- lAg84Te FRUIT FLY GENERA SOUTH OF THE UNITED STATES (Díptera: Tephritidae) by RICHARD H. FOOTE I Ç3 ¿1 ¿¡Siv UNITED STATES TECHNICAL PREPARED BY UU*) DEPARTMENT OF BULLETIN SCIENCE AND ""iS^ AGRICULTURE NUMBER 1600 EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION FRUIT FLY GENERA SOUTH OF THE UNITED STATES (Díptera: Tephritidae) by RICHARD H. FOOTE y r. ^ ^¡S^v UNITED STATES TECHNICAL PREPARED BY (i4É! DEPARTMENT OF BULLETIN SCIENCE AND '^^^' AGRICULTURE NUMBER 1600 EDUCATION ADMINISTRATION 1 ABSTRACT Foote, Richard H. 1980. Fruit fly genera south of the United States. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Technical Bulletin 1600,79 pp. The 88 genera of fruit flies in Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America are discussed. Keys to all genera are pre- sented, and a synonymy, diagnosis, and discussion of each genus follow. Included for each genus is information about its distribution, its rela- tionship to other genera, its composition in terms of the species belong- ing to it, aids to its recognition, and references for identifying its species. Several diagnostic characteristics and the wing of at least one species in almost every genus have been illustrated. Four genera, previously re- garded as valid, have been synonymized with others, and three addi- tional genera, long recorded from the region, are shown not to occur in the New World or to belong to other fly families. Fruit flies comprise the most economically important family of plant-inhabiting Diptera, consid- ering the potential for agricultural damage by species of such genera as Anastrepha, Ceratitis, Dacus, and Rhagoletis. Used in conjunction with my catalog of Tephritidae published in 1967, this bulletin provides a means of identifying about two-thirds of the more than 600 species of fruit flies known to occur south of Texas and Florida. KEYWORDS: Fruit flies, Tephritidae, Diptera, taxonomy, generic keys, South America, Central America, West Indies, Mexico. II f- mw-: MS mrnmwi wf( it CONTENTS Pa?« Subfamilies, tribes, and genera of Tephritidae 3 Genus Hexachaeta Loew 3i Key to subfamilies of Tephritidae 3 Genus Hexaresta Hering 32 Subfamily Dacinae 4 Genus Homoeothrix Hering 32 Key to genera of Dacinae 4 Genus Ictericodea Hering 32 Subfamily Myopitinae 5 Genus lachyropteron Bigot 33 Subfamily Oedaspidinae 6 Genus Laksyetaa Foote 33 Key to genera of Oedaspidinae 5 Genus Lamproxyna Hendel 33 Subfamily Trypetinae 6 Genus LamproxyneUa Hering 34 Key to genera of Trypetinae 7 Genus Lezca Foote 34 Subfamily Tephritinae 9 Genus Lilloaciura Aczél 34 Key to tribes of Tephritinae 9 Genus Metaaphenisca Hendel 35 Tribe Terelliini 10 Genus Molynocoelia Giglio-Tos 35 Key to genera of Terelliini . 10 Genus My ole ja Rondani 35 Tribe Ditrichini 10 Genus Nea3pt7o¿a Osten Sacken 36 Key to genera of Ditrichini 11 Genus N^eoacaníAoneura Hendel 36- Tribe Platensinini 12 Genus Neorhabdochaeta Malloch 36 Key to genera of Platensinini 12 Genus Neorhagoletia Kendel 37 Tribe Tephritini 13 Genus Neotaracia Foote 37 Key to genera of Tephritini _- 14 Genus Neotephritia Hendel 37 Tribe "Aciurini" 16 Genus Oedicarena Loew 38 Key to genera of "Aciurini" 16 Genus Orellia Robineau-Desvoidy 38 Descriptions of genera 17 Genus Ostracocoelia Giglio-Tos 38 Genus Acima Robineau-Desvoidy 17 Genus Oxyna Robineau-Desvo dy 39 Genus Actun'na Curran 17 Genus Paracantha Coquillett 39 Genus Acrotaenia Loew 18 Genus Paraatenopa Hendel 40 GenxjLS AcrotaeniacaTitha Hering 18 Genus Paroxyna Hendel 40 Genus Anaatrepha Schiner 19 Genus Plaumannimyia Hering 41 Genus Anomoia Walker 19 Genus Polionota Wulp 41 Genus Baryplegma Wulp 20 Genus Polymorphomyia Snow 41 Genus Blepharoneura Loew 20 Genus Procecidocharea Hendel 42 Genus Caenoriata Foote 21 Genus Procecidocharoidea Foote 42 Genus Cecidocharella Hendel . 