Calonectris diomedea (Scopoli's Shearwater) European Red List of Birds Supplementary Material The European Union (EU27) Red List assessments were based principally on the official data reported by EU Member States to the European Commission under Article 12 of the Birds Directive in 2013-14. For the European Red List assessments, similar data were sourced from BirdLife Partners and other collaborating experts in other European countries and territories. For more information, see BirdLife International (2015). Contents Reported national population sizes and trends p. 2 Trend maps of reported national population data p. 3 Sources of reported national population data p. 5 Species factsheet bibliography p. 6 Recommended citation BirdLife International (2015) European Red List of Birds. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Further information http://www.birdlife.org/datazone/info/euroredlist http://www.birdlife.org/europe-and-central-asia/european-red-list-birds-0 http://www.iucnredlist.org/initiatives/europe http://ec.europa.eu/environment/nature/conservation/species/redlist/ Data requests and feedback To request access to these data in electronic format, provide new information, correct any errors or provide feedback, please email [email protected]. THE IUCN RED LIST OF THREATENED SPECIES™ BirdLife International (2015) European Red List of Birds Calonectris diomedea (Scopoli's Shearwater) Table 1. Reported national breeding population size and trends in Europe1. Country (or Population estimate Short-term population trend4 Long-term population trend4 Subspecific population (where relevant) 2 territory) Size (pairs)3 Europe (%) Year(s) Quality Direction5 Magnitude (%)6 Year(s) Quality Direction5 Magnitude (%)6 Year(s) Quality Croatia 1,200-1,700 4 2013 medium ? ? France 828-1,116 3 2009-2010 good 0 0 1997-2010 good 0 0 1980-2010 good Greece 8,000-11,000 25 2012 good 0 0 2001-2012 medium 0 0 1980-2012 medium Italy 13,344-21,873 45 2009 medium 0 0 1998-2009 poor 0 0 1985-2009 poor Malta 4,340-4,860 12 2008 good - 30 2001-2012 good - 10-25 1980-2012 good Spain 2,739-7,304 12 1991-2011 medium - 5-15 2000-2010 medium - 5-15 1991-2011 medium Turkey 2-200 <1 2012 medium ? ? EU27 29,300-46,200 96 Decreasing Europe 30,500-48,100 100 Decreasing 1 See 'Sources' at end of factsheet, and for more details on individual EU Member State reports, see the Article 12 reporting portal at http://bd.eionet.europa.eu/article12/report. 2 The designation of geographical entities and the presentation of the material do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IUCN or BirdLife International concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. 3 In the few cases where population size estimates were reported in units other than those specified, they were converted to the correct units using standard correction factors. 4 The robustness of regional trends to the effects of any missing or incomplete data was tested using plausible scenarios, based on other sources of information, including any other reported information, recent national Red Lists, scientific literature, other publications and consultation with relevant experts. 5 Trend directions are reported as: increasing (+); decreasing (-); stable (0); fluctuating (F); or unknown (?). 6 Trend magnitudes are rounded to the nearest integer. THE IUCN RED LIST OF THREATENED SPECIES™ BirdLife International (2015) European Red List of Birds Trend maps A symbol appears in each country where the species occurs: the shape and colour of the symbol represent the population trend in that country, and the size of the symbol corresponds to the proportion of the European population occurring in that country. KEY Ç Large increase (≥50%) È Large decrease (≥50%) Ç Moderate increase (20–49%) È Moderate decrease (20–49%) Ç Small increase (<20%) È Small decrease (<20%) ñ Increase of unknown magnitude ò Decrease of unknown magnitude å Stable or fluctuating 0 Unknown ¢ Present (no population or trend data) Ð Extinct since 1980 Each symbol, with the exception of Present and Extinct, may occur in up to three different size classes, corresponding to the proportion of the European population occurring in that country. ñ Large: ≥10% of the European population ñ Medium: 1–9% of the European population ñ Small: <1% of the European population The designation of geographical entities and the presentation of the material do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of IUCN or BirdLife International concerning the legal status of any country, territory or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. THE IUCN RED LIST OF THREATENED SPECIES™ BirdLife International (2015) European Red List of Birds Figure 1. Breeding population