You guested it: The boys sent him of _AMUSEMENTS._ in five cartons cigarettes! Santa’s Ride Off Hollywood * * * * By HAROLD HEFFERNAN. giving Christmas, in tune with the Studios are now busy trying to HOLLYWOOD. current Sixth War Loan drive. work two "miracles” bigger than “The Actress, Once Finds Announcement a few weeks ago Three milkmen on Bel-Air routes Miracle of Morgan’s Creek.” Disfigured, that Santa Claus would ride Holly- are going to get the surprises of They’re trying to sapolio best sellers, 2 wood boulevard again this year ap- their lives when they clump up the “The Lost Week End” and "Forever TIMES SEHSS Wounded parently was premature. The tra- back steps of three movie-star homes Amber,” so they can be made fit Unique Job Among ditional prewar ride of old Kris Christmas morning. These stars for the family celluloid trade. By JAY CARMODY. a every night over a 30-day period have been caching cigarettes and That's bigger job than washing an We got this story indirectly, which is the only way we could have preceding Christmas is definitely will come with a carton for each elephant—or two elephants. up (Released by North American obtained it. And we are it without ever to its off—and a lot of Newpspaper printing having spoken up-and-coming —not a bribe, mind you, but just a Alliance. Inc.) central character. But we know it is true, and wre think it is fine, and movie actors are disappointed. little reward—in appreciation for we are sure it can only accomplish the good of encouraging the mothers, The famous thoroughfare will be good service. AMUSEMENTS. wives and sweethearts of servicemen who have suffered serious facial decorated, as of old, with masks of * * * * wounds. As for the of the encouragement men themselves, that is being Santa strung up on the lampposts, One of the worries of a —-- -- ■ ■—— —- principal FLETCHER taken care of the actress ► 'reEO MRRVMORE already by facing two ways, but the nightly director undertaking a new film is Final Matinee Today of whom we are writing. could even so much excursion of that snow puffing, the various "good sides” of his per- KEITH’S !gery accomplish rtflpKOOpp. U. S. an 15th ONE WEEK ONLY BEG. NEXT She is Margaret Bannerman, now Treasury MON. as give her the courage to ap- celebrity-crowded sleigh on wheels formers. Almost every star has a R\j” appearing at the National Theater, —Prior to New York— pear before her closest and most must wait for more peaceful times. good or a bad side, or must be photo- who is not merely superb in that MIYIA OAVH A SAM H. OK ISM AM i understanding friends. The spirit, The chamber of commerce is fearful graphed exclusively front view. And assignment, but more so in the most pfmnt | Miss Bannerman learned then, was of criticism in regard to the items of the men are almost as finicky, nu- unusual job an actress has under- «JH ^RAINES as much or more hopelessly dis- and rubber, and, merically, nowadays as the women. taken in this war. gasoline anyway, "DARK HAMMOCK* i such an the Santa Claus who So, when Robert Young asked Di- Miss Bannerman's figured by experience. personality kr MART Ml I IIOINAID DINRAM self-assigned It took her that has rector John Cromwell if he might is that of her months to learn served eight straight years gone role showing lovely, face the camera a certain for MELISSA LANDI both could be healed, away to war. way attractive face and her happy spirit completely MAIT W1CKES • CHARLES McClEUANO that the dark terror involved did In its heyday, the Santa parade an early scene in “The Enchanted to men who have small hope that the director and tin. 1.20. 1.80 2.40: Orel. S3 ilu Mel.) not take into consideration—as why drew throngs packed a d,ozen deep Cottage,” shrugged Mata. Jtal.AOat.. IQ«. 120 $|.gQ. 2.4Q they themselves will ever have a to here it should it?—the progress in modern on the sidewalks along the two-mile said himself, Well, face again. comes.” But was to plastic surgery. boulevard. The national Young quick She was like them once, a few publicity * * * * it engendered served well those explain. when she was he years ago, appar- younger players who fought for & "If I turn this way,” said, "I’ll in an It was first of the seri- ently hopelessly disfigured when the chance to ride next to Santa and get have to put my left arm around Miss automobile accident. And like left hand AUDREY LOHO ELISABETH RISOON ously war wounded began to return pictures taken alongside hftn. McQuire, and that puts my Y.'