21 Genus Protenaina Hendel 42 Genus Ceidochares Bezzi 21 Genus Paexidacrotaenia Hendel 43 Genus Celidosphenella Hendel 22 Genus Paetuieutreta Hendel 43 Genus Ceratitis Macleay 22 Genus Paevdoedaapia Hendel 43 Genus CeratodacTÁS Hendel 23 Grenus Paetidophorellia Lima 44 Genus Chetosioma Rondani 23 Genus Paevdopolionota himsL 44 Genus Chrysaciura Aczél 23 Genus Pyrgotoidea Curran .,: 44 Genus Cryptodacus Hendel 24 Genus Rhachiptera Bigot 45 Genus Cryptoplagia Aczél 24 Genus Rha^oletia Loew 45 Genus Cryptotreta Blanc and Foote 24 Genus Rhagoletotrypeta Aczél 46 Genus Dacus Fabricius 25 Genus Rhithrum Hendel 46 Genus Dietyotrypeta Hendel — : -> 25 Genus Storuola Hering . 46 Genus Dioxyna Frey . 26 Genus Strobelia Rondani 47 Genus Draeontomyia Becker 26 Genus Tephritiê Latreille 47 Genus Dyseiuxresta Hendel 26 Genus Tetretiareata Hendel . ^- 47 Genus Ensina Robineau-Desvoidy 27 Genus Tomoplagia Coquillett 48 Genus Epoekrinopsi» Hering 27 Genus Toxotrypana Gerstâcker . 48 Genus Euaresta Loew 27 Genus Trupanea Schrank 49 Genus Euarêstoideê Benjamin 28 Genus Trypanareata Hering 49 G«nu8 EtLareatopêiê Hering 28 Genus Trypeta Meigen 49 Genus EiUreta Loew 29 Genus Urophora Robineau-Desvoidy 50 Genus Gerrhoceras Hering - 29 Genus XantkcLciura Hendel .« 50 Genus Gonioxyna Hendel 30 Genus Xenochaeta Snow — 51 Genus Goniurellia Hendel 30 Genus Zonoaemata Benjamin 51 Genus Gymnocarena Hering 30 Literature cited 51 Genus Haywardina Aczél 31 Index of names - 58 GenuB HetBchkomyia Uendel 31 Issued May 1980 IV I FRUIT FLY GENERA SOUTH OF THE UNITED STATES (Diptera: Tephritidae) By RKHAXD H. Foo-re, research entomologiaO some of the Tephritinae of that area. In the The tephritid fauna of the Neotropical same year, Lima began to review the Tephrit- Region, with few exceptions, remained with- idae of southern South America, and m a o out anV comprehensive review until two 5' series of reports he presented a systematic 'S works by Hendel were pubhshed in 1914. The accounting of the Trypetinae (Lima 1933 7 first one (Hendel ISUbY included the then- 193ia, b, c; 1935a, b; 1953a, b. c; Lima and 7 ..^ known 44 neotropical genera in a key to the Leite 1952). By far the most signiñcant neo- S genera of the world. Of these 44 genera, 16 tropical work on the family has been by Aczel 8 fere described as new. Following that pub - of Tucumán, Argentina (Aczel 19J,9a, b; 1950; S cation a revision of the neotropical Tephriti- 1951; 1952a, b, c, d; 1953a, b, c; 195ia, b; 1955a, 9 dae (Hendel 19Uc) included a total of 53 gen- 9 b c-1 "5«). He began his studies with the Try- era with the same 16 genera, which appeared petinae and was systematically studying the O in the earlier work as new, also described as J fruit flies at the genus and species levels sub- ti new in the later revision. family by subfamily until his untimely death il Until 1914. the tephritids occurring from in 1959. , . .1 Mexico through South America were known The most recent comprehensive work t2 rmiby scattered descriptions of genera and 42 (Foote 29Ö7) catalogs the 117 genus-group and 42 species Notable among the larger works