g,;,Q1G 1u:irct11::v.:l - >."tll' l!S 11 1v I:, .I ,,o ,. ,.. i i i!tnyalty 1!Jtstts (!ttty ''CARETAKE BINET . - OFFICE --------------------------------------------------------- Ben-Gurion 1he lnstrutted srae ite ress To Stay On WINNIPEG, MAN., FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1959 TEL AVIV (J'l'Ai-Presi­ dent ltzltak Ben~Zvi issJed a formal statement this week of More Police Wounded iru;tructing Premier Ben­ Bill Rights Gurion and nil of the other members of the present gov­ For Manitoba? ernment to stay in offke on Prior to going to press, The In New Israel -Rioting a caretaker basis until the Israelite Press has beiln in­ TEL A VIV (JTA}--A dozen police, including the district chief inspector, were fonned by M. A. Gray, M.L.A. _ injured when rioting broke out m Migdal Haemek, a village near Nazareth. The November elections produce (Inkster-CCF) that a back­ a new gQvernment with a bencher of the Conservative injured police required hospital treatment. Party has given notice that he 'The rioting broke out when news t vote ot confidence from the will submit a motion to the was received of the arrest in Haifa began fo demonstrate toward night• dsetroyed both offices and threw I next Knesselh. Manitoba Legislature early of 15 residents of the village for dis• fall and marched toward the Labor stones at passing vehicles. The next week condemning dis­ turbing the peace in the Haifa of• Exchange office and the office of police reinforcements dispersed the The presidential statemenl was crimination against persons !ice of the Jewish Agency. The 15 the local Council. A police detach, crowd after threatening to use published after a fifty minute meet­ because of race, colour or reli• had gone to the Agency headquar- ment was unable to halt the march force. It was nearly midnight be, ing between the two men at the gion. Mr. Gray has himself ters to complain about what they &nd retreated under a shower of fore the stnlets were emptied. To• President's seaside resort been a staunch advocate of considered low pay for .work done stones from the crowd which had ward morning, 11ollce patrolling ihe Prl'sidcnt and Mrs. Ben-Zvi ear­ such legislation and for many in the Galilee forests. swelled to several hundred march, streets permitted local leaders to lier hnd begun a 12-day vacation years has endeavored to win When news of the arrests arrived ers. calm down the excited population bringing to a slandstill for that · passage of a Bill of Rights in in the .village, a group of women During the bour before steel• which is made up mainly of Nortb period the futile effort of Premier­ _the Manitoba Legislature. and children, their ranks swelled helmeted police reinforcements African immigranl~ nnd some Pol­ Designate David Ben-Gurion to cur­ by spme more excitable residents, Wl!re able to arrive, the marchera ish and Rumanian Jews . ry out the President's mandate to form a new Government. Meanwhile In Jerusalem, B1ha1 11! I k d b Shitreet, the lstael Police Min. r. Ben-Gur on was as e Y the President to form n new Govern­ ltter, reported that an lnvestiga• menl after he resigned when he SENATE TO VOTE AGAIN tlan af police action in the recant was unable to force out oi his coal!, . rioting in Haifa had produced no tion Cabinet the four J\llnisters of ' ju1tiflcetlon far police firing at a the Jeft•wlng Mapam und Achdut drunkard whkh touched off the Avodah who had voted against the day-long disturbance. recent sale of Isrnql-madc arms to Proposed Bill ~ondemns The rioting, in which 11 police West Germany. and an unkntlwn number of North His hopes of forming a new conli­ African immigrants were wounded, tion Government until the. Novem, Saudi Bias Against Jews led to appointment of a special com• ber elections dashed by the refusal mission to investigate the outbreak. of other parties to co-operate, Mr. WASHINGTON, (JTA) - Security Appropriation bill_ comes formed on the background of the Originally a 'three-man group was Ben-Gurion was obliged to continue Senator Wayne Morse, Ore- before the Senate. This bill is nee• Saudi Arabian issue involving Jew• named by the Cabinet and subse- the present Government with the gon Democrat, this week · essary to implement the previously ish Ametlicans. quently enlarged to five men by the participation !)f the left•wlng Min­ served notice that he would passed .authorization me a 9 ll r e. Saudi Arabia refuses entry to Knesset, Israel's Parliament. isters unless he- decided to return reintroduce an amendment When his amendment comes up Jewish Americans and bars U.S. The commission opened hearings the mandate