Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85755-0 - Exiles and Pioneers: Eastern Indians in the Trans-Mississippi West John P. Bowes Index More information Index Abbott, James A., 228 Armstrong, James, 211 accusations against, 233 Armstrong, John M., 204, 215 issues patents to Black Bob Shawnees, argues against slavery, 182 238 Armstrong, Lucy B. Absentee Shawnee Indians, 219, 221, 227 argues for widows as heads of family, and Civil War, 227 214–216 alcohol, 67 Armstrong, Silas, 180, 207, 210, 212 at treaty councils, 73, 76, 198, 199 joins Wyandotte City Town Company, Indian temperance, 74, 118, 145 214 trade, 40, 57, 107, 116–118 leader of Wyandot “Citizen Party,” 217 Alford, Thomas Wildcat, 219 maneuvers for Lucy Armstrong’s land, allotment, 4, 5, 14, 185, 189, 219, 256, 257 214–216 1854 Shawnee treaty, 221, 226 signs 1855 treaty, 184, 201 1855 Wyandot treaty, 205–210, Astor, John Jacob, 58 213–217, 259 Atchison, Senator David R., 210 Black Bob Shawnee Indians, 238–239 Aupaumut, Hendrick, 126 Citizen Band of Potawatomi Indians, 219, 220 Baptists, 169, 172 Delaware Indians, 189, 196–201 conflict with Methodists, 170 Potawatomi Indians, 247, 249–251 mission schools, 57 proposed by Wyandots, 183, 201 Shawnee Baptist Mission, 101 Shawnee Indians, 228–233 Shawnee mission in Kansas, 169–170, American Fur Company, 58 171 American Revolution, 7, 24, 26, 83, 154, Barbeau, Marius, 1, 188 156 Barker, Francis, 101 backcountry violence, 84 Barnett, Joseph, 99 Andrews, T. P., 241 Battle of Fallen Timbers, 28, 163 annuities, 107, 115–116, 241, 251 Beaubien, Medone B., 247 Delaware Indians, 194 Bertrand, Benjamin, 248 dispute among Shawnees, 168–169, 176 Bertrand, Jr., Joseph, 247, 249 paying trader debts, 76, 195 Bertrand, Sr., Joseph, 59 Wyandot Indians, 209 relations with St. Joseph Potawatomis, Apple Creek, 32, 38 59–60 Arapaho Indians, 87 Between-the-Logs, 162 Arikira Indians, 119 Bigtree, James, 208 Armstrong, Hannah, 216 Black Beaver, 197 261 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85755-0 - Exiles and Pioneers: Eastern Indians in the Trans-Mississippi West John P. Bowes Index More information 262 Index Black Bob, 167, 177, 221, 222 Cape Girardeau, 30, 33, 100, 131 argues for traditional leadership, 225 Shawnee land grant, 25 death of, 225 Carey Mission School, 57, 67, 247 protests new Shawnee government, 177 Carondelet, Don Francisco Luis Hector, Black Hawk, 64 the Baron de, 25 Black Hawk War, 64–65 Carselowey, J. R., 255 regional impact of, 65–67 Cass, Lewis, 19, 48, 57, 69, 73, 74, 84, Black Hoof, 19, 48, 50, 97, 129, 157, 158, 113, 165, 257 178, 184, 256 description of Joseph Parks, 155 against Shawnee relocation from Ohio, relationship with Joseph Parks, 157 48–49 Cerre,` Gabriel, 30 early Shawnee migrations, 19–20 Cherokee Indians, 6, 9, 25, 27, 54, 81, 122, Black Hoof, Young, 176 127, 151, 220, 256, 257, 259 Blackfish, 173, 222 1843 council, 141–145 Blackfish, Parlie, 222 1843 proposal for Indian league of Bloody Eyes, 162 nations, 145–147 Blue Jacket, 127, 129, 156 1869 agreement with Shawnee Indians, Bluejacket v. Commissioners of Johnson 238 County, 236 first inter-Indian peace council, 144 U.S. Supreme Court reversal of, 236 Treaty Party, 143 Bluejacket, Charles, 177, 225, 253 Chevalier, Catherine, 61 certificates of competency, 233 Chevalier, Franc¸ois, 62 fights taxation, 234–237 Cheyenne Indians, 87, 119 land speculation, 