,61,..,L~ 0 V.r~'f NEW ZEALAND STATE FOREST SERVICE. BULLETIN No. 9. A. D. McGAVOCK, Director of Forestry. A SYNOPSIS- . OF FOREST FUNGI OF SIGNIFICANCE IN NEW ZEALAND. BY T. T. c. BIRCH, B.A. (OXON.), FoREST ASSISTANT, STATE FOREST SERVICE, WELLINGTON. Issued by direction of the Hon. Frank Langstone, Commissioner of State Forests. Extract from New Zealand journal of Forestry, Vol. IV, No. 2, 1937. WELLINGTON, N.Z. E. V. PAUL, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, 1938. NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE OF FORESTERS. A SYNOPSIS OF FOREST FUNGI OF SIGNIFICANCE IN NEW ZEALAND. BY T. T. C. BIRCH. Extract from NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF FoRESTRY, Vol. IV., No. 2, 1937. H. L. YOUNG LTD. A SYNOPSIS OF FOREST FUNGI OF SIGNIFICANCE IN NEW ZEALAND. By T. T. C. BIRCH. INTRODUCTION : The object of this synopsis is to record, in readily available and condensed fonn, the fungi found to be of significance in the silviculture and utilization of New Zealand forests, indigenous and exotic. References in literature to these fungi are, in the main, numerous and widely scattered ; no attempt has been made to record a complete bibliography, but published work having a bearing on New Zealand conditions has been given preference. As further evidence accumulates, additions and amendments will be necessary, particularly in the case of mycorrhizal fungi, a preliminary list of which is appended. I am indebted to the Director of Forestry for permission to publish this synopsis. AGARIOAOEAE. ARMILLARIA MELLEA. Hosts (N.Z.) Pinus rad'iata, P. muricata, P. murrayana, P. ponderosa, Ohamaecyparis lawsoniana, N othofagus menziesii. Distribution: Europe, America, India, Australia, New Zealand. Notes: A root disease (probably indigenous) attacking exotic conifers planted in cut-over indigenous forest lands. CJll. L. J. D., Mamaku, 1931. Iden. T·.C.B . .Also a heart-rot of young silver beech and a white-pocket rot of silver beech timber. Coll. and Iden. T.C.B., Southland, 1935. Reference: 1. Massee, G. (1898) Trans. N.Z.I. Vol. 31, p. 337. 2. Birch, T. T. C. (1937) "Arm,illaria mellea in relation to New Zealand forests." Read before the A. & N.Z. Associa­ tion for Advancement of Science, Auckland Meeting, January, 1937. SCHIZOPHVLLUM COMMUNE. Hosts (N.Z.) Edwardsia microphylla, Salix sp., Acacia sp. M yoporum laetum, Beilschmiedia tawa. Distribution: Europe, Asia, America, New Zealand. Notes: An indigenous wound parasite on Edwards,ia, penetrating heartwood through dead branches. Coll. and Iden. T.C.B. 1933, Manawatu. Causes decay of timber in wide range of species, indigenous and exotic. Coll. and Iden. T.C.B., Rotorua, Manawatu, Taranaki, 1931. Reference: Humphrey, C. J. (1917) U.S. Dept. Agric. Bulletin No.·510. 1 PHOLIOTA ADlPOSA. Hosts (N.Z.) Hoheria angustifolia. Distribution: Europe, America, New Zealand. Notes: An indigenous (?) fungus causing heart-rot of living Hoheria. Coll. and Iden. T.C.B., Manawatu, 1937. A common heart-rot of forest trees in America. Reference: Hubert, E. E. (1931). "Outline of Forest Pathology" New York. POLYPORAGEAE. FOMES ZEALANDICUS. Hosts (N.Z.) Nothofagus spp., Dacrydiurn cupressinurn, Poilo­ carpus spicatus. Distribution: New Zealand and Java. Notes: An indigenous heart-rot on red beech (Coll. T.C.B. 1934) and on other hosts. Coll. and Iden. G.H.C. 1919, on