the Daily Sundk CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY. NORTHRIDGE VOLUME 30 NUMBER 71 THURSDAY,FEBRUARY 13. 1986 Homeowners urge CSUN to relocate Greeks By FRANN BART officials for a crackdown on conduct dean/director of Campus Activities and door to the Manson Family." Senior Staff Writer violations of Greek groups. Residental Life; Thomas Piernik. CARL Chris Hamilton, an eight year resident Carol Michalski, a 10-year resident of activities coordinator; Campus Police Lt. of the area whose home is flanked by two A group of homeowners and residents, the area and spokeswoman for the other Marcus Hissong; and three represen­ fraternities, said she narrowly missed from an area heavily populated by CSUN residents, presented a written statement tatives of the Los Angeles Department of being hit by a bottle thrown al her by a fraternities, confronted university of­ proposing a revision of the CSUN Master Building & Safety were present at the man in front of her house. Hamilton said ficials at a meeting Wednesday with Plan which would require that all Greek meeting. when police did not immediately respond complaints of late night noisy parties, activities occur on campus with super­ "This is what the neighbors have to to her call, her husband came out with a telephone threats and intimidation by vision, and called for central relocation contend with on a daily basis." Michalski gun and the man ran back into the Phi fraternity members. and containment of all Greek groups on said, as she played tape recordings of Delta fraternity house next door. The residents, who live in and around North Campus property. various loud fraternity parties. "Here's an The next night, she said, car wind­ the Halsted Street area, appealed to Richard Williams, associate example of 'Animal House' mentality. shields were smashed, cars blocked My neighbors' children can't sleep, at driveways and a neighbor's fence was night. I want to enlist you gentlemen to broken down which resulted in the escape help solve these problems." — -of his horses. Michalski said from Jan. 23 to 25 she Piernik said it was "difficult to jump to called the Los Angeles Police Depart­ conclusions that it was a fraternity ment's Devonshire Division on three member (throwing the bottle). different occasions to complain about Michalski identified six fraternity noise. However, she was told the police houses located on both Halsted Street and officers responded to calls on a priority Zelzah Avenue that she said were basis, and when they eventually showed responsible for the trouble over the years. up, she said, they only "cruisai around They include Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Nu, the area." .»--,—.^^ Phi Delta Theta, Kappa Alpha Psi. and_^ Campus Police, she said, responded Sigma Gamma Chi. faster, but were hampered by only one She said the neighborhood had no police officer on duty who could not problems with the nearby sororities. realistically control" 1,500 young men." Referring back to Michalski's Michalski said when she went to the suggestion about revising the Master houses to complain, the occupants called Plan, Piernik said,"the proposal is put her "bad names." One night, during forth with the best of intentions, but the another party, she said she received a most frustrating aspect of it is that the phone call from someone she quoted as Master Plan doesn't include fraternity or saying, "Fuck you, we know who you sorority housing." are, we know you're calling the police. If "I'm asking you to revise it," Michalski you call again we're going to come over replied. "You can revise it." and fuck you up." — The university administration, "I'm scared to death," she said, at Williams said, wanted to have Greek MYUNG J. CHUN/Daily Sundial which time Williams replied: "I'm con­ housing "on our own property." ANORY NEIGHBORS — Chris Hamilton officials to help solve neighborhood fident you're not in any danger. These are and Carol Michalski ask campus problems. not violent people. You're not living next Please turn to page 5 CSUN police catch alleged gamblers Haltey's Comet's compwitiiNi, By CHRISTOPHER 8. TERRELL Margolis said that six of the individuals Contributing Writer are Vietnamese and two others are Sino- histob^f presented in lectare Vietnamese. They said they were playing ByKURTMlOTCKE nxMming, he said- Six CSUN students and three non- poker and a Vietnamese gambling game students were detained by Campus Police Staff WrHar It wiB tMrtiMBly be tttrd to see in Los called "BauCua." AofdeStlawnmoe said, but it may be Friday and later disciplined for allegedly All cards, "Eau Cua" paraphernalia Hatt^Comet, the gfcM baB oCice vhMc in ai«ts away from <^ ligltts. gambling in the Oviatt Library, Campus and money were confiscated, the report and ni^teuM currently aiHMtMdMng He said ttie bett viewing ia^& wfli tte Police said