URÀW RUJDQLVDWLRQ IRFXVLQJ RQ QDEOH KHDOWKUHODWHG GHYHORSPHQW YXOQHUDEOH FRPPXQLWLHV LQ ERWK OUR CORE VALUES • We focus on rapid medical response for the assistance of communities affected by disasters • :HKROGRXUVHOYHVDFFRXQWDEOHWRRXUGRQRUVDQGEHQHÀFLDULHV • We recognise the value of working with partners and volunteers • We provide an opportunity for individuals to serve with professionalism, upholding the Code of Conduct for International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief NEWNNEW LOGOOGOGOGOGO RATIONALERRAATTIOTOONNAALLEE MERCY Malaysia’s UHIUHVKHGORJRHPERGLHVHIÀFLHQF\DQGHIIHFWLYHQHVV DPLGVWKXPLOLW\7KHORJRSHUVRQLÀHVFRXUDJHDQGGHWHUPLQDWLRQDPPLGVWKXP 7KH ORJRSHHUVRQQLÀH FRXUDJHD GHWHUPPLQD LRQWWKURXJKLWVJKLWV clear-cut and minimalist design. The lower case alphabets denotesd humility DVDYDOXHZHHPEUDFHLQRXUDSSURDFKWRRXUZRUNZLWKEHQHÀFLDDV DYDOXHHZHHPE DFH QR U SSURDFKKWR RXU NZLWK EHQHÀFFLDULHULHVDQGHVD G SDUWQHUV\HWWKHEROGIRQWVLJQLÀHVRXUDELOLW\WRIDFHFKDOOSDUWQHUV \HW H OG IRQW VLJQLÀÀHV RX DEL LW\ WR HFKDOOHQHQJHVDQGWREHQJHV DQG WR H HIIHFWLYHLQRXUZRUN7KH5R\DO%OXHVLJQLÀHVFDOPLQWLPHVRIHIIHFWLY LQ ZRUN 7KHH5R\DO%%OXHV JQLÀH FD P WLPHVRIFFULVLV7KH%ULJKWL V %ULJKW RedRed showsshows ourr commitmentcommmitment andan passionsion in workingwworkking withw h disasterdisaster affectedfected DQGLPSRYHULVKHGFRPPXQLWLHV7KHÁRZHURQWKHORJRLVWKHҊ%XQDQGLPPSRYHULVKHG RPP QL H 7KHÁRZZHU RQW RJRLV WKH%XQJDJD5D\Dҋ5D\ KLELVFXV K ELVFXV VLQHQVLV VVLQHQVL ZKLFKZKLFKK LV WKH QDWLRQDOQDW R DO ÁRZHUÁRZHU RI 0DOD\VLD7K0DOD\\VLD 7KLV GHQRWHVGHQR V MERCY Malaysia’s originsg as well as pridep in being a Malaysian-born,y , internationallyin ernaattiona renownedrenowned humanitarianhumanit an organisation,organisaation supportinguppoorting affectedfected communities regardless of race, religion, culture or boundary. CONTENTS 3$7521ҋ60(66$*( ',6$67(55,6.5('8&7,21 35(6,'(17ҋ60(66$*( &28175<5(32576 *(1(5$/0$1$*(5ҋ65(9,(: (9(176 0(5&<0$/$<6,$(;(&87,9( 6(&5(7$5,$70(0%(56 &281&,/ 7+$1.<28 75($685(5ҋ65(3257 0,66,210(0%(56 +80$1,7$5,$1$&&2817$%,/,7< ),1$1&,$/67$7(0(176 &2//$%25$7,216 727$/',6$67(55,6. 0$1$*(0(17 T+(&217(1762) T+,638%/,&ATION $5( T+(62/(&23<5,*+T 2)0(5&<0$/$<6,$ NO PART M$<%(5(352'8&(':,7+28TOBTA,1,1*35,253(50,66,21 MERCY Malaysia • Annual Report 2008 pg> H.R.H Sultan Azlan Shah, Patron “As Patron of MERCY Malaysia, I am truly proud of its achievements over the years.” MERCY Malaysia • Annual Report 2008 pg> PATRON’S MESSAGE MERCY MALAYSIA HAS A FIRM AND PROVEN COMMITMENT TOWARDS ALL ITS BENEFICIARIES AND DONORS. I AM CONFIDENT THAT IT WILL CONTINUE TO ADAPT TO THE TRYING TIMES AHEAD AND NOT COMPROMISE ON ITS BEST ENDEAVOURS IN FULFILLING ITS HUMANITARIAN CAUSE. In the past year, despite the economic downturn, MERCY 0(5&< 0DOD\VLD KDV D ÀUP DQG SURYHQ FRPPLWPHQW Malaysia has continued its noble objectives and has WRZDUGV DOO LWV EHQHÀFLDULHV DQG GRQRUV , DP FRQÀGHQW worked with admirable dedication in its life-saving that it will continue to adapt to the trying times ahead and commitments. This is clearly evidenced by its effective QRW FRPSURPLVH RQ LWV EHVW HQGHDYRXUV LQ IXOÀOOLQJ LWV and immediate responses to the Myanmar Cyclone humanitarian cause. As a NGO that exists for vulnerable 1DUJLVGLVDVWHULQ0D\DQGWKH*D]D&RQÁLFWLQODWH world communities, the work carried out by MERCY December. Apart from these two major projects, MERCY Malaysia is unquestionably important. Let us continue MALAYSIA continued with its on-going work in Sudan, to support MERCY Malaysia’s efforts, and let us extend Afghanistan, Cambodia and Pakistan, among other a hand to a community of survivors. Through MERCY countries. Malaysia, let us share the Organisation’s spirit – that the service to humanity is service to us. As Patron of MERCY Malaysia, I am truly proud of its achievements over the years. Its quick responses to I once again congratulate MERCY Malaysia for its the threats of disasters, both natural and man-made, in accomplishments and also wish all members of the providing humanitarian relief for all people regardless Organisation, both staff and volunteers, much success in of colour, creed or religion, has gained international the future. admiration and recognition. I commend the excellent work done by each and everyone in the Organisation for their unstinting dedication and commitment. Each one of you has made the Nation proud. As we look forward, there are challenging times for all. The global economic conditions will bring forth even H.R.H SULTAN AZLAN SHAH greater problems. As an Organisation, you will face the The Sultan of Perak Darul Ridzuan GLIÀFXOWWDVNRIUDLVLQJIXQGVIRU\RXUYDULRXVSURMHFWV$W the same time, there will be greater demands for your relief ZRUN+RZHYHUZLWK\RXUWUDFNUHFRUG,DPFRQÀGHQWWKDW donors will continue to support you. In this regard, I urge all Malaysians to provide