METUCHEN PUB-IC ^MIDDLESEX AVENUE McTUCHEN, NJ G3S40 METUCHEN EDISON Review 500 a copy Vol. 18, No. 24 A Forbes Newspaper Friday, June 15, 1990 Kukor in control DEP ruling bogs down of Edison GOP proposal entire meeting was an indication he could not adequately deal with Sheldon rival Frank “Dunk” Lankey, Demo­ Environmentalist cratic Party chairman. “I don’t understand how James claims victory wins top post Sheldon can claim to be a good chairman and fight ‘Dunk’ Lankey when he can’t stay here and fight By Thomas R. DeCaro By Thomas Ift. DeCaro me.” Sheldon, who last week indi­ EDISON - The state Depart­ EDISON —' “Our work’s only cated he would not give up the ment of Environmental Protection begun.” position without a battle, said will not exempt Edison Tyler Es­ With that observation, James Tuesday that he, did not have the tates’ planned 863-unit housing Michael Kukor took the reins of votes to win so he decided not to development in the Dismal the municipal Republican organi­ fight Kukor’s election. Swamp from the state’s strict zation Monday night during the He did maintain, however, that Freshwater Wetlands Act party’s reorganization meeting at Kukor was “a bad apple” and said The decision, announced in a the Victorian Manor. that while he would cutback his May 25 letter to the developers’ While his election as party activities on the local level of the attorney from Robert Piel Jr, chairman was not unexpected, the GOP, he did not intend to leave chief of the DEP’s Bureau of In­ lack of a challenge fr om James the party and would continue to land Regulation, will force Edison Sheldon, the incumbent chairman, be active especially on the state Tyler Estates to seek permits from was something of a surprise. level. the DEP allowing them to build According to Kukor, that rival Sheldon also indicated that he on wetlands and the so-called Sheldon did not fight to keep the “transitional areas” which sur­ chairmanship or even stay (for the (Please turn to page A-14) round them. The permits are diffi­ cult to obtain. It is a decision that has de­ lighted local environmentalists. S o m e t shots “Save Our Swamp and I are ex­ tremely happy,” said Jane To- —Photo by Daryl Stone usman, one of the founders of the EDISON — Many Republicans Kukor will realize in time that local environmental group. “The who attended their party’s reorga­ Jim Kukor is, in fact, a liability to Children in Elly Bermingham’s fourth-grade class play on the newly installed playground equip­ DEP is giving us the greatest pro­ nization Monday may have been the Republican Party. ... tection we can ask for.” “I wish the Edison Republican ment at James Monroe School. The equipment, like the playground, was dedicated to the late surprised that the anticipated me­ Gail Bundy, the school’s nurse who died in an automobile accident in 1978. Members of Mrs. She noted that while Piel said lee between incumbent Chairman Party my best in the future and the developers must “start anew”. James Sheldon and James Kukor, \ hope that that future does not in­ Bundy’s family were at the June 4 ceremony dedicating the equipment, which was purchased by — a phrase used by Superior the man who would replace him, clude Jim Kukor and his kind.” the school’s PTA. Court Judge J. Norris Harding never developed. That Sheldon left the meeting when he overturned the Planning But while the transition of after he turned it over to Dr. Bob Board’s initial fftyiroval of the power went smoothly, it did not Maurer to chair drew criticism project — it'7srnot\*i'v«Ji’ 'Whether take place without some parting from Kukor. Florio’s school-funding proposal the developer', would return be- shots. The new chairman, whp had charged Sheldon and District 29 fore the board. “Afier 34 years as an active Re­ What is clear, she said, is fha publican in Edi-son Township. 22 Committeeman Raymond Kope- irks, worries borough educators the decision will have an impact of which were as the Republican rwhats with dirty tricks during the on the scale of the development chairman, I am saddened at the recent primary campaign, said the towns like East Brunswick would. Trapp referred to these new and on the planned Talmadge prospect that a person such as two did not have the fortitude to Metuchen faces Road Extension, a requirement Jim Kukor has teen chosen to face him. be getting more in aid.” costs as “the wildcard” in Florio’s The sentiment of borough edu­ plan, adding that the state has at­ upon which much of the project is lead our party into the future,” “Sheldon said he would not go contingent Sheldon said in a written state­ down without a fight,” Kukor