NuPECC Meeting Kraków 11-12 October 2013 European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas Wolfram Weise ECT* andand Technische Universität München 3FTFBSDI*OGSBTUSVDUVSFTBOE/FUXPSLJOH 3FTFBSDI*OGSBTUSVDUVSFTBOE/FUXPSLJOH 3FTFBSDI*OGSBTUSVDUVSFTBOE/FUXPSLJOH3FTFBSDI*OGSBTUSVDUVSFTBOE/FUXPSLJOHIn this chapter, we present the European landscape ing function in the European and international scienti!c 3FTFBSDI*OGSBTUSVDUVSFTBOE/FUXPSLJOHof current Nuclear Physics facilities, plans for build- community by: ing new large-scale research infrastructures (RIs) r 1FSGPSNJOHJOEFQUISFTFBSDIPOUPQJDBMQSPCMFNTBU In this chapter, we present the European landscapeor performing ing function major in upgrades the European of existing and international ones, and scienti !cUIFGPSFGSPOUPGDPOUFNQPSBSZEFWFMPQNFOUTJO/VDMFBS of current Nuclear Physics facilities, plans for buildthe- collaborationcommunity in by: the field at European and global 1IZTJDT /VDMFBS4USVDUVSFBOE/VDMFBS3FBDUJPOTPG ing new large-scale research infrastructures (RIs)level. r 1FSGPSNJOHJOEFQUISFTFBSDIPOUPQJDBMQSPCMFNTBU/VDMFJGBSPGGUIF-JOFPG4UBCJMJUZ )BESPOTBOE2$% 3FTFBSDI*OGSBTUSVDUVSFTBOE/FUXPSLJOH Matter under Extreme Conditions), and related !elds or performing majorIn this chapter,upgrades we of present existing the ones, European and landscapeUIFGPSFGSPOUPGDPOUFNQPSBSZEFWFMPQNFOUTJO/VDMFBS ing function in the European and international scienti!c In this chapter, we present the European landscape ing function in the European and international scienti!c the collaborationof current in the fieldNuclear at European Physics facilities, and global plans for build1IZTJDT /VDMFBS4USVDUVSFBOE/VDMFBS3FBDUJPOTPG- community by: 1BSUJDMF1IZTJDT /VDMFBSBOE1BSUJDMF"TUSPQIZTJDT ofIn thiscurrent chapter, Nuclear we presentPhysics thefacilities, European plans landscape for build - 3.1ingcommunity function Existing in by: the European Research and international scienti!c level. ing new large-scale research infrastructures (RIs)/VDMFJGBSPGGUIF-JOFPG4UBCJMJUZ )BESPOTBOE2$% r 1FSGPSNJOHJOEFQUISFTFBSDIPOUPQJDBMQSPCMFNTBUCondensed-Matter Physics, Ultracold Gases, BEC ingof current new large-scale Nuclear Physics research facilities, infrastructures plans for build (RIs)- communityr 1FSGPSNJOHJOEFQUISFTFBSDIPOUPQJDBMQSPCMFNTBU by: or performing major upgrades of existingInfrastructures ones, andMatter underUIFGPSFGSPOUPGDPOUFNQPSBSZEFWFMPQNFOUTJO/VDMFBS Extreme and Conditions), Upgrades and related !eldsand Quantum Physics of Small Systems). oring performing new large-scale major researchupgrades infrastructures of existing ones, (RIs) and r 1FSGPSNJOHJOEFQUISFTFBSDIPOUPQJDBMQSPCMFNTBUUIFGPSFGSPOUPGDPOUFNQPSBSZEFWFMPQNFOUTJO/VDMFBS r )PMEJOHVQUP8PSLTIPQTBOE$PMMBCPSBUJPO the collaboration in the field at European5IFDVSSFOU/VDMFBS1IZTJDTSFTFBSDIJOGSBTUSVDUVSFTJO and global 1BSUJDMF1IZTJDT /VDMFBSBOE1BSUJDMF"TUSPQIZTJDT 1IZTJDT /VDMFBS4USVDUVSFBOE/VDMFBS3FBDUJPOTPG theor performing collaboration3.1 Existing major in the upgrades field Research at of European existing ones, and global and UIFGPSFGSPOUPGDPOUFNQPSBSZEFWFMPQNFOUTJO/VDMFBS1IZTJDT /VDMFBS4USVDUVSFBOE/VDMFBS3FBDUJPOTPG Meetings per year on the topical