^-ASg them, for months she lay in fright- into direct focus.” DON that Miss another ac- Nevertheless, Hollywood and its DOWLAS ened afraid to see Bannerman, darkness, any environs will a more Christ- Then Cromwell understood. On tress anxious to do her bit in the present CeMing—“Weaaa hi the Wiadew” one, unconvinced that plastic sur- this than in Bob's left hand was a signet ring masy appearance year with Edward I. Rebinsea war, decided that her experience any Christmastide since 1940. With given him to wear for luck by Gun- might be of great benefit to the outside lights unrestricted, Beverly ner Donald E. McKinney. McKinney aad Jeae Beaaett facially disfigured. Hills residents will engage in their had made it from a piece of mag- WAR BONOS At ... SUNDAY DINNER Her investigation of the possi- usual pretentious competition, with nesium from a Jap Zero he had shot TpMf 2C0NT. MAT. 12 to 5 ROAST TURKEY_75c Dility of such service left little prizes awarded for the most inge- down in the South Pacific. The sol- EVES. 8:30 RES. SEATS that she could be useful. Her dier has to action and Bob Tomato Juice or Soup, 1 Ver., doubt nious front-yard displays. In nor- returned •alad, rolls, dessert, beverage. first discovery was that these men mal times this is the most gorgeous wrote and told him he was wearing I‘! to » p.m. did not want to see any one. They Christmas spectacle Hollywood sup- the ring in this picture. So this was JAY CAFE occupied closed wards, closed by MARGARET BANNERMAN. plies, and attracts so many nightly to be Bob's way of getting it into a volition. know l.lW Kennedy at Colorado Ave. their own intense They sightseers that special police are put close-up so McKinney would TODAY'S NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES were reluctant to see even close rela- on duty. he had kept his word, if and when War Bonds and at theater. That would have Buy Stamps Any Local Theater. tions. She understood their attitude. deepened Stores are crowded with shoppers, the gunner sees "The Enchanted their own spiritual wounds. But White It was her own several Composer but studio surveys show that most Cottage.” ranni in a >>*•* * n- c *»«. >>. precisely Miss IfMIUIaMIA 1 they would see Bannerman. stars make a * * * * Matinee PM years ago when she wanted only plan to it War Bond- Tickets Now It resulted in a job that is unique In Violin Recital PAT O BRIEN in "TWO YANKS IN TRIN- Available never to be seen, and its correla- Several years ago MGM an- IDAD. Also FIBBER McGEE those done theater and For 6th War tive of not seeing. among being by Clarence Cameron White, distin- nounced with great fanfare that it MOLLY In "THIS WAY PLEASE.1 Se- Loan people. It is widely agreed among rial and Carloon. j Army and Navy medical officers guish Negro composer, whose chosen would make a picture called "The BOND PREMIERES service medical authorities that it instrument the was Where and When on the birth heard her story and knew she would is violin, heard Harvey Girls,” based run p s,os *»• *»«• n.w. re. oisv' has accomplished enormous good. vlHWlaC. Matinee 1 P M. Cont. be perfect for the morale of the in recital last night at the Fifteenth and progress of the Santa Fe Rail- Miss Bannerman is Current Theater Attractions Today OF GLORY" with Capitol—30 Seconds Over care. found enormously Street Church. Pre- road’s chain of station-side lunch- Only—"DAYS I Tokyo men under their They Presbyterian TAMARA TOUMANOVA. GREGORY I happy doing it. The disfigurement under rooms. It was on the shelf be- Keith’s—Princess and the Pirate her not merely a triumph of the re- sented the auspices of the and Time of Showing put PECK. At 1:30, 3:36. 5:40. 7:45, 9:55. | she once loathed as only a beautiful Alumftae Club of which cause the details couldn’t be storative power of plastic surgery, College 2:30 and legal Earle—To Have and Have Not woman could has turned into some- National—"Rebecca”: 1931 but a vibrant, vital j Portia C. Bullock is president and cleared. personality, 8:30 p.m. CONGRESS SMUTvr thing of which she has become Betha Howard Now. however, it has been made BUY A enormously capable of communicat- Collins, chairman, Double Feature Program! Chester Morris, BOND—GET A FREE TICKET It her a war Catholic University—‘‘Lute Song”: own morale to others. | proud. gave job to the concert was for the benefit of safe for production, and the script in ONE MYSTERIOUS NIGHT At 1. ing her high 8:30 one she does as hours p.m. and 3. 5:05, 7:10, 9:15. Also The Andrews All told her to the men do, many its fund.
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