bindex.qxp 6/22/06 1:45 PM Page 381 INDEX A Arden House Conference, AB Dick, 81, 87n 320–322 Accounting issues, 152, 162n, Army Signal Corps, 84–85, 263–266, 345 116–117 Acme Sales Company, 3 Arthur D. Little, Inc., 193–198, Adams & Peck, 154 234 Addressograph-Multigraph, Asher, Bill, 168–172, 188, 281, 177–178, 198 295–297, 313, 326 Advertising, 248–250. See also AT&T, leasing concept, 196n Marketing; Publicity Austin & Dix, 41 African-American issues. See Authors League, 255 Race relations Agfa, 23–24 B Ally, Carl, 249 Bardeen, John, 163 Alcoholism, employee, 174, 354 Barker, Al, 313 Aldridge, George W., 14 Basic Systems, 337–338 Alinsky, Sol, 294–295, 296n Battelle, John Gordon, 3 Allen, Ebenezer, 1 Battelle Memorial Institute: Amalgamated (union), 26, 31, as Carlson’s backer, 51–55 168–172, 282, 296 founding of, 3 American Bosch Arma, 217 as Haloid shareholder, American Photocopy, 124, 233 186–187 American ResearchCOPYRIGHTED & process MATERIAL development, 59–62, Development, 340 114–116 American Scholar, The (McLuhan), sale of xerography patents, 255 153–154 AMF, 202–203 teaming with Haloid, 62–65, Anthony, Susan B., 2, 99 71–72, 82–85 381 bindex.qxp 6/22/06 1:45 PM Page 382 382 INDEX Bausch & Lomb, 286, 294 Burrows, Lincoln V., 13, 37 Becker, Gloria, 211, 269 Business Week, 239–240, Becker, Horace: 247–248 Fuji-Xerox venture, 269, 271–272 C job stress, 225–226, Cal Tech, 41, 236n 228–229, 231 Cameron, George, 59 on Kent Damon, 152 Capital. See Financing, corpo- labor relations, 282, rate 297–298 Carlson, Chester, x, 3 as new hire, 209–211, Battelle’s support of, 51–55 213–214 connecting with Wilson, and parts suppliers, 220–223 59–65 as problem solver, 280, 286 as consultant, 91–92, recognition for, 245 123–124, 145 on Wilson’s leadership, 218 death of, 346–347 Beidler, George, 3, 21–22 early years, 39–43 Bell & Howell, 147, 180, 207, “electrophotography” name, 213 86–87 Bell Labs, 41, 157 as innovator, 19–20, 43–48 Birkenstock, James, 144–145, philanthropy of, 236–237 186n, 192, 194, 261 process patents, 45, 48–49 Bixby, William E., 63 recognition for, 188, 245 Bliss, H.H., 41 Carlson, Dorris, 91, 236n Boody, Azariah, 104n Carlson, Ellen, 40 Books in Print, 339 Carlson, Elsa, 45–46, 53n Booz, Allen & Hamilton, 36–37 Carlson, Olaf, 39–40 Boston University, 330 Carlson, Oscar, 40 Bower, Phil, 364 Catan, Paul, 209n Bowles, Chester, 69 Century Camera, 5, 29 Brooks, John, 311 Chandler, Merritt, 212, Brower, Paul, 163, 349 217–218, 227–228, 230, Brown v. Board of Education, 289 231–232, 245 Burns, Arthur, 321 Chapman, Gloria, 164, 216 bindex.qxp 6/22/06 1:45 PM Page 383 INDEX 383 Chatman, Abraham D., 26, foreign marketing, 179 164n, 168–171, 283, 296, market research, 193–198 326, 336 R&D, 163 Chermayeff & Geismar, Wilson’s use of, 36–37, 121 246–247 Copiers, Xerox. See 914 copier; CIT Financial, 339–340 2400 copier Citizenship. See Corporate citi- Copies in Seconds (Owens), 47n zenship; Social activism Copyflo printers, 117, 119, Civil rights. See Race relations; 124–125 , 210 Social activism Copyright issues, 81n, 87–88, Clark, Donald, 166, 175, 255–256 229–230, 247, 249–250, Cornell University, 69 , 251, 349 328 Clark, Harold, 54, 142, 145n, Corporate citizenship. See also 146, 267 Community service Clinton, William Jefferson, Eastman Kodak, 108 313 Wilson’s philosophy, xi–xii, Cohn, Herman, 31n 242–243, 315–324, 363 