to the President, condemnm· g Saudi Arabian again, Sen. Morse said, he will dis• military personnel of Jewish faith with Judge Moshe Etziony presid• which he was not expected to do. discrimination9 against Jew• cuss it "at sufficient length, so ~at from I andi ng at the U.S. airbase 1·ng , The other memb ers are y nacov Mr. Ben-Gur1on · 1a b-·ore d weari1 y ish Americans. Senators will not again misUDder• leased at'Dhahran. Sen. Humphrey Klebanov, a member of the Knes- to form a new governinent for Is­ stand what the amendment in• pointed out .that President William set, Rabbi Abu Cbaitzra of Rnmleh, rael nlthougb he was convinced be. The Senator pointed out that his volves,•• Howard Taf't once abrogated 8 Prof. S. Eisenstndt ,~hairman of the fore he acccpteq ,the -charge from amendment was defeated by only a Senator Morse's view is that the treaty with Czarist Russia because Hebrew University sociology de· President Ben•Zvl that his efforts narrow margin when the Mutual United States should make known that nation discriminated against partment, and Ram Saloman, an at• had no chances for success, . , Security authorization bill was be- its views on granting Mutual Secur• Jewish Americans. torney. Mr. Ben-Ourion had· two alterno- Members of Winnipeg's Jewish community today·· (Friday, July 24), fore t_he Senate. Some senators lty funds to nations that dlscrimin• . The hearings, which are expected tives before him: to form a new •· ~ , ti: .. 'r u· ·t· - · .,;1 .. - • - -~,.. ,,, fto a} a· h H M misunderstood what the_ ;attle,n~: _,wi,g~st Americans OD a bas~_ qf c 0ndemnmg the S~udi Arabum to las~ 11ever~ days, will help_clear coalition to admirilster.the_ country 1 th lt'/µI i. J!~r. L.e 9W Cl ~~ns In \Vr4CO.guDg ~1,Uell\ .. Y , ' ig_ 11,SS~, , e,r aj~ty men_t_._lnvolv~d ti_ ut !1ave '/111Ce noti!d_. teligiob; •. se,_n; ~ub~i:t;lL ___ HUlliJ>ht«iYI ;Gov.emmen~ ~<1:- e :t\1'1 ii}llal). Gov,, up__ many__ _. m,IB_ und. eratandlnga_- , t,hnt witb_,-a, uu,nda_ te from ,uaruaroent ,' Queen~ffliiaoiffii •u and Prince'' Philip-to 'Canada's ''friendliest city;1~ 'The · t~1: Ne~ Yor~- Supre~e eow:i ,d_e- fflt'mesotll ''Democrat; 1mmed,lately. j)_rDilln~Jlt,AAww•B -Ar~]? a11.,~ericm ~ve· ,deyetopeo-recent)y· glving the u'ntiFthe ''NovembeP''iJerierill: 'clec- c1s1on mvolvmg Saudi Arabia m announced he would support the ~ Company for anti.Jc'Y18h prac• 1mpress10n that the police are too lions or to continue his ·former Jewish· Community is being officially represented by Chief Rabbi Dr. A. · anti.J~wish discrimination against fight for the Mo:se amendment. He tite~. S'::1. Humphrey said: "I ap- energetic in their action in matters four-party coalition c_abiil(it: as -a ·u""av·e• .. --and Mrs Kravetz who will b e· s t d t th l l t th Americans. expressed the view that when the P aud t e Supreme C~urt 0~ the that can be settled by a tactful ap• "caretaker'' regime until new eloc• .LU" "" • e pr en e O e roya coupe a e senator Morse will use the oppor- previous vote was taken, a number ~tate of Ne_w Yo~k for.its de~ 15i~n" proach. They will also clear up the tion.s and a new Parliament cstab• Legislatµre today. tunity afforded when the Mutual of Senators had not been fully In, in ~ ~ase involvmg -discrlmmahon false impression prevailing_ among l llsh a different basis for a govern- ;-;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=; m hiring by ARAMCO in New York. North African immigrants that the ment. · J.· D. C He/pad Over 200,000 Aleedy Jews Last Year I~!t !:E:~~!fe~o~;n:i: t: ~;~t:t ~~=~ties are pr£jUdiced He tol\~!eafrt.dr,a,n~~.t~~~~-i~ I I' '1lf 1¥~ The Senator termed the A.RAM· d NEW YORK (JTA}--More also included some 57,000 in summary indicates that while "rel- and some 18,900 in Iran. Because 593,000 for aid to more than,250,000 co ease "a situation in which the Deman Fu than 200,000 men, women :Europe, 40,000 in Israel, and alive quiet continued for the vast Iran has remained unaffected by needy Jews overseas. The financial head of a foreign power is telling 11 and children received assist- more than 4,000 in such majority of Jews Jiving in the Mos- the conflicts in the Middle East, the mainstay of JDC's overseas rehabil• an American firm whom it can hire , . nd • lem world, a sense of 1· nsecur·1ty JDC has been able to continue its itation and reconstruction pro- a whom it cannot." He said ance of one kmd or another other areas as Australia. " h d ... b f · R• p b continued to prevail for nien, worn- program on behalf of the Iranian grams, the report notcis, continues sue eman.
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