FUND REFERENCE (sort on Value) *Value Description US 00000 No Fund 10500 Summer Session Tuition 10501 Summer Session Program Fees 10700 UNEX Fee Income 10701 UNEX‐MAS Programs 10702 UNEX Special Projects 10950 Federal Contracs and Grants ICR 11000 Auxiliary Operating Fund 12000 Hospital Income 12002 Epic Host ‐ Uci 12003 Hosp Equip Disposal Income 12004 Clinical Integration Network System 12005 Revenue Cycle System 12006 Capital Equipment 12009 Non‐Inventory Equipment 12010 Software Purchases 12011 Non Operating Fund 12012 Candor Grant 12016 Advanced Burn Life Support Training 12017 HPP XII Grant 2013‐14 12024 DEM Educational Fund 12025 Cobra Insurance Fund 12026 Nephrology Education S 12027 Staff Recog & Service Excel Awards 12028 Y/E Adj‐ Sales‐Hosp 12029 Hospital Adjustment Clearing 12030 Surgery Center Of San Diego 12031 Med Ctr‐Res‐UCSD Amb Surg Ctr LLC 12032 Accentcare LLC 12033 Center For Surgery Of Encinitas 12034 Bone Marrow Trans Plant LLC 12035 Vibra Hosp of San Diego LLC 12036 Res for Improvements Hospital 12037 Liver Transplant Reserves 12038 Vantage Oncology Imperial Valley 12100 Recharge Operating Fund 12200 Recharge Ext. Sales Diff Income 12300 Other Dept Course Program Income 12303 Material Transfer Agreements 12304 Misc Sales of Goods/Svcs Fund 12305 Conference Revenue Fund 12306 Editorships Publications and Royalties 12307 Other Sales and Services Fund 12309 Production and Film Fund 12310 Sale of Surplus Property 12311 Stephen Birch Aquarium Museum 12312 ACO (Accountable Care Organization) 12313 One Medical 12314 Operating Room Program 12315 Population Health 12316 SOM‐Housestaff/Resident Costs 12319 College Orientation Fund 12320 College Student Activities Fund 13000 Dept Payroll Default 13001 Central Balance Sheet Account Fund 13002 UCSIP Reserve Fund 13003 Lease/Rental Revenue Fund Rev 1.2.2020 Page 1 of 116 FUND REFERENCE (sort on Value) *Value Description US 13004 Outside NP Federal Workstudy Fund 13005 STIP Fund 13007 Diff Inc Resv Central Admin 13008 ACT Department IT 13009 Endowment Cost Recovery‐Foundation 13010 Endowment Cost Recovery‐Regents 13011 Recovery Program Income 13012 Sanford Consortium/Regenerative Med 13013 SOM CTA Coordinator Fees‐Medicine 13014 SOM CTA Coordinator Fees‐Neuroscien 13015 Tax & Loss Activities 13016 UCOP Admin Cost Recovery 13017 Wiche Student Exch Prog 13018 BFS‐ Misc Inc (Rebates) 13019 Analytical Writing Placement Exam 13020 Be Smart About Safety 13021 Capequip Expenditure Clearing 13022 UCRS Funds 13023 Chqi Program 13024 EHS‐Risk Mgmt Business Operations 13025 Employee Benefit Admin 13026 Fema Reimbursment 10/03 Cedar Fire 13027 Financial Control 13028 LANS LLNS Management Fee 13029 Insurance Recoveries 13030 BFS‐ Unclaimed Cks, Prop, Bad Debt 13031 SDG&E Incentive Agreements Income 13032 ASSA Administrative Overhead 13033 Self‐Supp Masters Rev Share Assmt 13034 Systemwide Assessment Fund 13036 Systemwide Funded Research Grants 13037 Treasurer's Cash Fund 13038 Trip Clearing UCOP Distributions 13039 Tuition Remission 13040 Work Comp Insur‐Incremental 13041 Employee Support Programs 13042 Internal Banking Clearing Fund 13043 Internal Banking Interest Income 13044 MPL Management Fee/ONR 13045 Sponsored Projects