UCDP Non-State Conflict Dataset Version history 2.4-20121 1 The latest version of this document can always be found at the dataset web page at http://www.pcr.uu.se/research/ucdp/datasets/ucdp_non-state_conflict_dataset_/ Introduction This document gives a historical record of the changes made to the dataset since its initial release. It will also contain, if applicable, a list of known errata that will be updated in the next release of the dataset. We encourage scholars using the data to always use the latest version available if possible, but provide this list as a reference point as to whether or not an upgrade from a previous release of the data is necessary for a particular analysis. Changes from Version 2.3-2011 to 2.4-2012 New dyads added Dyad ID Dyad Name Year(s) Location(s) 435 Degodia – Garre 2000 Ethiopia 436 Itsekiri – Urhobo 2003 Nigeria 437 Dodoth – Jie, 2000 Uganda Matheniko Karimojong 438 Oleh – Olmoro 1999 Nigeria 439 Abgal clan 2001 Somalia (Hawiye) - Garre subclan of Digil clan (Digil- Mirifle) 440 Forces of 2001 Somalia Abdullahi Yusuf - Forces of Yussuf Hajji Nur 441 Hamar – 2003 Ethiopia Nyangatom New dyad-years added Dyad ID Dyad Name Year(s) Location(s) 105 Lou Nuer – Murle 2007 Sudan 107 LRA – SPLM/A 1997 Uganda 138 RCD–K–ML - 2001 DR Congo RCD–N, MLC 151 Pokot – Turkana 2010 Kenya 239 LPC – NPFL 1994 Liberia 312 Supporters of ANC 1989 South Africa – Supporters of IFP Dyads removed Dyad ID Dyad Name Year(s) Location(s) 186 MLC - RCD–K–ML 2001 DR Congo 189 Mayi Mayi, CNDD- 1999-2001 DR Congo FDD, FDLR – RCD 400 FDLR – RCD 1998 DR Congo Dyad-years removed Dyad ID Dyad Name Year(s) Location(s) 311 CATA – Codeta 1994 South Africa Misc. Changes Dyad ID Year(s) Variable Added Removed 2 2008 Side B Xawaadle clan Xawaadle (Hawiye) subclan (Hawiye) 4 2008 Side A Supporters of Supporters of AC ACN (Action (Action Congress of Congress) Nigeria) 5 2003 Fat_best, 29 35 Fat_low, Fat_high 9 2002 Fat_best 94 87 9 2002 Fat_low 82 87 9 2002 Fat_high 94 101 9 2002 StartDate 2002-05-31 2002-05-24 10 2008 Fat_low 54 55 10 2010 Fat_high 223 222 10 2010 EpEnd 1 0 10 2010 EpEndDate 2010-12-05 10 2010 EpEndPrec 1 11 2002 Fat_best 37 33 11 2002 Fat_low 37 32 11 2002 Fat_high 37 35 15 2003 Fat_best, 64 36 Fat_low 15 2003 Fat_high 80 47 28 2003 Side B Ismail subclan of Ismail subclan of Makahil clan Makahil clan (Darod) (Dir) 40 2007 Fat_best, 30 32 Fat_low 40 2007 Fat_high 33 35 41 2004 Fat_low 47 40 51 2002 Fat_best 65 72 51 2002 Fat_low 55 72 51 2002 Fat_high 70 79 58 2004 Side A FRCI (Forces FN (Forces Républicaines de Nouvelles: New Côte d'Ivoire: Forces) Republican Forces of Ivory Coast) 59 2005 Side A FRCI (Forces FN (Forces Républicaines de Nouvelles: New Côte d'Ivoire: Forces) Republican Forces of Ivory Coast) 61 2002 Fat_best 70 52 61 2002 Fat_low 68 50 61 2002 Fat_high 238 148 64 2002 Fat_high 140 148 66 2003 Fat_best, 100 40 Fat_low 73 2008 Fat_best, 31 29 Fat_low, Fat_high 79 1998 Fat_high 100 60 80 2001 Fat_best, 474 268 Fat_low 80 2001 Fat_high 524 268 80 2002 Fat_best 1946 1478 80 2002 Fat_low 1916 1478 80 2002 Fat_high 2343 1875 86 2003 Fat_best, 432 385 Fat_low 86 2003 Fat_high 463 385 97 2003 Fat_high 110 107 99 2008 