M ___ Greenbrier, Round-leaved (1508 Smilax rotundifolia) —White B ___ M ___ Gromwell, American (835 Lithospermum latifolium) —White —Yellow Total Wildflowers this page: B ______ M ______ B (and/or) M ______ Annual Spring Wildflower Count, Brown and Monroe Counties — 2015 ........ page 5 B ___ M ___ GROMWELL, CORN (834 BUGLOSSOIDES ARVENSIS) —WHITE B ___ – ___ GROUNDSEL, COMMON (1228 SENECIO VULGARIS) —YELLOW B ___ M ___ Gyandotte-beauty (872 Synandra hispidula) —White B ___ M ___ Harbinger-of-spring (682 Erigenia bulbosa) —White B ___ M ___ HENBIT (893 LAMIUM AMPLEXICAULE) —PINK —PURPLE B ___ M ___ Hepatica, Sharp-lobed (30 Anemone acutiloba) —White—Pink —Purple B ___ – ___ Herb-Robert (667 Geranium robertianum) —Pink —Purple B ___ – ___ HONEYSUCKLE, JAPANESE (LONICERA JAPONICA) —WHITE —YELLOW B ___ – ___ HONEYSUCKLE, TRUMPET (not in FGIW. LONICERA SEMPERVIRENS) —RED B ___ – ___ Houstonia, Large (1057 Houstonia purpurea var. calycosa, var. purpurea) —White —Pink B ___ M ___ HYACINTH, COMMON GRAPE (1465 MUSCARI BOTRYOIDES) —PURPLE – ___ M ___ Hyacinth, Early-blooming Wild (1468 Camassia scilloides) —Purple B ___ M ___ Iris, Dwarf Crested (1521 Iris cristata) —Purple B ___ M ___ Jack-in-the-pulpit (1401 Arisaema triphyllum) —Yellow (stamens) B ___ M ___ Jacob’s-ladder, Spreading (813 Polemonium reptans var. reptans) —Purple B ___ M ___ Lady’s-slipper, Yellow (1562 Cypripedium parviflorum var.
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