Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered orfiled and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations VOLUME 842 Recueil des Traites Traits et accords internationaux enregistre's ou classes et inscrits au r'pertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisationdes Nations Unies United Nations *Nations Unies New York, 1977 Treaties and internationalagreements registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations VOLUME 8II.842 1972 I. No.Nos. 68312038-12054 TABLE OF CONTENTS Treaties and internationalagreements registeredfrom 2 October 1972 to 9 October 1972 No. 12038. United Nations Children's Fund and Fiji: Agreement concerning the activities of UNICEF in Fiji. Signed at Suva on 2 October 1972 ........ ......................... No. 12039. Brazil and Bolivia: Interregional Trade Agreement (with lists). Signed at La Paz on 29 March 1958 ......... ............................. No. 12040. Brazil and Italy: Exchange of notes constituting a copyright agreement. Rio de Janeiro, 6 September 1963 ........ ....................... No. 12041. Brazil and Paraguay: Agreement establishing a free warehouse at Encarnaci6n for goods ex- ported or imported by Brazil. Signed at Asunci6n on 5 November 1959 No. 12042. Brazil and Paraguay: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the use, mainte- nance and surveillance of the International Bridge over the Parani River. Foz do Iguagu, 27 March 1965 ...... ................. Traitis et accords internationauxenregistres ou classes et inscrits au repertoireau Secretariat de I'Organisationdes Nations Unies 1. No s 12038-12054 VOLUME 842 1972 H. NO 683 TABLE DES MATIIRES I Traitis et accords internationaux enregistrds du 2 octobre 1972 au 9 octobre 1972 Pages No 12038. Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'enfance et Fidji : Accord concernant les activit~s du FISE bLFidji. Signd A Suva le 2 octobre 1972 ........... ............................ NO 12039. Br6sil et Bolivie : Accord commercial interr6gional (avec listes). Sign6 ;k La Paz le 29 mars 1958 ........... ............................ No 12040. Bresil et Italie : l~change de notes constituant un accord relatif aux droits d'auteur. Rio de Janeiro, 6 septembre 1963 ...... .................... ,No 12041. Br~sil et Paraguay : Accord relatif A la creation, i Incarnaci6n, d'une zone franche destin~e aux marchandises export6es ou import6es par le Br6sil. Sign6 a Asunci6n le 5 novembre 1959 ....... ...................... No 12042. Bresil et Paraguay : f-change de notes constituant un accord relatif Al'utilisation, l'entretien et la surveillance du pont international sur le Parand. Foz do Iguaqu, 27 mars 1965 ......... ........................... IV United Nations - Treaty Series 1972 Page No. 12043. Denmark and Swaziland: Agreement on a Danish Government loan to Swaziland (with annexes and exchange of letters). Signed at Copenhagen on 24 March 1972 . 61 No. 12044. World Health Organization and Bahrain: Basic Agreement for the provision of technical advisory assistance. Signed at Alexandria on 30 June 1972 and at Manama on 24 July 1972 . 77 No. 12045. World Health Organization and United Arab Emirates: Basic Agreement for the provision of technical advisory assistance. Signed at Alexandria on 27 June 1972 and at Abu Dhabi on 1 August 1972 .. 89 No. 12046. Denmark and Asian Development Bank: Contribution Agreement (Multi-Purpose Special Fund). Signed at Manila on 28 March 1972 ....... ....................... .. 101 No. 12047. Poland and German Democratic Republic: Agreement concerning co-operation in the field of tourism. Signed at Berlin on 23 February 1972 ....... ..................... ... 109 No. 12048. France and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Agreement on the development of economic, technical and industrial co- operation. Signed at Paris on 27 October 1971 ............. .. 127 No. 12049. Denmark and Asian Development Bank: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning a contribution from the Government of Denmark to the Technical Assistance Special Fund of the Asian Development Bank. Copenhagen and Manila, 28 February and 28 March 1972 ..... .................. ... 137 No. 12050. France and Luxembourg: Agreement concerning frontier workers (with annexes and exchange of letters). Signed at Paris on 27 June 1949 ................. ... 143 No. 12051. France and Luxembourg: Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the establishment of rules of reciprocal administrative assistance with respect to taxes on income and fortune. Signed at Paris on 1 April 1958 Additional Agreement to the above-mentioned Convention (with exchange of letters). Signed at Paris on 8 September 1970 .... .......... 