Colhoun, Howard P., Xerox, 108–109, 250–257, 196–197n 319, 330–331 Community service. See also Corporate culture, Wilson’s Corporate citizenship; legacy, ix–xiii, 359–369 Philanthropy; Social Cravath, Swaine & Moore, 264 activism Crout, John, 51–52, 60, 83, 85 U.N. series sponsorship, Crum & Forster, 346 250–254 Curran, Jack, 25 Wilson as university trustee, Curran, Peggy, 13–18. See also 97–108 Wilson, Peggy Wilson’s commitment to, Curtin, David: 32–34, 236–238 on company leadership, Consultants: 173–175 Chet Carlson as, 91–92, on Joe Wilson, 132 123–124, 145 marketing strategies, 246, employee recruitment, 165 247 bindex.qxp 6/22/06 1:45 PM Page 384 384 INDEX Curtin, David (Continued): as negotiator, 82–85 public relations chief, partnering issues, 142–143 239–240, 253, 262n recognition for, 188, 240, and Sol Linowitz, 308n, 245 309–311, 328n technology guru, 38, 55, travel, 190 57–60 as VP, research, 262–263n D on Wilson’s leadership, Damon, Kent: 120–121 craps night, 175 Dick, Alfred Black, 81 sales projections, 264–265 Dick, C. Matthews, Jr., 81 as treasurer, 98, 108, Digital Equipment Corp., 340 150–153 Donoho, Moore & Company, as VP, finance, 262n, 348 23 Davis, John, 148n, 180–188, Doriot, Georges, 340 266, 271–272 Douglass, Frederick, 2 Dayton, Russell W., 51 Dowler Co., 338–339 deKiewiet, Cornelius, 99, 102, 105, 109 E Depression years (1930s): Eastman, George, 2, 8, 109 effect on Chet Carlson, 41 Eastman Kodak: effect on Joe Wilson, 16, as benchmark, 195, 332–333 148 as competitor, 21, 34–38, 58 Haloid’s growth during, history of, 2, 5 19–28 race relations, 292–294, 298, Derenberg, Walter, 74 300 Dessauer, John: union policy, 168, 292–293 background, 23–24 university gifts, 108 and Chet Carlson, 92 wage comparisons, 169 on Gilbert Mosher, 9 Eastman School of Music, 2, 8, on Haloid challenges, 122 100, 102, 109 and Horace Becker, 209–210 Eden, Anthony, 189–190 increasing responsibilities of, Edison, Thomas Alva, 81 163 Electrical Optical Systems, 284 bindex.qxp 6/22/06 1:45 PM Page 385 INDEX 385 Electrophotography: Financial issues, personal, licensing of, 82–84 161–162n patent issues, 45, 48–49 Financing, corporate: renamed, 86–88 capital, 234–235, 264–266, Ellis, Bob, 279 277 Employees, Xerox. See also government-sponsored, Labor relations 135–138 demoting/discharging, investor relations, 240–242 159–162 and leasing issues, 206 executive-level, 172–175 914-related, 213, 233–234 hiring frenzy, 261, 262n partnering, 138–146, recruitment of, 157–167 177–179, 207 retraining, 126–127 Rank-Xerox venture, scholarships for children of, 182–188 102–103 sources of, 90–91, 147–155 stress issues, 162–164, First Boston, 91 172–175, 226–230 First National, 150 union issues, 26–27, 89–90, Florence, Franklin, 289–300 167–172 Folsom, Marion, 101, 108 wage issues, 169, 188, Foran, Jack, 17 281–284, 331–333 Forbes, 236n, 243–244, 248 Wilson’s regard for, xi–xii, Ford Motor Company, 116 87–88, 132–133, 162 Forrestall, James, 69 Ermanc, Joseph J., 43n Fortune, 155, 174, 233, 247–248 Ernst & Ernst, 194–195 Fuji Photo, 268, 286 Estate issues, Wilson. See Fuji-Xerox, 256, 267–273, Financial issues, personal 319n, 366 Funston, Keith, 265 F Faulkner, Dawkins & Sullivan, G 264n Galbraith, John Kenneth, 69 Fenton, Allen, 38n Garrett, Paul, 239 Feurst, Eugene, 115n Gates, Tom, 180 Fight On, 298–300 Gavaert Photo, 29 bindex.qxp 6/22/06 1:45 PM Page 