N° 62 Sankt Augustin, December 2020 We would like to remind our readers that, strictly speaking, we are not reviewing the books and articles presented here (in the sense of giving a critical assessment of their contents) but intend to draw the readers’ attention to the publications that are of particular interest for those who are engaged with both – anthropology and mission. The material in the bulletin partly consists of quotes taken from the presented books and articles. Review of Books (by Vinsenius Adi Gunawan and Othmar Gächter) Moser, Paul K., and Chad Meister (eds.): The Cam- Véritable édition multimédia, associant films, photo- bridge Companion to Religious Experience. Cam- graphies et textes, “Vivre avec les dieux” constitue à bridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. 339 pp. la fois le carnet de tournage d’une série de films docu- ISBN 978-1-108-45911-2 (pbk) mentaires et un ensemble de réflexions sur l’histoire récente de l’anthropologie, à travers la place qu’y ont For centuries, theologians and philosophers, among occupé la religion, la maladie et l’image. La série others, have examined the nature of religious experi- comprend cinq films en DVD, réalisés entre 1984 et ence. Students and scholars unfamiliar with the vast 1993, et tournés entre l’Afrique de l’Ouest et l’Amé- literature face a daunting task in grasping the main rique du Sud: “N’kpiti, la rancune et le prophète”, issues surrounding the topic of religious experience. “Prophètes en leur pays”, “Les Dieux-objets”, “Les “The Cambridge Companion to Religious Experience” Esprits dans la ville” et “La Nuit des Indiens pumé.” offers an original introduction to its topic. Going be- yond an introduction, it is a state-of-the-art overview Née de la collaboration de trois anthropologues of the topic, with critical analyses of and creative in- français et de la photographe et productrice Catherine sights into its subject. Religious experience is dis- de Clippel, cette série documentaire explore différents cussed from various interdisciplinary perspectives, phénomènes religieux dont les similarités (posses- from religious perspectives inside and outside tradi- sions, dispositifs thérapeutiques, etc.) se répondent tional monotheistic religions, and from various topical par-delà leurs spécificités contextuelles. Filmant tour à perspectives. tour des figures prophétiques ivoriennes, des cultes Paul Moser and Chad Meister: This book exam- vodu au Togo, des rituels célébrant les divinités brési- ines the nature, scope, context, and significance or liennes connues sous le nom de caboclos et les céré- religious experience, in search of a good explanation. monies du Tõhé des Indiens pumé au Venezuela, In doing so, it raises many questions about religious “Vivre avec les dieux” croise ainsi, de manière unique, experience that are important to religious studies, phi- anthropologie visuelle, anthropologie de la maladie et losophy, theology, psychology, sociology, and history. anthropologie religieuse. This introduction clarifies some of these questions. Si cet ouvrage contribue à raconter le passage d’une ethnographie textuelle à une anthropologie visu- elle, il permet également d’interroger la notion de Augé, Marc, Jean-Paul Colleyn, Catherine de Clip- représentation, à la fois dans la recherche scientifique pel et Jean-Pierre Dozon: Vivre avec les dieux. Sur et dans le cinéma documentaire, et ce plus particu- le terrain de l’anthropologie visuelle. Paris: Éditions lièrement à partir de l’étude du fait religieux, où de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2019. 303 pp. l’image comme la mise en scène jouent un rôle de tout ISBN 978-2-7351-2437-4 (pbk) premier plan. 1 Berner, Ulrich: Religionswissenschaft (historisch ori- format within traditional Christian religions as well as entiert). Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht Verlage, in the less controlled and structured forms in the rites 2020. 456 pp. ISBN 978-3-8252-5297-7 (pbk) of deliverance within Neopentecostal movements. They examine theories on the interaction between reli- Dieses Buch bietet einen in mehrfacher Hinsicht neu- gion, magic, and science to present new and ground- en Ansatz: Es ist thematisch aufgebaut und die Aus- breaking data on exorcism. wahl der Themen orientiert sich am aktuellen Reli- The fight against demonic possession underlines gionsdiskurs – so werden z.B. Thesen zur (In)Toleranz the way in which changes within the religious field, der (monotheistischen) Religionen ebenso behandelt such as the rediscovery of typical practices of popular wie Thesen zur (Un)Vereinbarkeit von Religion und religiosity, challenge the expectations of the theory of (Natur)Wissenschaft. Die Auseinandersetzung mit die- secularization. This book argues that if possession is a sen Diskursen erfolgt im Rahmen einer historisch