Tokyo Rose" Is

Tokyo Rose" Is

--,.. · ...... ' .. :.' ;.:: •.. > .. '. ;.. ... -.-.--.--.---.------- .... -.............. --.---.-~. ..... r Nov. ~3, 1947 .,1: • Justioe Department. Washington, D._ C~·~ Gentlemen: I am appalled, as are all to whom I have spoken re­ garding the matter, to learn that the inf~mous "Tokyo Rose" is to be re-admi tted to our country. It seems that she wishes to .resume her American c1 tizenahip and reaide here in order that he.r child, as yet unborn, may be born in this country and in- heritthe freedoms and privilegea which are synonomous with American citizenshi~. Is it for this that our boys ~ought and died? Were their brave and courageous young'livea offered up in vain? Is 1 t for thi a that today there axe numerous little American tot s growing to wl]illlanhood &nd. n:.anbocci, never having known their orm fathers? Is it for this· that the war widows, the gold star mothers. the fathers. the brothers and Sisters, the all of our country gave up our men? That woman gave up her right to ever set foot again on Amerioan soil when she made her fir st broad.oast as "Tokyo" Rose". You oannot teach young America that the reward for .... treason is to be welcomed home, forgiven and allowed to give the wonderful ~ift of Amerioan birth to children. American oi tizenship is the birthright of the ohildred of Amerioans, not of the children of would-be Japs. ~~ .. (' ( AOOR£aa REPLY TO ( ( ·"THIt ATTORNEY GENERAL" AND REFER TO INITIALs AND HUMBER DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WASHINGTON. D. C. "MC; W'.EF: am 146-28-1941 July 27, 1949 AIR lItAIL \ Tom E. DeWolfe, Esq. c/o UniteQ States Attorney's Office San Francisco. California Dear Mr. DeWolfe: ~ Transmi tted. herewith in connection with the trial of Iva Toguri D'Aquino are two reports of the Federal Burean of Investigation. one made at St. Paul. Minnesota, by Special Agent b{"f '1 C on July 12 t 1949. and the other mad.'3 at Kansas G1 ty by Special Agent IJ~ I '1 c...on July 18. 1949. Respectfully, < For the Attorney General ALE~l~~ Assistant Attorney General I Enclosure No. 33966 FILED BY RR ()n DEC 8 1953 ----.--.--._._.~_.J ..... COMMIrn:E:: . FRANCK R. HAVENNER . 4TH' DISTRICT CALIFORNIA ( "S_ ( ~ .. A"Mf:O Sr!.A"\tI'1.~ Q[ongre%% of tbe 1MnttetJ ~tate% 1!)ouse of l\epresentatibes mmlru){jington, 19. QC. 1lt:E!-GEIVElD i9{l NOV jjfi. November 19, 1941- .. '." .' ':;\' .":'j~:: '.; :0,' ~""'}:~' \:';, , ~" ;.. The Honorable The Attorney General Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: Please allow me to direct your attention to the enclosed copy of a letter addressed to the United States Attorney at Los Angeles, California, by .bfo in regard to the application of Iva Toguri, known as "Tokyo Rose",. for admission to the United States. I will appreciate it if you will advise me how I may reply to'·b(o \. 'and return the enclosure to me. -J:::;S, Franck R. Havenner Member of Congress '\ Encl. J': " ..... ( :·.