problems listed level. Europe mayCondensed-Matter be grouped/VDMFJGBSPGGUIF-JOFPG4UBCJMJUZ )BESPOTBOE2$% into theoretical Physics, and Ultracold computing, Gases, BEC level.the collaboration in the field at European and global 1IZTJDT /VDMFBS4USVDUVSFBOE/VDMFBS3FBDUJPOTPG/VDMFJGBSPGGUIF-JOFPG4UBCJMJUZ )BESPOTBOE2$% and strengthening thereby the interchange between Infrastructures and Upgradeslepton and andhadron Quantum beamMatter facilities.Physics under of ExtremeThey Small form Conditions),Systems). a network and related !elds level. In this chapter, we present the European/VDMFJGBSPGGUIF-JOFPG4UBCJMJUZ )BESPOTBOE2$% Matter under landscape Extreme Conditions),ing function and in the related European !elds and internationaltheoretical andscienti experimental!c physicists, an absolute 3.1 Existing Research of closelyr collaborating)PMEJOHVQUP8PSLTIPQTBOE$PMMBCPSBUJPO 1BSUJDMF1IZTJDT /VDMFBSBOE1BSUJDMF"TUSPQIZTJDT laboratories that enjoy the strong 5IFDVSSFOU/VDMFBS1IZTJDTSFTFBSDIJOGSBTUSVDUVSFTJOof current Nuclear Physics facilities,Matter 1BSUJDMF1IZTJDT /VDMFBSBOE1BSUJDMF"TUSPQIZTJDT plans under for Extreme buildCondensed-Matter- Conditions),community and Physics,by: related Ultracold!elds Gases,prerequisite BEC for the advancement in the various areas 3.1 Existing Research support ofMeetings the European per year Union on viathe their topical Framework problems listed Europe may be groupedInfrastructuresing into new theoretical large-scale and and computing,research Upgrades infrastructures 1BSUJDMF1IZTJDT /VDMFBSBOE1BSUJDMF"TUSPQIZTJDT Condensed-Matter (RIs)and Physics,Quantumr 1FSGPSNJOHJOEFQUISFTFBSDIPOUPQJDBMQSPCMFNTBU UltracoldPhysics of Gases, Small Systems). BEC of research. 3.1 Existing Research Programmeand (FP) strengthening 7. Access to these thereby research the interchange infrastruc- between Infrastructureslepton and hadron beam orand facilities.performing Upgrades They major form upgrades a network of Condensed-Matter existingand Quantum ones, rPhysics and )PMEJOHVQUP8PSLTIPQTBOE$PMMBCPSBUJPO Physics, of SmallUIFGPSFGSPOUPGDPOUFNQPSBSZEFWFMPQNFOUTJO/VDMFBS Ultracold Systems). Gases, BEC r &ODPVSBHJOHBOETVQQPSUJOHUBMFOUFEZPVOHQIZTJDJTUT 5IFDVSSFOU/VDMFBS1IZTJDTSFTFBSDIJOGSBTUSVDUVSFTJOtures is generally open to researchers whose proposals Infrastructures theand collaboration Upgrades in the field at Europeanrand)PMEJOHVQUP8PSLTIPQTBOE$PMMBCPSBUJPO Quantumtheoretical and globalPhysics Meetingsand ofexperimental Small 1IZTJDT /VDMFBS4USVDUVSFBOE/VDMFBS3FBDUJPOTPGper Systems). year physicists,on the topical an absoluteproblemsto listedattend yearly held Doctoral Training Programmes 5IFDVSSFOU/VDMFBS1IZTJDTSFTFBSDIJOGSBTUSVDUVSFTJOof closely collaboratingEurope may laboratories be grouped that into enjoy theoretical the strong haveand computing, passed the scrutiny of programme advisory com- level. r )PMEJOHVQUP8PSLTIPQTBOE$PMMBCPSBUJPOMeetingsprerequisite per yearand for onstrengthening the the advancement/VDMFJGBSPGGUIF-JOFPG4UBCJMJUZ )BESPOTBOE2$% topical thereby problems in thethe various interchangelisted areas betweenand arranging for them to participate in ECT* research Europe5IFDVSSFOU/VDMFBS1IZTJDTSFTFBSDIJOGSBTUSVDUVSFTJOsupport may