Sample file Sample file Sample file CONTENTS 5 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ STAFF Publisher Claude J. Pelletier EDITORIAL Editor-in-chief KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE ............................................................. 6 Claude J. Pelletier Art Director Pierre Ouellette WHAT'S GOING ON? Layout ECHOES FROM THE NET AND OTHER NEWS ........................................... 7 Élie Charest, Jeff Fortier, Pierre Ouellette ANIME ............................................................................................... 8 Production Staff MANGA ........................................................................................... 10 Ghislain Barbe, Normand Bilodeau, Jean Carrières, NEW RELEASES ................................................................................. 12 Élie Charest, Robert Dubois, Martin Ouellette Claude J. Pelletier, Marc-Alex Vézina ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Contributors SPOTLIGHT: RONIN WARRIORS Sylvain Durand, Miyako Graham, Barry Hawkins, James Taylor RONIN WARRIORS TO ARMS!!! ........................................................... 18 CHARACTERS ................................................................................... 19 Proofreading Brian Faughnan, Jean Carrières SYNOPSES ........................................................................................ 24 CREDITS ........................................................................................... 29 Translators Miyako Graham Administration REVIEWS Robert Dubois (Advertising) Claude J. Pelletier (Distribution) MODELS: Ronin Warrior Toys ............................................................... 29 MANGA: CPM Comics ....................................................................... 34 Color Separation Typo Express, Inc ANIME ............................................................................................. 38 Printing Payette & Simms, Inc FEATURES SUBSCRIPTION FATAL FURY: The Movie ..................................................................... 30 6 issues: $30 US, $32.10 Can (GST included), or $45 US overseas. Make check or money-order to IANUS Publications. ANIME WORLD SampleANIME AMERICA '95 file ......................................................................... 32 JAPANESE LANGUAGE: Noun Seminar ................................................ 36 ANIME STORIES I A N U S P U B L I C A T I O N S LAMUNE & 40 .................................................................................. 48 5000, Iberville St., #332 Montréal, Qc., Canada, H2H 2S6 VOICE OF THE FREEDOM FIGHTER ............ 51 DISTRIBUTORS In Canada: Big Pictures Distributing ((416) 530-0142), Multi- Books & Periodicals ((905) 632-5573), North West Game Trader PROTOCULTURE ADDICTS #36. September/October 1995. The Anime & Manga magazine. Published bimonthly by ((519) 623-4832), Styx International ((204) 489-0580), T.D. Im- IANUS PUBLICATIONS INC., 5000 Iberville Street, Studio #332, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2H 2S6. ports ((403) 252-2006). Fax: (514) 523-8680. In U.S.A.: Berkley Distributors ((510) 845-9851 or (310) 632- PROTOCULTURE ADDICTS is ©1995 by IANUS PUBLICATIONS INC. The copyrights and trademarks mentioned herein 8448), Books Nippan ((213) 891-9636 or (310) 604-9701), Capi- are the property of their respective owners. PROTOCULTURE ADDICTS acknowledges the creators and copyrights tal City ((608) 223-2000), Chessex ((610) 695-0523), Compleat holders of the materials mentioned or pictured herein, and does not seek to infringe on their rights. All rights to Strategist ((212) 685-3880), Diamond ((410) 560-7100), articles/artwork revert to their respective writers/artists upon publication. Contributors are responsible for their Kinokuniya Book Store ((415) 567-7625), Liberty Hobby ((800) views which are not necessarily those of PROTOCULTURE ADDICTS. No part of this magazine can be reproduced 654-6229), Nikaku Animart ((408) 971-2822), RPV ((714) 671- without permission from the publisher, except for review purposes. 1270), Wargame West ((505) 242-1773). Legal deposit at the National Library of Quebec Printed in Canada Overseas: Chris Harvey Games (U.K.), Esdevium (U.K.), Fantasy Legal deposit at the National Library of Canada ISSN 0835-9563 Productions (Germany), Jedko (Australia), Ludis (France), Stratelibri (Italy), Welt der Spiele (Germany). 