231, 234 Chick, William, 180 protests plans of Joseph Parks, 177 Chickasaw Indians, 22, 25 wealth of, 230 Choctaw Academy, 80 Bogy, Louis, 222 Choctaw Indians Bone, James, 229 opposition to Isaac McCoy’s plan for Bourassa, Alexander, 58 Indian Territory, 140 Bourassa, Eloy, 58 use of wampum, 47 Bourassa, Joseph, 247, 249 Chouteau, Auguste, 29, 33, 34, 36 land speculation, 250 Chouteau, Cyprien, 104, 194 Bourassa, Jude, 247 Chouteau, Franc¸ois, 37, 104, 107 Bourassa, Leon, 58 Chouteau, Jr., Auguste, 36 Bourie, Harriet, 59 Chouteau, Jr., Pierre, 37, 104 Broderick, William, 49 trading company, 115, 116, 117 Brotherton Indians, 83 Chouteau, P. L., 134 Brown, Adam, 160 Chouteau, Pierre, 33, 34, 36 Brown, John D., 209 Citizen Band of Potawatomi Indians, 219, Brown, Orlando, 1, 2, 175, 203, 204 240, 248, 251, 253, 258 discusses proposal for Wyandot allotment, 220 citizenship, 203 citizenship, 4, 5, 14, 189, 250, 258 Buckongahelas, 40 1855 Wyandot treaty, 205–210, 213–217, 259 Caldwell, Billy (Soukamok), 61, 72, 246 discussed by Wyandots, 203–205 involvement with Potawatomi treaties, proposed by Wyandots, 184, 201–203 60–63 Shawnee Indians, 225 Caldwell, William, 62 Civil War, 5, 14, 15, 201, 213, 216, 219, Calhoun, John C., 38, 48, 140 224, 226 California Gold Rush, 119, 149 Quantrill’s raid on Black Bob Shawnees, calumet, 125 227 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85755-0 - Exiles and Pioneers: Eastern Indians in the Trans-Mississippi West John P. Bowes Index More information Index 263 Clark, George I., 202, 204, 210 1854 treaty, 189, 195 argues against slavery, 182 1860 treaty, 198–199 lobbies for citizenship for Wyandots, 206 agriculture, 87, 97, 100, 102–106, named secretary of Nebraska Territory, 194 183 allotment, 14, 185, 196–201 signs 1855 treaty, 184, 201 ancient confederation with eastern Clark, George Rogers, 26 Indians, 83, 85 Clark, William, 36, 37, 49, 57, 61, 92, 99, and 1838 inter-Indian council, 139 104, 131, 168, 170 and 1839 emigration, 82–85 St. Louis journal, 50–52 and 1843 council, 147 Coffman, Lot, 207 and Colonel George Morgan, 25–29 Comanche Indians, 141, 147 annuities, 114, 115, 194 Compromise of 1850, 149 Apple Creek, 32 Conner, James, 195 as grandfathers, 125, 142 Conner, John, 195, 199 birth and death rates, 118 becomes Delaware principal chief, 196 border economy, 110, 112 signs 1860 treaty, 198 changes in government, 200 Conner, William, 49, 196 conflict with Osage Indians, 131–133 Connor, Melinda Rogers, 234 conflict with Pawnee Indians, 134–136, Cooley, D. N., 250 148 Cornatzer, Samuel, 229, 237 disease, 119, 120 wealth of, 230 dispossession in Kansas, 189, 201 Cornstalk, 98, 168, 172, 178 early migrations, 9, 23–24, 128 Cornstalk, Peter, 169, 170 factions, 196 council fires, 143, 149, 150, 151 flood of 1844, 101 Brownstown, 127 Florida War, 139, 165 carried west by Wyandots, 147 frustration with U.S. government, 132 discussion of original council fire, gender roles, 104–106 144–145 hunting, 100, 103, 119, 132, 133, 134 of northwestern confederacy, 148 impact of American settlement in symbolism, 126, 243 Missouri, 38 Crawford, T. Hartley, 81 in Canada, 53, 84, 156 Creek Indians, 20, 22, 24, 27, 122, 127, in Indiana Territory, 40, 97 134, 146, 224 in Texas, 196 1837 and 1838 councils, 137–138 invitation to Canadian Indians, 82, opposition to Isaac McCoy’s plan for 84 Indian Territory, 140 Leavenworth, Pawnee, and