ori- threat to the individual and to the equilibrium of the entierten Religionswissenschaft, die keine Aussagen social order, the ritual of exorcism is able to re-estab- über das Wesen einer Religion macht, sondern das Ne- lish a balance and an order through the power of the beneinander widersprüchlicher Auslegungen zur Dar- exorcist. This does not happen in a social vacuum but stellung bringt. Das Material entstammt überwiegend in a consumer culture where religious groups market der europäischen Religionsgeschichte, doch gibt es in themselves against other faiths. jedem Kapitel auch einen Exkurs, der Vergleichsbei- spiele aus nicht-europäischen Religionen bringt. Die historischen Betrachtungen enthalten ausgiebige Zitate Sansi, Roger (ed.): The Anthropologist as Curator. aus den Quellen, um Ansatzpunkte für eine kritische London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. 244 pp. ISBN Auseinandersetzung und Anregungen für die eigene 978-1-350-08190-1 (hbk) Lektüre zu geben. Why do contemporary art curators define their work as ethnography? How can curation illuminate the prac- Mambelli, Anna, and Valentina Marchetto (eds.): tice of contemporary anthropology? Does anthropol- Naming the Sacred. Religious Toponymy in History, ogy risk disappearing as a specific discipline within Theology, and Politics. Göttingen: V&R unipress, the general model of the curatorial? “The Anthropol- 2019. 230 pp. ISBN 978-3-95650-636-9 (pbk) ogist as Curator” collects the research of international scholars working at the intersection of anthropology At what point is a place perceived as holy? And when and contemporary art in order to explore these ques- does it become officially so in its definition? Inspired tions. The essays in the book challenge what it means by the UNESCO debate and decisions made concern- to do ethnographic work, as well as the very definition ing holy places, the authors seek answers to these of the discipline of anthropology in confrontation with questions. “Naming the Sacred” is a diachronic excur- the model of the curatorial. sus into the issues of perception and denomination of The contributors examine these ideas from a holy places. The volume examines historical cases in variety of angles, and the book includes perspectives which names and places have been modified or liter- from anthropologists who have set up their own ex- ally eliminated and others where places were subjects hibitions; those who have conducted fieldwork on the to policies of protection and tutelage. The work apper- arts, including participatory practices, digital images tains to an ongoing, evolving global debate where the and sound; and contributors who are currently work- challenge of the reciprocal recognition of holy sites ing in a curatorial capacity at a museum. With case has become increasingly complex. studies from the USA, Canada, Germany, Brazil, Me- xico, India, and Japan, the book represents an inter- national perspective. Giordan, Giuseppe, and Adam Possamai (eds.): The Social Scientific Study of Exorcism in Christianity. Cham: Springer Nature, 2020. 244 pp. ISBN 978-3- Laplante, Julie, Ari Gandsman, and Willow Scobie 030-43172-3 (hbk) (eds.): Search after Method. Sensing, Moving, and Imagining in Anthropological Fieldwork. New York: This book presents an academic analysis of exorcism Berghahn Books, 2020. 259 pp. ISBN 978-1-78920- in Christianity. It not only explores the crisis and dra- 883-2 (hbk) ma of a single individual in a fight against demonic possession but also looks at the broader implications Reigniting a tradition of learning by experience, for the society in which the possessed lives. In recog- “Search after Method” is a plea for livelier forms of nition of this, coverage includes case studies from anthropology. The anthropologists in the collection re- various geographical areas in Europe, North and South count their experiences of working in the field, framed America, and Oceania. within a range of anthropological debates. The book The contributors explore the growing significance thus provides accounts of lived experiences from both of the rite of exorcism, both in its more structured extensive and contemporary fieldwork as well as 2 offering solutions for how to evolve the art of anthro- religion and knowledge, this study examines the aca- pological research beyond what is currently imagined. demic discourse of these two institutes and the reli- gious subjectivities of their international body of stu- dents. It shows that the Ismaili community is navigat- Kersten, Carool: Contemporary Thought in the Mus- ing challenges along three axes: its relationship to lim World. Trends, Themes, and Issues. New York: secular modernity, to mainstream Islam, and to itself Routledge, 2019. 228 pp. ISBN 978-0-415-85508-2
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