THE OF PHI KAPPA PSI FRATERNITY Vol. 101/No. 1/January, '81 Founded February 19,1852, at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pa., by CHARLES PAGE THOMAS MOORE Born Feb. 8,1831, In Greenbrier County, Va. Died July 7,1904, in Mason County, W. Va. WILLIAM HENRY LETTERMAN Born August 12, 1832, at Canonsburg, Pa. Died May 23,1881, at Duffau, Texas Dra^y The Executive Council Officers President, John R. Donnell. Jr 134 Lindbergh Dr., N.E., Atlanta, Ga. 30305 Vice President. John K. Boyd. Ill Minnesota Beta 3 849 West 52nd Terr., Kansas City, Mo. 64112 Treasurer, John A. Burke 235 South East St., Medina, Ohio 44256 Secretary. Bryan P. Muecke The Phi Psi Buyers Guide 4 2222 Rio Grande, Suite D-104, Austin, Tex. 78705 Archon, District I— Todd M. Ryder Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, 4 Fraternity Circle, 1980 Phi Psi at the Crossroads GAC 6 Kingston, R.I. 02881 Archon, District II—D. Randolph Drosick Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, 780 Spruce St., GAC Award Winners 11 Morgantown. W. Va. 26505 Archon, District III—Mark R. Ricketts Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, 122 South Campus Ave., GAC Registration 13 Oxford, Ohio 45056 Archon, District IV—Larry L. Light Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, P.O. Box 14008, Gainesville, Fla. 32604 What the GAC Did 15 Archon, District V—Gerald "Jay" Donohue, Jr. Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, 1602 West 15th St., Lawrence, Kans. 66044 An Edict of the Executive Council 16 Archon, District VI—Jack P. Eckley 938 West 28th St., Los Angeles, Calif. 90007 Attorney General, Paul J. LaPuzza Statement on Fraternity Education 17 6910 Pacific, Suite 320, Omaha, Nebr. 68106 Scholarship Director, Dr John W. Oswald 639 Kennard Rd., State College, Penna. 16801 Director of Chapter Finance—John W. Dickinson In Chapter Eternal 18 484 West Cambourne, Ferndale, Mich. 48220 Asst Director of Chapter Finance—J. Smith Harrison. Jr 2812 Wheat St., Columbia, S.C. 29205 Virginia Beta 19 Director for House Corporations—John J. Ziegelmeyer, Jr. Marsh & McLennan, Inc., 10 Kiva, 220 West Douglas, Wichita, Kans. 67202 From Here . And There 20 Coordinator for Area Directors—Eari W. Friend, Jr. 47 Meadowlark Ln., Charlotte, N.C. 28210 Director of Membership—John V. Ciccarelli 17831 Chatsworth St., Granada Hills, Calif. 91344 Phi Psi Luncheons 21 Director of Fraternity Education—Byron W. Cain, Jr 3000 Hillsboro #5, Nashville, Tenn. 37215 Director of Alumni Associations and Clubs—Warren Chapter Newsletters 22 A Raybould 2160 San Pasqual, Pasadena, Calif. 91107 Chaplain, Rev. John P. Schlegel—S.J. Directory 49 2500 California St., Omaha, Nebr. 68178 Editor, THE SHIELD, Gary B. Angstadt Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, 510 Lockerbie St., Indianapolis, Ind. 46202 A Phi Psi Perspective 55 Mystagogue-Kent Christopher Owen 611 South Jordan Ave., Bloomington, Ind. 47401 Mystagogue Emeritus—Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr 923 Manoa Rd., Havertown, Penna. 19083 Executive Director Emeritus—Ralph "Dud" Daniel On the Cover: 3324 East Second St., Tucson, Ariz. 85716 Fraternity Headquarters The 1980 Grand Arch Council brought together men initiated 84 years 510 Lockerbie Street apart! But the shared ideals of Phi Kappa Psi bridged the gap time Indianapolis, Ind. 46202 317/632-1852 constructed, as Fraternity fun and fellowship were everywhere in evi­ Executive Director—Gary B. Angstadt Chapter Consultant—Louis M. IHoffman dence at the Indianapolis meeting August 6-10,1980, shown here in a Chapter Consultant—Donaid H. Durbin, Jr. Director, Endowment Fund—Kent C. Owen variety of Phi Psi faces. (Reprints of these and all GAC photos may be Endowment Fund Trustees purchased directly from the photographer, Ed Kurtz, Oklahoma '75. of Ruddick C. Lawrence (1984) Lawrence Associates, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite Richard Faust Photography, Norman, OK, 73070; phone 405/364- 4515, New York, N.Y. 10020 0367.) Philip M. Cornelius (1982) Lake Shore Manor, Apt. C, 5010 Allisonville Rd., Indianapolis, Ind. 46205 Ralph D. Daniel (1986) 3324 E. Second St., Tucson, Ariz. 85716 THE SHIELD (USPS 494-300) was established in 1879. It is publisiied four times each year, Permanent Fund Trustees G. Kent Yowell (1982) fail, winter, spring and summer, under the authority and direction of the Executive Council of 899 Skokie Blvd., Northbrook, III. 60062 the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity. W. Arthur Batten (1984) 184 Hillcrest Lane, Grosse Pointe, Mich. 48236 Produced and printed by Compolith Graphics and Maury Boyd and Associates. Gary B. John R. Donnell (1986) Marathon Oil Co., 539 S. Main Angstadt, 510 Lockerbie Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 is Executive Director to whom all St., Findlay, Ohio 45840 Fraternity Placement Bureau material, subscriptions, and changes of address for THE SHIELD should be sent. Subscription New York Area: Frank M. Holbrook, Jr. price is $2.00 per year; single copies, 50 cents. Life