386 386 INDEX General Aniline and Film, 29–30 1950s (transition), 111–129 General Electric, 142–143, 155, 1960s (transformation), 230 259–266 General Motors, 146 derivation of Xerox name, Ginn & Co., 338 86–88 Glavin, Aline, 132 developing xerography, Glavin, Charles, 91 79–85 Glavin, John: history of, x, 4–5, 8–10 on Joe Wilson, 127–128, labor relations, 26–27, 132, 199, 215 89–90, 167–175 market research, 197, marketing research studies, 200–206, 234 195–198 recognition for, 240, 245 name source, 4 VP, product planning, 262n overseas expansion, 177–188 Goldman, Jack, 341, 343–344, parts suppliers, 220–223 351, 354 product publicity, 88–95, Goss Printing Co., 89n 234 Government contracts: profitability, 259–266, Army Signal Corps, 84–85, 276–279, 286–287 116–117 purchase of xerography R&D help, 135–138, 149 patents, 153–154 as revenue producer, 334 recruiting employees, Graphic design issues, 246–247 157–167 Greenwich Associates, 364, retirement plans, 90 368 strikes, worker, 171, 332 Gundlach, Bob, 133 teaming up with Battelle, 62–65 H Wilson as new hire, 16–17 Halloran, Helen, 9 Hamilton College, 68, 328 Haloid Corporation. See also Hargroves, Tony, 271–272 Xerox Hartnett, Jack: 1930s (growth), 19–28 appointed to board, 159–160 1940s (challenges), 29–32, as employee recruiter, 34–38, 79–85 165–167 bindex.qxp 6/22/06 1:45 PM Page 387 INDEX 387 on Haloid reorganization, 37 missed opportunities, 47–48, and marketing issues, 87–88, 95, 191–194 205 as potential partner, 137, on R&D, 120 141–146, 179, 186n, recruitment by Wilson, 25 207–208, 213 on Sol Linowitz, 308–309 as suitor, 261 as Wilson confidant, 7, 73 as Xerox competitor, 334, on Wilson’s leadership, 335 112–113, 215 as Xerox model, 234 Harvard University: I.G. Farben, 29 Charles Ellis at, 363 Innovation: Donald Clark at, 166 of Chet Carlson, 43–48 Horace Becker at, 226 importance of, 19–20 Joe Wilson and, 16, 147, 330 on 914 project, 213–220 John Rutledge at, 166 in office copiers, 123–125 Kent Damon at, 150n at Polaroid, 196–197n Peter McColough at, 166 at Xerox, x–xi, 278–281, Hazard, Leland, 321 285–287 Heinmann, Ben, 69 Insalaco, Mike, 219 Heiskel, Andrew, 311 Intellectual property laws, 81n History of Haloid, A (O’Toole), IRS, versus Wilson estate, 4n 162n Hoffman, Paul, 251 Itek, 164 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Ivins, Phillips & Barker, 90n quoted, 125 Hough, Jack, 246 J Howard, Jane, 301–302, 304 Javits, Jacob, 321 Hurst, Homer, 159 JC Wilson & Company, 3 Hutton, Alice, 3 Jensen, Michael, 106 Jobs, Steve, 95n, 343–344 I John Birch Society, 251, 254 IBM: Johnson, Lyndon, 303, 309, as competitor, 157 313, 324n design claims, 213 Jones, Robert, 87 bindex.qxp 6/22/06 1:45 PM Page 388 388 INDEX K unions, 26–27, 88–89, Kearns, David, 281n 167–172, 281–284, Keating, Kenneth, 26, 31–32 331–333 Kennedy, Edward, 321 Wilson’s contribution to, Kennedy, Jackie, 303 237–238, 251, 281–282, Kennedy, John F., 301 359, 361 Kennedy, Robert, 303 Lanaman, Buck, 329 Keppel, Francis, 324n Langer, Nicholas, 57 Kinsella, Jack, 280 Law, Tom, 180–183, 186–187, Klinger, Karl G., 355 268, 272 Kneisner, Hoag and Carlson, Leach, Ronald G., 183–184 53 Leadership, Wilson’s: Kobayashi, Setsu, 267–272 communication, 112–113 Kobayashi, Tony, 256, 257n, in electrophotography acqui- 269n, 271–272, 319n sition, 64–65 Kodak.
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