¥f·:·~:l~~.'r -)C, 19,!:·! ".,.,H "C c-l:.< Dcpartrlent of ·Just ice .r, -............ , ';.". '":'~c"!nt 1" I nr:-'stced in the !,"l.:>~:f' +,~,,+ :VF! ~0p:uri..r the "1"-"1.11ed 1I,!,~kyo ~ose" of the recent 'Nar if: nlanning on re­ ....1)[ +.C· 7}""',C C!-,it8rl '":':"'+;:'8, ?_nd:that neither the De:n9.rtmer.t 0f Jl..1""ti~·) )'")(':::' t~e "t9.te Den.3rtn:r::nt i:=; O\:>je,,(;t:.,;,:- ":: ~1<:?' re­ tV!T. It apnears to me that 01Jr iovern,!\~T'.-l:. 1..-., ("ettinr very C:0f+,-head?d '.'Then it wil] all"w 9. tr,',or 7 I, rt7.t.1!rn to this c01mtry. It is cri.'l1e en~"_H!"h that she is e.llowed her freedo~ iT'. '3.r.y part of the ~'lorld, when o·'.Ir 1"0ver!'l~:e.nt is -aware of h!'\r id";n-l:.ity "l.nd her tre'l.son. To 9.1101"" hl'lr t,o return and p.njoy t.":":! h",nefits 0';> 1 ife in the United Stat,!,!f' ~Ot.p.r her revilin;.: it in her broadcasts is n;akinf. a mockery of the~ sacrifice - ('1.. 1r sold iers made in pivinp' their lives for victory. YO'-1rs v~-~y t.ruly, .. :--" , SEC. ... :.' Dear Mr. Carter: lleoentnevapa.~ article~ '~1~'tM stori.~_ cd ~ P0881b1U'q. ot tM .. i-.e~ of tn. ~, knovn during World Wax" II fll! "To~:~o.e,,, to ~ United st.~s. - ~ 1l&tive Sona ot the Golden West take this 0~~t7 to~aclYln ;you that our " . :.. ~t7w ~~ OPPOSed'to the ~ ~t aisr PerioD, citlzen, or allen, who _. -. .'. ~ ." c;.. • . ..... bu. ..m.teated,<Us~t7 to"the 'United States. U 110 ta true that.the 1dentltr ot Iva Topo1 haS 'been estab11shed as .. ~ BOlle," it 1a ltlco~~le to underataM ~"th1.8 ~ODoUs I~e--.r!~ abOul.4 be . ~tted to re~ the United States .• When 8Mieft' thi" ~z7, &8 earli as l~l, . .. ~ • vent oateDs1bi,i to care tor a slck relative in Japa,tt. it<a aU ~, her aiae10n ~.'·~f:~:~<'v1cloua ~~'-aimed'.'~t-creat~-a doubt in the~ ot our . '. to'-.·· . - '. .-.... '. ~.:. '. ~ctm fightiD8 lien, and arous1ng Busp1cion in the~r hearta about their loved ones at . ,,~ . ~. ~. It '10· bard to reconcile how any traitorous character can °deWt and enter our COWxtij at. rlll. it ~ 18 the triUtor vh1cb abe 18 report~ to be, eM 8houl.d no~ ~ .'be 'Peta!ttM the pr1~~~·tliat';&re granted to·l.&W-~l41ns .-r1ean ~ evuion of our 1a!h in tbiB case, voul4·be a' ~ slU!' 'UpQ21 ~ countless . , ~ t.howI~. Of Aaerlcan YOMn vbo stoo4' ~ W thetr senl~, 'who were· . «deMing the ~ in U. ~.~ ·,.ic1t1c ,w1ieMto L~~e .~ .~ forth 1lU~ _ ..... ~-ftta ber·p1ac.t -I"~' Ve V'OUl4 l1)e pleahd to leaiu ~t' the aC~ ~tatua ot ber cue, and in the event . - .,. '. ,1"JQur otttc6 is withoUt tM. data, ~i4 ~kjndlt advise vhom to contactt<\r this , I IFILE. - U. H . :I Yoq.ra vet,- ttuly I '.,. 'l'hie proWsC' 1iis-ftSO'~~-to- the ~t.d States Senators rromCo11i'orn1~ ap4 the- ... ,Iber. ~ ethigt'eD ftoaa· C&li·f'ornia. Also toSecrote.l7 of S~te Oeorgo C.Mareb4ll, ~.~ ~ ~e De&ri Ach880ft, Tom C. Cla+'~, General otthe Unit~ S~· tTgo C!l:ttls1, Commissioner ot lBrlgrat10n an4 N~:tural1tat1on Service in W~h- .. / Ington, D.C., J. ~ Hoover, Director :Federal Burea.u ot Inveetlgatlon, waohingtoil·')D'O I ~~"<'''''''ii,~,;;;~'''j;j@'#i>J_;i~m!!