subscriptions available at $25.00. Second- Employment Associates, inc., 176 Chestnut Dr., Wayne, N.J. 07470 class postage paid at Indianapolis, Indiana, and additional mailing offices. Washington, D.C. Area: David W. Fenstermaker Folger Nolan Fleming Douglas, 725 15th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005 Member of ^*nP^HHHn^^^^ College Fraternity Editors Association Minnesota Beta Phi Psi Brotherhood by Todd A. Hilgenkamp, Minnesota '80 Editor's Note: The success story recounted here did not Just happen but rather was the result of hard work by Fraternity staff, local alumni and enthusiastic under­ graduates. We are very pleased with the fact that 18 similar rebuilding efforts have been undertaken across the country over the past 6 years, which stretches Phi Psi's resources to the very limit. You can help us do even more! The Fraternity's program of alumni financial support produced 32% of our income last fiscal year . with additional funding, we could have more good news to share with you like that of Minnesota Beta. Please consider contributing $25, or any amount to the Alumni Support Program, Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, 510 Lockerbie St., Indianapolis, In 46202. Your help is important, and is appreci­ ated! As we all embark on another decade of furthering the Brotherhood of Phi Kappa Psi, Minnesota Beta is very The men of Minnesota Beta proudly pose in front of their newly refurbished Chap­ proud to announce that she is back and ter home at the University of Minnesota. growing with 60 members after some very lean years. After being on the a lot of help, advice, guidance, and Rallis, Scott Harness, Stephan Wahl, brink of disappearing from the campus most importantly, inspiration from James Horovitz, Michael Sims, just six years ago, Minnesota Beta has Brothers Timothy, Angstadt, and Wit- William Sharpe, James Eaton, Edina; reclaimed the leadership role in Minne­ tern, the idea of restarting Phi Psi on Henry Cousineau III, Wayzata; sota's Greek System that she had held campus took hold and the reconstruc­ Michael Harrer, Bloomington; Steve for much of her 92 years on campus. tion began. Hintzke, Franklin, Wis.; David Camp­ In 1974, after some very sparse Starting with a loan from our suppor­ bell, Santa Cruz, Calif.; David years, Minnesota Beta reached the tive national and several determined Nussbaum, Minneapolis; Masoud lowest ebb in her history on campus. young men, work was begun to restore Kazemzadeh, Abadan, Iran; and Joey With its few members either graduat­ the Chapter house. Floors, walls and Blauert, Sedona, Az. This group of ing or leaving school, she was left with ceilings were rebuilt, materials and ap­ men make up the largest pledge class no active members. It was from this pliances were bought and a great deal the chapter has had in the last five point that Minnesota Beta has rebuilt of the house was painted. years. We are confident that these new herself. Improvements on the house have pledges will contribute to the quality In the fall of 1974, seemingly out of continued during the summer and fall and character of the chapter. nowhere, John Timothy, a Minnesota of 1980 with the addition of new car­ Minnesota Beta has enjoyed success medical student from Indiana Alpha, peting and rebuilding of the front pil­ in several activities at the University. appeared on the scene. He initially lars. Thanks to generous contributions During spring quarter 1980, the chap­ served as landlord to the diverse group from alumni, a new kitchen was in­ ter took first place in Campus Carnival of students, most of them foreign, who stalled last winter and the house is now which is a big annual charity fund raiser resided at the chapter house. Also at in very good condition. held every spring. Homecoming was about this same time, our lifesaving The Chapter has experienced steady also extremely successful this year, and national became aware of our plight growth over the last five years and is we were awarded first place for our and sent Mike Wittern and Gary presently the fourth largest on campus. entry. Intramurals has been another Angstadt (then Chapter Consultants) A successful rush program this past fall area in which the Chapter has excelled. to search for ambitious men who might led by Jeff Coburn, Rush Chairman, In 1979 and 1980, Minnesota Beta took be interested in starting up Phi Psi on brought in 23 good men for the pledge second and fourth place respectively, campus again. They contacted several class of 1980. The pledges are: Karl out of 26 fraternities. This fall has been men, but only two responded with a Keel, Dave Hunt, Ted Eibs, Rich rewarding thus far with the two Chap­ firm commitment. These two men then Phillips, Prior Lake; James Cope, ter football teams placing first and third stirred up enthusiasm among several Owatonna; Michael Sherwood, Paul in their IFC division. fellow dorm residents who desired a Mason, Rogers Donnelly, St. Paul; more meaningful living situation.
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