Side A Kachai sub-tribe Kachai tribe of the Bangesh tribe 103 2008 Fat_best 55 39 103 2008 Fat_low 54 38 103 2008 Fat_high 57 41 105 2006 EpEnd 0 1 105 2006 EpEndDate 2006-05-01 105 2006 EpEndPrec 4 107 1996 EpEnd 0 1 107 1996 EpEndDate 1996-01-01 107 1996 EpEndPrec 5 107 1998 StartDate2 1998-09-14 107 1998 StartPrec2 1 110 2008 Fat_low 42 40 119 2010 EpEnd 1 0 119 2010 EpEndDate 2010-08-18 119 2010 EpEndPrec 1 120 2003 Fat_best, 64 58 Fat_low 120 2003 Fat_high 76 70 135 1998 Fat_best 76 29 135 1998 Fat_low 48 29 135 1998 Fat_high 388 32 135 1999 Fat_best, 159 115 Fat_low 135 1999 Fat_high 231 187 135 2000 Fat_best, 147 107 Fat_low, Fat_high 135 2002 Fat_best, 375 379 Fat_low 135 2002 Fat_high 450 454 136 2002 Side A FRF (Forces FARF (Forces républicaines et républicaines et federalists: federalists: Federalist Federalist Republican Republican Forces) Forces) 138 2002 StartDate 2001-06-10 2002-01-09 138 2002 StartPrec 2 1 140 2002 Fat_best, 154 170 Fat_low 140 2002 Fat_high 189 209 140 2003 Fat_best, 80 90 Fat_low 142 2010 EpEnd 1 0 142 2010 EpEndDate 2010-05-10 142 2010 EpEndPrec 1 147 2003 Side A Sa'ad subclan of SSNM (Southern Habar Gidir clan Somalia National (Hawiye) Movement) 147 2003 Side A ID 1540 1512 147 2003 Side B Saleban-Abdalla USC/SNA subclan of (United Somali Majerteen Congress/Somalia (Darod) National Alliance) 147 2003 Side B 2006 1353 147 2003 Org 3 1 149 2010 EpEnd 1 0 149 2010 EpEndDate 2010-10-24 149 2010 EpEndPrec 1 151 2008 Fat_best, 88 87 Fat_low 151 2008 Fat_high 128 127 151 2008 Location Kenya, Uganda Kenya 151 2008 GWNOLoc 501, 500 501 163 1995 Side B Shura-yi Nazar-i Shura-e Nazar Shomali 170 2000 Sida A ALiR (Armée FDLR (Forces pour la democratiques de Libération du liberation du Rwanda: Army Rwanda: for the Democratic Liberation of Liberation Forces Rwanda) of Rwanda) 170 2000 Sida A ID 2013 1380 181 1997 Sida B ALiR (Armée FDLR (Forces pour la democratiques de Libération du liberation du Rwanda: Army Rwanda: for the Democratic Liberation of Liberation Forces Rwanda) of Rwanda) 181 1997 Sida B ID 2013 1380 182 1997 Fat_best, 33 34 Fat_low 182 1997 Fat_high 33 56 183 1993 Fat_best, 157 154 Fat_low, Fat_high 191 1999 Fat_high 103 60 195 1998 Fat_best 225 156 195 1998 Fat_low 225 142 195 1998 Fat_high 362 293 195 1998 Location Ethiopia, Kenya Ethiopia 195 1998 GWNOLoc 530, 501 530 202 1992 Side A Rer Liban Reer Liban subclan (Issaq) subclan (Issaq) 202 1992 Side B Rer Samatar Reer Samatar subclan of Habr subclan of Habr Awal (Issaq) Awal (Issaq) 212 1993 Side A HuM (Hezb-ul- Hezb-ul- Mujahideen: Mujahideen Party of Holy (Party of Holy Warriors) Warriors) 218 1997 Fat_best, 229 235 Fat_low 225 1992 StartDate 1998-03-16 1992-04-09 225 1992 StartPrec 1 2 238 1990 Fat_best, 45 43 Fat_low 238 1990 Fat_high 102 100 239 1995 StartDate 1994-11-18 1995-06-13 240 1991 Fat_high 313 513 240 1992 Fat_high 1555 1630 248 1990 Fat_high 700 270 249 1993 Fat_high 1323 1085 254 2010 Fat_best 664 555 254 2010 Fat_low 425 335 254 2010 Fat_high 1104 602 254 2010 EpEnd 1 0 254 2010 EpEndDate 2010-12-03 254 2010 EpEndPrec 1 279 1996 StartDate, 1996-07-31 1996-08-01 EpEndDate 281 2001 Fat_low 33 30 282 1990 Side B Galgalo Galgalo