~~1~ L _ .' J ..... DFr 3'"' \947 y. ( .! RE:'C~IVED orr: ~ ~ J~47 Clil/V,;, '41'\L. '-'I V It>tOf\J bCc Dec. 3 1947· .. ,'Department of Justice, Washington, D. C. - Gentlemen: In:Re TOKIO :ROSE. \ At the regular meeting of Rut.hven ,Post #55, The American Legion passed a resolution that we VIrite you ana ask thc.t you,do everyt.hing possibl.e to see tha<:. Tokio Ro,se is' hot allowed to return to thi s cou..l1try. We realise that she c.laims ene YWS born in California ana that she v!ant s to return there but we 1'eel that in view of the type of work she carrled. on durin3 tne Tar thRt <she '8houla be classed as ctefinatly undesirable. Respectfully Submitt.ed, ....... : .- UEPp.o'· 8 mtc \ I' Di. • I ..... ___ i I i \ . - OVe.y-- )1 310 ... 1 I-~ I .... s :£0 ~-~'=:=~"~-~;~I :~.:~~:::~--~ "DEAD AA-\t..12I~p>"'~ ~''ut:.\)¥'ER.s· IF=" YOU kL-L-o W (To\L'ie> \2o~E \ 10 'Rt-SNTE-R 't-\c (.) N r'E.-\:> <ST A...TE:-S . ---, c- {.1/~2J-- [[I '-;, 1_"._ -j t-- ---.----/ f I I I DEC 8 1 I l-'::~~ -f'-'--- J. E. F. • --. ~ - -0 ____._. __ • ___• ____ • ___• _______• ______ • __________ •••• _. ____•• __._ ....... _. __ ... ' ••,,~ _'''''., ",, __ ._ ...... ~ -. ..... .' .- ( I - :' \1 c o P y t?"'- "":', . 12-4-47 Department of Justice, Washingto!}, D. G~ Gentlemen:- The enclosed Clipping was carried by_ our "News" tonight. Wi th the thought o£ being '·he1pful.~ J;. would refer you to Clarke Lee's 'tOne Last Loaf Around n. It, m3.y be, a short cut -to procuring witnesses • • ,' • \0 .. Sincerely, ;' j' /s/ ".:. ~ ~:'.~~" : ..". ,: P.S. The book is finest 'factual writing'yet present-ed (written 1947) and shoUld be widely circUla~ed(. Clark Lee knows her personall7. ' " .. '""'1" ~:~~ ,'.I - DEC 19 :';7 --" r ( l.i T.:.: ~7 A ~ 17 / J - D/ .'" /\ :.' .-':"1\.1': l'j";-." Y;:' Li ........ J J i.J:::~' I CZ., JC 12~)1 P ~~ ,.. 613 '.,.. ( fljreit lllderans Associati(l\1 r,o ["- 0 r. t,." L''''I,/'-1. ~ • l r t l j' '\' ~;. : , ''- L .. i .• ' -'',,! ........ i, if.., OFFICE 313 PLAZA BLDG., PITTSBURGH 19, PA. ATLAN'tiC 14BO December 16, 1947 Honorable Tom C. Clark Attorney General of the United states Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: As Adjutant of the Lloyd M. Brett'Post of the Eightieth Division, I have been instructed by a unanimous vote of the Post at its meeting of Novemb~r 20, 1947, to address to you our most earnest protest against the re-entry into the United States of Americ~ or any of its possessions, of the person known as lt "Tokyo Rose • I Respectfully, I 3/::- '-' blo -, -, . '\ '", - ~ {. ··c -i: ..... <.:...-; • ,r:.' I - b~ I I " , i ..... n~~ 26 1947 Natiur ~ntt!1 nf t4r ~nl~rhRffit\ll)nt LJ ••• ,~,~. PAST GRAND PRESIDENTS ASSOCIA!ION PHONE MADleoN 0804 December 22, 1947 \ Hon. T. Vincent ~uinn Assistant Attorney General United States D~partment of Justice Washington 25, b~ c. Dear Mr.

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