® 141ST141ST YEARYEAR OFOF THETHE UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY DECEMBERMAY 11-13 21 SPRINGFALL 2012 2012 1 VIRGINIAVIRGINIA POLYTECHNICPOLYTECHNIC INSTITUTEINSTITUTE ANDAND STATSTATE E UNIVERSITYUNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT COMMENCEMENT BoarD of visitors Mr. Michael J. Quillen, Rector Mr. John C. Lee, IV Dr. Sarah Karpanty, Faculty Senate Representative Ms. Michele L. Duke Mr. George Nolen Ms. Sue Teel, Staff Senate Representative Nancy V. Dye, M.D. Ms. Suzanne S. Obenshain Ms. Robyn Jones, Graduate Student Representative Mr. William D. Fairchild, III Ms. Deborah Petrine Mr. Nicholas Onopa, Undergraduate Student Mr. Cordel L. Faulk Mr. John G. Rocovich, Jr. Representative Mr. B. Keith Fulton Mr. Paul W. Rogers Mr. William B. Holtzman Mr. Dennis H. Treacy University Dignitaries anD inviteD speakers Charles W. Steger, President, Virginia Tech Paul M. Winistorfer, Dean, College of Natural Resources and Kirk H. Schulz, President, Kansas State University, Virginia Environment Tech Classes of 1986 and 1991, Keynote Speaker, Lay Nam Chang, Dean, College of Science Graduate School Commencement Gerhardt G. Schurig, Dean, Virginia-Maryland Regional Noel Schulz, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate College of Veterinary Medicine Programs and Paslay Professor of Electrical and Computer J. Thomas Brown, Jr., Dean of Students Engineering, Kansas State University, Virginia Tech Classes Tyler O. Walters, Dean of University Libraries of 1988 and 1990, Keynote Speaker, Graduate School Rosemary Blieszner, Associate Dean of the Graduate School Commencement Janet W. Rankin, Associate Dean of the Graduate School Annie Hesp, Instructor, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Kenneth H. Wong, Associate Dean of the Graduate Virginia Tech, Keynote Speaker, University Commencement School in the National Capital Region and Director of the General Lance L. Smith (Ret.), President of the Alumni Northern Virginia Center Association Board of Directors, Class of 1968, Greetings Joseph S. Merola, Professor and Department Chair, Chemistry, from the Alumni Association, University Commencement Reader of Names, Graduate School Commencement Sherwood G. Wilson, Vice President for Administrative Services Bruce E. Pencek, Social Sciences Librarian, University Thomas C. Tillar, Jr., Vice President for Alumni Relations Libraries, Commencement Marshal, University Elizabeth A. Flanagan, Vice President for Development and and Graduate School Commencements University Relations Tyler Campbell, President, Class of 2013, Remarks by the William T. Lewis, Sr., Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion Class President, University Commencement M. Dwight Shelton, Vice President for Finance and Chief Ryan Paul Sutton, Male Member-At-Large, Class of 2013, Financial Officer Opening Reflections, University Commencement Scott F. Midkiff, Vice President for Information Technology and YuYu Schatz, Secretary, Class of 2013, Closing Reflections, Chief Information Officer University Commencement Donald J. Leo, Vice President and Executive Director, National Shaimaa Abdallah, doctoral student, Electrical Engineering, and Capital Region Operations President, Graduate Student Assembly, Remarks on Behalf of Jerome A. Niles, Interim Vice President for Outreach and the Graduate Students, University Commencement International Affairs Aurora Martin, B.A., Chemistry and B.A., Music Performance, Class Robert W. Walters, Vice President for Research of 2012, Vocalist, University and Graduate School Commencements Patricia Ann Perillo, Vice President for Student Affairs Monica Sulecio de Alvarez, master of arts candidate, Education Karen P. DePauw, Vice President and Dean for Graduate Education and Curriculum, Graduate Student Marshal, Graduate School Daniel A. Wubah, Vice President and Dean for Undergraduate Commencement Education Katelin Shugart-Schmidt, master of science candidate, Fisheries Alan L. Grant, Dean, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Wildlife Sciences, Graduate Student Speaker, Graduate A. Jack Davis, Dean, College of Architecture and Urban Studies Commencement Richard E. Sorensen, Dean, Pamplin College of Business Wallace Easter, Associate Professor of Music, Conductor, Richard C. Benson, Dean, College of Engineering Virginia Tech Brass Ensemble Sue Ott Rowlands, Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences 2011 - 2012 CommenCement Committee Daniel B. Taylor, Chairman; Bruce E. Pencek, Commencement Marshal; Jacqueline L. Nottingham, Director of Processions; Thomas W. Broyles, Director of Ushers; Tyler P. Campbell, Terry Cobb, Candice E. Clemenz, Elizabeth C. Fine, Rebecca A. Funk, Meredith “Pat” Goodrich, William R. Green, Lawrence G. Hincker, Jason A. Holliday, Tamara W. Knott, Joseph S. Merola, Kim T. O’Rourke, Masoud Safdari, Durelle T. Scott, IV, Jay Tucker, Anthony