was 818 species-group names (82 and 680 valid that of Wulp a«S5,1900), in which a number of names, respectively) known through 1965 but % Mexican genera and species were described leaves a rather large number of taxa unclas- 43 and some previously described taxa were re- sified. Since 1960, very few new taxa or 44 newed The appearance of Hendel's two pub- 44 nomenclatural changes have been reported m 44 UcaTfons evenï^ally awakened an interest m the literature, most of them contributed by 45 the neotropical fauna «"/»îf P^"^ °^^'^,^': Bush and Huettel Q970), Foote (Í960b, 1978), Curran reported several fruit flies from Puer- Hardy (X968), Korytkowski (X971), Steyska to Sc^and the Virgin Islands (Cun:ani92.. Q970; 1972a, b, e, d; 197U; 1977a, b), Steyskal TsSl) and from British Guiana (Curran ISS^a), 46 and Foote Q977), and Stoltzfus ÍÍ977). and he included a number of neotropical gen- In this publication, U of the 82 genera cata- 47 era in hS manual (Curran i W6). Concurrent- 47 loged in 1967 are no longer recognized. Lu^- 47 ly Malloch U9SS) reported on a la'^S« """^! maphila Stone 1939, Phobema Aldnch 1925, 43 of specimens in the British Museum (Natural and PaevAodacua Hendel 1914 were synony- «ig History) collected in Patagonia and southern 19 mized with Anaatrepha Schiner by Steyskal id ChU^. an interesting account, particularly of (1977a), and Rhagoletoidea Foote 1960 is a 4^ synonym of Oedicarena Loew (Steyskal and 50 Foote 1977)' Neanomoia Hendel 1»14 54) .Syrte«.tk Entomology Laboratory, c/o U.S. National 51 (inadvertently omitted from Foote 1967) and «S-y^r^Sc-'aSe^-riho.. name re.r, to Ham<yuchaeta Blanchard 1929 were synony- 31 Literature Cited, p. 51- ;80 \ TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1600, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE mized with Anomoia Walker by Hardy (1973), ing this treatment at the supergeneric level, As a result of the present study, Ictericodes all the genera are arranged alphabetically, Hering 1942 is found not to occur in the Neo- each genus represented by its synonymy, tropical Region; Neoacanthoneura Hendel diagnosis, and discussion. 1914 is assigned to the family Otitidae; and The synonymies present all the important the genera Melanotrypana Hering 1944, Neo- literature known to me at the generic level. hexachaeta Lima 1953, Tomoplagiodes Aczél The initial synonymic entry is a citation to the 1954, and Ceratitoedaspis Aczél 1953 are as- original description of the genus. A statement signed to synonymy. of its type-species and how it was designated On the other hand, 17 valid genera not pre- follows. The subsequent synonymic entries viously included in the 1967 catalog have been for each name are annotated briefly so the added to the neotropical and Mexican fauna. reader can judge the nature of the informa- The genusEnsina Robineau-Desvoidy was re- tion presented in any particular publication. corded by Steyskal, and four genera were de- A special attempt has been made to make the scribed as new by Foote {1978). In the present generic synonymies complete. study, eight genera in the Nearctic Region The diagnoses are nested in that the taxo- are shown to have ranges extending into Mex- nomic characters discussed in the diagnosis of ico and the West Indies (Chetostoma Rondani, a subfamily or tribe are not usually repeated Gymnocarena Hering, My ole ja Rondani, Nea- in the generic diagnosis.
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