Sept. 6, 1966 R. W. SEYMOUR ETAL 3,270,617 SHELL CATCHER ATTACHED TO THE RECIPROCABLE BOLT OF A FIREARM Filed March 22, 1965 2 Sheets-Sheet NVENTORS RALPH. W. SEYMOUR BY CARL E. BULLARD You -- a divo '--. AITORNEYS Sept. 6, 1966 R. V. SEYMOUR ETAL 3,270,617 SHELL CATCHER ATTACHED TO THE RECT FROCABLE HOLT OF A FIREARM Filed March 22, 1965 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 NWNOR RALPH V. SEYMOUR BY CARL E. BULLARD os-air & \o-S.-- ATTORNEYS 3,270,617 United States Patent Office Patented Sept. 6, 1966 1. 2 vice in which the parallel arms are square in cross sec 3,270,617 SHELL CATCHER ATTACHED TO THE RECIP. tion instead of being circular; ROCABLE BOLT OF A FREARM FIGURE 7 is a side view of another embodiment of Ralph V. Seymour, 110 Birch Road, Springfield, Ohio, the shell catching device which is detachably fastened and Carl E. Bullard, Rte. 1, Mechanicsburg, Ohio to the operating handle of the bolt of the firearm, and Filed Mar. 22, 1965, Ser. No. 441,433 FIGURE 8 is a side view of another embodiment of 15 Claims. (C. 89-33) this device in which the device is detachably fastened to the bolt of the firearm. This invention relates to firearms and is particularly Referring to the drawings in more detail, FIGURE concerned with a device for catching expended shells 1 discloses a firearm generally designated 10 on which as they are ejected from the firearm. This device is O the shell catching device generally designated 36 may adapted for use on firearms which eject the expended be attached. The firearm 10 may be of the variety shell upon the rearward movement of the bolt, and is which ejects the expended shells upon the rearward especially adaptable for firearms of the semi-automatic movement of the bolt, as is the case with pump operated type shotgun. shotguns and shotguns of the semi-automatic type. This In recent years, many trapshooters and target shooters invention is especially adaptable to shotguns of the lat have begun to use the shotgun of the semi-automatic ter type. type. One of the principal advantages of this type shot The firearm 10 is provided with a receiver 12 and the gun is that it provides up to 55% less recoil than fixed usual stock 14 and barrel assembly 16 as shown. A action shotguns. This is especially beneficial when these forearm guard 18 is also provided along with the usual shooters engage in extensive shooting. Many of the trigger assembly 20. shooters will fire several hundred rounds in a day, mak The receiver 12 is provided with an ejector port or ing use of this automatic shotgun with less recoil espe Opening 22 which is slightly elongated on one side to cially beneficial. As an economic measure many of provide a recess 24 which receives the bolt operating these trap shooters load their own shells, and conse handle 26 shown in rearward movement of the bolt. quently, re-use expended cartridges. One of the dis The bolt operating handle 26 is detachably retained advantages in using a shotgun of the semi-automatic type in a recess 28 which is provided in the bolt 30. In the is that the expended shell is automatically ejected from embodiment shown the bolt handle is provided with a the shotgun and may fall in the mud and become soiled. stem portion 32 which has a counter sunk recess 34 on This prevents the expended shells from being reloaded. the underside thereof as shown in FIGURE 1. The Another disadvantage when using the semi-automatic bolt handle is shown in perspective in FIGURE 1 and type shotgun in competition firing is that the expended is detachably inserted in the bolt as is common with shells are a nuisance to adjacent shooters on a firing line Some shotgun models, as for example, the Remington in that the shells are ejected in the vicinity of the adja 1 100 series of Automatic Shotgun. The shell catching cent shooter. The shell catcher as disclosed in this appli {device 36 of this invention is provided with a stem cation is especially adaptable for catching shells as they portion 38 as better seen in FIGURES 4 and 6. The are ejected from firearms of the above variety. Sten portion 38 has a recess 40 on the underside there One known shell catcher does exist and is shown in of in which a ball detent member fits (not shown) the patent to Browning No. 3,087,387 which issued when the shell catching device is inserted in recess 28 April 30, 1963. The advantages of the applicants' inven 4) of the bolt 30. By this construction, the shell catcher tion over the shell catcher disclosed in the above patent is conveniently detachably retained in the bolt 30. will become apparent from the following. Accordingly, The shell catcher 36 is provided with a pair of parallel the following are the objects of this invention: arms 42 and 44 which have ends 46 and 48 flaring out (1) To provide a device for attachment to firearms Wardly away from the longitudinal axis of the shell such as shotguns for effectively catching shells as they catcher as shown in FIGURE 6. The arms 42 and are ejected from the chamber thereof. 