whatever assistance you can to the Organisation so that it can continue to serve humanity, and in so doing alleviate the sufferings of fellow human beings. MERCY Malaysia • Annual Report 2008 pg> Datuk Dr. Jemilah Mahmood, President “It is a good time for us to work as a humanitarian community in closer partnership amidst limited resources.” MERCY Malaysia • Annual Report 2008 pg> PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE THE TENACITY OF OUR STAFF AND VOLUNTEERS WORKING AMIDST RESTRICTIONS AND NEW CHALLENGES WON MANY HEARTS ESPECIALLY AMONG THE AFFECTED POPULATION. Peace and Greetings to All. preparedness training and risk reduction strategies including mitigation. Any structure we built was made more The year 2008 will be remembered as one with many earthquake or cyclone-proof and community participation challenges. From the fuel and food price crises that rocked was the cornerstone of success. the world, we witnessed how many communities already struggling to cope with their daily needs are pushed back I am especially pleased that MERCY Malaysia has been in their development. Added to this, Asia was once again able to work closely with the Ministry of Education in hit by two major natural hazards resulting in massive Malaysia to roll out our School Preparedness Programme. loss of life, homes and livelihoods in the aftermath of Through our membership in the Asian Disaster Reduction Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar and the Sichuan earthquake and Response Network (ADRRN), we are also able to in China. work with other similar agencies in the region. I was in Myanmar in the early days following Cyclone In Malaysia, we have been able to focus more on the Nargis and was proud to see how MERCY Malaysia was development side of our work, working closely with the adaptable to the challenging humanitarian environment Ministry of Health, UNICEF, UNHCR and other partners to DQGLQEXLOGLQJQHZSDUWQHUVKLSVLQWKHÀHOG7KHWHQDFLW\ deliver high quality healthcare and outreach programmes. of our staff and volunteers working amidst restrictions and What is even more gratifying is the active participation of new challenges won many hearts especially among the Malaysian volunteers, young and not-so-young, in many affected population. What was very clear to me was the programmes in Malaysia through the active Chapters in need for MERCY Malaysia to contribute to enhancing country. local and national capacities in the countries we work in. The very people who are at risk of disasters are the 2QH \HDU DIWHU DFKLHYLQJ &HUWLÀFDWLRQ IURP WKH ones who understand the needs and affected people best, Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP), the and we should be there to support them and build their organisation continues to put in more effort to meet the resilience. GHPDQGVRIFHUWLÀFDWLRQZKLFKLQHVVHQFHUHTXLUHVDOHYHO of Quality Management in our systems, staff, projects and The newly established Disaster Risk Reduction partners. There is still a lot of work to do to ensure we do Department at MERCY Malaysia was pivotal in ensuring not lose momentum and to remind ourselves constantly our goals to be an organisation that practices total disaster of the importance of accountability not only to our donors risk management are met. Working closely with the DQGSDUWQHUVEXWHYHQPRUHVRWRRXUEHQHÀFLDULHVZKR Relief Operations Department ensured that our projects will work to assist. transitioned seamlessly from response to recovery to rehabilitation and preparedness. Communities were left stronger than when we found them through disaster MERCY Malaysia • Annual Report 2008 pg> Winning the Special Mention Award for Social Reporting by an NGO in the Annual ACCA MESRA Awards in Malaysia for Accountability and Social Reporting for two years’ in a row was a huge recognition for MERCY Malaysia and we will endeavour to work even harder in the years to come. I am therefore honoured and delighted to share more of our work and achievements with you through this Annual Report 2008 which will cover our activities in 2008 and VRPHDFWLYLWLHVWKDWFURVVLQWRWKHÀUVWTXDUWHURI, hope that this report will give you a better understanding on how we have been able to push forward despite many challenges in the past year. As I close, in the past year till now, the world is facing one RIWKHZRUVWÀQDQFLDODQGHFRQRPLFFULVHVLQWKHKLVWRU\RI mankind. Many of our donors are facing these stresses and the entire NGO community globally is under pressure from dwindling funds. I urge all of you to continue supporting us as best as you can. Our work ensures those who are LQDÀQDQFLDOFULVLVHYHU\GD\RIWKHLUOLYHVUHFHLYHQRWRQO\ support but also have their resilience built. It is a good time for us to work as a humanitarian community in closer partnership
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