REPORT NOS. DOT-TSC-NHTSA-81-l3 HS-805 833 EVALUATION OF TECHN IQUES FOR REDUC ING IN-U SE AUTOMOTI VE FUEL CONSUM PTI ON L. Forre~;t W. B. Lee W. M. Smalley THE AEROSPACE CORPORATION Environment and Energy Conservation Division El Segundo CA 90245 .~ ... APRIL 1981 FINAL REPORT DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC THROUGH THE NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE SPRINGFIELD VIRGINIA 22161' , Prepared for U,S, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NATICNAL HIGHWAY TRA~FIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION Office of Research and Development Washington DC 20590 PRODUCT Of: NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE us. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE SPRINGFiElD, VA. 11161 NOT] CE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Trans~ortation in the i~tercst of information exchange. The United States Go\'er;-;­ ment assumes no liabilitv for its contents or usc thereof. NOTICE The enited States -Government does not endorse pro­ ducts or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturer's nanes appear herein solely because they arc con­ sidered essentia~ to the object of this report. NOTI CE The \'ieh"s and conclusions contained in the docurent are those of the authorCs) and should not be inter­ preted as necessarily representing the official policies or opinions, either expressed or i~rlied, of the Departnent of Transportation. Technical Repart Documentation Page 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Cotol09 No. HS-805 833 4. Tit'e ond Subtitl. 5. Repor1 DOfe EVALUATION OF TECHNIQUES FOR REDUCING IN-USE April 1981 AUTOMOTIVE rUEL CONSUMPTION :6. Pedorm,n\}Ur~on;za"onCode .- t-:;;--,........,---.,-:- -- -;k P.rlorm,ng Orgon, zalian Repor. No . 7. Author's) _~-+ L. Forrest, W.B. Lee, W.M. Smalley . DOT-TSC-NHTSA-8l-13 1-:9:"".-P=-e-r7"fo-rm-j-ng-=-O-rg-an-;-zo-'-jo-n-N-a-me-on-d-A-d-d-,.-s-s-------- 10 Work Un,t No. (TRAIS) The Aerospace Corporation* HS153/R141S Environment and Energy Conservation 11. Controcl or Gront No. Division F04701-77-C-0078 El Segundo CA 90245 13. Type of Report end Period Covered f--:-]-=-2.-Sp-o-n-so-'-in-g-A-g-.n-c-y-N-o-m-.-an-d-Ac-dc-d-r.-s-s-------------------j FINAL RE P0 RT U.S. Department of Transportation June 1976-March 1978 National Highway Traffic Safety Administratior Office of Research and Development ~1~4-.c-S-po-n-s-o,-in-g-A-g-.-nc-y-C-oc-d.------~ Washington DC 20590 15. Supplementary Nates U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Special Programs Administration *Under Transportatl~n Systems Center Contract to Cambrldge MA n~142 16. Abstroct This report presents an assessment Or proposed techniques for reducing fuel consumption in the In-use light duty road vehicle fleet. Three general classes of techniques are treated: (1) modification of vehi­ cles. (2) modification of traffic flow, and (3) modification of driver beh3vior. Examples of techniques 1n each category are (1) spark aug­ mentation devices, improved carburetors, variable accessory operation; (2) right turn on red, intersection control; and (3) driver training, driver aid devices. In total, 17 different techniques, including 33 specific devices/concepts, are examined and evaluated. Factors 1n­ eluded in the evaluation are fuel economy effects, safety impacts, availability for fleet implementation, and unit price. In addition, the implementation of each technique lS assessed with regard to number of vehicles impacted, fuel savings effected, national cost, potential problems, and required lead time. A principal finding 1S the ranking of cost effective techniques in terms of their assessed potential for reducing fleet fuel consumption. 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement Automotive Retrofit Devices DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC Driver Aid Devices THROUGH THE NATIONAL TECHNICAL Driver Training INFORMATION SERVICE, SPRINGFIELD. Traffic Flow Improvement VIRGINIA 22161 19. Security Clauif. (of this repo,t) 20. Secur;ty Clossi/. (of this pog.) 21. No. 01 P oges 22. P ,; ce Unclassified Unclassified Form DOT F 1700.7 (8_72) Reproduction of completed page authorized • PREFACE This report was prepared by The Aerospace Corporation for the U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Transportation Systems Center, as part of the DOT Vehicle In-Use Energy Conservation Program. The re­ port presents an as sessment of proposed techniques for reducing fuel con­ sumption in the in-use light duty road vehicle fleet. The technical base for this assessment was derived in part from preliminary screening studies and other analyses conducted under the Vehicle In-Use program, and from a re­ view of the current report literature on the subject of automotive fuel