POHON MAAF (2) Chedet.co.cc September 5, 2008 By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad 1. I had hesitated about writing the Pohon Maaf article even. I thought I would surely be misunderstood. I would be accused of being a racist. 2. Sure enough, although many agree with me, some felt sad that I had become a racist, others merely use nasty words against me. 3. When the opposition did very well in the 2008 elections, foreign observers talk about a wind of change in Malaysia; about how racialism had been rejected, how Anwar, their favourite would soon take over the Government. 4. I had differed from these casual observers because I know that it was not rejection of racial politics which helped the opposition. It was simply disgust on the part of members of UMNO, MCA and Gerakan of the Premiership and leadership of Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Talking on the ground, this was quite obvious. 5. Far from the opposition's "win" being brought about by rejection of racial politics, it has actually enhanced racial politics. We talk more about race and racial interest than we did in the last 50 years. 6. The Malays are feeling the loss of their political base and the Chinese and Indians appear to be glorifying in the new political clout. As a result, subjects which we before regarded as sacrosanct are now brought up and made to be entirely in favour of the Malays. 7. Against this unfamiliar attack against them, the Malays are unable to counter. Their leaders have deserted them. In their frustration they tend to become abusive. 8. I am not defending nor do I like what Ahmad Ismail of Bukit Bendera said. It does not contribute to lessening the tension between the races. But I feel disgust at the inability of the present Malay leadership to manage racialism. It is degrading for the second highest leader in the Government to be apologising for every instance of improper behaviour by UMNO members. 9. The person who should apologise should be the culprit himself. If he refuses then he should face the UMNO disciplinary committee. 10. He may have a corruption case against him but suddenly making charges about his corruption smacks too much of abuse of power. The same thing has happened to the SAPP leadership. 11. It does seem that the Government of the Opposition parties are not unlike the present BN Government. Government agencies are being used for political purpose. I had admired Lim Guan Eng for his sound approach to problems. I feel sad that he has done what he has done. 12. It took a long time for me to live down the label as a Malay ultra. I had gained such strong support from the Chinese community in the 1999 Election when the Malays deserted me that I felt I was no longer regarded as a Malay ultra by the Chinese generally (the Opposition Chinese excepted). I was grateful for the Chinese support and I had many times publicly acknowledged that much of Malaysia's development was due to the dynamic Malaysian Chinese entrepreneurs and businessmen. But of course there are still Chinese who regard me as anti-Chinese. 13. I cannot please everybody. If I am again labelled as anti-Chinese and anti-Indian I really would not rebut. After all, my Cabinet colleagues and the people I helped to advance in their political career also condemn me. 14. Perhaps people should wonder why during the time of the previous four Prime Ministers, who were also Presidents of UMNO, there were no such utterances by UMNO members. And there were practically none from the non-Malays either. 1128 Comments By Jinggo on September 5, 2008 6:46 PM Salam Tun, Kalau yang no 1 pun blurr tanpa focus yang tepat yang bawah-bawah tu lagilah teruknya... Selamat Berbuka Puasa. - Jinggo Rock - By WiS2020Author Profile Page on September 5, 2008 6:47 PM Humans are strange. Sometimes when we have gone to something for an advanced level, they tend to come back to square one. Like they don't learn anything along their journey through. However, it's good for peoples whom still focus and could develop their mind accordingly despite of those peoples that are so narrow minded with their own way of thinking and cannot accept others. I really do agree with you. Salam Hormat, -WiS2020- By afif17 on September 5, 2008 6:51 PM Salam,I'm the first...:),selamat berbuka puasa Tok Det......from ur relative... By teratap on September 5, 2008 6:52 PM dalam sejarah pemerintan negara Tun adalah yang terbaik serta mempunyai wawasan yang tinggi. amat dukacita jika peyambung pemerintahan sekarang ini "lemah" kerana Tun pernah berkata " nasib sesebuah bangsa akan berubah jika mereka mahukan kejayaan dan berusaha untuk kejayaan- 2003" By kwek on September 5, 2008 6:52 PM Tun, Apa khabar Tun & Isteri?Moga-moga sihat dan sejahtera.ini adalah pertama kali saya memberi comment.Untuk pengetahuan Tun,saya adalah peminat Tun lagi sejak kecil lagi.Saya amat kagum kebijaksanaan ,kepandaian,dan prinsip perjuangan Tun yang