fallen trees. Reference: Cunningham, G. H. (1927) Trans. N.Z.I. Vol. 58. FOM ES RO BUST US. Hosts (N.Z.) Nothofagus fusca, N. menziesii, Eucalyptus spp. Distribution: Britain, Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand. ·Notes: An indigenous fungus causing a white pocket-rot, in living Nothofagus spp. Coll. and Iden. G.H.C. 1921. Also causes decay of eucalypt power-poles. Coll. T.C.B., Rangitikei, 1935. Iden. G.H.C. Reference: Cunningham, G. H. (1927). Trans. N.Z.I. Vol. 58. FOMES HEMITEPHRUS. Hosts (N.Z.) Nothofagus rnenziesii, N. truncata, and N. fusca. Distribution: Australia, and throughout New Zealand. Notes: An indigenous fungus causing a white-pocket rot, in living Nothofagus spp. Coll. and Iden. G.H.C. 1921. Reference: Cunningham, G. H. (1927). Trans. N.Z.I. Vol. 58. FOMES AUSTRALIS. Hosts (N.:z.) Nothofagus spp., Podocarpus spicatus, Dacrydiurn cupressinurn. Distribution: Tropical Asia and America, Australia, New Zealand. Notes: An indigenous fungus causing a serious heart-rot (white pocket) of beech; m:atai, and rimu. "It is perhaps, the largest fungus in the Dominion, for one specimen the writer has ex­ . ainined was 9() cm. in width." (G.H.C.) Coll .. and Iden. G ..H.C. 1921. Reference: Cunningham, G. H. (1927) Trans. N.Z.l. Vol. 58. 2 FOM ES APPLANATUS. Hosts (N.Z.) Podocarpus spicatus, Dacrydium cupre$sinum. Distribution: IEurope, Asia, America, Australia and New Zealand. Notes: An indigenous fungus widely distributed in New Zealand and suspected of attacking living trees. A common root and butt disease of forest trees in North America. Coll. and Iden. G.H.C. 1919. Reference: 1. Cunningham, G. H. (1927) Trans. N.Z.I. Vol. 58. 2. Hubert, E. E. (1931). "Outline of Forest Pathology/' New York. POLVPORUS EUCALVPTORUM. Hosts (N.Z.) Nothofagus fu$ca, N. truncata. Distribution: Australia ; New Zealand. Notes: An indigenous fungus causing heart-rot of living red beech in Wellington and Rotorua districts. Coll. and Iden. G.H.C. 1921. Fructifications, known in North as "Putawa" or "Hutu," formerly used in dry condition by Maoris as tinder. Reference: Cunningham, G. H. (1927) Trans. N.Z.I. Vol. 58. POLVPORUS. BERKELEYI. Hosts (N.Z.) Nothofagus sp., Dacrydium sp. Distribution : North America; Japan; Australia ; New Zealand. Notes: An indigenous fungus; Coll. and Iden. G.H.C. 1927, "at bases of trees growing in rich humus." Hubert (1927) records fungus as root and butt rot on a wide host range in N. America. Reference: 1. Cunningham, G. H. (1927) Trans. N.Z.l. Vol. 58. 2. Hubert, E. E. (1931) "Outline of Forest Pathology." New York. POLVPORUS VERSICOLOR. (Syn. Polystictus versicolor) Hosts (N.Z.) Timber of Pinus radiata, Acacia spp, Nothofagus sp, Eucalyptus spp., Quercus spp. Distribution: World-wide. Notes: An indigenous fungus causing a white timber-rot in the sapwood of a wide range of species. Coll. and Iden. T.C.B. on eucaJypt poles, Palmerston North, 1936. Reference: 1. Cunningham, G. H. (1927) Trans. N.Z.I. .Vol. 58. 2. Humphrey, C. J. (1917) U.S. Dept. Agric. Bull. No. 510. 