$1.00 WWW.5TJT.COM !vfubj igfhkhhrp t VOL. 9 NO. 11 22 KISLEV 5769 cahu ,arp DECEMBER 19, 2008 INSIDE FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK NYS BUDGET TO IMPACT YESHIVAS Madoff And Ponzi BY LARRY GORDON Rabbi Yair Hoffman 22 MindBiz CAIR Package Esther Mann, LMSW 32 The organization known as denounce the idea of “terror- Words Of Wisdom CAIR has publicly called ism” whenever Islamic funda- Phyllis J. Lubin 35 upon Jewish leaders to con- mentalists engage in public demn a recent article pub- terrorist acts. Yet at the same Bad Year For Governors lished by the Five Towns time, not once has CAIR ever Hannah Reich Berman 42 Jewish Times about how to denounced Muslim killers deal with the rising incidence who act in the name of Islam. ‘Aliyah Chronicle’ #100 of Islamist terrorism. CAIR— Nor has CAIR ever called for Shmuel Katz 46 the Council on American- a reevaluation of the hate that Islamic Relations—is an many Islamic fundamentalists interesting organization. They feel toward Jews or any other Governor Paterson at the governor’s Chanukah party at the Jewish Heritage view themselves as “similar to non-Muslims. Museum in lower Manhattan earlier this week. With him is Menashe Silber a kind of Muslim NAACP.” of the Masbia Soup Kitchen in Boro Park. The governor’s proposed budget Truthfully, it does often Continued on Page 10 would reduce aid to nonpublic schools by 44%. See Story, Page 69 KADDISH AND COTTON CANDY HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE BY RAV ARYEH Z. old Moishele Holtzberg and his Rabbinical Homecoming GINZBERG heart-wrenching cries for his CHOFETZ CHAIM TORAH CENTER Ima. For me, there is another Ohel Woodmere Shabbaton. vivid picture, as well, that I just BY LARRY GORDON See Page 55 For most of us, the tragedy can’t shake from my mind and in Mumbai is somewhat heart despite the passage of The internationally re- behind us. The headlines in time, and that is the image of nowned White Shul—Cong- print and in our minds have Kaddish and cotton candy. regation Kneseth Israel, locat- been replaced by financial Permit me to explain. ed just over the Five Towns scandals of colossal propor- At the very moment that I border in Far Rockaway—has tions, as the vivid images of the arrived in Eretz Yisrael, along long played an important role Mumbai kedoshim, Hy’d, grow with my wife and our daugh- in our area, functioning as a dimmer with each passing day. ter, the levayos of the crossroads of sorts. And now it There is one image, however, kedoshim, Hy’d, were taking has passed through a cross- that will remain with many of place at various venues roads of its own, as it again us for days and weeks to come—the image of two-year- Continued on Page 24 Continued on Page 14 Rabbi Eytan Feiner Marilyn Wolowitz and Devora Reich at the Bikur Cholim Camp Nageela Rebuilding Annual Brunch. See Page 84 Moving Up, HUNGRY TO Not Moving BE HEARD On Eating Disorders In The B Y MRS. CHANI Frum Community SCHWARTZ B Y TO V A STULMAN ROSS The horrific murder of Rabbi Gavriel and Rebbetzin Many young women in the Rivka Holtzberg and the other frum Jewish community are martyrs of Mumbai, H’yd, hit well aware of the pressures HAFTR to honor close to home, as it did for all that exist for them in today’s Danielle and Jason Bokor. Jews around the world. It is society. The shidduch world See Page 81 hard to erase the gruesome oftentimes has potential details from my mind. It is mates asking about body size CANDLE LIGHTING hard—it should be hard—to before character. Choosing After a devastating electrical fire at the JEP-LI Camp Nageela in Fallsburg Dec. 19 – 4:12 PM destroyed the dining hall, the effort to rebuild has begun. Funds are being move on. Truth be told, there between full-time work, being Dec. 26 – 4:16 PM raised to build a state-of-the-art expanded camp facility. See Story, Page 62 Continued on Page 19 Continued on Page 15 2 December 19, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 19, 2008 3 4 December 19, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 19, 2008 5 6 December 19, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 19, 2008 7 8 December 19, 2008 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES Yisrael loved Yosef more than all his children… And his brothers envied him (Bereishis 37:3, 11) “Love is strong as death” (Shir HaShirim 8:6)—this is the love with which Yaakov loved Yosef… “Envy is harsh as the grave” (ibid.)