economy improvement. The study treats three general classes of techniques for reducing in-use vehicle fuel consumption: modific3.tion of vehicles, modification of traffic flow, and modification of driver behavior. Techniques chosen for examination in the category of vehicle and driver behavior modifications were mutually selected by DOT / Aerospace using guidelines suggested by the results of earlier studies in the Vehicle In-Use program. Techniques chosen for ex­ amination in the category of traffic flow modifications were obtained frorIl. a brief examination of the subject literature and were neces sadly limited to a few representative approaches for which fuel consumption effects and related data were found to be available. In total, 17 different techniques, including 33 specific devices/concepts, were exami.ned. A principal element of the study was the evaluation and ranking of these techniques in terms of their po­ tential contribution to the reduction of fuel consumption in the 1982 vehicle fleet. Appreciation is acknowledged for the guidance and assistance pro- vided by Walter F. Harriott and Robert A. Halter of the Department of Transportation, Transportation Systems Center, who served as DOT/TSC Tech­ nical Monitors for this study. Funding for this effort was processed through SAMSO (AFSC) Con­ tract No. F 04 70 1-77 -C -0078 under an interagency agreement. iii Preceding page blank METRIC CONVERSION FACTORS ~ Approximate Con.erSlons to Metlle Measures ~ ;:; - Approximate Conversions from Metric Measures ------ N -- Symbol When You Know Multiply by To find Symbol Symbol Whu You Know Multiply by To Find Symbol - ;:; - ~- LENGTH g - . - LEN GTH - ~ mllllmel~15 0.04 Inche~ - ::: em centtmf'ters 0.4 Inches - m mele's 3.3 'pet It Illches ·2.S C8fl!lrneferS em ------ m meletS 1.1 yMds yd It feel 30 cen!lfTOP.lers em ~ ...::. = kllurTlell:'lS 0.6 miles vd yards 0.9 metel~ m 'm - = m,les 1.6 lo" IQITletels 'm ~ :; ---- AREA AREA - :e 2 m =----~-- =' $Quare cent,""'ter:; 0.16 square Inches in Squllf8 Inches 6.5 sqUiJre cenl.n'~ters em' -= ~ ~ '0' m' ':>qUdll;! Illeters 1.2 :>quilre yards yd' It' square leet 0.09 ::>quare fllttters ] - m ",,' SQuare k II0000ters D.' sqUdre mt les mo' ,d' square yoJrds 0.8 square melers m' 2 :! ,. hectares {10,ooo m l 2.5 m,' squaffl miles 2.6 sqUilff! kllOl1eters 'm' -- acres D.' hectares h. - ~--- ::; ~ -= - MASS (weight) MASS (weight I =-~~- 1-" - - N 9 grams 0.035 <: ounces 28 grams q - kilograms 2.2 pound .. Ib "Ib potJrlds 0.45 k110<1I3 m S : 'g 'g IOnnes \1000 kgj 1.1 short Ions "hOI" '.{)(1<; 0.9 [[)flne" I - --~-- 12000 Ibl . ~- ~ VOLUME --- VOLUME - ~ ---- ~ - fl'.Jld UllnCeS fI 01 ISP leaspooos 5 mlll,l.ters ml ml mlllll,lers 0,03 - ~ Z. , p,nlS pI TbsD tablespoon,> 15 milliliter.. ml - I I"en. ~ ql II 01 flUid ounces )0 m,II,llter", ml - I I,lers 1.06 qu<trl:s. Iller,> cups 0.24 ~ I 0.26 gallons 1111"" ~- - ~, pI p,nlS 0.47 I,lers cubu.: Il~Ul'rs 35 cub, c leet It'""' , cubiC y.lfds yd' l' 'l.. dr1<;; 0.95 i'lers - -- ,n cubiC mt!lers '3 <" IjdlIOn'i 3.8 I,wro.; 1 - ,,' c<lb,( 11'+:'1 0,03 cubIC 1"1'1+:,(<; m l ~ ~ TEMPERATURE (exact) i,1 ",1f[1, 0.16 cub.c lilt"!"'" m' -- -~ TEMPERATURE lexactl ~ "c CelslIJ'> 9/511hen Fdhr~nhe" - . - ~~. :eroperal"re add 321 II!mperature ~ -------,;; ~dhr~nhe'l .., '3 ;,lfter (el,>'",> ·c - -- lp.mpoefillur", 'ilJDIUCllnq teJl\pt'f,lllllf' 'F 32, ;Z 986 212 - - N " - 40 eo ~J 160, !,2~,1 , I I !,' ! I I I ~ I I I -- -40 - 2'J 0 20 14:J 60 BO 'DO E , .~ 'c " -~~ ----~ " • TABLE OF CONTENTS Section SUMMARY .... S- 1 S. 1 Techniques Considered S - 1 S.2 General Approach ... S-2 S.3 Summary of Characteristics and Implementation Factors S-4 S. 3. 1 Vehicle Modifications S-4 S. 3. 2 Traffic Modifications 5- 11 S.3.3 Driver Behavior Modifications 5-14 S.4 Integrated Fuel Savings Effects 5 - 15 S. 4. 1 Maximum Case ..... S- 15 S. 4.2 More Likely Haxirnurn Case. S-18 S.5 Relative Ranking of Techniques S-19 1. INTRODUCTION ... 1- 1 1. 1 Background and Objective 1- 1 1. 2 Study Scope and Approach 1- 1 1. 3 Organization of Report 1-3 2. ANALYTICAL APPROACH 2 - 1 2.1 General ..... 2 - 1 2.2 Characteristics of the In-Use Vehicle Fleet 2 - 1 2.2. 1 Distribution of Vehicle Population by Model Year 2 - 1 2.2.2 Annual Mileage by Vehicle Age 2-5 2.2.3 Fuel Economy as a Function of Model Year and Market Clas ~3 ••••••• 2-5 2.2.4 Summary of Fleet Characteristics 2 - 16 2.3 Methodology for Determining National Fuel Savings and Cost Factors 2 - 16 2.4 References . 2 - 19 3. CHARACTERIZATION OF TECHNIOUES 3 - 1 3. 1 Vehicle Modifications . 3 - 1 v TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section Page 3. 1. 1 Spark AugITlentation Devices 3-1 3. 1.2 IITlproved Carburetors 3-10 3.1.3 Variable Accessory Operation 3-16 3.
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