sizes and short-term trends across Europe. Figure 2. Breeding population sizes and long-term trends across Europe. THE IUCN RED LIST OF THREATENED SPECIES™ BirdLife International (2015) European Red List of Birds Calonectris diomedea (Scopoli's Shearwater) Sources Croatia Breeding population size: Hrvatsko ornitološko društvo (2011): Inventory, mapping and monitoring bird populations of Vis and Lastovo archipelago. UNDP-GEF Project COAST. Final Report.; Hrvatsko ornitološko društvo (2012): Rezultati monitoringa na području „Parka Prirode Lastovsko otočje“ 2012. Izvješće za JU PP Lastovsko otočje.; Zavod za ornitologiju (Sanja Barišić, Davor Ćiković, Jelena Kralj, Goran Sušić,Vesna Tutiš), Dragan Radović, Ivan Budinski, Robert Crnković, Antun Delić, Dubravko Dender, Vlatka Dumbović, Ivan Darko Grlica, Bariša Ilić, Luka Jurinović, Davor Krnjeta, Krešimir Leskovar, Duje Lisičić, Ivica Lolić, Gordan Lukač. Kristijan Mandić, Krešimir Mikulić, Tibor Mikuska, Gvido Piasevoli, Andrej Radalj, Zlatko Ružanović, Vlatka Šćetarić, Mirko Šetina, Adrian Tomik (2013): Procjene brojnosti za SPA područja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb; Budinski, I., Lucić, V., Mikulić, K. (2012): Monitoring kaukala (Calonectris diomedea ssp. diomedea) na području Palagruže, Svetca i Biševa u 2012. Udruga za biološka istraživanja – BIOM (za DZZP), Zagreb. 17 str. Breeding short-term trend: Tutiš, V., Kralj, J., Radović, D., Ćiković, D. i Barišić, S. (2013): Crvena knjiga ptica Republike Hrvatske. Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb (neobjavljeni podaci o procjenama populacija - arhiva Državnog zavoda za zaštitu prirode) Breeding long-term trend: BiE III Work group, Croatia France Breeding population size: CEEP 2010 Parc Maritime des îles du Frioul, Bilan d'activités 2010, 100 p. CEEP 2010 Réserve naturelle de l'archipel de Riou, Rapport d'activités 2010, 94 p. Faggio G., Jolin C. 2010 Suivi des puffins cendrés sur l'île de Giraglia en 2010, 8 http://www.initiative-pim.org Breeding short-term trend: Cadiou B., Pons J.-M. & Yésou P. (éds) 2004 Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (1960-2000), Éditions Biotope, Mèze, 218 p. Breeding long-term trend: Cadiou B., Pons J.-M. & Yésou P. (éds) 2004 Oiseaux marins nicheurs de France métropolitaine (1960-2000), Éditions Biotope, Mèze, 218 p. Greece Breeding population size: Karris, G., Xirouchakis, S., Grivas, K., Voulgaris, M.D., Sfenthourakis, S. & S. Giokas, 2014. The status of Scopoli's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) on the Strofades island complex (Ionian Sea, western Greece). Bird Conservation International, submitted. Breeding short-term trend: Hellenic Ornithological Society database Breeding long-term trend: Hellenic Ornithological Society database Italy Breeding population size: Baccetti N., Capizzi D., Corbi F., Massa B., Nissardi S., Spano G., Sposimo P. 2009. Breeding shearwaters on italian islands: population size, island selection and co-existence with their main alien predator, the Black Rat. Riv. ital. Orn., Milano, 78 (2): 83-100. Peronace V., Cecere J.G., Gustin M., Rondinini C., 2012. Lista Rossa 2011 degli Uccelli Nidificanti in Italia. Avocetta 36: 1-48. Breeding short-term trend: BirdLife International 2004. Birds in Europe: population estimates, trends and conservation status. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. BirdLife Conservation Series No. 12, pp. 90. Baccetti N., Capizzi D., Corbi F., Massa B., Nissardi S., Spano G., Sposimo P. 2009. Breeding shearwaters on italian islands: population size, island selection and co-existence with their main alien predator, the Black Rat. Riv. Ital. Orn., Milano, 78 (2): 83-100. Peronace V., Cecere J.G., Gustin M., Rondinini C., 2012. Lista Rossa 2011 degli Uccelli Nidificanti in Italia. Avocetta 36: 1-48. Breeding long-term trend: Brichetti P., Meschini E., 1993. Stima delle popolazioni di uccelli nidificanti. In Meschini E., Frugis S.,1993. Atlante degli uccelli nidificanti in Italia. Suppl. Ric. Biol. Selvaggina, 20, 1-345. Baccetti N., Capizzi D., Corbi F., Massa B., Nissardi S., Spano G., Sposimo P. 2009. Breeding shearwaters on italian islands: population size, island selection and co-existence with their main alien predator, the Black Rat. Riv. Ital. Orn., Milano, 78 (2): 83-100. Malta Breeding population size: Baldacchino, A.E. & Azzopardi, J. (2012): Breeding Birds of the Maltese Islands - A Scientific and Historical Review. Malta: Malta University Publishing. Malta Environment & Planning Authority (2013): MSFD Initial Assessment Report- Seabirds. Malta: Malta Environment & Planning Authority. Raine, A.; Sultana, J. & Gillings, S. (2009): Malta
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