—this is the envy of the brothers to Yosef.What can love achieve in face of envy? (Midrash Tanchuma) Said Resh Lakish said in the name of Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah:A man must not discriminate among his chil- dren, for on account of the coat of many colors which our father Yaakov made for Yosef,“They hated him…” (Midrash Rabbah) For the next issue, deadline for reserving ad space and all graphics is Monday, December 22 at 5:00 P.M. Call 516-984-0079 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES December 19, 2008 9 FROM THE EDITOR to citizens of Israel because they are FEATURES Continued from Front Cover not “innocent.” When terrorists rear their ugly heads in Israel, Islamic Around The Five Towns 54 The editorial staff of the Five Towns politicians usually issue a statement P.O. BOX 690 LAWRENCE, NY 11559 Jewish Times decries the notion of any that condemns attacks against “inno- 516-984-0079 support of terrorism, and we fully sup- cent civilians.” The dirty little secret is [email protected] Aliyah Chronicle [email protected] port the United States government’s that, because all Israelis at one time or Shmuel Katz 46 War on Terrorism. As an Orthodox another serve in some capacity in the LARRY GORDON ESTA J. GORDON Publisher/Editor Managing Editor Jewish weekly, the 5TJT also rejects armed forces of Israel, these leaders YOSSI GORDON, YOCHANAN GORDON Ask The Sensei the demonization of Muslims, both in and spokespeople consider them to be this country and abroad. If any such neither “innocent” nor “civilians.” We Sales Managers Warren Levi 50 CHANA ROCHEL ROSS implication of supporting the terroriza- condemn such organizations, as they Editorial Assistant tion or murder of innocent Muslims are both supportive of terrorism and Classified Ads 78 SIDI BARON who do not support terrorists or terror- are deceptive in nature. YAKOV SERLE ist activities was made by an article in This is important to point out, JERRY MARKOVITZ Halachic Musings the 5TJT, it was due simply to a poor because the current executive director Sales Representatives choice of words—a slip of the author’s of CAIR, Nihad Awad, has publicly Rabbi Yair Hoffman 22 SHMUEL GERBER MICHELE JUSTIC pen, if you will. Read in its entirety, the stated his support for a known terrorist Chief Copy Editor Copy Editor article is clearly conveying the message organization. On March 22, 1994, at a CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Insights On The Torah that members of a community that symposium at Barry University in Irwin H. Benjamin, Hannah Reich Berman Anessa V. Cohen, Rabbi Aryeh Z. Ginzberg Rabbi Yanki Tauber 36 supports terrorists and allows them to Florida, he said, “I am in support of remain in its midst should not expect the Hamas movement.” According to Toby Klein Greenwald, Michele Herenstein Chevrah Lomdei Mishnah 40 Rabbi Yair Hoffman, Miriam Horowitz to escape retaliation. At the same time, research published in the Spring 2006 Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky the 5TJT calls upon CAIR to unequiv- edition of the Middle East Quarterly Shmuel Katz, Phyllis J. Lubin, Esther Mann Letters To The Editor 13 Rochelle Miller, Martin Mushell, Naomi Ross ocally denounce all of its past and cur- (see www.meforum.org/article/916), Rabbi Avrohom Sebrow, Eli Shapiro, Ari Sher rent support of and for Islamist terror- CAIR, since its inception, has had MICHAL WEINSTEIN, BINYAMIN RHODES MindBiz ism, whether that support be direct or strong ties with known terrorist organ- DOV GORDON Esther Mann, LMSW 32 remote. We call upon CAIR to izations. In 1994, when this organiza- Staff Graphic Artists denounce Muslim killers who act in tion was first launched, it received IVAN NORMAN, IRA THOMAS the name of Islam, and we call upon startup money from the Holy Land Staff Photographers Mother’s Musings CAIR to denounce and call for a halt Foundation. When the Holy Land FRANKEL & CO. Phyllis J. Lubin 35 to the hatred of Jews and non-Muslims Foundation was exposed by govern- Design & Production that many Muslims proclaim. ment prosecutors, a secret document TALIYE CORLEY Real Estate The Five Towns Jewish Times con- was found and presented at trial. Art Director demns organizations that refuse to Exhibit No. 003-0085, an internal SUZETTE LEE Anessa V. Cohen 34 condemn terrorism in the name of Holy Land Foundation document, Assistant Art Director Islam. The reason we are so specific is stated: The Five Towns Jewish Times is an independent weekly news- That’s The Way It Is! that there are organizations that pub- “The Muslim Brotherhood must paper. Opinions expressed by writers and columnists are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. We are not Hannah Reich Berman 42 licly qualify their condemnations of understand that all their work in responsible for the kashrus or hashgachah of any product or terrorism with the terms “innocent vic- establishment advertised in the Five Towns Jewish Times.
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