44 are substantially parallel to each other. However, (2) To provide a device for catching shells which is the Open end of the shell catcher may be slightly wider economical to produce and which can be readily at than the closed end to permit easy entry of the shell tached to existing shotguns. therein. (3) To provide a shell catcher which will not inter As Seen in FIGURES 4 through 6, the shell catcher fere with the normal operation of the firearm. 36 comprises essentially a U-shaped member which is (4) To provide a shell catching device which is readily Secured to the stem piece 38 by suitable connecting mem adaptable to different models of existing firearms. ber 49 which has the general shape shown in these These and other objects and advantages of this inven figures. The shell catcher may be made out of suit tion will become more apparent upon reference to the 5 able material such as steel or nylon to provide a low following specification taken in connection with the ac cost device. companying drawings, in which: The arms 42 and 44 may be made from a single FIGURE 1 is a side view of a firearm with the shell piece of wire-like metal, or the arms may be individually catching device of this invention attached thereto; formed and Secured to the member 49 by suitable tech. FIGURE 2 is a side view similar to FIGURE 1 in 60 niques, as by welding. which the bolt of the firearm is in its rearward position FIGURE 1 also shows the position of the shell catcher with the expended shell being ejected; When the bolt is in the forward or firing position. It FIG. 3 is a top view of the section shown in FIG should be noted that at this time the arms 42 and 44 URE 2: are well forward of the opening 22, whereas in FIG URES 2 and 3, these arms are in substantial registra FIGURE 4 is a top view of one embodiment of the tion with the opening 22. shell catching device of this invention; FIGURES 2 and 3 show the shell in the process of FIGURE 5 is an end view of the device looking from being ejected after being fired. The shell 50 has a the direction A of FIGURE 4; rim 52 thereon which abuts against a shoulder 54 posi FIGURE 6 is a side view of the device looking from tioned on the inside of receiver 12, as shown in FIG the direction B of FIGURE 5; URE 1. As the rim abuts against this shoulder, the FIGURE 6A shows another embodiment of the de extractor 56 also engages the rim 52, and upon rear. 3,270,617 3 4 ward motion of the bolt, the shell 50 is ejected from the catching device of this invention is ideal in that it may opening 22. At this time, the shell catcher 36 is posi be detachably inserted in the bolt in the same manner tioned in its rearward position in which the parallel as the bolt handle, arms 42 and 44 are in Substantial alignment with the In all embodiments disclosed herein, the parallel arms opening 22. 5 which catch the rim of the ejected shell are positioned As seen from FIGURES 2 and 3, the length of the substantially parallel to the side of the receiver with arms along the direction of the travel of the bolt are the lower arm 42, for example, as shown in FIGURE 2, such as to provide an opening between the ends 46 being positioned preferably slightly below the lower side and 48 of the arms and the forward end of opening of opening 22. The arms are spaced away from the 22. This opening provides the necessary clearance O receiver a sufficient distance so as to be free from hitting through which the expended shell 50 may be removed the guard 18 or other protruding parts of the particular from the shell catcher as shown along the direction A firearm on which the shell catcher is used. of FIGURE 3. It should be mentioned that when uti It will be understood that this invention is susceptible lizing the automatic shotgun in competition shooting, to modification in order to adapt it to different usages generally only one round is inserted in the shotgun.
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