subclan of Habar Gidir (Hawiye) 288 1995 Fat_low 145 15 290 1994 Side B Xawaadle clan Xawaadle (Hawiye) subclan (Hawiye) 293 2000 Fat_high 72 70 307 1995-1997 StartDate 1995-09-12 1995-07-07 310 1990 Fat_best, 32 29 Fat_low 310 1990 Fat_high 41 38 310 1990 StartDate 1990-11-05 1990-12-06 311 1994, 1996 Org 1 3 311 1996 StartDate 1996-06-01 1994-11-01 311 1996 StartDate2 1996-06-01 311 1996 StartPrec2 3 312 1990-1996 StartDate 1989-09-04 1990-07-22 312 1990 Fat_best, 899 645 Fat_low 312 1990 Fat_high 1366 1085 312 1991 Fat_best 613 230 312 1991 Fat_low 610 228 312 1991 Fat_high 951 564 312 1992 Fat_best, 649 193 Fat_low 312 1992 Fat_high 808 344 312 1993 Fat_best, 612 289 Fat_low 312 1993 Fat_high 887 516 312 1994 Fat_best, 421 254 Fat_low 312 1994 Fat_high 550 380 312 1996 Fat_best 55 58 312 1996 Fat_low 54 57 312 1996 Fat_high 156 164 313 1989 Fat_best, 160 90 Fat_low 313 1989 Fat_high 320 247 313 1989, 1990 StartDate 1989-05-05 1989-12-02 313 1990 Fat_best, 312 78 Fat_low 313 1990 Fat_high 425 186 313 1990 EpEndDate 1990-12-22 313 1990 EpEndPrec 1 2 316 1996 Fat_high 60 30 328 1992, 1993 Side B SPLM/A – WN SPLM/A – WM (Sudan People's (Sudan People's Liberation Liberation Movement/Army Movement/Army – William – William Nyuon Nyuon faction) faction) 350 2010 EpEnd 1 0 350 2010 EpEndDate 2010-12-18 350 2010 EpEndPrec 1 372 1989 Fat_best, 168 160 Fat_low 372 1989 Fat_high 584 463 372 1989 StartDate 1989-04-25 1989-04-26 378 2010 EpEnd 1 0 378 2010 EpEndDate 2010-06-12 378 2010 EpEndPrec 1 385 2002 Fat_best, 26 27 Fat_low, Fat_high 397 2003 Fat_low 579 529 405 2009 Fat_low 43 44 405 2009 Fat_high 54 53 411 1996 StartDate, 1996-09-01 1998-09-01 EpEndDate 411 1996 Year 1996 1998 415 2010 EpEnd 1 0 415 2010 EpEndDate 2010-12-12 415 2010 EpEndPrec 1 416 2010 EpEnd 1 0 416 2010 EpEndDate 2010-11-26 416 2010 EpEndPrec 1 418 2010 EpEnd 1 0 418 2010 EpEndDate 2010-12-26 418 2010 EpEndPrec 1 419 2010 Side A Forces of Momin TTP – MA Afridi (Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan – Momin Afridi faction, Taleban Movement of Pakistan – Momin Afridi faction) 419 2010 EpEnd 1 0 419 2010 EpEndDate 2010-11-05 419 2010 EpEndPrec 1 420 2010 EpEnd 1 0 420 2010 EpEndDate 2010-04-01 420 2010 EpEndPrec 1 421 2010 Fat_best, 165 200 Fat_low 421 2010 Fat_high 178 213 421 2010 EpEnd 1 0 421 2010 EpEndDate 2010-10-04 421 2010 EpEndPrec 1 422 2010 EpEnd 1 0 422 2010 EpEndDate 2010-10-30 422 2010 EpEndPrec 1 423 2010 EpEnd 1 0 423 2010 EpEndDate 2010-08-30 423 2010 EpEndPrec 2 424 2010 EpEnd 1 0 424 2010 EpEndDate 2010-02-20 424 2010 EpEndPrec 1 426 2010 EpEnd 1 0 426 2010 EpEndDate 2010-10-30 426 2010 EpEndPrec 2 427 2010 EpEnd 1 0 427 2010 EpEndDate 2010-04-25 427 2010 EpEndPrec 2 428 2010 EpEnd 1 0 428 2010 EpEndDate 2010-11-29 428 2010 EpEndPrec 2 429 2010 Fat_best 41 150 429 2010 Fat_low 32 141 429 2010 Fat_high 87 587 432 2003 Fat_best, 155 180 Fat_low 432 2003 Fat_high 166 191 433 2005 Fat_best, 35 49 Fat_low 433 2005 Fat_high 68 82 New IDs for groups fighting together In previous versions of the dataset multiple actor IDs separated by a comma have been used for groups fighting together.
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