be of grouped the leptonEuropean into and theoretical hadron Union beam via and their facilities.computing, Framework They NJUUFFT*OQSFTFOUJOHUIFSFTFBSDIJOGSBTUSVDUVSFTCFMPX form a network Meetingsand strengtheningof research. per yeartheoretical onthereby the topicalMatter andthe interchangeexperimental underproblems Extreme between physicists,listed Conditions), an absoluteprojects. and related !elds leptonEuropeProgramme and may hadron be grouped (FP) beamof 7. closely Accessinto facilities. theoretical collaborating to theseThey and formresearch laboratories computing, a network infrastruc that weenjoy- follow the strong a north to south principle of arrangement. andtheoretical rstrengthening &ODPVSBHJOHBOETVQQPSUJOHUBMFOUFEZPVOHQIZTJDJTUT and experimentalprerequisite thereby the 1BSUJDMF1IZTJDT /VDMFBSBOE1BSUJDMF"TUSPQIZTJDT for interchangephysicists, the advancement an between absolute in the various areas oflepton closelytures and collaboratingis hadron generally beamsupport open laboratories facilities. 3.1to of researchers the ExistingThey Europeanthat formenjoy whose a theUnion network strongResearch proposals via their Framework r 'PTUFSJOHJOUFOTJWFJOUFSEJTDJQMJOBSZDPOUBDUTCFUXFFO theoreticalprerequisiteto attend and for experimental theyearlyof research.advancement heldCondensed-Matter physicists,Doctoral in the Training an various absolute Programmes Physics,areas Ultracold Gases, BEC supportof closelyhave ofpassedcollaborating the European theProgramme scrutiny laboratories Union of (FP) programme via that 7. theirAccess enjoy Framework the toadvisory thesestrong research com - infrastruc- /VDMFBS1IZTJDTBOEOFJHICPVSJOHàFMET prerequisiteof research.and arranging for ther &ODPVSBHJOHBOETVQQPSUJOHUBMFOUFEZPVOHQIZTJDJTUT advancement for themand to Quantumparticipatein the various Physics in areasECT* of research Small Systems). ProgrammesupportNJUUFFT*OQSFTFOUJOHUIFSFTFBSDIJOGSBTUSVDUVSFTCFMPX of the (FP) European 7. Accesstures is Union toInfrastructuresgenerally these via research opentheir to Framework researchers infrastruc -and whose3.1.1 proposalsUpgrades Theory and Computing rof&ODPVSBHJOHBOETVQQPSUJOHUBMFOUFEZPVOHQIZTJDJTUT research.projects. to attendr yearly)PMEJOHVQUP8PSLTIPQTBOE$PMMBCPSBUJPO held Doctoral Training ProgrammesFurthermore, presently and in the years ahead, ECT* turesProgrammewe is followgenerally (FP) a north7. open Accesshave to to passed southresearchers to5IFDVSSFOU/VDMFBS1IZTJDTSFTFBSDIJOGSBTUSVDUVSFTJO these principle the research scrutiny whose of arrangement.infrastrucof proposals programme- advisory com- Bothr &ODPVSBHJOHBOETVQQPSUJOHUBMFOUFEZPVOHQIZTJDJTUT ECT*to attend in Trento yearly and heldand the arranging DoctoralJülichMeetings Supercomputer for Training them per to Programmes participate year Centre on the in ECT* topicaladministers research problems scienti listed!cally the AuroraScience project havetures passedis generally the scrutinyopenNJUUFFT*OQSFTFOUJOHUIFSFTFBSDIJOGSBTUSVDUVSFTCFMPX to researchersofEurope programme may whose be advisory grouped proposals com into - theoreticalr and 'PTUFSJOHJOUFOTJWFJOUFSEJTDJQMJOBSZDPOUBDUTCFUXFFO computing,
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