Deficits 13047 Cost Recovery Audit 13048 Intellectual Property Fund 13049 Y/E Sanford Consortium‐Dummy Fd/OPS 13050 Opportunity Fund 13051 ANR Sea Grant Program 13052 Housing Assistance Funds 13053 VCRM UCOP Project Funding Support 13054 Patent/IP/TT Discretionary 13991 University Core Funds 13992 Campus Core Funds 14000 Tuition 14100 Prof Deg Supp Tuition GPS MIA 14101 Prof Deg Supp Tuition GPS MPP 14102 Prof Deg Supp Tuition SSPPS Pharm D 14103 Prof Deg Supp Tuition Rady MBA 14104 Prof Deg Supp Tuition SOM MD 14105 Sch of Mgt/GPS SAPD Concurrent Rev 1.2.2020 Page 2 of 116 FUND REFERENCE (sort on Value) *Value Description US 14300 Masters Degree Program 14400 Course Materials and Service Fee 14500 Student Service Fee 14600 Student Activity Fee 14601 Colleges' Activity Fees 14602 Intercollegiate Stdt Activity Fee 14603 Stdtctrfee/Debt Svc Commons 14604 Recreational Facility Fee‐Canyon Vw 14605 Recreational Facility Fee‐Rimac 14606 Rady Schl Of Mgmt Activity Fee 14607 Graduate Student Activity Fee 14608 Int'L Student Visa Administration 14609 Student Transportation Fee 14800 UCSD/CSU Joint Ed.D Program 14801 Concurrent Enrollment Fees 14802 Master's Thesis Submission Fee 14803 Candidacy Fee 14804 Supplemental Application Fee 14805 Higher Ed, Concurrent Enroll Fee 14806 Study Abroad Admin Service Fee 14807 SHS‐UCship Fee 14808 Other Student Fees 14809 Univ Funded Work‐Study 14810 EAP RTA 14811 Scholarship Allowance ‐ Tuit&Fees 15000 Med Sch Clin Comp Plan Inc 15001 Peds Children Hosp Agreement 15002 Clinical Service Agreements 15003 PG to SOM Clinical Funds 15004 Med‐Bone Marrow Transplant 15005 Clinical Consulting Agreement 15006 VCHS Lab Service Agreement 15007 ASC Fund 15008 Strategic Clinical Serviceagreement 15009 Community Care‐Capital 15010 CPO Inventoried Equipment 15011 Clinical Operating Fund 15012 VCHS Affiliation Training Agreement 15013 Academic Operating Funds 15014 Community Care 15015 HS Coverage Reserve 15016 HS Clinical Reserve 15017 PG Tenant Improvements 15018 Strategic Ventures 15019 Hemophilia Treatment Center HTTC 15020 UCSD Phys Network ‐ Primary Care 15021 CPO Inventoried Equip Disposal 15400 Regents Student Loan Fund 15401 Univ Loan Fund‐Med School 15402 Suppl Home Loan Pgm Health Sciences 15403 Supplemental Home Loan Program 15404 Combined SFS Stdt Emergency Ln Fds 15405 School Of Pharmacy Loan 15406 Institutional Cap Contib‐Federal Ln 15407 Employee Emergency Loan Fund 15408 Cal Med Ed & Res Foundatin Ln Fd 15409 Schuyler E S Student Loan Fund Rev 1.2.2020 Page 3 of 116 FUND REFERENCE (sort on Value) *Value Description US 15410 Vrs Donors Foreign Stu Loan Fd 15411 Alumni Med Student Loan Fund 15412 U/W Teaching Assist Loan Fnd 15413 AMA‐ERF Loan Program 15414 Amy Matteson Ln Fd 15415 La Jolla Student Loan Fund 15416 Revelle Emergency Loan Fund 15417 University Loan ‐ Graduate Students 15418 Friedland JM Graduate Stdt Loan Fd 15419 Gov Teacher Scholar Repayable Schsp 15420 Faculty Loan‐UCSD Fdn 15421 Univ Loan‐SOM Alternative 15422 ARCS Loan Fund‐SIO 15423 SIO Student Emergency Loans 15424 Academic Removal ‐ Loan 15425 Loan Funds Balance‐Educ Fee 15426 SOMA Med Student Loan Fd 15427 Med Student Emerg Loan Fund 15428 Tulare Womens Student Loan 15429 University