Western use of wampum, 47 Railroad, 198–200 Cruzat, Don Francesco, 25 Lenni Lenape, 9 Cummings, Alfred, 192, 195 migration to Spanish Louisiana, 24–29 Cummins, Richard, 100, 103, 104, 117, negotiations with Spanish authorities, 118, 136, 165, 176 35 New Madrid, 38 D’Abbadie, Jean Jacques Blaise, 29 northwestern Indian confederacy, 127, Davis, Jefferson, 193, 218 128 Dawes Act, 257 northwestern Indian confederacy in Day, Joe, 101 the West, 147–151 De Leyba, Don Fernando, 33 on Canadian River, 140 Delaware Indians, 51, 87, 99, 160, 187, removal from Indiana, 40–41 235, 256, 257 social and political divisions, 24 1829 treaty, 42, 134 St. Mary’s treaty of 1818, 40, 84 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85755-0 - Exiles and Pioneers: Eastern Indians in the Trans-Mississippi West John P. Bowes Index More information 264 Index Delaware Indians (cont.) protests plans of Joseph Parks, 177 temperance, 118 statement against Johnson and Shawnee troubles with squatters in Kansas, council, 175 191–194 Foreman, Grant, 255 use of wampum, 135, 149 Forsyth, Robert, 62 Wyandot purchase, 85 Forsyth, Thomas, 62 Denver, James, 192, 216, 232, 246 Fort Leavenworth, 101, 103, 108, 165 Deseille, Fr. Louis, 74, 76, 77 Fort Leavenworth Agency, 114 Deunquod, 162, 163, 164 mixed descent employees, 109 disease, 41, 71, 107 Framboise, Madeline la, 58 during removal, 78 Friends’ Shawnee Labor School, 110 in Kansas, 87, 95, 119–120, 171 Fuller, Andrew, 81 Dole, William, 197 Dougherty, George, 230 Gardiner, James B., 152, 157 Dougherty, John, 134 Garrett, Joel, 207 Gay, William, 211 Elliott, Richard, 146, 243 Gibson, George, 241 environment, 11 Gilliss, William, 42 comparison of Great Lakes region and Glaize, 28, 128 Great Plains, 94–96 Gnaddenhutten massacre, 84 description of western lands, 89–90, Goode, Reverend William H., 142, 145 92–94, 99 Graham, Richard, 50 disease, 119 Great American Desert, 89 drought, 102 Green, Reverend Jesse, 169 flood of 1844, 101 Grey-eyes, John, 205, 209 Indian complaints, 92–93 Guthrie, Abelard, 183, 226 Eudora, KS founds Quindaro, 214 establishment of, 231–232 Guthrie, Nancy Quindaro Brown, 183 Ewing, Clymer, and Company, 116 Ewing, George W., 58, 76 Half Day, 243 Ewing, Jr., Thomas, 198 Handsome Lake, 17 Ewing, William G., 58, 76 Harmar, General Josiah, 28 Harrison, William Henry, 38, 57 Fairfield, 40, 84 Harvey, Henry, 172 Fall Leaf, Captain, 199 Harvey, Thomas H., 102, 241 ferries, 112 Herring, Elbert, 74, 165 Field, Matthew, 101 Hicks, Francis, 148, 202 Fillmore, Millard, 206 slavery, 182 Findlay, James, 104, 114 Hicks, John, 127, 148, 162 Finiels, Nicolas de, 32 signs 1855 treaty, 201 Finley, Reverend James B., 163 Hicks, Matilda, 212, 216 Fish (William Jackson), 169, 171, 173 Hidatsa Indians, 119 Fish, Charles, 1, 2, 109, 112, 173, 175, Hoag, Enoch, 251 177 Ho-Chunk Indians, 64 Fish, Paschal, 1, 2, 109, 112, 171, 227 Homestead Law of 1862, 227 inn for travelers in Kansas, 112–113 Housatonic Indians, 83 land speculation, 231 Hughes, Andrew, 104 licensed Methodist preacher, 173 Huron Indians, 128, 161 opposition to severalty Shawnees, 224–226 Indian Country, 13 protests Black Bob land patents, 238 as defined by federal policy, 116 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85755-0 - Exiles and Pioneers: Eastern Indians in the Trans-Mississippi West John P.
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