163 1972 Nations Unies - Recuei des Traitis V Pages No 12043. Danemark et Souaziland: Accord relatif A un pret du Gouvernement danois au Souaziland (avec annexes et 6change de lettres). Sign6 A Copenhague le 24 mars 1972 61 NO 12044. Organisation mondiale de la santi et Bahrein : Accord de base concernant la fourniture d'une assistance technique de caract~re consultatif. Sign6 i Alexandrie le 30 juin 1972 et A Manama le 24 juillet 1972 .......... ....................... 77 No 12045. Organisation mondiale de la sant6 et tmirats arabes unis : Accord de base concernant la fourniture d'une assistance technique de caract~re consultatif. Sign6 i Alexandrie le 27 juin 1972 et it Abou Dhabi le Ier aofit 1972 ..... ..................... .... 89 NO 12046. Danemark et Banque asiatique de d6veloppement : Accord de contribution (Fonds spdcial d buts multiples). Sign& A Manille le 28 mars 1972 ....... ......................... .101 No 12047. Pologne et Ripublique democratique allemande : Accord de cooperation dans le domaine du tourisme. Sign6 A Berlin le 23 f~vrier 1972 .......... ........................ 109 NO 12048. France et Union des R~publiques socialistes soviktiques : Accord sur le d~veloppement de la cooperation 6conomique, technique et industrielle. Sign6 A Paris le 27 octobre 1971 ..... ........... 127 NO 12049. Danemark et Banque asiatique de diveloppement : Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif A une contribution du Gouvernement danois au Fonds spdcial d'assistance technique de la Banque asiatique de d~veloppement. Copenhague et Manille, 28 fWvrier et 28 mars 1972 ...... ..................... ... 137 NO 12050. France et Luxembourg : Accord relatif aux travailleurs frontaliers (avec annexes et dchange de lettres). Sign6 AParis le 27 juin 1949 ...... ............... 143 NO 12051. France et Luxembourg : Convention tendant i 6viter les doubles impositions et h 6tablir des r~gles d'assistance administrative r~ciproque en mati~re d'imp6ts sur le revenu et sur la fortune. Signe AParis le 1er avril 1958 Avenant i la Convention susmentionn~e (avec 6change de lettres). Sign6 i Paris le 8 septembre 1970 ...... ................... ... 163 VI United Nations - Treaty Series 1972 Page No. 12052. France and Luxembourg: Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the establishment of rules of reciprocal administrative assistance with respect to extra- ordinary taxes on fortune. Signed at Paris on 1 April 1958 ......... 211 No. 12053. France and Federal Republic of Germany: Agreement concerning the establishment of French-German lycies (Gym- nasien), the introduction of a French-German baccalauriat (Abitur) and the establishment of conditions for the award thereof (with annex). Signed at Paris on 10 February 1972 .... .............. .. 217 No. 12054. Federal Republic of Germany and Tunisia: Air Transport Agreement (with exchange of letters). Signed at Tunis on 26 May 1969 ........ ......................... .. 267 1I Treaties and internationalagreements filed and recordedfrom 27 September 1972 to 9 October 1972 No. 683. World Health Organization and Bangladesh: Basic Agreement for the provision of technical advisory assistance. Signed at Dacca on 29 June 1972 ...... ................... ... 309 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions,prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and internationalagreements registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations. No. 1963. International Plant Protection Convention. Done at Rome on 6 December 1951: Accession by Iran ....... ......................... ... 323 No. 2272. Agreement between Sweden and Japan for air services. Signed at Stockholm on 20 February 1953: Amendments to the schedule to the above-mentioned Agreement . 324 No. 2273. Agreement between Denmark and Japan for air services. Signed at Copenhagen on 26 February 1953: Amendments to the schedule to the above-mentioned Agreement . 326 No. 2601. Agreement between Norway and Japan for air services. Signed at Oslo on 23 February 1953: Amendments to the schedule to the above-mentioned Agreement . 328 1972 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis VII Pages No 12052. France et Luxembourg: Convention tendant A 6viter les doubles impositions et A 6tablir des r~gles d'a~sistance administrative r6ciproque en mati~re d'imp6ts extra- ordffiaires sur le capital. Sign6e Paris le 1er avril 1958 ... ....... 211 NO 12053. France et Ripublique f~dfrale d'Alemagne : Convention concernant 1'6tablissement de lyc~es franco-allemands, portant cr6ation du baccalaur6at franco-allemand et fixant les conditions de la d61ivrance de son dipl6me (avec annexe). Sign6e AParis le 10 f6vrier 1972 ........... ............................. 217 NO 12054. Ripublique f~d~rale d'Allemagne et Tunisie : Accord relatif aux transports a~riens (avec 6change de lettres). Sign6 A Tunis le 26 mai 1969 ....... ..................... .. 267 II Traitds et accords internationaux
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