Dream Loan 15430 Appel Scholarship Fund 15431 ASUCSD‐Emerg Fee Deferment Ln F 15432 Jones E B Foreign Stu Loan Fund 15433 Loans Disadv Pharm Stdnt Collection 15434 Loans‐STIP Clearing 15435 Quon Loan Fund (86S33A) 15436 San Mignul Loan Fund (42072A) 15437 Reserve For Bad Debts 16000 General Reserves 17000 Recharge Equip R&R Fund 17001 Equipment Renewal and Replacement 17200 Facilities and Structure Improvements 17300 Res Alt Med Ctr 17301 Capital Construction University Funds 17302 UP UCSIP Reserve Fund 17852 MCPRB 2007A‐Moores Cancer Ctr 17857 Med Ctr‐Equip Leases‐Various 17858 Net Rev Fd‐Torrey Pines Ctr 17859 Net Rev Fd‐Torrey Pines Ctr No 17867 STIP Default Ret Of Indebt/01799 17868 Thornton MCPRB 2009 Series E 17873 SPWB Lease Rev Bonds 1997 Series C 17875 State Captial Leases‐Eng Bldg 17900 Complementary & Beneficial Actvitie 18073 Inst Transportation Studies 18076 Tobacco Related Disease Research‐076 18077 CA Ovarian Cancer Research Tax Checkoff 18079 Tobacco Related Disease Research‐079 18081 Center for Earthquake Eng Rsch 18082 Perm New Equip. Instr Sup‐ Gen'l Arts/Humanities (Lottery Funds) 18083 Instructional Computing (Lottery Funds 18084 Obsolete Equip (Lottery Funds) 18085 On‐Time Instr. Support (excess Lottery Funds) 18086 Reserved for Supplemental Allocations 18089 Breast Cancer Research‐089 18090 Breast Cancer Research‐090 18092 Health Care Benefit Fund‐092 Rev 1.2.2020 Page 4 of 116 FUND REFERENCE (sort on Value) *Value Description US 18093 Health Care Benefit Fund‐093 18094 Health Care Benefit Fund‐094 18101 Breast Cancer Research‐101 18102 Breast Cancer Research‐102 18103 Breast Cancer Research‐103 18105 Breast Cancer Research‐Income Tax Checkoff‐105 18106 Breast Cancer Research‐Income Tax Checkoff‐106 18107 Breast Cancer Research‐Income Tax Checkoff‐107 18108 Breast Cancer Research‐Income Tax Checkoff‐108 18109 Tobacco Related Disease Research‐109 18110 Tobacco Related Disease Research‐110 18111 Tobacco Related Disease Research‐111 18115 Type 1 Diabetes Research Fund 18118 Grad Medical Ed CA Healthcare (Prop 56) 18119 Graduate Medical Education California Healthcare (Prop 56) 18121 Medical Research Program California Healthcare (Prop 56) 18122 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation 18125 Road Maintenance & Rehabilitation 18199 Y/E Adjs‐Special State Appro 18999 TEMPORARY MAPPING for testing State Appropriation and others 19900 State General Fund 19906 Instructional Use of Computers (UCSB) 19911 Multi‐Campus Research Progs & Initiatives (UCI, UCSC) 19921 Online Education 19924 Student Academic Preparation Programs 19931 Application Fees 19933 Federal ICR (General Fund Portion) 19934 State ICR (General Fund Portion) 19939 Temp Allocs from ITFs for 19900 (UCLA) 19940 Interest on General Fund Balances 19941 CIRM ICR 19942 Nonresident Supplemental Tuition 19943 Other UC General Fund 19946 Lease Purchase Debt Service 19948 Lease Purchase Debt Service Savings 19954 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Grants 19955 Support for Low‐income/URM/LCFF+Students 19956 Firearms Violence Research 19958 Faculty Diversity Best Practices 19968 AIDS Research 19969 Student Financial
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