6 EDITORIAL ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE CREDITS BUBBLEGUM CRASH © 1991 by Artmic, INC. Li- censed to AnimEigo by Artmic, Inc. English Trans- AILOR MOON made its English debut on YTV on August 28. Naturally, lation, Subtitles and Dubbing © 1991, 1994 by we PA staffers all got together that night, bought munchies and braced AnimEigo, Inc. CYBER CITY ©1995 CPM Comics. ourselves for this long-awaited return of Japanese animation to the Ameri- DEMON CITY SHINJUKU ©1995 Central Park S Media Corporation. FATAL FURY: THE MOVIE can screen. Like most die hard anime fans, we had already seen the untranslated ©1995 SNK - Fuji TV - NAS; exclusively licensed Japanese version years ago and felt out sugar levels rise as we watched. Would throughout USA and Canada by Viz Communica- the new American version have that same effect? We played the tape recorded tions, Inc. GALL FORCE: ETERNAL STORY ©1995 earlier that afternoon and watched the opening credits roll… ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ CPM Comics. Original Japanese version ©1986 MOVIC/Sony Video Software International Corp. Co. GHOST IN THE SHELL © Kodansha - Bandai The episode itself was great! The translation and voices are no problems — Visual - Manga Entertainment. J-FAN © Ebony although, arguably, Luna’s tone is atrocious. Even the names of the characters Publishing Ltd. LAMUNE & 40 © Tokyo TV - are good (Usagi became Serena, not Victoria, as we initially feared). Some scenes ASATSU. M.D. GEIST ©1995 CPM Comics. Origi- (and, as we discovered later, even entire episodes) were removed, but they were nal Japanese version ©1986 Nippon Columbia Co. probably deemed unsuitable for a young American audience. No, the real gripe English Subtitled version ©1992 Central Park Media Corporation. MAISON IKKOKU © Rumiko lies with two particular points: the very beginning and the ending. Takahashi - Viz Comics. PROJECT A-KO ©1995 CPM Comics. Original Japanese version is ™ & In the Japanese version, the origin and goal of the Sailor Scouts are not men- ©1995 Central Park Media Corporation, Inc. tioned at first, but are progressively unveiled as the story progresses. However, RECORD OF LODOSS WAR ©1995 Central Park Media Corporation. Artwork ©1995 Group SNE- for some unfathomable reason, the translation includes an introduction to the Yutaka Izubuchi-Kadokawa Shoten Publishing Co. universe of SAILOR MOON which spoils that mystery. Is that an acknowledge- Ltd. ROBOTECH ©1985 Harmony Gold USA, Inc. ment from the American producers that they believe their children to be less & Tatsunoko Production Co., Ltd. All Rights Re- intelligent than young Japanese? served. ROBOTECH® is a registered trademark owned and licensed by Harmony Gold USA, Inc. ROBOTECH RPG, published by Palladium Books® Adding insult to injury, the episode is followed by a 15-second “morale” session, Inc., is ©1995 Kevin Siembieda. RONIN WARRI- G.I. JOE style, based on what happened during the story. We can only guess the ORS © Sunrise, Inc — Graz Entertainment. STAR reason for such preachy lectures. It may not be that bad. With the problems we BLAZERS ©1995 Voyager Entertainment, Inc. All have with our education system (drugs and droppingSample out, to name onlyfile two) and Rights Reserved. TALE OF GENJI ©1987 Asahi the “no future” attitude of Generation X, there is undoubtedly a need for some Group/Herald Group/TAC. English subtitled version and package ©1995 Central Park Media Corp. positive reinforcement, and SAILOR MOON seems to do just that. Fine by us. YOU’RE UNDER ARREST ©1994, 1995 Fujishima Kousuke, Kodansha, Bandai Visual & Marubeni. The producers admit that the show is an “adaptation” and not a “translation.” Licensed to AnimEigo, Inc. by Kodansha, Ltd. Sub- Our first reaction: high and mighty outrage. This is supposed to be Japanese titles and Dubbing by AnimEigo, Inc. animation, not your run-of-the-mill North American trash! Obviously, this show Cover was not meant for your average anime fan. Then again, these days, fewer Ghislain Barbe animations are, thanks to the demands of mainstream appeal. If you happen not to be a Japanimation fan already, then the difference matters little to you. If you Illustrations are an anime buff, however, try to be understanding and tolerant. If the only price Ghislain Barbe 36 you have to pay to watch dubbed anime for free on TV is a cat’s annoying voice, a spoiler and a short morale at the end of the episode, then you’re getting a very Photography good deal. Miyako Graham ................................... 32-33 So now you know. And, as they say, knowing is half the battle. Other illustrations from: A-CLUB 44: 13. ANIMEDIA (7-88): 137; (8-88): 131; (11-88): 140-41; (12-88): 116; (1-89): 128- 129; (3-89): insert; (4-89): 132. NEWTYPE (6-94): 85; (7-94): 4, 6; (6-95): 87. All other illustrations cames from promotional art- work, cover art, or directly from the animation. Jean Carrières Claude J. Pelletier ECHOES FROM THE NET & OTHER NEWS 7 ○○○○○ ANIMEIGO HAS THE SPIRIT! AnimEigo announced that they have obtained the license from TOSHIBA EMI for “The Spirit of Wonder - Miss China’s Ring.” Sometime during the late 19th century, a young Asian girl has
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