S. Watson, Michael S. Weaver, Eric Wininger speCial resoUrCe persons Jenny A. Akers, Supervisor, Customer Service, Printing Services Travis J. Cross, Assistant Professor of Music, Coordinator, Susan P. Angle, Director, Services for Students with Disabilities Virginia Tech Brass Ensemble Janice E. Austin, Director of Graduate Admissions & Academic Progress, Vincent M. Houston, Captain, Virginia Tech Police Department Graduate School Richard K. McCoy, Associate Director, Parking and Fleet Services Clyde Y. Cridlin, Jr., Assistant Registrar, Office of the University Registrar Margie B. Murray, Special Events Coordinator, Office of the President Jay Crone, Head, Department of Music, Coordinator, Virginia Tech April B. Myers, Projects Assistant, Office of the President Brass Ensemble Mark A. Owczarski, Director of News and Information, University Relations 1 THETHE ACADEMICACADEMIC Class of 2012 PROCESSION PROCESSION Logo The following information, digested from “An Academic TheCostume following Code information, and Ceremony digested Guide” from prepared “An Academic by the AmericanCostume CodeCouncil and on Ceremony Education, Guide” may prepared prove helpful by the in American identifying Council the cos on - Education,tumes you may will seeprove in helpfulthe Commencement in identifying the Procession. costumes you will see in the Commencement Procession. When American colleges and universities desired to adopt Whensome suitableAmerican system colleges of academicand universities apparel manydesired years to adoptago, a someconference suitable held system at Columbia of academic University apparel in many1895, years made ago, up ofa conferencerepresentatives held fromat Columbia various Universityinstitutions, in 1895,drew up made a “By-Law up of representativesRegulation, or Statute” from various for the institutions,establishment drew of aup suitable a “By-Law code Regulation,of academic or dressStatute” for forcolleges the establishment and universities of a suitablein the United code ofStates. academic This code,dress withfor colleges modifications and universities made in 1959, in the is United still in States.force; the This costumes code, with and modifications colors, trimmings, made and in patterns1959, is you still will in force; the costumes and colors, trimmings, and patterns you will see are all traditional and interpret both degree and the field of see are all traditional and interpret both degree and the field of learning. The bachelor’s gown, designed to be worn closed, has learning. The bachelor’s gown, designed to be worn closed, has pointedpointed sleeves;sleeves; thethe master’smaster’s gown,gown, whichwhich maymay bebe wornworn openopen oror closed,closed, hashas anan oblongoblong sleevesleeve openopen atat thethe wristwrist whichwhich hangshangs downdown in in traditional traditional manner. manner. The The rear rear part part of of itsits oblongoblong shapeshape is is squaresquare cut cut and and the the front front part part has has the the arc arc cutcut away.away. TheThe doctor’sdoctor’s gowngown hashas bell-shapedbell-shaped sleeves.sleeves. It It maymay bebe wornworn openopen oror closed.closed. Bachelor’sBachelor’s and and master’s master’s gowns gowns are are untrimmed.untrimmed. Doctor’sDoctor’s gownsgowns areare faced faced with with black black velvet velvet with with three three bars bars across across the the sleeves; sleeves; or or thethe color color of of velvet velvet may may be be that that which which is is distinctive distinctive of of the the degree, degree, agreeingagreeing with with that that of of the the edging edging of of the the hood.hood. The The colors colors you you will will Motto seesee in in the the hoodshoods and and gowns gowns of of ourour facultyfaculty representrepresent the the variousvarious fieldsfields inin whichwhich thethe degrees werewere taken.taken. A few few are:are: "Ignited by Passion, Devoted We Serve" Accountancy,Accountancy, Commerce, Commerce, Business Business ......................................................... .........................................DrabDrab (Yellow-Brown) (Yellow-Brown) AgricultureAgriculture ....................................................... ........................................MaizeMaize (Pale (Pale Yellow) Yellow) ArchitectureArchitecture ..................................................... ......................................Blue-VioletBlue-Violet (Purple) (Purple) Arts, Letters,Arts, Letters, Humanities Humanities ...................................................... ................White White EconomicsEconomics ........................................................................... ........................................Copper Copper EducationEducation ........... .....................................................................................................Light
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