said, big loss in aid cators is embodied in the com­ tributed to Metuchen a current “but this is typical of the man ments of the president of the New state aid figure for these costs of Harding’s April 1989 decision to ment released after the meeting. $1,580,000 while the board calcu­ overturn the board’s approval of “Jim Kukor’s questionable back­ himself.” . Jersey School Boards Association, By Georgia Vosinakis Jeremiah F. Regan, who said, lates a figure of $900,000. the project was based on ties be­ ground, his shoot-from-the-hip He noted that Sheldon’s action tween the developers and then- philosophy and ‘if it’s not my way, proved what he and his support­ METUCHEN - Borough offi­ “We are pleased that the decision “Whether this number is legiti­ cials are very concerned about does not mandate school district mate or not ... it’s a cost the dis­ board Chairman William Bohn. It then it’s the wrong way’ attitude ers had changed all along — that was the first in a series of suc­ will lead to the eventual demise Sheldon was unable or unwilling that portion of Gov. James Florio’s payment of employee pensions — trict would have to assume,” he to stand up for the GOP against school funding proposal which something we strongly object to in said of Florio’s proposal. cesses for SOS in its fight against of our party unless stopped.” the development Sheldon added that he hopes Frank “Dunk” Lankey, the Demo­ goes beyond the state Supreme the Florio administration’s pro­ He added that the figure for those who “now blindly follow Jim cratic municipal chairman. Court’s June 5 decision in Abbott posed school aid system.” these costs would “increase at a After the developers scaled vs. Burke. Under F^orio’S proposal, the rate much greater than the cost of down the plan from more than While borough officials and ed­ burden of funding pension and so­ living increase.” 1,000 to 863 units, the board on . ucators seem to agree that a more cial security benefits as well as “We always have people who June 30 approved it while prohib­ Lankey to lead D^ems equitable school funding system is health costs for retirees, would retire — that’s the real killer,” iting the developers from building in order to remedy disparities fall upon the local school districts said board member Eileen Dyas. in the environmentally sensitive beginning ip the 1991-92 school EDISON - Frank “Dunk” Lank­ over the party reins in April 1989 among the state’s districts, they “Well be be pumping money into “hardwood forest” area of the generally do not endorse all that year. These new costs, presently the budget to pay benefits for re­ swamp — a restriction sought by ey will continue to head the local after the death of Mayor Anthony Democratic Parly. the governor has proposed in his funded by the state, are expected tirees ... at the expense of the SOS. Yelencsics, who also served as recent school-funding bill. to hit hardest those districts in children.” The approval was granted just He was re-elected chairman Democratic municipal chairman. “We’re not against the concept, which minimum aid would be before the July 1 deadline at Mom ay when the 134-member Trapp said Florio’s plan would ztec but how the concept will be fun­ phased out over a four-year pe­ reduce state aid to the borough by which time the Freshwater Wet­ mum ipal committee of the Edi­ ded,” said Edmund O’Brien, Bor­ riod. lands Act took effect; however, son L emocratic Organization held out dissent were Ellen Damiano,Da 25 percent each year beginning in vice chairwoman; Virginia; Comito, ough Council president, during Metuchen is one of those dis­ 1992-93, so that the current state beating the deadline has not ex­ its re rganization meeting at the last week’s council meeting. “It’s tricts. empted Edison Tyler Estates from Pines tanor, Route 27. recording secretary; Geraldine total at $3,097,000 would drop to Piegdon, corresponding secretary; in our interest to call for a further “This is unfortunate for us,” $2,281,000 by the 1995-96 school the strict wetlands restrictions. Lank v was unchalleged and re­ investigation of the (governor’s) said George Trapp, a member of Alexander Glinsky, treasure.”; and (Please turn to page A-14) (Please turn to page A-14) elected unanimously. He first took John Connolly, sergeant-at-ar.ms. formula. One has to question why the borough’s Board of Education. Garage sale becomes block party Tradition began ix years ago l l i l i Debbie Jordan DISON - Mary Heer­ wagen recently organized her si#h annual Walnut Street ga- e sale, and about 20 houses on trie road participated.
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