3. Cartwright, K. St G. and Findlay, W.P.K. (1936). "The principal rots of English Oak." F.P.R. Lab. 3, PORIA FERRUGINOSA . (Syn. FomeshrruginosusJ. Hosts (N.Z.) Timber 0£ Dacrydium cupressinum, Metrosideros spp., Sequoia sempervirens. Distribution: Britain, New Zealand. Notes: An indigenous £ungus causing rot in rimu weather­ boarding, studs etc. exposed to moisture. Probably the co.mmonest decay 0£ wood ·buildings in N.Z. Fruits readily on rimu timber : first woolly chestnut colour, later resupinate pore formation, irregular, rusty brown. Coll .. T.C.B., Palmer- ston N., 1934. Iden. F.P.R. lab. 1936. · Reference: Cartwright, K. St. G. & Findlay, W.P.K. (1936). "The Principal rots 0£ English Oak." F.P.R. Lab. PORIA VAILLANTll. Hosts (N.Z.) Timber of Pinus spp, Dacrydium cupressinum. Distribution: Britain and New Zealand. Notes: An indigenous fungus causing decay of timber in contact with moist soil. (Causes extensive decay of timber in mines in Britain.) Coll. T.C.B., Manawatu, 1935. Iden. F.P.R. Lab. 1936. Reference: F.P.R. Lab. (1933) Bull. No. 1. "Dry rot in wood." MERULIUS LACRVMANS. Hosts (N.Z.) Timber of Pinus radiata, Podocarpus dacrydioides, Dacrydium cupressinum. Distribution: Universal. .Notes: An indigenous fungus causing decay of timber. Coll. and Iden. T.C.B. in forest on kahikatea log, Ongarue, 1933. Reference: F.P.R. Lab. (1933) "Dry rot in Wood," Bulletin No. 1. TRAMETES CINNABARINA. Hosts (N.Z.) Knightia excelsa, Oordyline australis, Dacrydium cupressinum. Distribution: Europe, Siberia, New Zealand. Notes: An indigenous fungus causing heart-rot 0£ living rewarewa. Coll. and Iden. T.C.B., Mt. Messenger, 1937. Reference: Cunningham, G. H. (1927) Trans. N.Z.I. Vol. 58. 2. Colenso, W. (1890) Trans. N.Z.1 . Vol. 23. 4 THELEPHORACEAE. THELEPHORA TERRESTRIS. Hosts (N.Z.) Pinus radiata and nursery stock, generally. Distribution: America, Europe, New Zealand. Notes: This indigenous (?) "sm0ther fungus" is not parasitic but . grows upon the stems of seedlings and may smother less vig­ orous plants. Coll. and Iden. G.H.C., Weraroa, 1919. Reference: Hubert, E. E. (1931) "Outline of forest Pathology." New York. STEREUM SANGUINOLENTUM. Hosts (N.Z.) Timber of Dacrydium cupressinum, Agathis austral'is, Nothofagus spp., Eucalyptus spp., Pinus spp. Distribution: New Zealand and North America. Notes:. This indigenous fungus is one of the commonest ea uses of decay of wood in timber yards : attacks fillets and sawn timber in wet sites ; sap decay of eucalpt power-poles. Coll. T.C.B. Iden. G.H.C. 1936. Also sapwood decay of slash and felled timber in pine plantations. Coll. and Iden. T.C.B., Rotorua, 1937. Reference: 1. · Hubert, E. E. (1931) "Outline of Forest Patho­ logy." New York. 2. Kress, 0. (1925) U.S. Dept. Agric. Bulletin No. 1298. UREDINEAE. UROMYCLADIUM ROBINSONI. Host (N.Z.) Acacia melanoxylon. Distribution: Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand. Notes: An introduced rust fungus ; does not produce galls and rarely causes fatal injuries. Coll. and Iden. G.H.C., Auckland province. Reference: Cunningham, G. H. (1931) "Rust fungi of New Zea­ land." Dunedin. UROMYCLADIUM ACACIAE. Hosts (N.Z.) Acacia dealbata, A. decurrens. Distribution: Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand. Notes: An introduced rust fungus ; does not produce galls and rarely causes fatal injuries. Coll. and Iden. G.H.C., Auckland; Hawke's Bay. Reference: Cunningham, G. H. (1931) "Rust fungi of New Zealand." Dunedin. 5 UROMVCLADIUM NOTABILE. Hosts (N.Z.) Acacia dealbata, A. decurrens, A. verticillata, A. bayleyana. Distribution: Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand.
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