mengagumkan.Tetapi TUN,saya nak comment sikit lah berkaitan isu yang hangat sedang diperkatakan.Dunia sekarang telah berubah.Tak seperti dulu,saling hormat menghormati.pada saya,manusia perlu ada moral,sifat sifat yang saling menghormati,tolong menolong,janganlah saling menyinggungkan perasaan kaum antau bangsa lain.Ini tak baik ,betul tak Tun.Saya ingat lagi,semasa di bangku sekolah menengah lagi,guru ada mengajar mata pelajaran MORAL,tentang saling hormat menghormati,kita kena faham......ini penting....untuk menjaga keharmonian,keamanan....negara.Jika tak ada pengetahuan ini,bayangkan.....wahai rakyat malaysia....sekiranya peristiwa 13 mei berulang,saling bunuh membunuh.....berlakunya hura hara,seperti yang berlaku di thailand,mahu kah kita....perkara ini berlaku?apa akan jadi malaysia sekiranya berlaku?bayangkan.pada saya,yang salah tetap salah......buat salah...mesti minta maaf.berani buat salah berani tanggung....ini lah dipanggil "jantan".berkaitan budak cina "wee" yang menghina lagu malaysia...setahu saya...dia dan bapanya sendiri sudah memohon maaf.Ini baru betul....buat salah berani tanggung..barulah kaum lain akan "berasa lega" sikit.saya ada kawan kawan yang pelbagai kaum,cina,india,melayu,dan orang putih,tidak pernah berlaku saling hina menghina ,atau menyingung perasaan orang,kenapa tak berlaku?sebab mereka semua ini pandai fikir.matang.mereka tahu..pentingnya hormat menghormati.baru lah negara kita akan maju.makmur.dan aman.wahai orang malaysia,hidup ini pendek saja,buat lah perkara2 yang akan memaju kan negara,dan menjaga keamanan seelok-eloknya..saya tak mahu negara kita hura hara,seperti thailand,iraq dan banyak lagi.kenapa?sebab saya sayangkan malaysia.Saya sendiri pun ada anak.saya mengajarnya....buat salah mesti berani tampil ke hadapan...memohon maaf......bagi saya ini baru betul.Tun,jika comment saya tak betul bermakna, apa yang guru ajar masa dulu....adalah salah.prinsip saya ialah......buat salah mesti berani tanggung......salah tetap salah.....saya harap wakil rakyat yang sedang hangat diperkatakan itu......akan "insaf".Dan saya ingin mohon maaf kepada Tun sekiranya apa yang saya katakan ini..telah menyinggungkan perasaan Tun atau rakyat malaysia...saya disini..minta maaf.akhir kata,Tun saya akan sokong Tun dan doa kepada Tun sekelurga sihat dan terus kan kerja kerja murni untuk menyelamatkan malaysia.Dan...kepada rakyat malaysia....saling hormat-menghormati mesti ditanam sanubari anda.Saya harap Tun jangan berhenti tulis..terus kan Tun....... By ken on September 5, 2008 6:56 PM isn't there any other way to show displeasure at the current government instead of voting for the opposition? what about not voting at all? do low voter turnouts worry the government? By Bijarimi on September 5, 2008 6:58 PM Dear Tun, I think this was not managed properly! I could imagine if this happens during your time, it would have been settled easily. By xplora on September 5, 2008 6:58 PM Tun, I never regarded you as Anti-Chinese / racism until you wrote the "Pohon Maaf" article because my family is one of your loyalty supporter/voter during your era. However, thanks for remembering that indian and chinese has been helping Tun in 1999 GE. Nevertheless Tun, I agree with : 8. I am not defending nor do I like what Ahmad Ismail of Bukit Bendera said. It does not contribute to lessening the tension between the races. But I feel disgust at the inability of the present Malay leadership to manage racialism. It is degrading for the second highest leader in the Government to be apologising for every instance of improper behaviour by UMNO members. 9. The person who should apologise should be the culprit himself. If he refuses then he should face the UMNO disciplinary committee. By sitirahimah on September 5, 2008 6:59 PM Assalamualaikum, Pendapat saya: Apabila TPM yang meminta maaf atas tindakan individu yang mengeluarkan kenyataan bersifat perkauman, ia sedikit sebanyak seolah-olah menggambarkan bahawa itu adalah pendirian UMNO.. Semoga dirahmati Allah, dipanjangkan usia dan sihat selalu, Tun. By -thethinker-Author Profile Page on September 5, 2008 6:59 PM Jika mengikut definisi kata-kata Ahmad dari UMNO Bkt Bendera: Moyang rakyat malaysia keturunan Cina ialah Pendatang. jadi, rakyat malaysia keturunan Cina ialah Pendatang. jika ini disetujui , maka .. Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir berasal dari Kerala, India, Ayahanda Tun Dr. Mahathir ialah pendatang. Maka, Tun Dr. Mahathir ialah pendatang. keturunan Tun juga ialah pendatang. Salah !! ini semua salah... mengikut definisi Melayu dlm perlembagaan Malaysia ialah mereka yg mengamalkan budaya dan istiadat melayu dan beragama Islam, maka Tun ialah Melayu. Begitu juga dgn Cina Malaysia, mereka ada rakyat Malaysia mengikut perlembagaan , bukannya pendatang !!! By DR.SRI on September 5, 2008 7:00 PM Hi Tun, I would like to share something with you..
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