Tuesday. said. The eight were detained and sub­ Earth, hi» been associated with the fall in the soutfiem hemis{i)t»« and Responding to a call from an sequently sent to Cronopulos-Raz. recommended that interested parties "unidentifietT CSUN employee com­ of kiaip aad calamities, a phjntics and Though no specific criminal statute asttoaemfpwlmmt mi Wednesiay. could see the oomet better frmn plaining of "heavy gambling" in the was specifically violated, the students CN'. Idln tswnsnoe, who made the southam kicatioasttte Peru. Oviatt Library. Lt. Marc Hissong and were disciplined under sub-section D of presoMtMMi as part of "Ideas Over Laura WMiMos, a Oermaa lanpage Campus Police Officer Stephan Margolis the Student Conduct Code 41301. Lunch." led an informal discusskMi and makir at CSUN and museum guide at went to the library's room 402, where The code, which outlines student presented a slide show about the (MfHh Oservatory, said Uie comet they saw eight Asians who were gam­ expulsion, suspension and probation, comet. win be mipQssaMe to see tttxn Los bling, Margolis said. allowed Cronopulos-Raz to enact Lawrence said that a oomet» eMde AiiBBk» in March and April. It was later found out that the disciplinary action, Cronopulos-Raz said. 1^ of mosdy ice and methane wbidb "You fwed a dear view <rf the "unidentified" caller had participated in Though not a major violation, gambling heat& up when it enters our soiar southem sky," Wilitans said. "In L.A. the card playing and had lost money, is a crime and subject to possible sy^em. He described comets as "dirty you w(mt be able to see it. If you can't Mary Cronopulos-Raz, assistant to the prosecution just the same, Hissong said. snowbtUs" and said the ancients sec the Milky Way, then you won't be dean and coordinator of Student Keeping the suspects from prosecution referred to them as 'hairy stars' ahie to see the comet." Discipline said- through the court system does not lessen becitae of the taib (tf the oon}e& Botti Immaot and Williams According to the police report, the the incident's impact, Hissong said. The toil is a trail of dust and gas that recommend using astronomical individuals were "sitting around a circular Subjecting any student to disciplinary yaponWk when it comes in contact binoculars to view the comet WiifiMBS table" where Hissong "observed playing action keeps him in line. Subsequently, a with die sun's radiation. TIK released said IKMI% a teicicope mxta enlarge cards, currency and change distributed in student's scholastic future is at stake, as materia) is pi»hed away by OK thefawiyetooR^iii. front of the occupants, as well as in the well as his survival in any university pressure of the sunlight and ahvays HiAey's Comet appeared in the dty centerof the table." institution, Hissong said. pcHnts 8Wi^ from the sun mud) Ifte a in 66 A.D. ii»t a few years bdbrc the Suspecting gambling, Hissong and Hissong said that "'Bau Cua' is a weathn yi$k», Lawremx said. fall (rf leruanlMn, in 451 A.D. whim Margolis entered the room, identified historical game played in conjunction The eoflSttt s tnirrently behind the Attila tte Hun threatened the Romam themselves and questioned the occupants. with the celebration of the Chinese New sun tmUmni the oolet imposdbte to ami various other times throu^ioiit The individuals explained to the officers Year." see from earth, aM Lawrence. &it in history when importam evosts have that the "activities were in anticipation of Futhermore, he said, gambling is a late March and early April, it wiU be Vietnamese NeW year, the following common and traditional means by which visiMe in the southem sky early in the Phtmmmtopi^S day," according to the report. Asians enjoy celebration. Unfair The CSU system's new requirennents will hurt minorities. Paga 3. • 1 2 Daily Sundiai, Thursday, February 13, 1986 campus calandar "open house on Friday. Feb 14 from 11 am to 3 p m The special Today lioysf :i. '.'i. too. • events planned includf,' Arlene Stiebel on "Reading Women Poets" Airplane (Sontest—A professional and amateur airplane contest CoMtf Ufe—There will be a meeting sponsored by Grace will be held at noon on the Oviatt Library patio The rules are (noon). Susan B Anthony hirthday celebration (cake at 11:30 Community Church at 7 p.m. in the USU room A-114/115 posted in Engineering 155A Cash prizes will be awanleil a.m ), Women Studies" Women s Journal publication party and a~ Chicano Madia AtMciation—At 2 p.m. in Sierra North 218, there Hotograms—The Association for Computing Machinery is women artist series exhibit. will be a meeting where refreshments will be served. .i sponsoring a speaker on holograms. Gaylord Moss, of Hughes will Leisure Activities—The Leisure Activities Center announces the Intar-Vartlty Citriatian FallowaMp—In the lobby of the USU at speak at 7 p.m.
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